
The Current State of
Game Research
Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen, Ph.d student
IT-University Copenhagen, Denmark
“To draw a parallel with
the history of art,
videogames are, at the
very least, still
waiting for photography
to be invented, perhaps
even for the Renaissance
to happen.”
EDGE (DEC. 1999)
Conference: Video Games:
text, narrative, and play
Institute of Education, University London
27th June, 2003
Background and perspective
Masters Degree in Psychology (bachelor and master on computer games).
PhD Student at IT-University of Copenhagen,
Member of Center for Computer Games Research Copenhagen.
Member of Board for Digital Game Research Association (DiGRA).
Reviewer: Game-studies, Game-research, AOIR, DAC
Editor: Ivory Tower IGDA/DiGRA
Consulting: Framfab, Incircle, EQ, Game-Research
Written two Danish books and several articles on computer games and
Perspective on the research is from within humanistics and social science.
Nordic countries leading in some ways, and Academic Summit
Brief history of game research
1970’s – The early years
Nobody really talks about research computer games yet – the study of games as
such and use for educational purposes is however booming.
1980’s – The beginning
Research into beneficial and especially harmful effects. Triggered by the growing
popularity of computer games and public debate.
The majority of research resources go into answering questions like:
Do computer games increase
aggression, violence, asocial
behaviour, learning etc.?
Do computer games support
stereotyped gender perception?
Brief history of game research
1990’s – The seed is sown
Research broadens with academics flocking from all disciplines, the numbers
increasing up through the late 1990’s with conferences, magazines, courses and
web-sites popping up.
The focus of the research is broadening with every given subject with the slightest
connection to computer games applying their own theories to the field.
2000 – Growing – all men to battle stations…
A beginning qualification and
specialization of the field through
university courses, ph.d. education,
basic framework/structures, and
establishment of peer-reviewed
The focus of research is still
controlled by researchers early
academic training but times are
The challenge is coherence!
Brief history of game research
Two different paradigms, both approach computer games as far back as the
Simulation & Gaming: Games, simulations, education, structural properties,
limitations, learning – starting point in traditional games/simulations.
Computer game studies: Game design, narratology, ludology,
hypertext, learning, violence – starting point in computer games.
Cross-communication sparse
Historical awareness limited
Awareness of canons and classics missing
Methods weak and in development
My contribution to further coherence and communication….
Brief history of game research
Some areas are beginning to crystallize.
Distinctions are made on the basis of game research, and not fitted into existing
research areas.
The Effects of Games
(psychology, education, social, ethnography,...)
Aesthetics in Games
(narrative, interactivity, visual aspects, art, language, themes/genres...)
Cultural issues of Games
(gender, identity, violence, ideology, communities, nationality, regulations...)
Games ‘in themselves’
(definitions of games, gameplay, structure, time, multiplayer, platforms, case
Inspired by Susana Tosca (2002)
Light houses in game research
Computer Game Centres
Games-To-Teach (MIT)
Laboratory for Advanced Computing Initiatives (Georgia Tech)
Center for Computer Games Research Copenhagen (Denmark)
Play Research Group (Sweden)
Zero Game (Sweden)
IC CAVE (Scotland)
Game Research Lab (Finland)
Computer Game academic sites
Light houses in game research
Computer Game Journals
Simulation & Gaming: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Theory, Practice and Research
Game studies: the international journal of computer game research
International Journal of Intelligent Games & Simulation
Computer Game Conferences
CGDC (Copenhagen, Tampere)
DIGRA (Utrecht)
COSIGN (Surrey, Amsterdam, Augsburg, Middlesbrough)
Manchester, Bristol, London, Edinburgh (UK)
Chicago, Lodz, Edmonton
Industry & academia
Rationale for research:
Must research but usable…?
Not necessarily, but it can be: Applied research
But it is….
In-depth and innovative
Long-term perspective
General impression of industry attitude:
What’s it in for us? Why bother?
Wish better balance: Commitment, time,
and drive
We need good stories
No man is an island…
Industry & academia
Examples… few out there!
Are some collaboration on practical experience for students, and
discussions at conferences but real collaboration on research projects are
Games-to-Teach Project
MIT develop and produce 10 prototypes for educational games in
partnership with Microsoft, which is then evaluated.
Mogame - Wireless Gaming Solutions for the Future
Tampere University, Game Research Lab have started colloboration with
Nokia Research Center, Veikkaus (the National Lottery), Telia Sonera
(Telecom) Codetoys (mobile games developer) on future gaming solutions.
Industry & academia
Barriers in game industry :
• Self-taught – one title below the belt  shut out a lot of knowledge
• Theoretical extensions limited  knowledge sharing hard
• Growing pains  new structure, project management, strategies.
• Communication/terminology limited  develop language and concepts
• Tensions between developer and publisher  hard to reach publishers
All is changing… maturing…
On the horizon - Collaboration areas:
Concrete: Practical experience, seminars, education content
General: knowledge, methods, terminology, qualified/well-rounded
candidates, historical awareness, innovation, acceptance, seriousness.
Discussion… is this enough, realistic…?