Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger

- Born September 14,
- Died September 6, 1966
- She was an American
sex educator, nurse
and birth control
- Founder of Planned
Parenthood and
American Birth control
league in 1921.
She served as president for
the International Planned
She was arrested for
giving information to
women about birth
Her mother had 18
pregnancies with in
22 years.
She wanted to
prevent black alley
This is what people
were saying when
Margaret Sanger
was arrested for
opening up to
verities of people
with planned
parenthood and
- Planned Parenthood
started in 1916.
- Planned Parenthood is the
largest provider of
reproductive health
services in the United
States, which include
contraceptives and
- The organization started in
Brooklyn New York, where
Margaret Sanger opened
the country's first birthcontrol clinic.
- Planned Parenthood
increases its abortion
numbers each year,
bucking the nearly 20year national trend of a
decreasing abortion rate.
Planned Parenthood has been around since 1916.
Planned Parenthood was a daring subject to talk about because in 1916
people were not open to talking about safe sex, birth control and
contraceptive was a natural thing for women.
As soon as the first location opened in Brooklyn, New York many other
locations followed along with success because it was a good idea to start
talking about safe sex and birth control.
In 1936 Sanger and other birth control cases first won in court.
In 1962, doctor Alan Guttmacher, begins his 12-year tenure as Planned
Parenthood president.
In 1976 the U.S. Supreme Court strikes down state requirements for parental
and spousal consent before women obtain an abortion.
From 1956 to 1962, hundreds of women in the United States and Europe who
took the drug thalidomide while pregnant gave birth to children with birth
defects like missing arms and legs.
“Would you rather be
uncomfortable for five
minutes buying condoms,
or be uncomfortable for
nine months”.
In 1914, she witnessed frequent pregnancies as a
nurse and self abortions, she started writing and
publishing a monthly newsletter, The Woman Rebel.
 Margaret was influenced by the conditions of her
childhood her mother had 18 children within 22
years, and died at age 50 of tuberculosis and
cervical cancer.
 In New York, Margaret organized the first birth
control clinic with all-female doctors, and a clinic in
Harlem with an entirely African-American staff to
help out.
In 1929, Margaret formed the National
Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth
Control, which the focused on her hard
efforts to make contraception in the United
 In 1929, she formed the National
Committee on Federal Legislation for Birth
Control, which served as the focal point of
her lobbying efforts to legalize
contraception in the United States. States
for all women legal.
 http://www.plannedparenthoodaction.o
THE END !! *