Tuesday, October 6th Topic: TWL Discussion Objective: Agenda 1. This Is How We Do It…. 2. Closure is Needed Assignment: Tomorrow: • Rest and Relax! On Your Desk: • The Waste Land and study guide responses • Binder Paper TWL Discussing and Presenting • We’ll have a mini-presi…then…. • We’ll have a mini-discussion. • We all have something we can add and share and question. • Take notes on your poem, as you see necessary. • Enjoy and be engaged!! Closure • On your binder paper, respond to the following prompts: 1. What has been your experience with The Waste Land? Share your journey. 2. What is a prominent theme which permeates throughout the entirety of the poem? How did you come to this conclusion? Where, and how, in the text is this theme seen? 3. What are your thoughts on the ideas and themes presented in this poem?