Course UNIT Weekly Goal(s) United States History Teacher Wilson Nov. 16th to Nov. 20th Date Ch. 10 & 11 PERIODS 2, 6 & 7 SCHOOL Lewis Cass Jr. – Sr. High School Students will interpret the why America expanded at the turn of the twentieth century; analyze the impact of President(s) T. Roosevelt, W. Taft, Wilson; discuss the impact of the creation of the Panama Canal; debate the issue of Women’s suffrage. Monday Topic of Lesson Lesson Objectives Bell Ringer Assignment/Homework State Standards Chapter 11, Section(s) 1 and 2 The Progressive Era What were the key goals of the Progressives; How did the ideas of Progressive writers help inspire new reform movements; What reform organizations and what women reformers took up Progressive Causes; Why did Progressive reforms meet resistance? How does the U.S. determine if it is making progress compared to other countries? Read Sections 1 & 2 Chapter 11 Packet Tuesday Chapter 11, Section(s) 3 and 4 Taft, Wilson, and Women’s Suffrage What conflicts did President Taft have while in office; Who were the contenders in the election of 1912? Outcome; Presidency of W. Wilson; Susan B. Anthony; Two main strategies suffrage leaders pursued; What factors lead to the final victory for women’s suffrage? How did the ideas of the Progressive era help change the lives of America’s? Read Sections 3 & 4 Wednesday Thursday Friday Practice E-Learning Day/ Teddy Roosevelt Finish Chapter 11/ Student led lesson Chapter 10 & 11 Test We will be performing a mock e-learning scenario to prepare for possible winter weather situations Students will present a topic relevant to this era of history Students will be assessed over key concepts from Chapters 10 & 11 None None None Chapter 11 Packet Due Current Event due by end of class Study Guide Due USH 3.1; USH 3.2; USH 3.3; USH 3.4; USH 3.6; USH 3.9