For Spring 2016
Mrs. Day
Be on Time!
 If you are tardy to class and do not have a pass, you
must go to the LAS (Late Arrival System) and get a
tardy slip. This is not up for debate. This includes all
class periods.
No Electronics – I am NOT kidding!
 When the bell rings all phones, iPods, headphones,
hand held games, iPads, Nooks, Kindles, calculators,
and anything else with a power switch MUST be
TURNED OFF and PUT AWAY! Failure to comply will
result in a discipline referral. Do I have to say they
must STAY put away?
 You can eat and drink in the classroom in a
REASONABLE manner. Please be mindful of loud
crunching and crinkling of wrappers. If your snack is a
distraction, your snack is over. If you leave a mess,
snacking will be banned for your class period.
 If you spill something or in any way make a mess,
please clean it up. Accidents do not cause a problem;
ignoring them is the problem. I have plenty of paper
towels, Lysol wipes, and trash cans.
 Speaking of trash: Take care of it yourself!
Tissues and Hand Sanitizer
 There are two nose-blowing stations. Tissues and
hand sanitizer are available at the front of the room by
the door (on the podium) and in the back of the room
on the computer cart. Please note that trash cans are
there for your convenience. If you are a daily user of
tissues, please consider donating a box or two.  Try
not to be disruptive when your sinus needs arise.
 If I cannot read it, I am NOT going to grade it. Print it,
skip lines, type it – whatever it takes. Starting this
semester, if your work is illegible, I will return it to you
for your choice of a zero or a re-do.
 Some of you refuse to use capital letters for your name. In
an Honors English class, you must capitalize your first and
last name on assignments you submit to be graded. What
you do in the rest of your life is your business. For
classwork, please capitalize both your first and last name.
 Speaking of last names: I do not care how unique your first
name is or if you are sure you are the only person I teach
with that first name, put your last name on your papers!
 Begin each sentence with a capital letter. Within your
sentences, capitalize all proper nouns.
Sitting with an Empty Desk and/or
Packing Up Early
 We do NOT pack up early and sit with an empty desk
in Mrs. Day’s classroom. You are an HONORS student;
surely you can find something to do. If you find
yourself running out of things to do, I suggest you
carry some reading material. If this becomes a
recurring problem, less work time in class will be given
or I will assign something to you.
We do NOT line up at the door!
 Stay in your seat until the bell rings. There is no lining
up at the door.
 SIT!
Be Polite
 Speak in a polite tone of voice.
 Look at me when I am speaking.
 Sit up and maintain an active listening posture.
 Do not talk while I am talking or when the classroom
is supposed to be quiet.
 If you have an appointment with me, be on time and
do not leave me waiting.
 Treat your classmates the way you would like to be
treated, with respect.
Make-Up Work
 When you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to check
the blog and follow the directions.
You must abide by the Cobb County Attendance Policy.
You get one day for each day you were out plus one
additional day. For example, if you were out 2 days, you
have 3 days to do the make-up. After that, zeroes will
This includes quizzes and tests.
Violations of Academic Integrity
 Cheating includes, but is not limited to: plagiarizing
from the internet or a printed source, copying work
from a classmate, working with others when an
assignment was meant to be done independently,
looking onto another person’s paper during a test or
quiz, using notes or other study aids during a test or
quiz, talking during a test or quiz, accessing any
electronic device during a test or quiz, and submitting
any work you did not do as your own. This is taken
very seriously and will result in zeroes, parental
contact, and a U in conduct for the semester.
Closing Thoughts
 You are a 2nd Semester Freshman or Sophomore – you
should know the basics of Lassiter now.
 Late work is not accepted on daily/minor assignments.
Major assignments are 20% off per day late, for up to 3
days. Make sure to turn your work in on time.
 Be polite and responsible.
 Let’s have a great semester!