CEP 810: Analysis of Technology Innovation in the Class room

March 11, 2009
How Google Docs can help enhance collaboration and reinforce the
writing process in the English class room
I will be reviewing Google docs and applying it to the ‘problem’ of collaboration and process writing in
High School English. In preparation, I reviewed the Brophy article in order to use selected findings as a
basis of the aspects under review. In addition, I viewed the Google docs site and viewed the tutorial.
The Problem of Practice: A Need or an Opportunity
According to Brophy’s research findings, collaboration enhances motivation and social interaction
amongst students, and creates positive interactions between students from varying ethnic backgrounds.
I found this idea particularly applicable to my teaching situation in Dubai as the students are derived
from a multi-national background. Perhaps the more compelling bit of research uncovered by Brophy is
that “co-operative learning creates the potential for cognitive and meta-cognitive benefits and requires
that students make their task related information-processing and problem –solving strategies explicit”
(Brophy, 27).
Therefore, I will attempt to apply Google Docs to address the student’s needs for collaboration in order
to enhance information processing and problem solving strategies (particularly focused on the writing
process). I will gage the success by the amount of positive collaboration I witness from the students
engaging on Google docs and in the class room. In addition, I will note any academic improvement in
the student’s writing and determine if it can be attributed to this project.
The Setting: how I will apply Google docs in the classroom
I will use Google docs in my English class room to enhance the writing workshop that I have already
instituted. The students, High school juniors, are focusing on specific forms of writing, particularly
related to literary analysis. As mentioned earlier, the students are an extremely diverse particularly in
ethnicity and achievement levels, which can often make the students hesitant to respond and share
their writing. I feel Google docs will provide a ‘safer’ and more familiar forum by with the can
collaborate and share their ideas.
Technology-Integrated Solution
Google docs will facilitate cooperative learning and enhance the student’s skills in process writing, most
importantly in the areas of editing and revising. Technology is integral to this project as it will allow an
effective and efficient way for students to share the writing and be accountable for their part in the
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I believe this will make a tremendous difference in the student’s collaborative skills and motivation as
well as facilitate a notable academic improvement, as research states, “students are likely to show
improved achievement outcomes when they are engaged in certain forms of co-operative learning as an
alternative to completing assignments on their own” (Brophy, pg. 27). As any experienced teacher will
verify, students are naturally compelled to work together, yet one of the main drawbacks is lack of
individual accountability. This technology will naturally address this issue as it is simple to track levels of
student participation and engagement.
In addition, they will also improve their process writing in having ample opportunity to write multiple
drafts. In the traditional way, process writing can often be cumbersome and time consuming, in that
comments are made on one draft, returned to the student to revise. With Google docs the writing piece
remains in process eliciting continual commentary and revisions by both peers and teacher. There is an
implicit understanding that the piece is ‘in process’ and progress can be continually made.
For my first use of Google Docs I will have each group collaborate to write one commentary on an
unseen prose text (practice for IB paper 1). The students will deconstruct the text together and
collaborate to write one essay that analysis the assigned test. The group members will delegate parts of
the essay, for example, one student will write the introduction, one will write the first body paragraph
and so on. After the essay is completed and posted as a whole document each student will be
responsible for editing and revising, not only their own paragraph but others in the group. I chose this
as my first Google doc’s assignment as I believe it is narrow enough in scope for me to manage the
process and reliably assess the outcomes. Based on the results, I will continue to use this technology for
other, more in-depth writing projects. The students will require the use or laptops in the class room and
at home, both readily and easily available.
Benefits of this Solution how will solve the problem
I believe that any class room that uses collaborative strategies to teach process writing will see the
benefits of increased motivation and achievement, yet I have yet to discover the specific benefits of
Google docs though lack of experience. My initial research included reading through various resources
and ‘testimonials’ praising the effectiveness of Google docs. Of great interest to me was the claim that
students became excited to write and develop their writing projects, where as in the traditional writing
class room, it seemed a chore the student perfunctorily performed.
I give credence to these claims, even though I have little experience using this type of writing technology
in the class room, the motivational effect is obviously observed. It is almost as if they see writing and
collaborating on the computer as a completely different task to writing longhand, as noted through my
observations in the classroom.
Several lessons can be learned through the project regarding technological innovations in the classroom.
Most importantly, I discovered that the solution is often times very simple and not ‘high tech’ or
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complicated. When a teacher is new to technology, there is often a fear of navigating complicated
systems in order to apply it to the class room which may discourage their attempts. However, Google is
a well known name and the most basic tool for any ‘surfer’ of the internet, which automatically puts the
user at ease. Google Docs is equally as user friendly and accessible to students, teachers and parents, all
those who would be involved in the collaborative process.
I will implement variations of this project in all of my classes, as each class inherently focuses on the
development of writing. Through my analysis of the results of the initial project, as described in this
review, I will determine the best possible practices for my remaining classes and students.
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