DO NOW You may get a book/reference from the shelves. How many hispanohablantes are there in Central America? South America? Caribbean? 2. What are some study tips that you can use to make Spanish a successful class for you? 3. Think about your daily life. In what ways/areas, has the Latino culture influenced it? 4. ***DUE Index card, Bathroom Passes, Answers to article, and Contracts*** 1. Orden Del Día • 1. • • • • • DO NOW: Why Spanish? And Study Tips from pages XXX and XXXI 2. Class Discussion: Classroom rules, procedures and opinions on why Spanish? 3. Class Discussion/Lecture: How to make note cards/Catagories 4. Lecture: Países hispanohablantes-# and location 5. Assignment: Country Chart-categorized by continent 6. Reflect Now: Quiz on Rules and Procedures Effective ways to study Spanish vocabulary • Flash cards • Use standard index cards • On the front write the Spanish word. • On the back write the English equivalent/definition/how it’s used, and a complete sentence using the word Hola Hello-greeting ¡Hola Cindy! ¿Cómo estás? Effective ways to study Spanish vocabulary • Categorize your vocabulary-actually bundle them together • EX: All greetings go with greetings • EX: School supplies with school supplies or “things that go into a book bag” saludo greeting Hola es un saludo. Hola Hello-greeting ¡Hola Cindy! ¿Cómo estás? Países Hispanohablantes • There are 21 countries worldwide whose official language is Spanish. • These countries span across 4 continents: North America, South America, Europe, and Africa. • Technically Central America, a subcontinent, is also included. North America Central America Caribbean South America Africa Assignment: Make a chart based on the four continents in which the countries are located and list the hipanohablantes for each. North America • Los Estados Unidos • Cuba • Dominican Republic • Puerto Rico • Guatamala • El Salvador • Honduras • Nicaragua • Costa Rica • Panama Africa • Equatorial Guinea South America • Venezuela • Columbia • Ecuador • Peru • Chile • Argentina • Uruguay • Paraguay • Bolivia Europe • Spain REFLECT NOW Rules and Procedures Quiz