Great American Novel – Essay Option #1 (Select a criteria to prove using two novels. Really dig into that one criteria and prove it’s sub-ideas.) Thesis: While the “Great American Novel” is written in response to a specific time period, it remains relevant to reader’s today and is considered the “Great American Novel” because it transcends time. Body Paragraph #1 – The Grapes of Wrath transcends time b/c characters and themes are relatable to today’s audience. Body Paragraph #2 – The Great Gatsby continues to be relate to audiences because it depicts the restlessness of human nature and exemplifies the ideas of greed and love. Body Paragraph #3 – The Grapes of Wrath also remains relevant because it depicts the best and worst in human nature. Body Paragraph #4 – Similar to Steinbeck, Fitzgerald’s, The Great Gatsby shows the best and worst in human nature through the characters of Gatsby, Daisy, and Tom. Great American Novel – Essay Option #2 (Select a book and prove it’s the “Great American Novel.” You must also use one other book to show a contrast.) Thesis: John Steinbeck’s novel, Of Mice and Men is the “Great American Novel” because it reveals the truth about human nature, questions the idea of what’s right and wrong, and accurately depicts a time period and generation. Body Paragraph #1 – Of Mice and Men reveals the inherent selfishness embedded in all humans. Body Paragraph #2 – George, the protagonist in the novel, causes the reader to question the idea of what’s right and wrong. Body Paragraph #3 – Steinbeck engrained himself in the migrant culture, therefore he successfully depicted a generation and time period. Remember, the majority of your support will come from Of Mice and Men. However, you will need to pull in one other book that tries to show these ideas, but isn’t as successful as Of Mice and Men. The Grapes of Wrath could work for this, as well as The Great Gatsby. Great American Novel – Essay Option #3 (Prove that the “Great American Novel” has not been written. However, your support must be rooted in the criteria.) Thesis: While novels such as The Grapes of Wrath, The Great Gatsby, and Of Mice and Men have been deemed by scholars and critics as the “Great American Novel,” they fail to accomplish this feat because they don’t transcend time. Body Paragraph #1 – The Grapes of Wrath attempts to connect to modern audiences through its themes and characters. However, it’s specific setting and time period present ideas specific to that generation. Body Paragraph #2 – The Great Gatsby captured the spirit of the “Jazz Age” and therefore it’s content and characters only connect to the postWorld War I novel and reveal ideas specific to that time period. Body Paragraph #3 – Of Mice and Men tries to convey the idea of selfishness. However, it’s difficult for reader’s to relate because George is a product of the time and generation of migrant workers. A Few More Thoughts . . . . Root your ideas in the criteria. This is for both options, “yes” and “no.” Select ideas that can be argued. Trying to prove that the “Great American Novel” can’t be written because it’s subjective won’t work. How do you prove that? Does it matter that readers have different opinions? It’s easier to prove what is, than what isn’t. Think of math problems that show this idea. If you are planning to write an essay that argues “no,” you must conference with me on Friday. An “A” paper goes beyond the obvious and says something others wouldn’t say. Arguing that the “Great American Novel” is timeless is not original. Arguing that the “Great American Novel” must have a character named Joe is ridiculous. What can you say that is original and unique? You need a solid, well-supported argument that goes beyond the obvious. Your Plan – Due Friday, Nov. 11 You must have a thesis and plan prepared for this Friday, November 11. Your plan must . . . (think tree structure) -State your thesis -Explain which books you plan to use and why they are the best choices for your argument -Include the criteria you plan to use to make your argument -Include a rough idea of your paper structure