Soil Physics 477 Manoj K. Shukla Agronomy and Horticulture Introductory remarks on Soil Physics Soil Mechanics Soil properties, definitions, soil structure, surface tension, viscosity Soil Hydrology- soil water, soil water potential, Darcy's law Saturated/unsaturated flow through soil Water infiltration into soil Evaporation, evapotranspiration Guest Lectures Soil aeration, gas exchange Field Visit Heat flow and soil temperature Solute transport Five laboratory practicals: soil bulk density, particle size distribution, saturated hydraulic conductivity, soil-water characteristic and solute transport “Soil physics is just not an academic exercise. It involves applications for understanding present critical issues as food security, drinking water, pollution of waters, contamination of soils, air pollution, natural disasters as flooding and landslides …..” -Don Nielsen, Dean UCDavis Precipitation Evaporation Soil-Air Interface Vadose Zone Portion of aquifer where pore spaces are occupied with water and air (unsaturated zone) Applications of soil physics are crucial to sustainable use of natural resources for agricultural and other land uses Soil-Water Interface Ground water Capillary fringe zone Interaction of soil physics with basic and applied sciences Applications of soil physics to environment quality Soil physical properties and processes Greenhouse Effect: - Gaseous efflux of CO2, CH4, NOx - C sequestration aggregation Quality of Life Air quality Particulate matter in air: - Wind erosion - Blowing salt Environmental Soil Physics Soil Physics and Environment Quality Acid Rain: - Water quality - Vegetation cover - Biodiversity Soil quality Water quality Fresh water resources and quality: - Suspended and dissolved loads - Biological and chemical O2 demand - Pathogens Soil buffers and filters pollutants out of environment Soil properties are highly variable at multiple scales Molecules Particles or Pore Aggregate Column or Horizon Field or Watershed Regional Pedosphere Soil (i) The unconsolidated mineral or organic material on the immediate surface of the earth that serves as a natural medium for the growth of plants. (ii) The unconsolidated mineral or organic matter on the surface of the earth that has been subjected to and shows effects of genetic and environmental factors of: climate (including water and temperature effects), and macro- and microorganisms, conditioned by relief, acting on parent material over a period of time. A product-soil differs from the material from which it is derived in many physical, chemical, biological, and morphological properties and characteristics. Soil Genesis: The mode of origin of the soil with special reference to the processes or soil-forming factors responsible for development of the solum, or true soil, from unconsolidated parent material. According to Jenny (1941) soil is a f (climate, organisms, relief, parent material, time) Therefore, similar soil forming factors produce similar types of soils. Soil Classification is generally done to provide people (e.g., scientists, growers, and resource managers) with the information about the nature and properties of a soil found in a particular location. The principles of Soil Taxonomy are: to classify soils on the basis of properties, which are readily observable or measurable and should either affect soil genesis or result from soil genesis. Curtis F. Marbut (1930) NRCS: 11 soil orders: oxisols, aridsols, mollisols, alfisols, ultisols, spodsols, entisols, inceptisols, vertisols, histosols, and andisols. , water OM water Mineral Matter Air enviro/soil/soil22.gif Definitions Soil Physics: • study of soil physical properties and processes, their interactions with one another and the environment, spatial temporal variations in relation to the natural, anthropogenic or management factors • Application of principles of physics for understanding the dynamic interactions between mass and energy status of components (inorganic, organic) and phases (liquid, solid, gas) Soil Density: ratio of mass and volume • • • • Particle density (rs) Bulk density (wet and dry) (rb) Relative density or specific gravity (Gs) Dry specific volume (Vb) Soil Mapping: Cartographic representation of actually occurring soil pedons or polypedons Pedon: A three-dimensional soil matrix where horizons shape and relations can be studied Polypedons: A group of contiguous similar pedons Map unit: A group of areas uniquely identified on a soil map. It consists of a collection of polypedons Soil map: A map showing the distribution and locations of a map unit in relation to the prominent geographical, physical and cultural features Reconnaissance map: A map containing some areas or features shown in greater detail than usual Consociations: mapped areas consist of similar soils or are under a single soil texon Taxadjuncts: the properties are outside the range of a recognized soil series Soil taxonomy and Soil mapping units: Fundamentally different Soil texa: grouping of soil properties for the purpose of classification A soil mapping unit: pictorial representation of a pedon or polypedons actually occurring in an area. Soil Solids (i) Inorganic (> 95%) (ii) Organic Soil is a storehouse of water and nutrients (N,P,K, Ca, Mg, Zn, Cu etc) Buffering -ability to withstand or adapt to sudden change Filtering -ability to leach out pollutants Inorganic Component Primary Particles Discrete units; cannot be further subdivided; also known as soil separates sand, silt, clay Secondary Particles Consist of primary particles; can be further subdivided into its separates Particle size distribution Texture Quantitative Qualitative – based measure of particle on feel method size constituting -coarse, gritty, fine, the solid fraction smooth Particle size is important soil physical properties: Total porosity, pore size, and surface area Systems of Classification 1. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) 2. International Society of Soil Science (ISSS) 3. American Society of testing materials (ASTM) 4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) 5. US Public Road Administration (USPRA) 6. British Standard Institute (BSI) 7. German Standard (DIN) USDA System Soil separate Very coarse sand Coarse sand Medium sand Fine sand Very fine sand Silt Clay Size range (mm) 2.00 - 1.00 1.00 - 0.50 0.50 - 0.25 0.25 - 0.10 0.10 - 0.05 0.05 - 0.002 < 0.002 ISSS System Soil separate Coarse sand Fine sand Silt Clay D > 2 mm is known as nonsoil or skeletal fraction Size range (mm) 2.00 - 0.20 0.20 - 0.02 0.02 - 0.002 < 0.002 Sand – mostly quartz, feldspar and mica (fragments) traces of heavy metal, low surface area Silt – mineralogical composition is similar to sand, intermediate surface area Clay – reactive fraction of soil, colloidal, large surface area, high charge density Soil Separates Property Sand Silt Clay Size Shape Feel Plasticity Cohesion Surface area Mineralogy 2-0.02 mm jagged gritty not plastic not cohesive very low primary 0.02-0.002 mm slightly irregular smooth, floury slightly plastic slightly cohesive moderate primary minerals Heat of wetting Secondary particles Water holding Capacity Hardness none no none/slight minimal few moderate <0.002 mm platy/tube like sticky plastic cohesive, gelatinous very high secondary clay minerals high forms aggregates high, hygroscopic 5.5-7 (on mhos scale) none 5.5-7.0 -- very low high to very high Ion exchange capacity Clay Alumino-silicate Secondary clay minerals Also contain: Fine particles of Iron Oxide Fe2O3 Aluminum Oxide Al2O3 Calcium Carbonate CaCO3 Other salts Important properties of clay fraction 1. Easy hydration because of high affinity to water 2. High swell/shrink capacity because of expanding nature of clay lattice 3. High plasticity as it can retain shape when moist 4. Develops cracks when shrinks 5. Forms a cake when swells (cohesive forces) 6. High density of negative charge, which leads to the formation of electrostatic double layer when fully hydrated Process of determination of particle size fractions is known mechanical analysis Dispersion Fractionation Dispersion is removal of cementing materials to break secondary particles into primary Cementing Material Dispersing Agent Organic matter Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) Oxides of Fe and Al Oxalic acid, sodium sulfide Electrolytes Leaching with dilute acids Cohesion/adhesion Rehydration by boiling in H2O, shaking, titration, ultrasound vibration Fractionation is the process of physically separating the particles into different size fractions Methods of fractionation Approximate size range (mm) Sieving Sedimentation Optical Microscope Gravity sedimentation Permeability Gas absorption Electron microscope Elutriation Centrifugal sedimentation Turbidimetry 100.0 - 0.05 2.0 - < 0.002 1.0 - 0.001 0.1 - 0.0005 0.1 - 0.0001 0.1 - 0.0001 0.005 - 0.00001 0.05 - 0.005 0.01 - 0.00005 0.005 - 0.00005 Sieving or Direct sieving: Dispersed soil suspension is passed through a nest of sieves of different seizes: 2 mm, 1mm, 0.5 mm, 0.25 mm, 0.10 mm Primarily suited for coarse fraction Sedimentation analysis: Based on rate of fall of particles through liquid and depends on particle size and properties of liquid G.G. Stokes (1851) law – “Resistance offered by a liquid to a falling rigid spherical particle varies with the radius of the particle and not with its surface” Particle Size analysis: 1. Textural Classes 2. Frequency diagram 3. Summation Curve 4. Uniformity Coefficient F (r) r1 r2 Size distribution curve (schematics) Uniformity Coefficient = D60/D10 % Finer 60 For uniform particle size UC = 1 UC>1 for nonuniform 10 0.1 D10 D60 Diameter, mm 10 Particle Shape Depends on : (micrograph) - Size of particle (coarser more irregular) - Parent material - Degree of weathering Coarse fractions such as sand and silt are often angular or zigzag in shape Clay particles: plate or tubular shape Angularity (a shape having one or more sharp angles) reflects degree of weathering - Inverse relationship - Highly angular particles are less weathered - Become rounded with progressive weathering by water and wind Indices for Particle Shape: 1. Roundness : measure of the sharpness of corners 2. Sphericity: how close to a sphere n ri Roundness R i 1 n ri – radius of corner R- radius of maximum circle Dd Sphericity Dc Dd – diameter of a circle with an area equal to that of the particle projection as it rests on flat surface Dc- diameter of smallest circumscribing circle Dc r1 Soil Shapes: Well rounded rounded subrounded subangular angular very angular Specific Surface Area Properties related to SSA are CEC, retention and movement of chemicals, swell-shrink capacity, plasticity, cohesion and strength SSA is expressed as: Surface area per unit mass (am) Surface area per unit volume (av) Surface area per unit bulk volume (ab) SSA is expressed as: Surface area per unit mass (am) Surface area per unit volume (av) Surface area per unit bulk volume (ab) As m2 am Ms g As – total surface area As m2 av 3 Vs m Ms – mass of soil As m2 ab 3 Vt m Vt – total volume Vs – volume of soil solids SSA can be determined by: For powdery substances such as clay Adsorption isotherms Using inert substances such as N2, water vapor ethylene glycol Amount adsorbed Solution concentration Methods of measuring SSA By Ethylene Glycol - Dry soil sample is saturated with ethylene glycol in a vacuum desiccator - Excess polar liquid is removed under vacuum - Surface area is calculated from weight of ethylene glycol retained BET Method: Brunauer, Emmett, Teller (1938) Assumptions: 1. Nonpolar gas molecules are adsorbed in multilayer on a solid surface 2. Amount of adsorbed gas in monolayer in contact with the surface can be determined by constructing an adsorption isotherm and analyzing it mathematically Main assumption for BET equation 1. The molecules adsorbed on the first layer (directly on surface) are more energetically adsorbed than molecules on subsequent layers 2. Heat of adsorption of all layers after the first is equal to the latent heat of condensation of gas Linear form of BET equation p 1 c 1 p x ( po p ) x m c x m c po x = weight of gas adsorbed at equilibrium pressure p = equilibrium gas pressure po = saturation vapor pressure at temperature T xm = weight of gas in a complete monolayer c = exp(E1-L)/RTµ E1 = heat of adsorption in the first layer L = latent heat of condensation R = gas constant/mole (1,336 calories/mole) T = absolute temperature Procedure 1. Conduct adsorption experiment by varying p and measuring x (0.05 < p/po < 0.35) 2. Plot p/x(po-p) against p/p0 Intercept = 1/xmc = value Slope =(c-1)/xmc = value p/p0 Solve these two equations for xm p/x(p0-p) Total surface area of soil sample xm St N Am M St = total surface area xm = experimentally determined weight of gas in an adsorbed monolayer M = molecular weight of the adsorbate (28.01 for N2) N = Avogadro’s Number (6.02 x 1023) (calculated value of the number of atoms, molecules, etc. in a gram mole of any chemical substance) Am = cross. sectional area of gas molecule in the monolayer (16.2 x 10-20 m2 for N2) The specific surface area, am, is obtained by dividing the total surface area by the sample weight. Remember adsorption experiment must be conducted at or below the temperature of condensation of gas in order for significant adsorption to occur Clay Minerals Inorganic component consists of : - crystalline and noncrystalline - Primarily- Si, Al, Fe, H and O - Also- Ti, Ca, Mg, Mn, K, Na, and P - Colloidal - Secondary minerals Influences various soil properties: SA, CEC, Nutrient and water holding capacities, buffering and filtering capacities, water transport properties, soil structure etc. Basic Structural Units in Clay Minerals Tetrahedron (a pyramid Octahedron formed by four triangles ) (an eight-sided geometric solid ) Silicon atom placed equidistant from four oxygen or hydroxyls Si4O6(OH)4 Closely packed oxygen or hydroxyl with AL, Fe or Mg embedded These two are joined in 1:1 or 2:1 to form clay minerals Clay minerals are hydrous aluminum silicates Mg+2 and Fe+3- proxy for AL+3 Commonly observed secondary minerals Secondary Minerals Geothite Weatherability Most resistant Hematite Gibbsite Clay minerals Dolomite Calcite Gypsum Least resistant Geothite is rich in iron and weathers slowly to form oxide clays Hematite is an oxide mineral Fe2O3 Gibbsite is white crystalline mineral Al(OH)3 Dolomite is sedimentary rocks Ca or Mg(CO3)2 Calcite is mineral composed of CaCO3 Gypsum is natural crystalline mineral CaSO4.2H2O Charge Properties of Clay minerals Total charge on mineral surfaces is called intrinsic charge density or permanent charge Independent of soil reaction or pH Variable charge is pH or proton dependent Imbalance of complex proton and hydroxyl charges on surface Most soils have a net negative charge Some weathered soils may have net positive Electric double Layer + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Negative charge on clay particles is balanced by the cations in soil solution (due to Coulomb forces). + + + + + + + + + + + Dry Fully hydrated + + + Force that acts in two electrically charged bodies is proportional to the product of the module of their charges (q) divided by the square of the distance (d) between them F q1 q 2 d2 + + + + + + + + + + + Clay Particle + + + + + + + + + Diffuse layer + + + Soil Solution Electric double layer is due to the negative charge on clay particles and positive on surrounding cations in solution There are three models for explaining distribution of ion in water layer adjacent to clay Stern’s double layer Potential Helmholtz layer (Fixed) Gouy’s layer (Diffuse) Distance Helmholtz Model: All balancing cations are held in a fixed layer between the clay surface and soil solution Gouy-Chapman Model: A diffuse double layer due to the thermal energy of cations causing a concentration gradient, which leads to a condition of maximum entropy or diffuse double layer Stern Model: Combines the two concepts and proposes condition of free energy. Double layer comprises a rigid region next to mineral surface and a diffuse layer joining the bulk solution Stern double layer comprises of two parts: single ion thick layer fixed to solid surface diffused layer extending some distance into liquid phase Nernst Potential or Total Potential Potential Zeta Potential Thickness of double layer is the distance from the clay surface at which cation concentration reaches a uniform or minimum value Distance Zeta Potential: is the potential difference between the fixed and freely mobile diffuse double layer. It is also known as electrokinetic potential Nernst Potential: is the difference in cross potentials at the interface of two phases when there is no mutual relative motion. It is also called thermodynamic or reversible potential Stability of clay suspension Clay lattice High activity clays Low activity clays Greater distance between charged particles kaolinite montmorillonite, vermiculite Fully hydrated clay particles are completely dispersed Flocculation or Coagulation: sticking together in clusters Deflocculation or Dispersion- opposite Chemically Sodium Hexametaphosphate Mechanically Stirring or Ultrasound vibration Flocculation or Coagulation takes place once zeta potential is below the critical level Sodium hexametaphosphate increases the zeta potential and suspension remains stable and does not coagulate Effectiveness of a cation in causing flocculation depends on its valency H+ > K+ > Na+ > Li+ Ba+2 > Mg+2 Al+3 > Ca+2 > Mg+2 Dispersivity increases in the opposite direction Types of Flocculation 1. Incomplete 2. Random 3. Plate Condensation - Presence of dilute solutionweak or incomplete flocculation - Contact at the edges of clay plates - Cations are aligned between two clay plates 1. Almost all particulate or macroscopic materials in contact with a liquid acquire an electronic charge on their surfaces. 2. Zeta potential is an important and useful indicator of this charge which can be used to predict and control the stability of colloidal suspensions or emulsions. 3. The greater the zeta potential the more likely the suspension is to be stable because the charged particles repel one another and thus overcome the natural tendency to aggregate. 4. The measurement of zeta potential is often the key to understanding dispersion and aggregation processes 5. Zeta potential can also be a controlling parameter in processes such as adhesion, surface coating, filtration, lubrication and corrosion. A. The principal of determining zeta potential by microelectrophoresis is that a controlled electric field is applied via electrodes immersed in the sample suspension and this causes the charged particles to move towards the electrode of opposite polarity. B. Viscous forces acting upon the moving particle tend to oppose this motion and an equilibrium is rapidly established between the effects of the electrostatic attraction and the viscous drag. The particles therefore reach a constant "terminal" velocity. C. Terminal velocity dependents on electric field strength or voltage gradient, dielectric constant, viscosity and the zeta potential. D. It is usually expressed as the particle mobility or velocity under unit field strength. For all practical purposes, the relationship between mobility, µ, and zeta potential, z, in water at 25oC can be expressed as: z = 12.85 µ E. In practice, zeta potentials are usually negative, i.e. the surface is negatively charged, but they can lie anywhere in the range from -100 to +100 mV. Dispersed Particles Aggregated Particles High Zeta Potential Low Zeta Potential Packing Arrangement Influences several soil properties Void Solid 90o r0 r = 0.73 r0 Cubic form 60o Orthorhombic 45o Rhombohedral Porosity Cubic form: (8R3 – 4/3 pi R3)/8R3 = 0.48 Orthorhombic: (6.93 R3 – 4/3 pi R3)/6.9R3= 0.40 Rhombohedral: (5.66 R3 – 4/3 pi R3)/5.66R3= 0.26 Soil Structure Jacks (1963) “Union of mineral and organic matter to form organomineral complexes is a synthesis as vital to the continuance of life as, and less understood than, photosynthesis” - Arrangement of soil particles - Dynamic varies spatially temporarily - at multiple scales - Complex and is not completely understood - Most important soil physical properties - Often called surrogate property Soil Structure Pedological Edaphological Science dealing with influence of soils on living things, plants Ecological - 3-D arrangement of particles (O + IO) - Mechanistic with regard to components - size, shape, arrangement, and packing into identifiable units (aggregate, peds) Engineering 1. Functional attributes such as voids and pores governing plant and root growth 2. Soil-pore system Ecological = Pedological + Edaphological 1. Intraaggregate pore 2. Interaggregate pores Macroaggregate Intra-aggregate (within aggregate) pore space influences water retention > 0.25 mm diameter Differences in Inter-aggregate (between aggregates) pore space can influence water and solute movement through soil profile Mechanisms of Aggregation - Russell’s theory of crumb formation - Calcium linkage theory - Clay water structure - Edge-surface proximity concept - Emerson’s model - Organic bond theory - Clay domain theory - Quasi crystal theory - Microaggregate theory - Aggregate hierarchy model - POM nucleus model Russell’s (1934) Theory of Crumb Formation (Clay particles bound together through inonic bond) - Clay particles have charge when hydrated - Charged particles are surrounded by electric double layer - Every clay particle is surrounded by an envelop of water - As moisture content decreases, thickness of water envelop decreases - Each ion shares it’s envelop with two clay particles thus holding it tight Criteria for Crumb Formation - Particles must have high CEC and SSA - Smaller than a particular size (sand and silt not essential) - Liquid must have a dipole (property of water) moment - Presence of polyvalent cations Calcium Linkage Theory (Williams, 1935; Peterson, 1947) - Negatively charged organic materials e.g., polysaccharides (long chains of monosaccharide units bonded together; e.g., glycogen, starch, and cellulose) are absorbed on clay by polyvalent cations Clay – Mg – OH, Clay – Be - OH (C6H10O5)n Clay – Ca – OOC – R – Ca – OOC – R – Ca – Clay + + - + + - C6H7O2 (OH)x (OC2H5)y [O(CH2CH2O)mH]z]n Clay- Water Structure (Rosenquist, 1959) Adhesion (molecular attraction exerted between bodies in contact) between clay particles is a function of the difference between the surface energy of the adsorbed and pore water Edge-Surface Proximity Concept (Schofield and Samson, 1954; Trollope and Chan, 1959) A card house structure based on establishment of equilibrium between adjacent particles due to edge-surface proximity Flocculation occurs due to electrostatic attraction Much more stable than caused by lowering of zeta potential Emerson’s model (1959) - Extension of Russell’s model - Positive edge and negative face - Both clay and quartz (sand, silt) - Structure disappears as soil dries if no polyvalent cation present Following four types of bond were proposed - Hydrogen bonding between carboxyl group and clay - Ionic bonding between carboxyl group and clay - Interaction of electric double layers leading to formation of domains - Bonding between organic and inorganic colloids Organic Bond Theory (Greenland, 1965) Soil organic matter forms ionic bonds Clay Domain Theory (Williams et al., 1967) Soil macroaggregates Sand or Silt Particles x x x x x x x x Microaggregates x x x - Exist in domains up to about 5 mm in diameter x x x x Organic molecule x Domain of clay Crystals for microaggregate - Clusters of domains are called microaggregates (51000 mm) - Clusters of microaggregates are macroaggregates (1-5 mm) Quasi Crystals Theory (Aylmore and Quirk, 1971) - Modified Williams et al. 1967 theory - Parallel clay crystals (5 mm in diameter) forms quasi crystals (0.011.3 mm) - Quasi crystals are stable packets (Oades and Waters, 1991) - the 3 stages of binding of clay particles are: - into stable packets of < 20 mm - into microaggregates of 20-250 mm - stable macroaggregates >250 mm Microaggregate Theory (Edwards and Bremner, 1967) - soil consists of microaggregates (< 250 mm) bound on macroaggregates (> 250 mm) - bonds are stronger in micro than macroaggregates - Microaggregate = [(Cl – P – OMx ]y - Cl is clay, P- polyvalent cation, OM is organometallic complex) Stages of Aggregation (Tisdall and Oades, 1982) [Cl – P – OM]x [Cl – P – OM] < 0.2 mm 0.2 2 20 [(Cl – P – OM)x]y 250 2000 mm Aggregate Hierarchy Model (Oades and Waters, 1991) - For aggregates stabilized by organic materials- stages are: < 0.2 mm 20- 90 90-250 >250 mm POM Nucleus Model Particulate organic matter form a nucleus – around clay to form microaggregate and around microaggregates to form macroaggregate Factors Affecting Aggregation - Drying and Wetting - Freezing and Thawing - Biotic Factors - Soil Tillage - Soil Amedments Crusting or Surface Seal Crusting: Hardening of the surface layers of soil Aggregates at the soil-air interface are broken or dispersed by: rapid wetting, drying, tillage or traffic Reorientation of dispersed particles Drying of the surface Leads to the formation of soil crust or surface seal Which has low porosity, high density, low permeability to air and water Types of Crusts: Physical Crusts Chemical Crusts Biological Crusts Physical Crusts Formed due to the alteration in structural properties - Structural: due to the disruption of aggregates by rain Upper surface (1-3 mm thick) has low permeability - Depositional: Transport of fine particles by runoff thicker than structural crusts Chemical Crusts - Formed due to salt incrustation on soil surface (arid/semi-arid) Biological Crusts - Are primarily formed by algal growth - Such a crust is highly hydrophobic, low infiltration Factors effecting Deflocculation - Rainfall Factors - Weather - Soil properties - Field Moisture Content - Microrelief Rainfall factor: Kinetic energy (0.5 m v2) of rainfall and momentum (M= mv) Weather factor: wetting/freezing; freeze-thaw cycles Soil Properties: texture, clay mineralogy, SOC, aggregates Field moisture Content: Influences aggregate strength, slaking, dispersion Microrelief: Rough soil bed decreases susceptibility to crust formation Mechanism of Crust Formation Dispersion - Dispersion of aggregates - Orientation and hardening by desiccation (dryness due to water removal) Charge Distribution on Colloids - Permanent charge (1:1 or 1:2 clay); Variable charge (oxides, SOC..) - Low activity clays high dispersion - Low SOC of soil high dispersion Desiccation Crust Development - Ploughed field with clods - Rainfall- clod breakdown, aggregate breakdown, particle rearrangement - Aggregate coalescence beneath crust, deposition of fine particles - Maximum runoff, erosion of washed out layer Rheology and Plasticity Science dealing with the study of deformation-time propertiesof material in response to applied stress Soil consistance refers to the physical forces of cohesion and adhesion acting with in the soil at a range of soil moisture content Atterberg defined consistence as: Harsh-friable-soft-plastic-sticky and viscous Harsh- dry soil Friable- easily crumbles into granules Soft- visibly wet Plastic- wet enough to be molded into different form Sticky- adheres to other objects Viscous- soil is near saturation and behaves like a viscous liquid Soil Plasticity It is soils ability to change shape without cracking It depends on clay content of soil Sandy/coarse textured soils are not plastic Plasticity Theories 1. Water Film Theory: soil cohesion depends on van der waals forces, electrostatic forces, cation bridging, surface tension etc. water content increases soil cohesion decreases 2. Critical State Theory: Soil is deformed but does not change volume . Soil is plastic and at critical state Atterberg Constants Shrinkage Limit: It is the lower limit of soil moisture content at which no further change in soil volume occurs. Lower Plastic Limit: Moisture content corresponding to lower limit of plastic range (suction of 500 to 2000 cm of water) Cohesion Limit: moisture content at which crumbs of soil cease to adhere when placed in contact with one another Sticky Limit: Lower limit of moisture content at which soil sticks to a steel spatula Upper Plastic Limit: this is known as liquid limit or lower limit of viscous flow. Soil water mixture starts flowing at this stage. Upper Limit of Viscous Flow: mixture of soil and water flows like a liquid Soil Indices Plasticity Index: PI = UPL – LPL Liquidity Index:LI = [w(%)- UPL]/PI Activity Ratio: AR = PI/ Clay content (%) Factors Affecting Atterberg’s Limits 1. Clay Content 2. Clay Minerals 3. Exchangeable cation 4. Soil organic matter (no net effect) Methods of Measurement 1. Casagrande Test 2. Drop-Cone test 3. Indirect methods: 1. Proctor Test 2. pF Curve 3. Hydraulic Conductivity 4. Viscosity 5. Shear Strength Soil and Water evaporation Created by Dr. Michael Pidwirny, Department of Geography, Okanagan University College, BC, CA Main Objectives: Comprehend characteristics and properties of water in soils Understand and capable of explaining terms and concepts used in describing soil water Key terms and Concepts: Cohesion and adhesion Surface tension Capillarity Soil water content Soil water energy (gravitational, matric, and osmotic) Maximum retentive capacity, field capacity, wilting point References: Nature and Properties of Soil (Brady) Principles of Soil Physics (Lal and Shukla) Soil Hydrology (Kutilek and Nielsen) Environmental Soil Science (Hillel) What is Soil? It is the interface between atmosphere and lithosphere (the mantle of rocks making up the Earth's crust) According to engineering definition it is all unconsolidated material above bedrock According to soil science, it is naturally occurring layers of mineral and (or) organic constituents that differ from the underlying parent material in their physical, chemical, and mineralogical properties Rock What is Water? A binary compound (H2O) that occurs at room temperature as a clear colorless, odorless, tasteless liquid Freezes into ice below 0 degree centigrade and boils above 100 degree centigrade Necessary for the life on earth (human, animals and plants) Constitutes 60-70 % of a live stock animal’s body Constitute 55-60 % of young adults and ~75% of infants Hydrogen Electro positive Hydrogen H-O : 0.97 A 1050 H-H : 1.54 A Polarity Oxygen Negative Symmetrical angstroms Hydrogen bond H+ H2O = O-- + - H+ Gives structural strength Bond depends on temperature: Higher is the temperature weaker is bond Positive end attraction with -ve end of other water molecules Polymer type of grouping H+ H+ O- Cations: Na+, K+, Ca2+ : become hydrated through their attraction to the Oxygen Anions or negatively charged clay surfaces: attract water through hydrogen Does water swell and shrink with Temperature? 1 0.998 40 C 0.996 Density (g cm-3) 0.994 0.992 0.990 Temperature (0C) -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 Temperature range in liquid phase for H+ compounds 100 Boiling point Freezing point H2O (2+16=18) Temperature (0C) 50 Hydrogen telluride 0 H2Te Hydrogen sulfide -50 H 2S (130) H2Se (80) Hydrogen selenide (2+32=34) -100 0 50 Molecular Weight 100 If water were an ordinary compound whose molecules are subject to weak forces, its boiling and freezing point would fall below hydrogen sulfide Strong hydrogen bonding between water molecules prevents this Water occurs in all three states (solid, liquid, and gaseous) at prevailing temperatures on the earth’s surface Example: Ice cubes in a glass at room temperature Why water wets clean glass? Surface of glass has O and unpaired electrons Water molecules form hydrogen bond Force stronger than gravity Why water does not stick to glass surface coated with grease? Surface of grease has no O and free electrons Water molecules cannot form hydrogen bond Therefore, water do not stick Forces acting on a water molecules Air-water Interface Air At point A: A Attraction of air for water molecules is much less than that of water molecules for each other. B At point B: Forces acting on water molecule are equal in all direction Water Consequently, there is a net downward force on the surface molecules, and result is something like a compressed film at the surface. This phenomenon is called surface tension Capillary Fundamentals and Soil Water Cohesion: Attraction of molecules for each other Adhesion: Attraction of water molecules for solid surfaces By adhesion, solids hold water molecules rigidly at their soil-water surface By cohesion water molecules hold each other away from solid surfaces Together it is possible for soil solids to retain water and control it’s movement Gravity Capillary Water rises in the capillary against the force of gravity !!!! What happens if there is no force of gravity !!!!! Water Water Surface Tension The cohesive forces between liquid molecules are responsible for the phenomenon known as surface tension The molecules at the surface do not have other like molecules on all sides of them and consequently they cohere more strongly to those directly associated with them on the surface. This forms a surface "film" which makes it more difficult to move an object through the surface than to move it when it is completely submersed. Surface tension is typically measured in dynes/cm. The force in dynes required to break a film of length 1 cm Equivalently, it can be stated as surface energy in ergs/cm2 Water at 20°C has a surface tension of 72.8 dynes/cm compared to 22.3 for ethyl alcohol and 465 for mercury The dipolar interaction between water molecules represents a large amount of internal energy (the energy associated with the random, disordered motion of molecules) and is a factor in water's large specific heat (the amount of heat per unit mass required to raise the temperature by one degree Celsius). The dipole moment of water provides a "handle" for interaction with microwave electric fields in a microwave oven. Microwaves can add energy to the water molecules, whereas molecules with no dipole moment would be unaffected. Dipolar Bonding in Water Contact Angle Solid Liquid Gas Young’s equation Liquid and gas (air) in contact with solid Interface between air and water forms a definite angle “contact angle” g sa g sw cos a g wa gsa > gsw; cos a = + or a < 900 Angle of contact is acute in a liquid that wets the solid L Air Solid L Angle of contact is obtuse (between 90 and 180) in a liquid that does not wet the solid Air Solid Forces that affect movement of water into the soil Gravity: a constant force that pulls the water downward Cohesion: attraction of water molecules for each other. It is the force that holds a droplet of water together Adhesion: attraction of water molecules to other substances. This force causes water molecules to adhere to other objects, such as soil particles Placing a drop of water on a piece of newsprint paper Force of adhesion between the water molecules and the paper molecules is greater than the force of cohesion that holds the water molecules together The water droplet spreads out and soaks into the paper Placing a drop of water on a piece of waxed paper Force of adhesion between the water molecules and the paper molecules is lower than the force of cohesion that holds the water molecules together The water droplet remains intact Hydrophilic Versus Hydrophobic Soils When the adhesive forces between water molecules and an object are weaker than the cohesive forces between water molecules, the surface repels water and is said to be hydrophobic. Hydrophobic soils restrict the entry of water, which 'balls up' or sits on the soil in beads rather than infiltrating the soil. Hydrophobic soils exhibit an obtuse (greater than or equal to 90o) wetting angle that causes capillary repulsion, so preventing water from entering soil pores Hydrophilic or normally wettable soils display an acute (less than 90o) angle of contact with water, allowing infiltration. adhesive forces between water molecules and an object are stronger than the cohesive forces between water molecules Capillary Mechanism 2 r1 Rise continues till: Weight of water in the tube (force of gravity) = Total cohesive and adhesive forces h1 2 r2 h2 Water 2r Force of gravity = Mass of water column * Acceleration = (volume of water * density) * g = (p * r2* h) *dw * g …………(A) Total cohesive and adhesive forces h = (perimeter) * surface tension =2*p*r*g At equilibrium: …………(B) Water A=B (p * r2* h) *dw * g = 2 * p * r * g 2 *g h r * dw * g use Show 0.15 h r g = 72.75 dynes/cm dw= 0.9982 g/cm3 g = 980 cm/s2 If two principle radii r1 and r2 0.15 h r 1 1 h 0.15 r1 r2 This relationship tells us that: Capillary Rise Capillary rise is higher in small pores r = 0.1 cm; h = 1.5 cm r = 1.0 cm; h = 0.15 cm r = 10 cm; h = 0.015 cm Radius The inverse relationship between height of rise of water and radius of soil pores may not be always valid: Soil pores are not straight uniform openings as a tube Some soil pores may entrap air and slow down the capillary rise Soil solids Tortuous flow paths of water Entrapped air water 0.15 h r Height (cm) Loam Sand Clay compacted Time (days) Brady,1984 Capillary water Adsorbed water Enlarged soil particles or aggregates Two forms of water in soil Soil solids tightly absorb water Capillary forces hold water in capillary pores Soil Water Content Soil Moisture Content Water that may be evaporated from soil by heating at 1050C to a constant weight mass of water evaporated (g) Gravimetric moisture content (w) = mass of dry soil (g) volume of water evaporated (cm3) Volumetric moisture content (q) = volume of soil (cm3) q= w* bulk density of soil density of water 3 cm g 3 cm g g 3 cm 3 g g cm g g cm 3 g cm 3 mass of dry soil (g) Bulk density of soil (r) = volume of soil (cm3) Soil Moisture Content: Methods of Measurement 1. Difficulties encountered for accurate moisture measurement in the field: 2. Soils are highly variable 3. Soil moisture is highly dynamic (spatial temporal variability) 4. Plant water uptake is highly variable depending upon the stage of growth 5. State of growth is again dependent upon nutrient application, water availability, pests etc. 6. Chemicals present in the soil can make measurements unreliable 7. Costs involved Methods for soil water content Direct method (Gravimetric; Thermogravimetric) Electrical properties Indirect methods Radiation technique Acoustic method Thermal properties Chemical methods -Neutron scattering g- ray attenuation Electrical Conductance - Gypsum blocks - Nylon blocks - Change in conductance Dielectric constant TDR Principles underlying different methods of assessment of soil water content DIRECT Gravimetric: evaporating water at 1050C. Thermogravimetric: Soil sample is weighted and saturated with alcohol and burned several times until a constant dry weight is obtained INDIRECT Electrical Conductance Methods of soil water content determination Methods for soil water content Direct method (Gravimetric; Thermogravimetric) Electrical properties Hand-feel method Radiation technique Acoustic method Indirect methods Thermal properties -Neutron scattering g- ray attenuation Electrical Conductance - Gypsum blocks - Nylon blocks - Change in conductance Dielectric constant TDR FDR ADR Chemical methods DIRECT Gravimetric: evaporating water at 1050C. Feel Method: Thermogravimetric: Soil sample is weighted and saturated with alcohol and burned several times until a constant dry weight is obtained Advantages: ensures accurate measurements, not dependent on salinity and soil type, easy to calculate Disadvantage: destructive test, time consuming, inapplicable to automatic control, must know dry bulk density to transform data to volume moisture content, inaccurate because of soil variability There are many classifications for soil types and major differences within each classification Soil management can have a major impact upon these soil properties. Compaction is the major cause of error in bulk density. INDIRECT ELECTROMAGNETIC TECHNIQUES: Resistive Sensor (General) Electromagnetic techniques include methods that depend upon the effect of moisture on the electrical properties of soil. Soil resistivity: depends on moisture content; hence it can serve as the basis for a sensor. It is possible either to measure the resistivity between electrodes in a soil or to measure the resistivity of a material in equilibrium with the soil. Advantage: can provide absolute soil water content, can determine water content at any depth, sensor configuration can vary in size so sphere of influence or measurement is adjustable, high level of precision when ionic concentration of the soil does not change, can be read by remote methods Disadvantage: difficulty with resistive sensors is that the absolute value of soil resistivity depends on ion concentration as well as on moisture concentration, calibration is required, calibration not stable with time , high cost o Porous blocks are made of: gypsum, ceramic, nylon, and fiberglass o The blocks are buried in intimate contact with the soil at depths and allowed to come to equilibrium with the surrounding soil o Once equilibrium is reached, different properties of the block which are affected by its water tension may be measured One of the more common types of porous blocks are electrical resistance blocks Electrodes buried in the block are used to measure the resistance to electrical current flow between them. Resistance is affected by the water content of the block Higher resistance readings mean lower block water content and thus higher soil water tension. • • Electrical resistance blocks are best suited for finer-textured soils • For most coarse-textured soils readings of 100 cb and above are well outside the available soil water range They are generally not sensitive to changes in soil water tension less than 100 centibars (cb) Thermal dissipation blocks are porous ceramic blocks in which a small heater and temperature sensors are embedded This arrangement allows measurement of the thermal dissipation of the block, or the rate at which heat is conducted away from the heater This property is directly related to the water content of the block Thermal dissipation blocks must be individually calibrated. Considerably more expensive than electrical resistance blocks. Watermark Blocks. or granular matrix sensor: is a relatively new The electrodes are embedded in a granular matrix material which approximates compressed fine sand. A gypsum wafer is embedded in the granular matrix near electrodes A synthetic porous membrane and a PVC casing with holes drilled in it hold the block together The granular matrix material enhances the movement of water to and from the surrounding soil, making the block more responsive to soil water tensions in the 0 to 100 cb range Watermark blocks exhibit good sensitivity to soil water tension over a range from 0 to 200 cb Are more adaptable to a wider range of soil textures and irrigation regimes than gypsum blocks Readings are taken by attaching a special electrical resistance meter to the wire leads and setting the estimated soil temperature Watermark blocks require little maintenance and can be left in the soil under freezing conditions The blocks are much more stable and have a longer life than gypsum blocks Soil salinity affects the electrical resistivity of the soil water solution and may cause erroneous readings The gypsum wafer in the Watermark blocks offers some buffering of this effect. Resistive Sensor (Gypsum, 1940): soil moisture tension, response time: 2 to 3 hours One of the most common methods of estimating matric potential is with gypsum or porous blocks The device consists of a porous block containing two electrodes connected to a wire lead The porous block is made of gypsum or fiberglass When the device is buried in the soil, water will move in or out of the block until the matric potential of the block and the soil are the same The EC of the block is then read with an alternating current bridge (0 as dry and 100 as wet) A calibration curve is made to relate EC to the h for any particular soil Advantage: low cost , repeatability Disadvantage: each block requires individual calibration, calibration changes with time, life of device limited, provides inaccurate measurement for soil salinity, prone to breakdown in alkaline soil Dielectric Constant (K) K 0 How an electric field affects and is affected by the medium (farads/m) The dielectric constant is the relative permittivity of a dielectric material. Dielectric constant for water is about 80 and for soil is 5 to 7 (Hz; cycle/s) Dielectrics have the strange property of making space seem bigger or smaller than it looks. When you put some dielectric between two electric charges it reduces the force acting between them Dielectric constant of a material affects how electromagnetic signals (light, radio waves, millimeter-waves, etc.) move through the material A high value of dielectric constant makes the distance inside the material look bigger. This means that light travels more slowly Dielectric constant determines the velocity of an electromagnetic wave or pulse through the soil In a composite material like the soil (i.e., made up of different components like minerals, air and water), the value of the permittivity is made up by the relative contribution of each of the components Since dielectric constant of liquid water (K = 81) is much larger than that of the other soil constituents (e.g. K = 2-5 for soil minerals and 1 for air) The total permittivity of the soil or bulk permittivity is mainly governed by the presence of liquid water q = -5.3•10-2 + 2.29•10-2K1 - 5.5•10-4K2 + 4.3•10-6K3… Topp et al. (1980) - Valid for most mineral soils and for moisture below 50%. - For larger q, organic or volcanic soils, needs specific calibration - At low frequencies (<100 MHz) it is more soil-specific Capacitive Sensor- q, instantaneous Q=CV C- capacitance Capacitor- a device that can store electric charge Soil moisture content may be determined via its effect on dielectric constant by measuring the capacitance between two electrodes implanted in the soil Where soil moisture is predominantly in the form of free water (e.g., in sandy soils), the dielectric constant is directly proportional to the moisture content The probe is normally given a frequency excitation to permit measurement of the dielectric constant Disadvantages: The readout from the probe is not linear with water content and is influenced by soil type and soil temperature, long-term stability questionable, costly Frequency Domain Reflectometry: radio frequency (RF) capacitance techniques Actually measures soil capacitance A pair of electrodes is inserted into the soil Soil acts as the dielectric completing a capacitance circuit, which is part of a feedback loop of a high frequency transistor oscillator As high frequency radio waves (about 150 MHz) are pulsed through the capacitance circuitry, a natural resonant frequency is established which is dependent on the soil capacitance, which is related to the dielectric constant by the geometry of the electric field established around the electrodes Two commercially available instruments using this technique: the Troxler Sentry 200-AP probe and the Aquaterr probe Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR): q, 28 s The soil bulk dielectric constant (K) is determined by measuring the time it takes for an electromagnetic pulse (wave) to propagate along a transmission line (L) that is surrounded by the soil Since the propagation velocity (v) is a function of K, the latter is therefore proportional to the square of the transit time (t, in seconds) down and back along the L K = (c/v)2 = ((c.t)/(2.L))2 where c is the velocity of electromagnetic waves in a vacuum (3•108 m/s or 186,282 mile/s) and L is the length embedded in the soil (in m or ft) TDR determinations involve measuring the propagation of electromagnetic (EM) waves or signals Propagation constants for EM waves in soil, such as velocity and attenuation, depend on soil properties, especially q and EC The propagation of electrical signals in soil is influenced by q and EC The dielectric constant, measured by TDR, provides a good measurement of this soil water content Disadvantage: Costly, not really independent of salt content Amplitude-Domain Reflectometry (ADR) Impedance When an electromagnetic wave (energy) traveling along a transmission line (L) reaches a section with different impedance (which has two components: EC and dielectric constant), part of the energy transmitted is reflected back into the transmitter. Reflected wave interacts with the incident wave producing change of wave amplitude along the length If the soil/probe combination is the cause for impedance change in L, measuring the amplitude difference gives the impedance of the probe Influence of soil EC is minimized by choosing a signal frequency, so that soil q can be estimated from the soil/probe impedance Disadvantage: Measurement affected by air gaps, stones or channeling water directly onto probe rods, and small sensing volume (0.27 in3) Time Domain Transmission (TDT) This method measures the one-way time for an electromagnetic pulse to propagate along a transmission line (L). Thus, it is similar to TDR, but requires an electrical connection at the beginning and ending of the length. Notwithstanding, the circuit is simple compared with TDR instruments. Disadvantages: Reduced precision, because the generated pulse is distorted during transmission; soil disturbance during installation; needs to be permanently installed in the field NUCLEAR TECHNIQUES: Neutron Scattering, q, 1 to 2 min With this method, fast neutrons emitted from a radioactive source are thermalized or slowed down by hydrogen atoms in the soil Since most hydrogen atoms in the soil are components of water molecules, the proportion of thermalized neutrons is related to q Advantages: can measure a large soil volume, can scan at several depths to obtain a profile of moisture distribution, nondestructive, water can be measured in any phase Disadvantages: high cost of the instrument, salinity, must calibrate for different types of soils, excess tube, radiation hazard, insensitivity near the soil surface, insensitivity to small variations in moisture content at different points within a 30 to 40 cm radius, and variation in readings due to soil density variations (error rate of up to 15 percent) Gamma Attenuation: volumetric water content, < 1 min This method assumes that the scattering and absorption of gamma rays are related to the density of matter in their path The specific gravity of a soil remains relatively constant as the wet density changes with increases or decreases in moisture Changes in wet density are measured by the gamma transmission technique and the moisture content is determined from this density change Advantages: can determine mean water content with depth, can be automated for automatic measurements and recording, can measure temporal changes in soil water, nondestructive measurement Disadvantages: restricted to soil thickness of 1 inch or less, but with high resolution, affected by soil bulk density changes, costly and difficult to use, large errors possible when used in highly stratified soils Nuclear Magnetic Resonance: volumetric water content, < 1 min Water in the soil is subjected to both a static and an oscillating magnetic field at right angles to each other A radio frequency detection coil, turning capacitor, and electromagnet coil are used as sensors to measure the spin echo and free induction decays Nuclear magnetic resonance imaging can discriminate between bound and free water in the soil Remote Sensing Techniques: Soil surface moisture, instantaneous This method includes satellite, radar (microwaves), and other noncontact techniques The remote sensing of soil moisture depends on the measurement of electromagnetic energy that has been either reflected or emitted from the soil surface The intensity of this radiation with soil moisture may vary depending on dielectric properties, soil temperature, or some combination of both For active radar, the attenuation of microwave energy may be used to indicate the moisture content of porous media because of the effect of moisture content on the dielectric constant Thermal infrared wavelengths are commonly used for this measurement Advantages: remote measurements, over large area Disadvantages: system large and complex, costly, for surface soil Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR). This technique is based on the same principle as TDR, but does not require direct contact between the sensor and the soil. When mounted on a vehicle close to the soil surface, it has the potential of providing rapid, non-disturbing, soil moisture measurements over relatively large areas (TDR is better for detailed measurements over small areas) Although it has been applied successfully to many field situations, GPR has not been widely used because the methodology and instrumentation are still only in the research and development phase New remote sensing (non-contact) methods specially suited for soil moisture monitoring over large areas and usually mounted on airplanes or satellites: the active and passive microwave, and electromagnetic induction (EMI) Active and EMI methods (EC only) use two antennae to transmit and receive electromagnetic signals that are reflected by the soil, whereas the passive microwave (EC and q both) just receives signals naturally emitted by the soil surface Other: X-ray tomography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) Optical Methods: Soil water content, instantaneous Method relies on changes in the characteristics of light due to soil characteristics These methods involve the use of polarized light, fiber optic sensors, and near-infrared sensors Polarized light is based on the principle that the presence of moisture at a surface of reflection tends to cause polarization in the reflected beam Using this device, an achromatic light source is directed at the soil surface Fiber optic sensors are based on a section of unclad fiber embedded in the soil Light attenuation in the fiber varies with the amount of soil water in contact with the fiber because of its effect on the refractive index and thus on the critical angle of internal reflection Near-infrared methods depend on molecular absorption at distinct wavelengths by water in the surface layers; therefore, they are not applicable where the moisture distribution is very nonhomogeneous Neutron Moderation TDR FD (Capacitance and FDR) ADR Phase Transmissi on TDT Reading range 0-0.60 ft3ft-3 0.05-0.50 ft3ft-3 0-Saturation 0-Saturation 0.05-0.5 ft3ft-3 0.05-0.5 ft3ft-3 Accuracy (with soil-specific calibration) ±0.005 ft3ft-3 ±0.01 ft3ft-3 ±0.01 ft3ft-3 ±0.01-0.05 ft3ft-3 ±0.01 ft3ft-3 ±0.05 ft3ft-3 Measurement volume Sphere (6-16 in. radius) about 1.2 in. radius around length of waveguides Sphere (about 1.6 in. effective radius) Cylinder (about 1.2 in.) Cylinder (4-5 gallons) Cylinder (0.2-1.6 gallons) of 2 in. radius Installation method Access tube Permanently buried in situ or inserted for manual readings Permanently buried in situ or PVC access tube Permanently buried in situ or inserted for manual readings Permanentl y buried in situ Permanently buried in situ Logging capability No Depending on instrument Yes Yes Yes Yes Affected by salinity No High levels Minimal No >3 dS/m At high levels None Organic, dense, salt or high clay soils None None None Organic, dense, salt or high clay soils Field maintenance No No No No No No Safety hazard Yes No No No No No Irrigation, Research, Consultants Irrigation, Research, Consultants Irrigation, Research Irrigation, Research Irrigation Irrigation $10,00015,000 $400-23,000 $100-3,500 $500-700 $200-400 $400-1,300 Soil types not recommended Application Cost