Title: Discuss Numbers 1-10
Need: Number Parade; Stair Steps
Student Activity Book pg. 1-4 (Stair Steps and Parent Letter)
120 Poster, Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart, sticky notes, MathBoard materials, Secret Code
Quick Practice (5 minutes): Count the numbers on the number parade showing fingers
Daily Routines:
120 Poster: add 2 counters each day for 10 days; draw circles; write + equation; count by ones if the total is <50
Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart and sticky notes: remove 2 sticky notes
Using the Math Board: cross off 2 circles, draw 2 circles in the middle of the board
Secret Code Cards: show 2
Repeat for Day 2 of lesson
Activity 1; Day 1:
Discuss what are “stair steps” and how they could be used to learn about numbers
Free exploration (dot side up)
What do you notice about the Stair Steps?
Place Stair Step 1 at the top of table/desk
Place Stair Step 2 under it, repeat to 10
What do you notice about the Stair Steps? How are you lining them up? Are you making steps?
Recite the 1-more sequence (1 and 1 more is ___; 2 and 1 more is ___)
Recite the sequence in reverse (1 less than 10 is ___; 1 less than 9 is ___)
Activity 2; Day 2
Arrange stair steps in sequential order
Find Stair Step 5 and center it on your table area/desk; place Stair Step 1 underneath; discuss 5 and 1 more is ___
Replace Stair Step 1 with Stair Step 2 and tell how many (5 and 2 more is__)
Replace Stair Step 2 with Stair Step 3 and tell how many (5 and 3 more is__)
Replace Stair Step 3 with Stair Step 4 and tell how many (5 and 4 more is__)
Use 5 finger rhyme (5 Crows in a Row) and fingers underneath for 5 &2; 5&3; begin Student
Puzzled Penguin:
Show Stair Steps 5 and 2. Write Puzzled Penguin’s error: Puzzled Penguin says, “5 and 2 more is
Discussion: How can we help Puzzled Penguin find the right answer? Yesterday we counted to 10 on the Number Parade. Do you think we can also use the Number Parade to help Puzzled Penguin?
First volunteer crosses out the 8 and writes a 7. Second volunteer uses Stair Steps to show that
5 and 2 more is 7. Third volunteer uses fingers.
Formative Assessment:
Have students show Stair Step 9 as a 5-group and extra ones. Students use words to describe their arrangement. Responses should include that 5 and 4 more is 9.
Homework and Remembering for Classwork pg.1,2
Home Activity: See family letter (Student Activity Book pg.1-2)
Title: Visualize Numbers as a 5-Group and Ones
Need: Giant Number Cards; Number Cards
Student Activity Book pg. 5-8 (Family Letter pg. 5,6)
120 Poster, Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart, sticky notes, MathBoard materials,
Demonstration Secret Code Cards
Quick Practice (5 minutes): Five Crows in a Row; Count 1-10 on Number Parade
Daily Routines:
120 Poster: add 2 counters each day for 10 days; draw circles; write + equation; count by ones if the total is <50
Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart and sticky notes: remove 2 sticky notes
Using the Math Board: cross off __ circles, draw __ circles in the middle of the board
Secret Code Cards: show __
Repeat for Day 2
Activity 1; Day 1:
2 volunteers to order Giant Number Cards while students order their cards at their seats; check your order
Show me 9, show me 4, show me…
Students turn cards over to show dots
Discuss: What happens after number 5? What do you see on Number Card 10? Think about counting dots and counting fingers. How are they the same?
Put away the first 5 cards, leaving Number Cards 6-10
Express each number as a 5-group plus extra ones in unison. What is 6? “5+1”; What is 7?
“5+2”; What is…
Point to Giant Number Card 8. Ask students to show the number with fingers (5 on top and 3 below). Continue for all numbers 5-10
Activity 2; Day 2:
Write a number on the board (choose from 6-10). Then draw circles as a 5-group and extra ones in two rows. Discuss the addition sentence (5+3)
Student Leader- write a different number from 6-10. Other students write the number and draw the number as circle groupings. Student Leader does the same at the board and asks class to express the number as a group of 5 and extra ones.
Create stories about the groupings. Ex. There are 8 apples. 5 of them belong to Jim and
3 of them belong to Ann. Write equation 8=5+3. Discuss plus/equal sign and equations.
Tell stories for numbers 6-10; write equation; show the 5-group and extra ones
Formative Assessment:
Students use fingers to show and express numbers 6 to 10 as 5-groups and extra ones.
Home and Remembering for classwork pg. 3,4
Title: Partners of 2 Through 5
Need: Stair Steps 1-5; Number Cards 1-5; Break apart sticks or pencils; Number Parade; and
Pointer; Math Mountain Story (on file cabinet)
Student Activity Book pg. 9-14
120 Poster, Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart, sticky notes, MathBoard materials,
Demonstration Secret Code Cards
Quick Practice (5 minutes): Student Leader of Five Crows in a Row; Count 1-10 on # Parade
Daily Routines:
120 Poster: add 2 counters each day for 10 days; draw circles; write + equation; count by ones if the total is <50
Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart and sticky notes: remove 2 sticky notes
Using the Math Board: cross off __circles, draw __ circles in the middle of the board
Secret Code Cards: show __
Repeat for Day 2
Activity 1; Day 1
What are partners? “Two numbers that work together to make another number”.
Students place Number Cards 1-5 in order from left to right and then place Stair Steps
1-5 dot side up below the cards (vertical)
Students show partners of 5 with Stair Steps 1-4
Students tell a partner a story about each set of partners of 5. Share with class.
On board draw circle drawings and partner equations for 5 (5=4+1; 5=3+2; 5=2+3; 5=1+4)
Using Stair Step 5 students individually break apart their Stair Step using a pencil into the partners 4 and 1; 3 and 2; 2 and 3; 1 and 4
Discuss equations on the board: Why do we write 5 first in the equation? Why is there a plus sign between the partners?
Discuss the patterns in the circle drawings and equations for partners of 5.
Use fingers to model partners of 5. Show 5 fingers. Then show the partners 4 and 1 by moving 1 finger away from the others. Children do too. Show partners of 4 and 1; 3 and
Discuss how many different pairs 5 has. Only 2 pairs.
Write 5=5+0; discuss 0 is a partner.
Students working in pairs will show partners of 4 with number cards and stair steps
(**need two of Stair Step 2); draw circle drawings; write partner equations; discuss the patterns; tell partner stories; show fingers.
Student Activity Book page 13; Discuss Math Mountains (story on file cabinet and TM pg.
19) for questions 5 and 6.
Relate Math Mountains to circle drawings of 5 at the top of the page and the circle drawings we did in class
Activity 2; Day 2
Student Activity Book pg. 14. Discuss how the equations in the first set are all the same?
Have students tell a story about 2+0. Then solve the first equation. What is the pattern for adding a 0 to a number?
Discuss how the equations in the second set are all the same? Have students tell a story about 4+1. Then solve the first equation. What is the pattern for adding a 1 to a number?
Discuss how the equations in the third set are all the same? Have students tell a story about 2+2. Then solve the first equation. What is the pattern for adding a 2 to a number?
Repeat for subtraction.
Puzzled Penguin: Write the equation on the board “0+1=2”. Puzzled Penguin says that adding 1 to a number gives the next number, so adding 1 will make 2. Is Puzzled Penguin correct? What did
Puzzled Penguin do wrong?
Have students summarize what they’ve learned about adding/subtracting 0,1, and 2 within 5.
Formative Assessment: Children write and show all the sets of partners of 5 using circle drawings and Math Mountains.
Home and Remembering for classwork pg. 5,6
Send home Family Letter from Student Activity Book pg. 9-10
Title: Partners of 6
Need: Stair Steps 1-6; Number Cards 1-6; Break-Apart sticks or pencils; 2-color counters; and
Connecting Cubes
Student Activity Book pg. 15-16
120 Poster, Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart, sticky notes, MathBoard materials,
Demonstration Secret Code Cards
Quick Practice (5 minutes): Count to 10 from a particular number (counting on); Student Leader to Count On; Five Crows in a Row
Daily Routines:
120 Poster: add 2 counters each day for 10 days; draw circles; write + equation; count by ones if the total is <50
Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart and sticky notes: remove 2 sticky notes
Using the Math Board: cross off __ circles, draw __ circles in the middle of the board
Secret Code Cards: show __
Activity 1:
On board write the number 6. Draw a 5-group for 6: 5 and 1 more. Discuss what you see and what comes in groups of 6.
Arrange students in pairs with a set of Stair Steps and Number Cards (**will need an additional Stair Step 3). Place number cards/Stair Steps from 1 through 6.
Show partners of 6; tell stories; break apart with pencil
Write equations in a chart for 6. Explain the patterns.
Use Number Cards and Fingers. Touch partners with two fingers to show all the partners of 6. 5: just before 6 and 1. 4: two before and 2. 3: in the middle is a double, 3+3.
Discuss 6+0? Is 0 a partner of 6? What do you remember about 0 as a partner of
Student Activity Book pg. 15. Discuss: Why do we write the 6 first in the equation? Why is there a plus sign on the right with the partners? Use fingers to model partners of 6. Discuss Math Mountains.
Activity 2:
Student Activity Book pg. 16; discuss patterns in Exercise 4, doubles in Exercise 5, zero in Exercise 6 and 7, and subtracting the same number.
Formative Assessment: Write all the partners of 6 in order: 5+1, 4+2, 3+3, 2+4, 1+5
Home and Remembering for classwork pg. 7,8
Title: Partners of 7
Need: Stair Steps 1-7; Number Cards 1-7; Break-Apart Sticks or pencils; Connecting Cubes;
Number Parade; and Pointer
Student Activity Book pg. 17-18
120 Poster, Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart, sticky notes, MathBoard materials,
Demonstration Secret Code Cards
Quick Practice (5 minutes): Counting on using the Number Parade- start at 4,8. Then have a student leader choose a few numbers; Five Crows in a Row
Daily Routines:
120 Poster: add 2 counters each day for 10 days; draw circles; write + equation; count by ones if the total is <50; **Day 2 of lesson add 3 counters
Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart and sticky notes: remove 2 sticky notes
Using the Math Board: cross off __ circles, draw __ circles in the middle of the board
Secret Code Cards: show 10; **Day 2 of lesson show 13 using 10 and 3
Activity 1; Day 1
Write the number 7 on the board and draw a 5-group for 7 (5 and 2 more)
Discuss where students have seen a 7 or know about 7 things in a group
Place Number Cards and Stair Steps 1-7 on tables. Show partners of 7 and explain.
Turn Stair Steps that make 7 so that they go across, not down. Now turn over Stair
Steps so you see the numbers.
Find partners of 7 using Number Cards
Find sets of related partners by switching the order of Stair Steps (turn around facts)
Switch Stair Step partners back to the original way to assist with Student Activity pg17
Show partners of 7 with fingers and some fingers moving away
Introduce “Double-Decker Trains”
Use Math Mountains
Activity 2; Day 2
Student Activity pg. 18 (adding and subtracting 1)
Formative Assessment: write the partners of 7, switch the partners and describe a pattern
Home Activity: Home and Remembering pg. 9-10
Title: Partners of 8
Need: Stair Steps 1-8; Number Cards 1-8
Student Activity Book pg. 19-20
120 Poster, Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart, sticky notes, MathBoard materials,
Demonstration Secret Code Cards
Quick Practice (5 minutes):Show random Giant Number Cards 6-10. Children show the number on their fingers. Student Leader: shows the reverse side (dots). Children say the numbers quickly without counting the dots & show number on fingers.
Daily Routines:
120 Poster: add 3 counters each day for 10 days; draw circles; write + equation; count by ones if the total is <50
Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart and sticky notes: remove 3 sticky notes
Using the Math Board: cross off __ circles, draw __ circles in the middle of the board
Secret Code Cards: show
Activity 1:
Write the number 8 on the board and draw a 5-group for 8 (5 and 3 more)
Discuss where students have seen a 8 or know about 8 things in a group
Place Number Cards and Stair Steps 1-8 on tables. Show partners of 8 and explain.
Turn Stair Steps that make 8 so that they go across, not down. Now turn over Stair
Steps so you see the numbers.
Find partners of 8 on Number Cards and touch the partners. As children touch each set of partners, say: 7 is next to 8; 7 needs 1 more to make 8, so 7 and 1 are partners of 8.
Repeat with all partners
Find related partners by switching the Stair Steps (turn around facts)
Switch the partners back in the Stair Steps. Begin Student Activity pg. 19 using break away pencils, 8-train and Math Mountains.
Use fingers to model partners of 8. Discuss how you can remember the partners of 8.
Activity 2:
Discuss the patterns for subtraction while completing Student Activity pg. 20
Formative Assessment: Draw Math Mountains to show the partners for 8 and the switched partners.
Home Activity: Home and Remembering pg. 11-12
Title: Partners of 9
Need: Stair Steps 1-9; Number Cards 1-9; Number Parade; and Pointer
Student Activity Book pg. 21-22
120 Poster, Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart, sticky notes, MathBoard materials,
Demonstration Secret Code Cards
Quick Practice (5 minutes): Show random Giant Number Cards 6-10. Children show the number on their fingers. Student Leader: shows the reverse side (dots). Children say the numbers quickly without counting the dots & show number on fingers. Count 1-10.
Daily Routines:
120 Poster: add 3 counters each day for 10 days; draw circles; write + equation; count by ones if the total is <50
Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart and sticky notes: remove 3 sticky notes
Using the Math Board: cross off __ circles, draw __ circles in the middle of the board
Secret Code Cards: show __
Activity 1:
Write the number 9 on the board and draw a 5-group for 9 (5 and 4 more)
Discuss where students have seen a 9 or know about 9 things in a group
Place Number Cards and Stair Steps 1-9 on tables. Show partners of 9 and explain.
Turn Stair Steps that make 9 so that they go across, not down. Now turn over Stair
Steps so you see the numbers.
Find partners of 9 on Number Cards and touch the partners. As children touch each set of partners, say: 8 is next to 9; 8 needs 1 more to make 9, so 8 and 1 are partners of 9.
Repeat with all partners
Find related partners by switching the Stair Steps (turn around facts)
Switch the partners back in the Stair Steps. Begin Student Activity pg. 21 using break away pencils, 9-train and Math Mountains.
Use fingers to model partners of 9. Discuss how you can remember the partners of 9.
Activity 2:
Student Activity pg. 22. Look for patterns- plus 1; doubles;
Formative Assessment: students show and write the partners of 9 and the switched partners.
Home Activity: Home and Remembering pg. 13-14
Title: Partners of 10
Stair Steps 1-10 and Number Cards 1-10
Student Activity Book pg. 23-24
120 Poster, Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart, sticky notes, MathBoard materials,
Demonstration Secret Code Cards
Quick Practice (5 minutes): Student Leader 1: using Giant Number Cards 6-10 (random order)
Student Leader shows the numeral side. Students say number and show on fingers. Repeat with
Student Leader 2. Count from 1-10.
Daily Routines:
120 Poster: add 3 counters each day for 10 days; draw circles; write + equation; count by ones if the total is <50
Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart and sticky notes: remove 3 sticky notes
Using the Math Board: cross off __ circles, draw __ circles in the middle of the board
Secret Code Cards: show __
Activity 1:
Write the number 10 on the board and draw a 5-group for 10 (5 and 5 more)
Discuss where students have seen a 10 or know about 10 things in a group
Place Number Cards and Stair Steps 1-10 on tables. Show partners of 10 and explain.
Turn Stair Steps that make 10 so that they go across, not down. Now turn over Stair
Steps so you see the numbers.
Find partners of 10 on Number Cards and touch the partners. As children touch each set of partners, say: 9 is next to 10; 9 needs 1 more to make 10, so 9 and 1 are partners of
10. Repeat with all partners
Find related partners by switching the Stair Steps (turn around facts). Students use fingers to show partners.
Switch the partners back in the Stair Steps. Begin Student Activity pg. 23. Discuss how you can remember the partners of 10.
Activity 2:
Student Activity book pg. 24. Discuss Plus 1 Partners, doubles, zero
Formative Assessment: Students show/write partners of 10 using 5-groups.
Home Activity: Home and Remembering for classwork pg.15-16
Student Activity Book pg.25-26
120 Poster, Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart, sticky notes, MathBoard materials,
Demonstration Secret Code Cards
Quick Practice (5 minutes): Student Leader 1: using Giant Number Cards 6-10 (random order)
Student Leader shows the numeral side. Students say number and show on fingers. Repeat with
Student Leader 2. Count from 1-10.
Daily Routines:
120 Poster: add 3 counters each day for 10 days; draw circles; write + equation; count by ones if the total is <50
Counting Tens and Ones Flip Chart and sticky notes: remove 3 sticky notes
Using the Math Board: cross off __ circles, draw __ circles in the middle of the board
Secret Code Cards: show __
Home and Remembering for classwork pg. 17-18