ISS-9150 Earth Economics, Macroeconomics and Growth (ECD) Code Weight of the course Period Course Leader Lecturer Teaching Methods Modes of Assessment Contact ISS-9150 1.5 ECTS TERM 1 Peter van Bergeijk Peter van Bergeijk Lecture, Computer Exercises Attendance: 100% Marja de Clercq Zubli Learning objectives This is a refresher course for those that have not studied macroeconomics, or did so some time ago. The course features basic concepts and solutions (both elementary maths and graphs), including basic National Accounting. It does so in the empirical relevant context of the Earth economy addressing relevant policy topics related to the recent financial and economic crisis. Course Description The following topics are covered: the economic process; flows of product and income; intermediate and final output; valuation in national accounting; final expenditure; operating surplus; primary factor incomes; domestic product and income; value added; equivalence of concepts; alternative formulations of the product/income aggregates; domestic versus national; market prices versus factor cost; gross versus net; national disposable income; current price values versus constant price values. This remedial course also deals with basic analytical concepts and methods of macroeconomic analysis in the context of a closed economy (consumption, investment, saving, capital, national income and production). Using both graphical and mathematical approaches, the standard Solow growth model and the basic ISLM model that describes product and money markets will be used to discuss (dis)equilibrium and adjustment processes over the long and short run, respectively. Indicative readings Website: Weblog: Bergeijk, P.A.G. van (2013) Earth Economics: An Introduction. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Bergeijk, P.A.G. van (2013) ‘Earth Economics: an Introduction to Demand Management’. ISSMedia, Online Video: