11 sept (where are we?) • Q F E • Charge gives force which can be described by field • Recall mechanics last year…. – Force can be analyzed, chapter 5 – Chapter 6: what value is energy to physics? • ________________________________ – Same value to electrical forces! Same language! – But “potential energy” is a difficult concept. 14 sept: Review chapter 6 • W = FII d • Define PE as “energy dependent on position” – With respect to any forces being applied – PEg = mgh when the force is mg – PEs = ½ k x2 where avg force is ½ kx • KE = ½ mv2 • TOTAL E is always conserved, includes NC • Mechanical energy is conserved only IF NO DISSIPATION BY NC FORCES • Check: solve a falling ball using energy concepts (open book, use chapter 6) Chapter 17 Electric Potential Units of Chapter 17 • Electric Potential Energy and Potential Difference •Relation between Electric Potential and Electric Field •Equipotential Lines •The Electron Volt, a Unit of Energy •Electric Potential Due to Point Charges •Potential Due to Electric Dipole; Dipole Moment Units of Chapter 17 • Capacitance • Dielectrics • Storage of Electric Energy • Cathode Ray Tube: TV and Computer Monitors, Oscilloscope • The Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) 17.1 Electrostatic Potential Energy and Potential Difference News: The electrostatic force is conservative –thus, potential energy can be defined Change in electric potential energy is negative of work done by electric force: Is Simple for uniform field Note: F = qE is constant along the field only if E is constant. Turn this sideways for analogy to gravity… And we remember …. PEb – PEa = -mgd Check: why is this negative? b is lower than a So there is electrical potential energy. 17.1 Electrostatic Potential Energy and Potential Difference Electric potential is defined as potential energy per unit charge: (17-2a) Unit of electric potential: the volt (V). 1 V = 1 J/C. It takes one J to move one C through 1V It takes energy to move charge through a voltage difference *17.1 Electrostatic Potential Energy and Potential Difference Note: Only changes in potential can be measured, allowing us to pick where V = 0. Also, we know we can relate DPE to work. (17-2b) 17.1 Electrostatic Potential Energy and Potential Difference Analogy between gravitational and electrical potential energy: Does size matter to the potential energy? 17.2 Relation between Electric Potential and Electric Field Work is charge multiplied by potential: Work is also force multiplied by distance: Assuming E is constant or uniform!! 17.2 Relation between Electric Potential and Electric Field So, for the uniform field, Uniform field If the field is not uniform, it can be calculated at multiple points: Or as -dV/dx Check: I have a field of 10 V/m. What is Voltage diffence over 0.25m? Units of E • N/C • V/m • So what is a volt? Charges “falling” • A positive charge will fall from high PE to low PE – from high V to low V • A negative charge will fall from high PE to low PE – From low V to high V Each contour line is 5 feet ver Each contour line is 20 feet vertical The topographical map • An equipotential graph for PEg • Look at a few • How much work to walk along a contour line (iso-elevation)? • Check: walk from low elevation to high elevation, how much work? • In electric potential field, move a + charge from low V to high V, how much work? 17.3 Equipotential Lines An equipotential is a line or surface over which the potential is constant. Electric field lines are perpendicular to equipotentials. The surface of a conductor is an equipotential. 17.3 Equipotential Lines What is the most direct path from low to high potential? The E field line! Drawing equipotential lines • Perpendicular to the e field lines • Can’t cross each other • Draw close in first: – Circular on pt charge – Line parallel to charged plate • Draw the far away view: • Don’t worry about spacing of equipotential lines unless specifically asked for this. • E field lines and isopotential lines are perpendicular *Practice drawing equipotential lines 1. Negative point charge 2. Pos and negative point charge See examples here: http://vnatsci.ltu.edu/s_schneider/physlets/m ain/equipotentials.shtml 3. And try to draw the side view of simple cases 17.4 The Electron Volt, a Unit of Energy One electron volt (eV) is the energy gained by an electron moving through a potential difference of one volt. We won’t use this much, but it’s a useful unit for very small energies, ie. In chemistry. Viewing and solving point charge problems • P- for example • http://vnatsci.ltu.edu/s_schneider/physlets/main/equipotentials.shtml for viewing (use Internet Explorer if Chrome fails) • look at unequal-unlike charges • Sketch side view (elevation) + V=0 - Using equipotential lines The lines mean something quantitative and physical about moving charges. How much work to move a 0.2C charge to the middle of this circle from far away? 1v 2v 6v 4v 3v 2v 1v 12v + How fast will the particle of .001 C and mass 1 mg be going at 1V? Look at HW P-1,3,5,7,11 equations so far KE = ½ m v2 Wadded + WNC = DKE + DPEg + DPEs Sept 16: 17.5 Electric Potential Due to Point Charges The electric potential due to a point charge can be derived using calculus, which we won’t do. (17-5) recall….what = kQ/r2 ??? 17.5 Electric Potential Due to Point Charges These plots show the potential due to (a) positive and (b) negative charge. Note how the shape of the E and V differ as we leave a point charge…… 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 E V 0.4 0.2 0 0 2 4 6 distance 8 10 12 18 sept: 17.5 Electric Potential Due to Point Charges Using potentials instead of fields can make solving problems much easier – potential is a scalar quantity, whereas the field is a vector. Do example 17-5, and note that charges are brought in from r = infinitely far away. Quiz 17 Sep • I place this charged globe at -4.00nC on a table. – What is E due to this ball 30.0cm away? – What is F on an electron that is 30.0cm away? Amazing analogy of physics between gravity and electricity Gravity units Electricity units fundamental quantity m kg q C force between two bodies GmM/r2 N kqQ/r2 N field due to body g = GM/r2 N/kg or m/s2 E = kQ/r2 N/C force in field of body mg N qE N potential gh = GM/r N m/kg V = kQ/r N m/C Potential energy mgh = GmM/r J qV = kqQ/r J Displacement in field to give potential h = Dr m Dr m Universal constant G N m2/kg2 k N m2/C2 Gauss’s Law We need it, so let’s go back into 16 and cover it. Coming back to-16.10 Gauss’s Law Electric flux: (16-7) Electric flux, plus or minus, through an area is proportional to the total number of field lines crossing the area. 16.10 Gauss’s Law Flux through a closed surface: 16.10 Gauss’s Law The net number of field lines through the surface is proportional to the charge enclosed, and also to the flux, giving Gauss’s law: (16-9) This can be used to find the electric field in all situations, and we can actually solve without computers for cases with a high degree of symmetry. *So now use Gauss’s Law • Field around a point charge • Is E constant at given r? Then pull it out of sum. • What is sum of all DA over a sphere of radius r? • Simplify and find Coulombs….. 17.6 Potential Due to Electric Dipole; Dipole Moment A special case that we won’t worry about: The potential due to an electric dipole is just the sum of the potentials due to each charge, and can be calculated exactly. 17.6 Potential Due to Electric Dipole; Dipole Moment Approximation for potential far from dipole: (17-6a) 17.6 Potential Due to Electric Dipole; Dipole Moment Or, defining the dipole moment p = Ql, (17-6b) Jamie Harris, 23, was struck by lightning on Aug. 15, 2012 while at Brainerd. He doesn’t remember anything from the event, but has burns on his arms and singe marks and two holes in the Tshirt he was wearing. Lightning: how it works HSvideo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JVXy-ZqqZ-g Discovery(5min) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3Awp3CxSU&feature=related http://petapixel.com/2012/07/24/jaw-dropping-slow-motion-footage-of-lightningshot-at-7207-fps/ http://what-if.xkcd.com/16/ is a little Q&A about lightning (check here for the fast video he mentions http://vimeo.com/28457062) You are becoming experts on lightning, so here's some interesting facts. • Charge separation in the cloud, probably induction (as in the Wimshurst generator). • Physics Look at the bottom diagram to see field lines: http://regentsprep.org/Regents/physics/phys03/alightnin/default.htm Lightning • http://io9.com/new-statistics-on-lightningdeaths-in-the-u-s-reveal-w-560760736 • Know this about lightning – – – – – – – Charge separation, cloud as a capacitor Induction on the ground Field line concentration on ground Charge separation in air Leader pours out of cloud, goes to ground Streamer comes up from ground to meet leader Discharge, flash, and boom Fields around the Van de Graaff • • • • How does this machine work? Sketch the field around the head. Sketch the potential lines around the head. Now add a pin or sharp edge and redraw. Quiz 24 sept • I have a point charge in isolation of charge -q. – What is the field strength and direction a distance r from the charge? • Using Gauss’s Law, derive a relation for E as a function of r from a charge –q. Quiz 24 sept • The VandeGraaf generator has a charge of -1.0 mC. • The globe has a charge as measured and shown. • They are separated by 3.0 m • 1. What is the force between them? • 2. What is V and E at the position midpoint between them? *21 Sept: 17.7 Capacitance A capacitor consists of two conductors that are close but not touching. A capacitor has the ability to store electric charge. Storage of charge • Means “long-term” holding of net positive or negative charge in a particular place. • It is a static situation – the charges are not moving • Check: what storage of charge have we seen in the classroom so far? How can such storage be useful? • It can be slowly charged and immediately released? • I will take a photo of the person who gives a common example? • Capacitor: a place to hold separated charges in a stable manner. • A very important circuit element – Show examples in circuit boards 17.7 Capacitance Parallel-plate capacitor connected to battery. (b) is a circuit diagram. Our first circuit! 17.7 Capacitance When a capacitor is connected to a battery, the charge on its plates is proportional to the voltage: (17-7) The quantity C is called the capacitance. Unit of capacitance: the farad (F) 1 F = 1 C/V Review of fields and equipotentials • http://ephysics.physics.ucla.edu/physlets/1 .1/e_electric_field.htm • I give you a charge landscape, you draw the elevation picture • Review electron V and PE in a field E. Example question 1 • a. b. c. d. (3pts) A negative charge is moved from point A to point B along an electrical field line. Which is correct? The negative charge performs work in moving from point A to point B. Work is required to move the negative charge from point A to point B. Work is both required and performed in moving the negative charge from point A to point B. No work is required to move the negative charge from point A to point B. + a b E Example questions 2&3 2. A field E in our lab points up, and a dust particle mass m and charge +q is suspended in equilibrium. – Write an equation relating E, m, and q. 3. What is the change of potential if I move from 1.0 m to 2.0 m away from a 1.0 C charge? A practice problem like the quiz • An electron is 2.0m from a proton. (use qe as variable for electron or proton charge) a. What is the potential at the position of the e-? b. I move the e- to a position 8.0m from the proton. What is the new potential at that position? c. What is DPE for this action in part b? d. If I now release the electron, what will it’s speed be when it returns to its original position? 21 sept: 17.7 Capacitance The capacitance does not depend on the voltage; it is a function of the geometry and materials of the capacitor. For a parallel-plate capacitor: (17-8) Check: how much charge in this1 F capacitor loaded with 5V? Assume plate separation is 0.03mm. What is A?... mm .03 F N m2 C VC m 1.0 1000 8.85x10-12 C2 FV Eqn 17-7 Nm mm Eqn 17-2a Area = 3.4x106 m2 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For the 1F capacitor of 4cm diameter and 1 cm height. 28 sept: A check problem • Show + point charge in middle of page – Draw 8 field lines – Draw 4 equipotential lines of equal difference • Remember that V = kQ/r – Draw elevation (side view) of potential V 0 Distance from charge Key points about capacitors • Once the charge is loaded, Q will remain constant unless it is added or removed with a conductor. • Q=CV always • C = eo k A/d *17.8 Dielectrics A dielectric is an insulator, and is characterized by a dielectric constant K. Capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor filled with dielectric: (17-9) Note: be very careful…. capacitance is C and Coulomb unit is C !!!........... **17.8 Dielectrics Dielectric strength is the maximum field a dielectric can experience without breaking down. You don’t have to memorize these, but be able to use them. practice: how much charge can I store on a 0.10 m2 capacitor with 0.1mm separation and mica dielectric? 17.8 Dielectrics The molecules in a dielectric tend to become oriented in a way that allows more electrons to be packed on with less “pressure”. A quiz on chapter 17 Please turn this in. • Analogies: fill in the missing cells below Name Gravity Electrical A. Fundamental quantity B. Field g = GMearth/Rearth2 C. Potential energy D. Potential gh = GM/R • Given the charges drawn on the board – Sketch the field lines – Sketch the isopotential lines – Sketch the plot of V vs. x – Identify any locations where E or V is zero Quiz on 16 and 17 • A negative point charge of –q and mass 10M is fixed in space. A second charge of 4q and mass M is located a distance L away. a. What is potential at position of 4q? b. What is PE between the charges? c. If I release –q, what will be its initial acceleration? (magnitude and direction) d. What will be the final a of the –q charge? e. What will be the final v of the –q charge? Practice 27 sept • Start with charges arranged as below. a. What is potential at each corner due to other charges? b. If charge +Q, mass m is released, what will it’s velocity be after a long, long time? 2Q Q -Q F=kqQ/r2 Q= CV V = kq/r V = -Ed PE = qV KE = ½ m v2 Practice the vectors • (10 points) Three charges are separated as shown below with charges shown. Draw the individual force vectors on each charge (using dashed lines), and the resultant force vector on each charge (using solid lines). Draw very carefully so the relative magnitudes of each force are accurately depicted. No calculation is necessary. -2Q -4Q +2Q Return exam 1 • • • • • Lab on static loss with air flow: 18 pts Lab on Coulomb force on pith: 30 pts Exam: 112 pts possible Total all three, Average = , high 100% 17.9 Storage of Electric Energy A charged capacitor stores electric energy; the energy stored is equal to the work done to charge the capacitor. The capacitor is like a spring, and the spring gives back the energy you put in. PE = ½ k x2 (17-10) PE is also labeled as U KE is also labeled as K 17.9 Storage of Electric Energy The energy density, defined as the energy per unit volume, is sometimes a useful number to use. Works for any field, any place, vacuum or solid. (17-11) Note that e0 appears again: k = 1/4pe0 C = e0 A/d And energy and energy density Electrical charge and animal health Why, or how, can electricity jump start the heart? How can electrical probes (EKG) tell us about the heart beating? Heart defibrillators use electric discharge to “jump-start” the heart, and can save lives. What good is a capacitor? • Stores charge. So what? • Stores energy U 1. Stores slowly and released quickly 2. Stores quickly that can be released slowly 3. Store and hold for long time w/o battery 4. Stores and releases with very specific time (as we will learn) 4 Oct: Capacitors connected C1 = e0A1/d1 C2 • Connect in parallel – Ctotal = C1 + C2 : think of adding area – Qtotal = Q1 + Q2: charge is conserved – So Vcombined = Qtotal/Ctotal – problem 41 example Solving capacitor problems • Identify what is constant… – Usually Q is constant • Identify what is changing…. – Usually V and C are changing • Solve the initial condition • Use equations to solve final condition The amazing analogy of physics between gravity and electricity Gravity units Electricity units fundamental quantity m kg q C force between two bodies GmM/r2 N kqQ/r2 N field due to body g = GM/r2 N/kg or m/s2 E = kQ/r2 N/C force in field of body mg N qE N potential gh = GM/r m2/s2 V = kQ/r N m/C Potential energy mgh = GmM/r h = Dr J qV = kqQ/r J m Dr m Displacement in field to give potential Universal constant G N m2/kg2 k N m2/C2 1 oct: 17.10 Cathode Ray Tube: TV and Computer Monitors, Oscilloscope A cathode ray tube contains a wire cathode that, when heated, emits electrons. A voltage source causes the electrons to travel to the anode. + What is this? anode Control grid cathode heater 17.10 Cathode Ray Tube: TV and Computer Monitors, Oscilloscope The electrons can be steered using electric or magnetic fields. 17.10 Cathode Ray Tube: TV and Computer Monitors, Oscilloscope Televisions and computer monitors (except for LCD and plasma models) have a large cathode ray tube as their display. Variations in the field steer the electrons on their way to the screen. 17.10 Cathode Ray Tube: TV and Computer Monitors, Oscilloscope An oscilloscope displays en electrical signal on a screen, using it to deflect the beam vertically while it sweeps horizontally. Capacitor lab • Need to transfer charge to the capacitor. – can use fixed V – Can use fixed Q • Calibrate the transfer wand using 3000V globe and faraday cage; find Q/aliquot • show set up • Train electrometer safety • Hand out lab assignment “analyzing simple parallel plate capacitor” • Leyden jar for extra credit (google it) Quiz 22 sept • I put the charged rod in the faraday cage and show the measured charge with loggerpro. It is -57nC. – What is E at 3.0 m – What is V at 3.0 m – What is the rate of electron- loss given slope shown of .003521 nC/s? – Allow 1 or 2 sf. 17.11 The Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG) The electrocardiogram detects heart defects by measuring changes in potential on the surface of the heart. Summary of Chapter 17 • Electric potential energy: • Electric potential difference: work done to move charge from one point to another • Relationship between potential difference and field: Summary of Chapter 17 • Equipotential: line or surface along which potential is the same • Electric potential of a point charge: • Electric dipole potential: 28 sept: Summary of Chapter 17 • Capacitor: nontouching conductors carrying equal and opposite charge •Capacitance: • Capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor: And with K Summary of Chapter 17 • A dielectric is an insulator • Dielectric constant gives ratio of total field to external field • Energy density in electric field: The equations of importance, chapter 17. F = k Q1Q2/r2 E = F/q W = F . d = DPE for conservative force V = W/q = E . d V = kQ/r DPE = qV •For parallel plate capacitor Q=CV U = ½ Q2/C = ½ QV C = ke0A/D F = k Q1Q2/r2 This is how they’ll be E = F/q given on the exam, V = W/q meaning you have to sort V = kQ/r them out. Which are point DPE = qV charge, and which pp, and Q=CV which for any? C = ke0A/D U = ½ Q2/C = ½ QV R = r L/A rT = ro[1 + a (T-To)] e0 = 1/(4pk) = 8.85x10-12 C2/N.m2 k = 1/(4pe0) = 9.0 x 109 N.m2/ C2 r for copper = 1.68 x 10-8 W m P = IV UNITS get confusing.. so be careful The Quantity… • Charge, q, Q • Field E • potential V • potential energy PE or U • capacitance C • • Is in Units of… • Coulombs, C • N/C [=] V/m • Volt V [=] J/C • J [=] V C • Farads F [=] C/V • • Know the equations, and work out the units from them…. Demo with pp capacitor • Show 3000v loading and discharge – What happens to plates as discharge happens? • Load 30v on plate, and move apart – What happens to voltage? – Is it consistent with theory? – Why would potential go up? – How much charge stored at 30V? At 3000V? Lab 1, capacitor fundamentals • Introduce and hand out sheet • Assign groups • Schedule Capacitors connected • P 66 has them in series. • How to solve? • Think about charge! Practice field lines and potential lines and elevation plots • Use http://vnatsci.ltu.edu/s_schneider/physlets/main/equipotentials.shtml Writing stronger analysis sections in your labs • Hand out: “analysis portions by Dr. R. Fisher, ISM” – As an example of what you should do • Hand out “Laboratory experiment: analyzing a simple parallel plate capacitor” – Provided as ref for analysis section – Also you are responsible for the content of this section – Discuss in class – Do demo to quantify charge of the wand 6 oct: More practice with fields, isopotential lines, and charges • http://vnatsci.ltu.edu/s_schneider/physlets/main/equipotentials.shtml • What isopotential line is missing: show it with test charge • Is length of force vector on ptc always constant along the isopotential line? • Do prob 17:63 for unequal like charges. Show elevation plot of V. Back to lightning • What is breakdown voltage in air? • Why does Wimshurst spark way lower than that? • Why does lightning strike a high object? • What do the field lines look like? • What will the potential be near the tree? Quiz Friday 7 oct • Three charges in a row. +4, -8, +4 • Draw field lines, 4 from the +4 charge • Draw isopotential lines, 3 lines each charge • On separate figure, draw elevation V vs. r Quiz 15 oct • Estimate (dimensions approximate) the capacitance of the leyden jar in the Wimshurst generator. • Estimate the charge Q stored when the electrodes deliver a 10cm spark = 30,000V • ANSWERS HERE…. • A = 0.15m 2. k = 5 for glass. C = 4x10-10 F. Q = 16 mC Classics chapter 17 • • • • • • • • Capacitor charged Define capacitor Experimental write-up analysis of plot Lightning Parallel capacitors Charges on a line find E, V lines; plot V draw potential lines to scale Accelerate an e- in a field, CRT Review for exams • • • • Main concepts Classic problems Questions? A few points that might be weak – Graphical interpretation of simple laws Q=CV, C = keA/d – Difference between PE and potential, V – Remember when mechanical energy is conserved – Which V equations are for point charge or capacitor – That PE and U are same thing (!!!!) – How to recognize when Q is constant in a capacitor A potential problem • A 2.0C bowling ball of mass 3.0kg starts in this room at v=0, V=250V and ends up 10.0m north of the starting point at V=30V after travelling 290m along a indirect path. It ends with v = 10.0m/s. Draw a picture of the before and after situation. • What is the energy change of the ball? • What is the average frictional force along the path? • ½ m v2 – 0 + q(Vf – Vi) = Ff d • 1.0N Some questions for final review; may • Sketch and explain how lightning works • Why does lightning send static to a car radio? Why is AM more affected than FM? • I have two 40W bulbs. What is power output if I put them in parallel? Series?