British Colonization in North America Part 1: Virginia, Chesapeake

British Colonization in North America Part 1: Virginia, Chesapeake, & New England colonies
Settling the British Colonies
 Unlike the Spanish & French, the ______________colonies were not funded or strictly controlled by the king:
o ________________________ companies were formed by investors who hoped to profit off new colonies
o Once a _________________ was gained from the king, the company could maintain a colony in America
Jamestown, Virginia
 In 1606, the ___________________ Company was formed by investors hoping to find ______ in the New World
 In 1607, Jamestown became the _______________ permanent _______________ colony in America
The Chesapeake Colonies
 ____________________ was founded along the Chesapeake Bay in present-day _____________________.
 Settlers built a _____________, but struggled to ___________________ in their first years in America.
o Settlers arrived looking for gold so they did not __________________ to stay long in America; They did not
_________________ and faced ________________________.
o John _________________________ took control and forced settlers to farm.
 Jamestown was located on a _______________and led to outbreaks of ________________ among colonists.
 Jamestown was located in a territory controlled by the _______________ Indians who attacked the settlement.
 In 1622 Powhatan uprising killed _________________ Jamestown colonists
 After the Jamestown colonists established their colony, the _____________________ investors demanded the colonists find a
way to make _____________________.
 In 1612, John ________________ introduced _____________________ in Jamestown which was popular in Europe and
made investor’s money.
 ___________________ became so popular that colonists planted more, built large _________________ and expanded to find
__________________ land for farming.
 Due to the __________________ of tobacco, Jamestown grew into “______________________”
 Tobacco created a need for ______________________ plant and pick the tobacco.
Virginia Workers
 To meet the ___________________ for field _________________, Virginians used:
o __________________________servants from England; Typically ________________ men who agreed to work for
a land owner for ___________________ yrs. in exchange for ________________ to America
o In 1618, the _____________________ system was created; __________________ acres were given to anyone who
brought an indentured servant to America
o ________________________slaves
The Chesapeake Colonies
 The large population of _______________ in __________________ led thousands of people to immigrate as
_______________________ servants to America.
 Indentured servants were worked _______________, treated ____________, and many ___________________ before their
contracts ended.
 In addition to indentured servants, Virginia’s landowners also used _________________ slaves who were first brought to
Jamestown in 1619.
 In the mid-1600’s, ______________ indentured servants came to America as the British economy improved; As a result,
African slavery __________________ indentured servitude as the dominant labor system in Virginia.
 African slaves were transported from Africa to America on slave ships across the “_______________________”.
 Social hierarchy in the Chesapeake
o Owners of ____________________ _____________ plantations were at the ____________ of society.
o __________, land owners were the ____________ class; most were ____________ indentured servants.
o There were __________ women in Virginia, which made it difficult for colonists to marry or to have large families.
o Indentured servants were often ______________________
o Slaves were at the ___________________ of society.
The Virginia House of Burgesses
o Virginia colonists needed _____________ to maintain order but the British government was thousands of miles
across the Atlantic Ocean.
In 1619, Virginian’s formed the House of ____________which was the _________________elected
_______________________ in America.
o Virginia was a _______________l colony so it had a governor chosen by the king, but the House of Burgesses made
the important decisions regarding ______________ and __________________.
Bacon’s Rebellion
 Even though the leaders of the House of Burgesses were elected, they were plantation ____________________ who did not
always _____________________ the _____________ farmers of the colony.
 _______________ indentured servants in western VA suffered from ____________ tobacco ________________ &
_______________ attacks
 Poor farmers, led by Nathaniel ______________, blamed VA’s royal governor & started a _________________
 Bacon’s Rebellion proved to rich Virginians that ______________ were ______________ than indentured servants because
slaves would _______________ ask for ________________________
The New England Colonies
 The colonists who first settled in New England came for _______________________ reasons.
 Religious __________________________in Britain led to divisions in the _________________ church.
 ________________ believed in the Calvinist idea of _______________________ and tried to live strictly “Christian” lives
without ______________.
 Puritans believed that the Anglican Church _____________________ too far by allowing some allowances.
 Some fundamentalist __________________were known as _____________________because they were unwilling to wait for
church ________________________.
 The Separatists became __________________ when they formed a joint-stock company, gained a __________________,
and created the _________________ colony in America.
 Before landing in America, the Pilgrims created the _____________________ Compact agreeing to work together as a “civil
body politick” – The Mayflower Compact was the _______________ example of ________________ laws in America.
The Pilgrims in Plymouth
 Pilgrims founded Plymouth in __________________
o Faced ______________ & ________________; received help from local ______________
 Pilgrims received help from local natives like Squanto and Massasoit…and celebrated the first ___________________ to
honor the local Indians.
 When the Separatist Pilgrims came to America, the ______________ remained within the Church of England.
 But when the roundheads came to power, Puritans felt it was right _________________ Britain.
 In 1630, the Puritans arrived in Plymouth and created the New England colony of ____________________.
 From 1630 to 1640, Puritan leader John __________________ led 16,000 Puritans to the Massachusetts Bay Colony as part
of the Holy Experiment.
 John Winthrop wanted to build Boston as a “____________________” to be a good example to other Christians.
 Massachusetts was a different colony from Virginia
 Puritans came to America for ________________ ___________________.
 Puritan settlers usually came as _______________________.
 Settlers worked together for the common good, built homes and focused on ___________________ farming.
 New England was a more _________________________ place to live than Virginia so colonists lived longer.
Social Hierarchy
 ___________________ leaders served as government leaders and were at the ______ of New England society.
 The majority of the New England population were small scale _________who were loyal to the local community.
 At the ___________ of society was the small population of poor _______________ laborers and servants.
Massachusetts Government
 Government in Massachusetts centered on the church through ____________________ meetings:
o Each Massachusetts town was _______________________ governed by local church members
o All adult _____________church members were allowed to _____________ for local laws & taxes
Massachusetts Colony
 As the Massachusetts Colony grew, it spawned _________ new colonies: ____________________, __________________,
New Haven, and _______________________
Connecticut was important for creating the first written __________________________in US history called the
_____________________________________ of Connecticut.
Limiting Dissent in NE
 Roger Williams was _____________________ from Massachusetts when he demanded that Indians be ______________ for
their land; He formed the __________________ colony in 1636
 Anne Hutchinson was banished to Rhode Island for challenging __________________ leaders’ authority
Tensions in New England
 As the New England colonies _________________ into new lands, conflicts with Indians arose:
o _________________ War in 1637 led to the massacre of 600 Indians (the 1 st major British-led attack on Indians)
o ________________________ War in 1675 resulted when the Wampanoag raided towns, killing 10% of the colonial
New England men
 By the 1660s, many New England town experienced a _____________ in church membership & responded with the
_______________________ Covenant:
o Granted church membership to people who had not had a “_________________ experience”
o This compromise revealed the ___________________ importance of religion in New England
 Religion played a role in the __________________________________________ in 1692 when several young girls accused
people of being witches.
o The ___________ was caused by tensions over ______________ ownerships, _______________ attacks, and
o As a result of the trials, some people were _______________ and many people were ______________.