Description of pCG, pCGN, pCGoct- and pCGNoct

Description of pCG, pCGN, pCGoct- and pCGNoct- plasmids
The pCG, pCGN, pCGoct- and pCGNoct- series of plasmids are described in M. Tanaka
and W. Herr, Cell 60, 375-386 (1990).
pCG is a derivative of pSTC described by Severne, Y., Wieland, S., Schaffner. W., and
Rusconi. S. (1988). EMBO J. 7:2503-2508. To create pCG from pSTC an M13 origin
of replication was inserted, a unique XbaI site created, and a polylinker inserted after
removal of glucocorticoid receptor gene sequences.
The bacterial plasmid vector sequences are derived from pBSM13+ between the
non-polylinker EcoRI site shown in pCG and the XmnI site within the  -lactamase
gene (AMPr) and the remainder are derived from pSP65 between the XmnI site and
the unique pSP65 PvuII site, the latter forming the junction with the SV40 ori
The CMV promoter fragment spans nucleotide positions -522 to +72 relative to the
CMV CAP site.
The HSV tk 5' leader contains sequences from +51 (BglII site filled in and destroyed) to
+114. The +114 position is the T nucleotide immediately before the unique XbaI site
in the sequence ATGGCT shown on the map. The unique XbaI site is followed by
the EcoRI to BamHI polylinker sequences from pUC19 as shown. Note that the
EcoRI site is not unique. In the pCGoct- and pCGNoct- series the XbaI to BamHI
polylinker sequences are replaced by the Oct coding sequences.
The rabbit  -globin sequences extend from +905 (BamHI) to +2080 (BglII, converted to
XhoI) and contain NcoI (1040), HincII (1084), ScaI (1201), ApaI (1451), EcoRI (1505)
and BglII (1625) sites.
The SV40 ori fragment extends from the SV40 HindIII to SphI sites with both sites
pCGN is identical to pCG except for the added HA epitope sequences (AGCT.. to
..TTCT). The unique XbaI site lies at the 3' end of the epitope encoding sequences.