PowerPoint-Präsentation - World Bamboo Organization

Bamboo as Carbon Sink- Fact or Fiction
The fast expansion of a growing bamboo culm might be considered as a high potential for
carbon sequestration.
The impressive biomass derives, however from the energy produced before and stored in
rhizome and culms.
The individual culm has a life-time of 7-10 years. There-after its biomass disintegrates as
orginal compounds into the atmosphere, like the CO2.
The gregarious flowering of many species after some de-cades, followed by their death
provides an massive CO2 exposure.
Bamboos are apparently similar suited for carbon sequestration than trees.
A pronlongated sequestration of its carbon is provided by the numerous bamboo products
if protected against deterioration.
Although the carbon sequestration of bamboo forest is not likely to influence the mitigation
of global warming, the importance of bamboo for a sustainable production of food, fibre
and energy as well its environmental services for soil stability for a billion of humans are
1.1 Wachstum eines Halmes
Flowering of Melocanna baciferra
1969 Bangladesh (East-Pakistan)
2004 Mizoram, India
2004 Pereira, Colombia
Bamboo as Carbon Sink- Fact or Fiction
The fast expansion of a growing bamboo culm might be considered as a high potential for
carbon sequestration.
The impressive biomass derives, however from the energy produced before and stored in
rhizome and culms.
The individual culm has a life-time of 7-10 years. There-after its biomass disintegrates as
orginal compounds into the atmosphere, like the CO2.
The gregarious flowering of many species after some de-cades, followed by their death
provides an massive CO2 exposure.
Bamboos are apparently similar suited for carbon sequestration than trees.
A pronlongated sequestration of its carbon is provided by the numerous bamboo products
if protected against deterioration.
Although the carbon sequestration of bamboo forest is not likely to influence the mitigation
of global warming, the importance of bamboo for a sustainable production of food, fibre
and energy as well its environmental services for soil stability for a billion of humans are