Elements and Principles of Design ELEMENTS OF ART LINE An extended point, a mark with length and direction(s). Types include: vertical, horizontal, diagonal, straight or ruled, curved, bent, angular, thin, thick or wide, interrupted (dotted, dashed, broken, etc.) ELEMENTS OF ART SHAPE A connected line; 2-D line with no form or thickness. Shapes are flat and can be grouped into two categories, geometric and organic. ELEMENTS OF ART FORM A 3-dimensional object having volume and thickness. ELEMENTS OF ART VALUE Value is the lightness or darkness of a color. Value is also called Tone. ELEMENTS OF ART TEXTURE Texture is the surface quality of a shape - rough, smooth, soft hard glossy etc. Texture can be physical (tactile) or visual. SPACE the area between and around objects. The object fills positive space while negative space surrounds the object. Space is created in a two-dimensional artwork by using perspective, overlapping, and color and value creating the appearance of depth or distance ELEMENTS OF ART COLOR Light reflected off objects. Color has three main characteristics: hue or its name (red, green, blue, etc.), value (how light or dark it is), and intensity (how bright or dull it is). Primary Colors • RED, YELLOW, BLUE Secondary Colors • Green, Violet, Orange Intermediate Colors • Red-orange, Red-violet, Bluegreen, Blue-violet, Yellowgreen, Yellow-orange PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN EMPHASIS/FOCAL POINT An area that first attracts attention in a composition BALANCE a feeling of visual equality in shape, form, value, color, etc. 1. symmetrical or evenly balanced 2. asymmetrical and un-evenly balanced PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN HARMONY/RHYTHM Brings together a composition with similar units. Some elements recurs regularly. Like a dance it will have a flow of objects that will seem to be like the beat of music. MOVEMENT a visual flow through the composition. It can be the suggestion of motion in a design as you move from object to object by way of placement and position. PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN PROPORTION refers to variations in the size of objects, lines or shapes. There is a variation of sizes in objects either real or imagined. CONTRAST Occurs when two related elements are different. The greater the difference the greater the contrast. Contrast adds variety to the total design and creates unity. It is what draws the viewer's eye into the painting and helps to guide the viewer around the art piece.. PRINCIPLES OF DESIGN REPETITION Element occurring more than once; Repetition with variation is interesting, without variation repetition can become monotonous PATTERN The repetition of anything -- shapes, lines, or colors -- also called a motif, in a design VARIETY Repetition of visual elements such as shapes or colors create a rhythm and pattern in an artwork