FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design Communication o Synchronous (can be recorded) o Asynchronous o Email o Discussion Boards o Blogs o Wikis FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design Advantages of Asynchronous discussions o Allow students time for deeper thought and refection –Driscoll (1998) suggests that asynchronous methods provide a more flexible timeframe for students to reflect on what they have learned as compared to synchronous delivery formats. o In a F2F class keeps the discussion going between class or when class is too short. FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design Discussion Board – Best Practices o Fostering discussions o Promoting Higher Order Thinking o Creating Community and Collaboration o Assessment FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design Fostering the discussion o Frame the topic – Divide large topics into logical subtopics (Ko & Rossen(2001) o Asking open-ended questions and encouraging students to reply with more personal thought to ensure that the email dialogue is interactive rather than just a one-way instruction (Chang, 2009). o Professor - Establish a pattern of frequent response- several short bursts per week instead of one long session(Ko & Rossen(2001) FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design Encouragement and support o Facilitate student participation – get them talking to each other – respond to group themes not individuals(Ko & Rossen(2001) o Responsibility online instructor to nudge and encourage the construction knowledge (just like in a face to face classroom). (Christopher, Thomas & Tallent-Rennels, 2004). o Consider a “quiet time” when other time intensive activities are occurring in the class (Ko & Rossen(2001) FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design Be aware of cultural patterns (Ko & Rossen(2001) o Make it clear if participation is mandatory Don’t force personal experiences try “Can you relate to this to your own experiences or one you have heard or read about?” FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design Individual Personalities o Quieter students more likely to participate in online classes than in F2F class – information exchanges more prevelant in asynchronous format by providing opportunities for shy or non-native speakers to express themselves (Delahoussay & Neiheisel, 2005: Funaro & Montell, 1999). FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design Promoting Higher Order Thinking FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design Active thinking • Use case studies • Problem solving • Groups/teams FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design Assessment Discussion Rubric Full Partial Demonstrates a full Demonstrates an understanding of the understanding of parts of topic and related the topic and related Comprehension & Critical research. Is full of research. Shows some Thinking insight and analysis and insight and analysis and clear connections to some connections to realreal-life situations are life situations are made made Zero Total possible points 30 15 Does not seem to understand the topic and related research. No analysis or insight is displayed and no connections to real-life situations are made 5 Style Posts discussion Post discussion comments Posts discussion comments that comments using proper that contain several spelling demonstrate numerous spelling and spelling and grammar and grammatical errors grammatical errors Netiquette Posts comments that abide by the rules of Posts comments that violate Netiquette in that they some of the rules of are respectful, socially Netiquette appropriate, and professional Responds Meaningful response to at least one other class member FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design 5 Posts comments that violate the rules of Netiquette in that they are disrespectful, inappropriate, and unprofessional 5 No response to another class member Encouraging Participation Cawthon, & Harris (2008) • Provide students with expectations for participation • Time commitments required for participation • Communication with peers mandatory • Frequent grading of discussions even if pass/fail. FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design Creating Community and Collaboration Reduce the feeling of isolation that came come with distance education. If web-based courses provide learners with effective interaction, then they possess all the benefits that a course could possibly have – flexibility convenience, and quality (Chang, 2009) FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design Infrastructure Strategies Interaction Strategies Access to multiple communication Read for content not detail technologies Posting of announcements and “what’s new” updates. Encourage and support fellow learners in their efforts Personal Web pages for each learner Use messages to indicated to learners what they Could be doing, Should be doing, and what they Must be doing in terms of the course Learners have sufficient Use of teams for completing work in opportunities to interact with each the course other as well as with the instructor A daily visit to the web sited to check for new messages on the discussion boards. Strategies and techniques for community building in on-line environments (Hill, Han, & Raven, 2001). FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design Instructor Strategies Learner Strategies Provide multiple opportunities for interaction. Visit the course web site daily (or every other day at a minimum). Send out management related messages on a regular basis Provide encouragement and support. Establish teams so that learners Scan material posted on the web work together to complete site do not read for detail if feeling tasks information overload Keep the web site up to date and add in new information on a regular basis to keep thing “fresh” Instructor and Learner Strategies for community building in online environments (Hill, Han, & Raven, 2001). FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design FLORIDA ATLANTIC UNIVERSITY Instructional Design