Cereal Box Reflection & Assessment

Cereal Box Reflection & Assessment
Cereal Box Reflection & Assessment
1. Think about how you preformed as an individual
and as part of a team.
I created my cereal box on my own, so it was pretty
easy to do the different sections and get it done on
time. I preformed pretty well with getting all the
proper information to decide which kind of cereal
would be appropriate. As well as getting charts and
tables for the research and data I found and putting the
data into a very neat format.
Cereal Box Reflection & Assessment | 2/18/2013
2. What did you learn about yourself by participating in this project?
I learned that I should consider all of my options before I just go with one. The first thought
that came to my mind for a cereal box was John Deere, but then after I had already put the
cereal box together, I thought of a few other better designs that would have increased my
votes for my cereal.
3. What challenges did you encounter and how did you overcome them?
Challenges that I encountered would be when I was absent for a few days, and I was unable
to collect my surveys. Once I made it back to school I told the teachers that I was very sorry
for not picking them up the day I said I would. So it was sort of a challenge telling someone
that you will do something and then not following through with it.
1. How did this project help you understand/reinforce the marketing process?
This project helped me understand the techniques that businesses use for marketing when
selling a product. It really showed me how a certain type of marketing can affect the results.
For example, the students got several of the same surveys five or six times within one week,
towards the end of the week they didn’t care about answering them seriously anymore. This
could have been prevented by using a different type of marketing and would have been more
affective for the results.
2. What do you think is the easiest and hardest parts of the marketing process?
Cereal Box Reflection & Assessment | 2/18/2013
The hardest part of the marketing process is getting the results and being able to compare
them to the idea that you have. Getting results from marketing can be very hard, not
everyone wants to fill out a survey, or tell their opinion. So coming up with another
affective way of gathering information to be able to make a product can be very hard. Once
you have the information though, you must be able to realize what a good idea is, and what
might not work so well. Then being able to apply it to your plan. The easiest part of
marketing is charting the results in a format that is comparable to other data. It was easy to
plug in the data to excel to be able to see the differences in the questions I had asked.
1. What changes would you make to this project?
Cereal Box Reflection & Assessment | 2/18/2013
If I could make a few changes to this project I would change the marketing process. Instead
of a survey, have the students develop their own way of marketing for a cereal box, rather
than all doing surveys. This would show a few different ways of doing it, along with what
ways are more affective and what doesn’t work the best. Also I would have all the students
that took a survey, vote on the boxes. Not every student voted, therefore we were short a
bunch of votes. If everyone voted there would be a fair chance and the people taking the
marketing surveys would get to apply their answers that they chose, to an actual box.
Cereal Box Reflection & Assessment | 2/18/2013
Marketing Survey Results:
Below are two charts that show the results from the questions asked in the surveys. The first
chart and graph shows if parents would buy certain cereals based on looks, or nutritional
value. The second chart and graph shows what kids like in their cereal.
Cereal Box Reflection & Assessment | 2/18/2013
The next chart and graph below show the cost of the cereal and the different items that
contribute to the cost of cereal.
Cereal Box Reflection & Assessment | 2/18/2013
After making the cereal box, and having the students vote on the box’s, below are the
results of the voting. I had only received two votes for my cereal.
1. Do you need to make some adjustments?
If I could change a few things about my cereal box, I would first change the appearance of
the box. I would make it look a little more bright and attractive. Also the back of the box I
would put a puzzle or something more intriguing for kids to do while they are eating
breakfast. I think that making the box more attractive would increase sales and I would have
gotten more votes.
2. Did you “hit the nail on the head” and you can go straight to the production line to start
making your cereal?
I don’t think I could go straight to production of my cereal. I would definitely change the
appearance of the box before producing the cereal. Also I may lower the sugar content in
the cereal because it’s really high.
Cereal Box Reflection & Assessment | 2/18/2013
I think that this project was a great marketing project. I really helped me understand more
about how marketing works and the different processes and steps you must accomplish to
have a final product. Also trial and error is huge part of marketing; you may have to do
something a few times before you get it right. This is why I would change my box before
going into the production line with it. It clearly wasn’t very attractive to students so I want
to make sure that it would get a good profit once I sell it. I really enjoyed doing this project
and actually making a physical product.