Parent/Guardian Meeting 9-10-15

Parent/Guardian Group
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Present: Carolyn Schuldies, Pat Reinert, Gayle Reynolds, Jorge Johnson, Shirley Johnson, Kenneth Rost, Kathy Rost,
Jane Dowdy, Linda Asheim, Bob Asheim, Michael Estergard, Wanda Estergard, Lisa Merchen, Carmen Dolen,
Merilee Foote, Bill Foote, Mary Lauer
NHTC Staff: Rich Mulholland, CEO; Dan Cross, Staff Development/HR; Chris Davis, Public Relations; Laura
Wendland, SC; Kelli Leitner, SC; Sarah Robbins, SC; Alison Yackley, SC; Dana Weber, SC; Kristi Scherr, SC; Tacey
Dunwoody, SC
Rich opened the meeting at 6:30 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Rich welcomed everyone to the meeting. He shared our fall newsletter and invited people to watch the new Black
Hills Fox news report on Experience the Outdoors. The link is:
Focus Group Questions
NHTC is starting to work on its strategic plan and would like to involve as many stakeholders as possible in the
process. Focus groups are being held to ask the questions, “What are characteristics of a positive culture?” and
“What are the definitions of those characteristics?” Responses from all groups will be “themed” and organized.
These will be the foundation to move forward and formulate goals.
Characteristics shared: Openness, Teamwork, Accountability, Crosstraining, Communication, Trust, Support from
both sides (agency and parents/guardians), Continuity, Keep parent/guardian meetings, Parents’ support of the
agency, Growth and financial support.
Discussion was held to define these characteristics.
Special Olympics
Rich is very involved with Special Olympics as a parent and a coach. He shared the calendar of upcoming events
and athlete rosters. State softball tournament will be held in Rapid City on September 18-19. A Bocce Ball
demonstration will be held on September 18. This will become a sport in 2016.
Sensio Systems
NHTC is going to participate in a state-wide pilot project with Sensio Systems, a technology company that develops
products which allow people to be more independent. The products can be programed to remind people about
appointments, when to wake up, when to take meds, etc. The cost of participation is being negotiated.
Conflict Free Case Management
An Individual Support Plan (ISP) is designed by a person supported and their NHTC team. The plan is then carried
out by NHTC staff. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services changed federal regulation so providers, such
as NHTC, cannot provide case management or develop the ISP for the same people they provide direct support.
This change is planned to begin in June 2016.
Options available to NHTC:
1. Our current NHTC service coordinators can continue as service coordinators, but not as NHTC employees.
2. NHTC Service Coordinators could continue as NHTC employees, but would need to provide case
management for another agency, not NHTC.
A 3rd party could apply to the state and provide service coordination and the plan would be carried out by
South Dakota will be divided into four regions, and service coordination for NHTC will be from someplace in the
western region. Although this change is to become effective in June 2016, South Dakota has not clearly defined a
path of how the change will be implemented.
At this time, service coordination is paid through “case management” as part of the daily rate NHTC receives for
each individual. With this new change, the case management payment will go to the entity providing case
management, which may/may not be NHTC.
Rich Mulholland, CEO will continue to share information as it is learned.
Home and Community Based Services (HCBS) Transition Plan
Individuals from NHTC who are currently employed are paid at sub-minimum wage. The federal government is
mandating that by 2019, people through agencies receiving HCBS funding, be working in their communities at
minimum wage or higher.
South Dakota is proposing that an individual be allowed to work at sub-minimum wage for 18-months in a
sheltered workshop and after that time, must then be working in the community at a higher wage. If the
community work setting is not successful for the individual, then the individual may NOT return to their previous
position, but must enter an alternative day program.
NHTC is anticipating this change by planning training sessions aimed at preparing individuals to write resumes,
search for employment, complete applications and interview. We would also invite local businesses to learn
about the benefits of hiring individuals from NHTC.
Rich Mulholland, CEO will continue to share information as it is learned.
New Housing
HCBS is also implementing new rules that will limit the number of group home occupants to four. NHTC is starting
to think about what needs to be done to comply with this change, anticipated for 2019.
Certified Behavior Specialist
Service Coordinator Dana Weber, is enrolled through the University of Arizona to become a Certified Behavior
Specialist for NHTC. Upon completion of the program, Dana will design all the NHTC behavior plans. South
Dakota has provided funding for each Community Support Provider (CSP) to participate in this training.
Forest Service
Rich Mulholland, CEO attended a meeting with the Forest Service Advisory Panel and received many positive
comments on the NHTC crew who worked this summer cleaning a number of picnic/campgrounds.
Next meeting: January/February 2016
Chris Davis,
NHTC Public Relations