HCL12-P2_Bruxer - International Upper Great Lakes Study

Jacob Bruxer
February 2011
Presentation Overview
 Water balance and the definition of Net Basin Supplies (NBS)
+ both component and residual methods of computing NBS
 Uncertainty analysis of Lake Erie residual NBS
 Sources and estimates of uncertainty in each of the various
inputs (inflow, outflow, change in storage, etc.)
 Combined uncertainty estimates (FOSM and Monte Carlo)
 Comparison to results of previous research
 Conclusions and next steps for improving residual NBS
estimates for Lake Erie
Introduction and Motivation
 Net Basin Supplies (NBS)
 The net volume of water entering (or exiting) a lake from its own basin over a
specified period of time
 NBS = P + R – E +/- G
 Computed by Environment Canada in coordination with colleagues in the U.S.
 Motivation for Study
 To reduce uncertainty in NBS it is first necessary to identify and quantify sources
of error
 Accurate estimates of NBS are required in the Great Lakes basin for:
Operational regulation of Lake Superior and Lake Ontario
Formulation and evaluation of regulation plans
Water level forecasting
Time series analyses
Provide an indicator of climate change
 Allows for comparisons of residual NBS to other methods of estimating NBS (i.e.
component) and allows comparison of each of the different inputs to alternative
methods for computing them
Net Basin Supplies (NBS)
 Water Balance
S  STh  I  O  P  R  E  G  D  C
 Component Method
NBS  P  R  E  G
 Residual Method
S  STh  I  O  NBS  D  C
NBS  S  STh  I  O  D  C
NBS RES  S  I  O
NBS Erie  S  I Det  OW C  ON @ Buf + ???
Flow Uncertainty: Overview
 Niagara and Welland C. flow accounting is complicated
 Summation of a number of different flow estimates
 Makes accounting for uncertainty difficult, but reduces overall
uncertainty to some degree
 Detroit River flows also complicated
 Stage-fall-discharge equations, Transfer Factors, other models
 Non-stationarity, channel changes, ice effects
 Uncertainty in model calibration data, models themselves,
and model predictor variables
Niagara Falls Flow
 ≈ 30-40% of total ON@Buf
 Stage-discharge equation
based on measured water
levels at Ashland Ave. gauge
and ADCP flow measurements N
 Uncertainty (95% CL)
Gauged discharge measurements = 5%
Standard error of estimates = 4.2%
Error in the mean fitted relation = 1%
Predictor variable (i.e. water level) = 1%
 Combined uncertainty in NMOM ≈ 6.7%
 Conservative estimate
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(PSAB1&2 + PRM)
 ≈ 60% of total ON@Buf
 Total Hydropower Diversion =
Plant Q + ΔS forebays/reservoirs
 Plant flows from unit rating
 Relate measured head and power
output to flow
 Developed from flows measured
using Gibson and Index testing
 Uncertainty ≈ 2 to 2.5 %
 Also uncertainty in extrapolating
to other heads, other units,
predictor variables, ΔS , etc.
 Overall uncertainty (95% CL)
≈ 4%
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Local Runoff (RN)
 Current estimates (average monthly values) based on 1962 analysis of Grand
and Genesee River flows
 At the time, data was not available at tributary gauges
 Since 1957, anywhere from 27 to 44% of the basin was gauged
 Computed local
runoff from actual
gauged tributary
flows by maximizing
gauged area without
overlap and using
area ratios to
extrapolate to
ungauged areas
RN   RGauged 
 AGauged
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Combined Uncertainty in Outflow
 Additional inputs (i.e. NY State Barge Canal and Welland River
diversions) were also evaluated but found to have a negligible impact
in terms of uncertainty in Niagara River flows
 Combined uncertainty ON@Buf ≈4% (95% CL)
 Welland Canal flow uncertainty (determined to be approximately 8%
at 95% CL) contributes only a small additional source of uncertainty
to the total Lake Erie outflow and NBS due to its smaller magnitude
Detroit River Inflow
 Stage-fall-discharge equations:
Q  C  ( w1 h1  w2 h2  y b )  (h1  h2 )
 Uncertainty (95% CL)
Gauged discharge measurements = 5%
Standard error of estimates = 6.6%
Error in the mean fitted relation = 1%
Predictor variables (i.e. water levels) = 2%
 Overall uncertainty ≈ 8.6% at 95% confidence level
 Conservative estimate
 Systematic effects can increase error and uncertainty
significantly on a short term basis
 E.g. Ice impacts and channel changes due to erosion, obstruction, etc.
Change in Storage (ΔS)
 Change in the lake-wide mean water level from the
beginning-of-month (BOM) to the end-of-month (EOM)
 Sources of Uncertainty:
 Gauge accuracy (+/- 0.3 cm)
 Rounding error (+/- 0.5 cm)
 Temporal variability
 Spatial variability
 Lake area
Uncertainty is relatively small
 Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA)
Negligible on a monthly basis
 Thermal expansion and contraction
Temporal Variability
 Evaluated:
 ( BOM 2day ) 
S True, 1  S True, 1
h ( m t ,d 1st )
 Where:
S True  I  O  P  R  E
h ( m t 1,d last)
BOM t  BOM 12am
 Used daily estimates
of each input
Error almost negligible (max < 1 cm); two-day mean provides
adequate representation of instantaneous water level at midnight
Need only to know uncertainty of the mean
Computed hourly four-gauge mean for years 1984-1985
Standard error of the mean = 0.3 cm
Spatial Variability
 Caused primarily by meteorological effects (i.e. winds, barometric
pressure, seiche)
 Differences in water levels measured at opposite ends of the lake can be
upwards of a few metres
 Gauge measurements at different locations around the lake are
averaged to try to
balance and reduce
these errors
 Spatial variability
errors result from
slope of the lake surface
and imbalance in the
weighting given to
different gauges
Spatial Variability
 Compared BOM water levels from four-gauge average to 9-
gauge Thiessen weighted network average (Quinn and Derecki,
1976) for period 1980-2009
 Logistic distribution fit
differences well
 BOM standard error
~= 0.6 to 1.6 cm,
depending on the month
 Largest errors in the
Thermal Expansion and Contraction (ΔSTh)
 Normally considered negligible, but can be significant source of error
 Measured water column temperature data is not available
 Adapted method proposed by Meredith (1975)
 Related dimensionless vertical temperature profiles for each month to
measured surface
temperatures to
estimate vertical
temperature dist.
 Computed volume at
BOM and EOM and
determined difference
 Conclusions based on
results of both surface
temp. datasets and all
three sets of temp.
Combined Uncertainty in NBS: Methods
 First-Order Second Moment (FOSM) Method
y  f ( x1 , x2, ...xn )
 Taylor Series Expansion:
 Model:
E ( y )  f ( x1, x 2, ...x n )
n 1
u ( y )   ci u ( x i )  2    c i  c j  u ( x i )  u ( x j )  r ( xi , x j )
i 1
i 1 j i 1
 Requires only mean and standard deviation of model inputs
 Provides mean and standard deviation of model output only
 Monte Carlo Analysis Method
 Involves repeatedly simulating the output variable,
y , using
randomly generated subsets of input variable values, ( x1 , x 2 ,...x n ) ,
according to their respective probability distributions
 Requires probability distribution of model inputs, and provides full
probability distribution of model output
Combined Uncertainty in NBS
 Determining combined estimate of uncertainty in NBS quite
simple due to mathematical simplicity of the model
 FOSM and Monte Carlo method results
almost identical
 Linear model
 Variance of model inputs described consistently
 Uncertainty varies by month
 Absolute uncertainty is fairly similar
 Relative uncertainty greatest in the summer and
November (> than 100% in some cases)
 Neff and Nicholas (2005)
 Uncertainty in both residual and component NBS
 Based primarily on authors’ best professional judgement
 Similar results; main difference is uncertainty in change in storage,
which was highly underestimated based on the results of this thesis
 De Marchi et al (2009)
 Uncertainty in GLERL component NBS
 Overall uncertainty in component NBS is of a similar magnitude to
residual NBS on Lake Erie
 Useful for measuring the effects of improvements to each method of
computing NBS in the future
 Evaluating uncertainty in each input the most difficult
part of overall NBS uncertainty analysis
 FOSM and Monte Carlo methods gave nearly identical
 Uncertainty in BOM water levels as currently computed
and change in storage is large
 Same magnitude as Detroit River inflow and in some months
greater than Niagara River flow uncertainty
 Uncertainty due to change in storage due to thermal expansion
and contraction is in addition to this
 Uncertainty in change in storage possibly easiest to reduce
 To reduce uncertainty in Erie NBS must reduce
uncertainty in each of the different major inputs (i.e.
inflow, outflow and change in storage)
 Reduction of uncertainty in one input will not significantly
reduce uncertainty in residual NBS
Next Steps
 Compare/validate component and residual supplies
 Comparisons must account for consumptive use,
groundwater, and other inputs normally considered
negligible, and the errors this causes
 Explain differences, if possible, by systematic errors from this
study and others
 Incorporate new data/methods as they become
 e.g. horizontal ADCPs/index velocity ratings
 Investigate ΔS computation method further
 Consider use of local tributary flows or hydrologic
model to compute local inflow for Niagara at Buffalo