The Monarchs of Europe : The Pragmatic Sanction on Maria Theresa

Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: _________ A#: _________
The Monarchs of Europe: The Pragmatic Sanction on Maria Theresa
Maria Theresa 1717–1780
Hapsburg emperor Charles VI died in 1740,
he did not have a male heir. A document he
had issued in 1724 said that his empire
could pass to a woman. As a result, his
daughter, Maria Theresa, became the
empress. In this role, Maria Theresa would
lead Austria through a series of conflicts
over land. She is considered one of history’s
great rulers.
As you read the biography below, think about the
ways in which Maria Theresa showed leadership in her role as empress.
Maria Theresa was born in Vienna in 1717. She was the oldest daughter of Charles VI, the Holy Roman
Emperor. Charles VI had no male heirs to inherit his empire and a woman had never been empress of the HRE. In
1724, however, he released a decree called the Pragmatic Sanction. This allowed his empire, consisting of Austria
and the Holy Roman Empire, to pass to Maria Theresa upon his death. She became empress at the age of 23.
Many European nations had agreed to honor the Pragmatic Sanction and accept Maria Theresa’s claim.
However, when Charles VI died, several nations broke their promises. Prussia, France, Spain, and Bavaria all
refused to recognize Maria Theresa’s claim to her father’s territories. The War of the Austrian Succession broke
When the war ended in 1748, Prussia had captured some valuable lands. However, Maria Theresa remained in
control of the empire. She hoped to eventually win back the lost territory, so she built up a large Austrian army.
However, during the Seven Years’ War, she failed to accomplish this goal.
Maria Theresa found success in many areas. She was skilled in foreign affairs, and her economic policies led to
prosperity within her empire. She passed reforms that helped centralize the government and promote industry.
She also improved Austria’s judicial system, increased agriculture, and established Vienna as a cultural center. To
ensure her success, she appointed a number of capable government leaders to help her carry out these reforms. In
addition, Maria Theresa had 16 children; many of them would go on to be rulers in other areas of Europe.
Modern Era Chapter 4
The Monarchs of Europe
Name: ____________________________________________________ Date: _____________ Period: _________ A#: _________
The Monarchs of Europe: The Pragmatic Sanction on Maria Theresa
1. Infer: Why was there controversy about Maria Theresa becoming empress of the Holy Roman Empire?
2. Recall: What was the name of the document that allowed Maria Theresa to become Empress? Who issued it?
3. Draw Conclusions: Why do you think it was important for Maria Theresa to appoint government leaders to
help carry out reforms?
4. Recall: How did Maria Theresa make the Austrian Empire better? Provide at least three examples.
Modern Era Chapter 4
The Monarchs of Europe