Journal Prompts -

Journal 1- 8/19
Essential question
Where does our sense of identity come
Related questions:
How does environment shape our identity?
What identities, if any, are permanent and
which do we have the power to change?
What roles do neighborhood and
community play in shaping who we
Journal 2 - 8/22
Nearly all the characters in The
House on Mango Street dream
of escaping. Why do they want
to leave?
Describe the different ways in
which people try to escape, as
well as the results of their efforts.
Do you think Esperanza’s
dreams or escaping are likely to
be more successful?
Respond to the prompt using
three of the five vocabulary words
on the right. Underline the used
terms in your paragraph response.
Unit 1 Vocabulary:
• Dilemma (n.)-A
difficult or perplexing
situation or problem
• Relinquish (v.) – to let
go, to give up
• Salvage (v.)- to save
from; property thus
• Circumspect (adj.)careful, cautious
• Unbridled (adj.) –
uncontrolled, lacking
in restraint
Unit 1 Vocabulary:
In what areas of your
life are you most free
to do what you like? In
what areas of your life
do you have the least
freedom? Consider
the roles gender, race,
religion, education,
class, age, and
upbringing play in
limiting an individual’s
personal freedom.
Respond to the prompt
using three of the five
vocabulary words on
the right. Underline the
used terms in your
paragraph response.
•Admonish (v.)- to caution or
advise against something; to
scold mildly; to remind a duty
•Breach(n.)- a violation of an
infraction; an opening or a
gap; to break through
•Diffuse(v.)-to spread or scatter
freely or widely; (adj.) wordy or
unfocused; scattered
•Efface (v.)-to wipe out; to
keep from getting noticed
•Opinionated (adj.)-stubborn
and often unreasonable in
holding one’s own ideas,
having a closed mind.
Journal 4 - 8/31
Why are good study
habits important?
Discuss some of the
factors that may
distract someone from
doing well in school
and strategies that
may help them
Respond to the prompt
using three of the five
vocabulary words on
the right. Underline the
used terms in your
paragraph response.
Unit 2 Vocabulary:
•Adjourn (v.) –to stop
proceedings for a time; to
move to another place
•Compensate (v.) – to
make up for; to repay for
•Erratic (adj.)- not regular or
consistent; undependable
•Fortify (v.) -to strengthen,
build up
•Mediocre (adj.)-average,
Journal 5- 9/2
 Complete
page 571
#s1-20 of the Diagnostic Test on
Subject Verb Agreement
A few things to remember…
A compound subject joined by and is usually
plural and should have a plural verb.
EX: The ministers and their assistants discuss a
new bill.
Two or more singular subjects joined by or or
nor must have a singular verb.
Ex: Sam or John was going to win.
However, two or more plural subjects joined
by or or nor must have a plural verb.
EX: The Titans or the Arens are going to win.
 If
a singular subject is joined to a plural
subject by or or nor, the subject closer to
the verb determines if the verb is singular
or plural.
 EX:
Either Mrs. Arabian or the students are
going to the movies.
 EX: Either the students or Mrs. Arabian is
going to the movies.
Confusing Subjects
verb that comes before its subject must
still agree with the subject in number
 EX: On the wall are slogans.
Journal 6 – 9/7
 Grammar
Exercise 4 pg. 575
 Grammar Exercise 5 pg. 576
Journal 7 – 9/19
 What
do you know about Greek
Mythology? What do you know about
Mythology in general?
Journal 8- 9/23
What is a hero?
What characteristics
could a hero have?
Could people in
everyday society be
considered heroes?
Why or why not?
Respond to the
prompt using each
of the vocabulary
words on the right.
Underline the used
terms in your
Unit 3 Vocabulary
•Condone- (v.) to
pardon or overlook
•Eminent-(adj.) famous,
likeness; an outward
overcome or rise above
Journal 9 – 10/28
What happens to a dream deferred?
Does it dry up
Like a raisin in the sun?
Or fester like a sore –
And then run?
Does it stink like rotten meat
Or crust and sugar over –
Like a syrupy sweet?
Maybe it just sags
Like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?
~ Langston Hughes
Find two examples of similes
Also, discuss what idea Hughes means to
convey through this poem.
Journal 10 – 11/30
 Listen
and Respond
Spring Semester
Journal 1
Jan. 9
Happy New Year!
Everyone seems to have a New Year’s
First, what are the pros and cons of having
Second, did you make one this year? If so,
what is it and how do you plan on
implementing it? If not, what are some
resolutions you’ve made in the past?
Journal 2
 How
would you define racism to someone
much younger than you (like, say in the
1st grade) Where does racism come
Journal 3
 "All
that we are is the result of what we
have thought. If a man speaks or acts
with an evil thought, pain follows him. If a
man speaks or acts with a pure thought,
happiness follows him, like a shadow that
never leaves him." Buddha
 Discuss the meaning of this quote and
how choices influence our everyday lives.
Journal 4
 Choose
one of the statements from the
Anticipation Guide for TKM and respond
as to why you have the belief that you
Journal 5
Scout explains the Cunningham philosophy
of life, which is, “If you don’t have it, you
do without.” What is your opinion of the
Cunninghams and their philosophy?
Journal 6
Part 1: Atticus tells Scout, “You never really
understand a person until you consider things
from his point of view.” Think of someone you
were upset with or argued with recently, and
try to write down the incident that upset you
from the other person’s point of view.
Part 2: Understanding a person’s point of
view, however, doesn’t mean you have to
agree with it. Having explained the other
person’s perspective, has it changed your
thinking or feelings? If you still disagree with
that point of view, tell why you do.
Journal 7
 Miss
Maudie says, “…sometimes the Bible
in the hand of one man is worse than a
whiskey bottle in the hand of [someone
else].” Try to explain what she means by
Journal 8
 Atticus
tells his sister that he’s doing the
best he can in raising two young children
without a mother. How do you suppose
that you’d do as a single parent raising
two children? Is there anything you’d try
to do or avoid doing in this situation?
Journal 9
 Jem
has gone from feeling ashamed of
his father because of his apparent lack of
athletic ability, to feeling very proud of
him. Atticus is the embodiment of what a
man should be–Atticus is the man Jem
wishes to become. In your mind, what
would the model embodiment of a man
Journal 10
 Does
Calpurnia’s explanation as to why
she spoke one language at work and
another language at church give rise to
any thoughts in you about language?
How do your surroundings affect the way
you speak?
Do you act, talk, or think differently
depending who is nearby or who you are
with? Why? What do you do differently?
Journal 11
 Free-Write
Journal 12
 Part
1: What is your opinion of Mayella
Ewell? If you are inclined to dislike her, try
to walk in her shoes for a day. Describe a
day in her life.
 Part
2: Lately, some people have
questioned whether the courts do treat
everyone the same. What was your
reaction to what Atticus had to say about
the courts? (Ch. 20) Use a quote to
support your discussion.
Journal 13
 We
are told that Mr. Underwood wrote an
editorial about the shooting of Tom, but
we are not told much about the editorial.
Write the editorial you think he might have
Journal 14
 When
you read the last pages of
this novel, what were your thoughts
and feelings? Use a piece of text
from the last few pages to explain
your response.
 Write
about the things you liked and
disliked about this novel.
Journal 15
 Respond
to the Art Critique Questions in
your journal.
 Artwork:
Metamorphosis of Narcissus by
Salvador Dali
Journal 16
Haikus are all about a special moment. Think
about a special moment in your life (birthday,
graduation, a fun day with friends, etc.)
Write about what you might hear, see, taste,
smell, or touch on that day.
Try to find images that reveal the way you
might feel at that particular moment on that
special day
 Now,
using the special experience you
wrote about, create your own Haiku!
 Remember,
 Be
as simple and to the point as you can.
Journal 17
 Tanka
responses from PPT notes
Journal 18
 An
ode is meant to immortalize
something or someone you cherish
and/or admire. Think of something
or someone you cherish and list
characteristics you love about
it/them. Be as unique and as
specific as you can.
Ode To Cheese
Ode To Cheese,
Which Makes Us Smile,
When Camera's go
Ode To Cheese,
Which make us taste,
The greatest of flavors,
the wackiest of whack.
Ode To Cheese,
Blue, Gorgonzola,
American and Cheddar.
Ode To Cheese,
Beja and Feta,
In all types of weather.
Ode To Cheese,
For those on a diet,
or trying to get fatter.
Ode To Cheese,
with crackers and wine,
with grapes can flatter.
Ode To Cheese,
when you're sad and
Cheese just fits.
Ode To Cheese,
Mountains and
or bits and bits.
Ode to the Cheese,
To appreciate,
and take pictures.
Journal 19
Questions on “Ballad of Birmingham”
1. How does this poem differ from what you
would expect to find in a newspaper
account of such an incident?
2. What purpose does the poem have
beyond simply telling a story? How does
the refrain help achieve this purpose?
Free verse
 What
are some things you notice about
how these poems use rhyme, rhythm,
 Write how many syllables you noticed for
each line.
Journal 20
Poetry Book Project Reflection
• Of the poems you have written, which is
your favorite? Why?
• Which is your least favorite? Why?
• After this project, what is something new
that you discovered about yourself?
Journal 21
Write a paragraph in which you express your opinion
to the following statement. Support your opinion
with reasons/examples showing how you agree
or disagree with the statement.
“Love is worth pursuing at all costs.”
Use at least 3 of these words:
eliminate, encounter, highlight, interact.
Journal 22
Write a paragraph in which you express your
opinion to the following statement.
Support your opinion with
reasons/examples showing how you
agree or disagree with the statement.
“If deception provides enjoyment, it is worth
the risk.”
Use at least 2 of these words: acquire,
anticipate, condemn, contemplate,
Journal 23
 Sometimes
feuds or fights continue for
many years. Why do you think some
people continue to fight and risk
everything (injury, death, punishment)
even when they often cannot remember
what started the fight in the first place?
 Use
at least two of these words: defend,
cease, confront, demonstrate, justify,