Below are the SAT vocabulary words for this six weeks grading period

Below are the SAT vocabulary words for this six weeks grading period. You will have a test over all thirty
words on Tuesday, December 7th. The vocabulary test will consist of using words in context only: no
synonyms or antonyms. Reassessment requirements are: a) complete the SAT practice sentences and
b) create thirty original sentences (one for each SAT vocabulary word). The practice sentences and your
original sentences are due no later than Monday, December 6th.
Group 1:
1. avarice - n. greed; desire for wealth
2. furtive- adj. stealthy; secretive
3. bacchanalian- adj. wild and drunken
4. extradite - v. to turn over or deliver to the legal jurisdiction of another government or authority
5. copious - adj. numerous; large in quantity
6. irascible - adj. easily angered
7. mercenary - n. a professional soldier hired by a foreign army
8.bastion - n. a strong defense or fort (or one likened to it)
9. jettison - v. to cast overboard; to discard
10. ostracize - v. to banish; to shut out from a group or society by common consent
Practice Sentences for Group 1:
1. The strict religious community ________ Eli when he married a woman of another faith.
2. After two month of incarceration in Sacramento, the suspect was _______ to Florida.
3. He became a doctor, not to save lives but to appease his _________.
4. The passengers quickly _________ the heavy cargo from the damaged plane.
5. Not wanting to be rude, Jean cast a _______ glance at the man’s prominent scar.
6. The United States has been called a __________ of democracy.
7. We walk on eggshells around Marty because he is so __________.
8. Adam paid for his ________________ weekend when he flunked the exam on Monday.
9. Through American by birth, the __________ fought for France.
10. It is good to drink __________ amounts of water before and after working out.
Original Sentences for Group 1:
Group 2:
1. bigot – n. one who is intolerant of differences in others.
2. expunge – v. to erase or eliminate
3. candid – adj. outspoken, blunt
4. argot – n. special words or phrases used by a specific group of people
5. negligence – n. careless neglect, often resulting in injury
6. appease – v. to calm; to make satisfied (often temporarily)
7. strident- adj. harsh sounding; grating
8. chaos - n. complete disorder
9. augment – v. to enlarge; to increase in amount
10. jingoism – n. extreme, chauvinistic patriotism, often favoring an aggressive warlike foreign policy
Practice Sentences for Group 2:
1. Because of his _______, the candidate lost the support of voters.
2. I had to take a second job to ________ my income after buying the new SUV.
3. If Monty can stay out of trouble for one year, her criminal record will be ___________.
4. Sara’s _________ allowed her toddler to fall over in his highchair.
5. The new teacher was expected to end the _____ and restore order in the classroom.
6. He gave a _________ speech about the time he had spent in prison.
7. Lisa’s _________ voice gave us all headaches.
8. The _______ refused to share a cab with anyone of a different race.
9. The small snack before dinner did nothing to ________ Shane’s appetite.
10. Don’t agree to “a trip to the East River” proposed by anyone speaking Mafia _______.
Original Sentences for Group 2:
Group 3:
1. rancor – n. extreme hatred or ill will
2. inexorable – adj. unrelenting; unavoidable
3. extol – v. to praise highly
4. clement – adj. merciful; lenient
5. cliché – n. a worn-out idea or overused expression
6. adamant – adj. unyielding; firm in opinion
7. diffident – adj. lacking in self-confidence; shy
8. opus – n. a creative work, especially a numbered composition (“opus 3” would be a composer’s third
composition; plural opera)
9. ostensible – adj. professed but not necessarily true
10. disparity – n. inequality; difference
Practice Sentences for Group 3:
1. The candidate promised new ideas, but spouted the same old ________ after her election.
2. Whelan’s double-dealing had Jack seething; he had never before felt so much _____ toward a lawyer.
3. The _________ reason for inviting her up to his room was to show her his bottle cap collection.
4. Decades of harsh weather caused the ________ erosion of the tombstone.
5. Despite the protests of the entire city council, the mayor remained ______ on the parking issue.
6. My wife is twelve years older than I am; but we get along well despite the ________ in our ages.
7. My favorite composition by Antonin Dvorak is ________ 95.
8. Emily ______ the virtues of her personal hero and mentor.
9. The ___________ student hated to speak in front of the class.
10. Despite the abhorrent nature of the crime, the judge handed down a surprisingly _______ sentence.
Original Sentences for Group 3: