The Scientific Method

The Scientific Method
Virginia Standard of Learning BIO.1a-m
BIO SOL: 1 a-m
The student will plan and conduct investigations in which:
• observations of living organisms are recorded in the
lab and in the field;
• hypotheses are formulated based on direct
observations and information from scientific literature;
• variables are defined and investigations are designed
to test hypotheses;
• graphing and arithmetic calculations are used as tools
in data analysis;
• conclusions are formed based on recorded quantitative
and qualitative data;
• sources of error inherent in experimental design are
identified and discussed;
BIO SOL: 1 a-m
The student will plan and conduct investigations in which:
• validity of data is determined;
• chemicals and equipment are used in a safe manner;
• appropriate technology including computers, graphing
calculators, and probeware, is used for gathering and
analyzing data and communicating results;
• research utilizes scientific literature;
• differentiation is made between a scientific hypothesis
and theory;
• alternative scientific explanations and models are
recognized and analyzed; and
• a scientific viewpoint is constructed and defended (the
nature of science).
Progression of Ideas in Science
• Hypothesis- a possible explanation
to a question based on information
the scientist has already gathered
- If experiments show a hypothesis to be
correct, other scientists may accept it as
support for a scientific theory.
EX: Plants obtain their energy from the
Progression of Ideas in Science
• Scientific Theory- a general
statement of why things work based
on hypotheses that have been tested
many times
Progression of Ideas in Science
- Theories are used to explain & predict
the outcome of other experiments
- Theories must be tested
- Sometimes they are wrong & must be
modified or discarded
EX: The Earth is flat.
Progression of Ideas in Science
• Scientific Law- a statement of
what happens in a certain event
based on verified observations &
Progression of Ideas in Science
- Explains what happens & not why
- Summaries of the results of many,
many experiments & observations
- When results of a series of experiments
are the same each time they no longer
need to be tested
EX: Newton’s Law of Gravity
Progression of Ideas in Science
• Which one is most likely to be
wrong- hypothesis, theory, or
Scientific Method Vocabulary
• Observation- the act of observing
(touch, taste, smell, feel, see, etc.)
• Inference- a quick conclusion that
attempts to explain an observation
• Prediction- to forecast; to guess the
outcome of a situation beforehand
• Analysis- to separate or break apart
into smaller sections for study
Scientific Method Vocabulary
• Conclusion- to close or bring to an
end; to accept or reject a hypothesis
in an experiment
• Data- recorded observations or
• Hypothesis- a tentative explanation
that accounts for a set of facts & that
can be tested by further investigation
Scientific Method Vocabulary
• Theory- an explanation of a large
body of information, experimental
and inferential, and serves as an
overarching framework for numerous
concepts. It is subject to change as
new evidence becomes available.
• Law- a basic scientific theory that is
no longer tested & is generally
accepted as true (Newton’s Law of
Scientific Method Vocabulary
• Controlled Experiment- an
experiment in which all variables
except the ONE being tested are
identical in order to make the
experiment fair & the results reliable
• Variable- any factor in an
experiment that could affect the
results & is therefore tested
Scientific Method Vocabulary
• Controlled Variable- a variable that
is not changed
• Independent Variable – a variable
that you purposely manipulate
(manipulated variable)
• Dependent Variable- the variable
being observed that changes in
response to the independent
variable (responding variable)
Scientific Method Vocabulary
• Quantitative Data- data that
involves numbers or measurement
usually in the form of a chart or
• Qualitative Data- anecdotal or
descriptive data that does NOT
involve numbers or measurement
The Scientific Method
• An organized way to solve a
problem through experimentation &
The 6 Steps of the Scientific Method
1. State the Problem
• Form a question about a specific
event or reaction
EX: Mouthwash kills bacteria.
Which brand works best?
2. Collect Information
• Research the problem
EX: Read the labels of 3
common brands of mouthwash
and see which has the most
antiseptic (germ-killing)
3. Form a hypothesis
• Make an educated guess based on
your research.
A hypothesis can be recognized
by an “if, then” statement.
EX: If Listerine has more antiseptic
ingredients than Scope or Wal-Mart brand,
then it will kill more bacteria.
4. Design an Experiment
• Devise a way to test your hypothesis.
Create a CONTROLLED experiment.
• A controlled experiment MUST have
2 groups.
conditions remain the same
the condition that you are
testing for is changed
ONLY 1 condition is changed!
• Establish the variables for your
variable that is changed, manipulated
(X axis for graphing)
change caused by the manipulation
of the independent variable
(Y axis for graphing)
Mouthwash Experiment
Control Group
-no mouthwash
Petri dish
Bacteria grown
from swab
Mouthwash Experiment
Type of Mouthwash
Amount of bacteria killed
5. Collect & Analyze Data
• Run the experiment & document the
• 2 Types of Data
QUANTITATIVE: numerical data,
deals with specific quantities, usually
in the form of a graph or chart
QUALITATIVE: descriptive data,
describes how something looks,
smells, sounds, or feels; deals with
QUALITATIVE EX: The control group and
the Wal-Mart brand have a strong smell;
the Listerine & Scope don’t smell as bad.
Area of Inhibition for Mouthwash Brands
5 min
10 min
15 min
20 min
Listerine Scope
0 mm
0 mm
0 mm
0 mm
3 mm
4 mm
6 mm
8 mm
1 mm
3 mm
4 mm
4 mm
2 mm
3 mm
5 mm
6 mm
6. Draw Conclusions
• Determine from the data collected if
the hypothesis was correct or
EX: Listerine did kill more bacteria
than the other brands because it had
more antiseptic ingredients.