Chapter 5 Define the following Key Terms - civil rights


Chapter 5

Define the following Key Terms

- civil rights

- Fourteenth Amendment

- equal protection of laws

- Suffrage

- poll taxes

- white primary

- Voting Rights Act of 1965

- comparable worth

- Americans with Disabilities Act

- affirmative action


I. Two Centuries of Struggle

A. Conceptions of Equality

1. A belief in equal rights has often led to a belief in _____________________. a. everyone should have the same _______________.

B. Early American Views of Equality

1. Delegates of the Constitutional Convention did their best to avoid facing tension between __________________ and _____________

C. The Constitution and Inequality

1. The word _____________ does not appear in the Constitution.

2. Not even the ___________________ mentions equality.

3. The first and only place the word __________________ appears in the

Constitution is in the __________ Amendment.

4. The 14 th

Amendment forbids states from:

5. The intention of the 14 th

Amendment was meant to help __________________

II. Race, the Constitution and Public Policy

A. The Era of Slavery

1. In the Supreme Court case ____________ v. ______________, Justice Taney proclaimed that:

2. The Supreme Court case ___________ v. _______________, justified slavery. a. established the doctrine of “______________ but _______________.”

B. The Era of Civil Rights

1. Civil Rights:

2. __________ v. ___________________ (1954) overturned

3. The 1950s and 1960s saw a marked increase in policies seeking

_________________________. a. Included polices that promoted




4. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 a. b. c.

C. Getting and Using the Right to Vote

1. suffrage:

2. Three methods used to keep minorities from voting




3. Voting Rights Act of 1965



D. Other Minority Groups

1. Native Americans

- The original inhabitants of the continent were not granted U.S. citizenship until _____________.

- _____________________________ (AIM)


2. Hispanic Americans

- Today, Hispanics comprise _____ percent of the population.

- _______________________________(MALDEF)


3. Asian Americans

- Faced discrimination in the areas of:

E. Women and the Constitution

1. The first advocates for women’s rights came from the ____________________ movement.

2. Groups such as ______________________ (NOW) and _________________ were organized to fight for gender equality.

3. Most Supreme Court cases dealing with gender inequality have been brought by _______ seeking equality with _____________.

- Orr v. Orr -

- Craig v. Boren -

- Stanton v. Stanton –

4. Title IX forbids:

5. The three most enduring controversies are




F. Newly Active Groups

1. The Elderly

- Primary area of discrimination is _______________

2. People with Disabilities

- Have suffered direct and indirect discrimination

- What is direct discrimination?

- What is indirect discrimination?

- Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA)




G. Gay and Lesbian Rights

1. Bowers v. Hardwick (1986) allowed states to:

III. Affirmative Action

1. The goal of affirmative action is to move beyond _________________ and produce ___________________.

2. The Constitutionality of affirmative action is ____________.

3. Opposition to affirmative action view it as _________________________.

Identify the significance of the following amendments to the U.S. Constitution.

13 th –

14 th –

15 th –

19 th –

24 th –

26 th –

Case and Year

Plessey v. Furguson (1896)

Brown v. Board of Education


Guinn v. United States (1915)

Smith v. Allwright (1944)

Issue/Question of the Court

Sweatt v. Painter (1950)

Korematsu v. United States


Reed v. Reed (1971)

Reeves v. Sanderson (2000)

Regents of the Univ. of

California v. Bakke (1978)


Youtube Videos – Watch each of the following videos and write one paragraph about what you learned.
