Soft Tissue Injuries:

Cuts, Scrapes, and Bruises
 The layers of the skin
 Fat
 Muscle
Any time the soft tissues are damaged
or torn the body is threatened.
Closed Wounds: When blood and fluids seep
into surrounding tissues causing the area to
swell and change color.
 Bruises (most do not require medical attention)
 Blunt force trauma
 There is internal bleeding (simple to severe)
Care: Apply direct pressure to the area
Applying cold is effective in the early stages.
Open Wounds: Break in the skin. The
amount of bleeding depends upon the
location and severity.
 4 main types
▪ Abraision
▪ Laceration
▪ Avulsion
▪ Puncture
Care: Compress and Dress
Abrasion: Something
rough rubbing against the
skin causing the skin to
break and capillaries to be
Laceration: Cut to the skin
caused by a sharp object or
a blunt force splits the
Avulsions: a portion of the
skin and sometimes other
soft tissue is partially or
completely torn away.
(all torn is an amputation)
 Puncture: a pointed object
piercing the skin usually
they do not bleed.
Signals: swelling,
redness, pus, fever, ill
feeling, warm area,
throbbing, red streaks
toward the heart.
Tetanus: a severe
infection, a disease
caused by bacteria that
produces a powerful
poison in the body.
Uncontrolled Bleeding
Bleeding from an artery
Wounds that show muscle
or bone
Deeply imbedded objects
Human or animal bites
If left unstitched could
leave conspicuous scars
Occlusive Dressing
A bandage that closes the
wound or damaged area
and prevents it from
being exposed to the air.
All are pressure
 Adhesive bandages
 Bandage compress
Plastic wrap
 Roller bandages
 Elastic roller bandages
A tight band placed
around an arm or leg
to constrict blood
vessels in order to stop
blood flow to a wound.
Heat (Thermal)
Radiation (incl. Sun)
involves the top layer of skin
skin is red and dry – painful
heals in about a week
Partial Thickness
Involves the top layers of skin
Red, painful – blisters may weep clear fluid
May scar heals in about 3 – 4 weeks
Full Thickness
May destroy all layers of skin
May be painful or painless – charred skin
Scarring likely – healing may require med. assistance
Severed Body Parts
Embedded Objects
Nose, Mouth, Lip Injuries
Tooth Injuries
Injuries to the Chest
 Can be open or closed
Abdominal Injuries
 Can be open or closed