The History of Planned Parenthood.Maxwell

How Eugenics Lives Today
Genesis View:
Eugenist View:
 Humans are special
 Humans are products of
among all other living
things, created in the
image of God. Every
person has value;
deserves to be
created with an equal
right to life.
genetic combination &
mutation (nothing
special). Our worth is not
inherent, but determined
by society. Any person
found burdensome on the
collective does not have a
right to life. Some lives are
worth less than others.
“Like the advocates of Birth
Control, the eugenists, for
instance, are seeking to assist the
race toward the elimination of
the unfit.”
“Birth Control is the greatest and most
truly eugenic method. It has been seen
by the clearest and most forward
thinking eugenicists as the most
constructive and necessary means of
racial health.”
Margaret Sanger
“The Pivot of
Civilization,” 1922
“Eugenics shows us that we are paying
for and submitting to an ever
increasing, unceasingly spawning class
of human beings who never should
have been born at all. That our wealth
is being diverted from the progress of
human civilization…”
“Our eyes should be opened to the
terrific cost to the community of this
dead weight of human waste.”
Margaret Sanger
“The Pivot of
Civilization,” 1922
“The most urgent problem today is how
to limit the fertility of the mentally
and physically defective.
Margaret Sanger
“Eugenic Value of
Birth Control
Possibly drastic and Spartan methods
may be forced upon American society if
it chooses to encourage the chance and
chaotic breeding that results from our
stupid sentimentalism.”
“Eugenics is suggested by the most
diverse minds as the most adequate
and thorough solution to racial,
political and social problems.
Margaret Sanger
“"Morality and
Birth Control"
Knowledge of birth control is
essentially moral. Its general and
prudent practice must lead…ultimately
to a cleaner race.”
Sanger’s Magazine
“Birth Control: To create a race of thoroughbreds.”
“As long as blacks and Hispanics
demonstrate ‘a good quality gene pool’–
as long as they ‘act white and think
white’–they are esteemed equally with
Aryans. As long as they are, as Sanger
said, ‘the best of their race,’ then they
can be counted as valuable citizens.” By
the same token, "individual whites"
who show "dysgenic traits" must also
have their fertility "curbed right along
with the other ‘inferiors and
George Grant
“Killer Angel: A
Short Biography
of Planned
Sanger’s first clinic
Harlem, NYC
Sanger ‘s Harlem
established for
the benefit of
the colored
“We should hire three or four black
ministers, preferably with social-service
backgrounds and engaging
personalities. The most successful
approach to their population is through
a religious appeal.”
We don’t want the word to get out that
we want to exterminate the Negro
population, and the minister is the
man who can straighten out that idea if
it should occur to their more rebellious
Margaret Sanger
Letter to Dr.
Clarence Gamble,
planning “the
Negro Project”
On the poor, minority, and
immigrant populations:
“Human weeds”
“Reckless breeders”
“Spawning... human beings who
never should have been born"
Margaret Sanger
“The Pivot of
Civilization,” 1922
Organized charity itself is the
symptom of a malignant social
disease. The serious charge that
can be brought against modern
"benevolence" is that is encourages
the perpetuation of defectives,
delinquents and dependents.
These are the most dangerous
elements in the world community,
the most devastating curse on
human progress and expression...
Margaret Sanger
“The Pivot of
Civilization,” 1922
…It [charity] encourages the
healthier and more normal
sections of the world to shoulder
the burden of unthinking and
indiscriminate fertility of others;
which brings with it, a dead
weight of human waste.”
Margaret Sanger
“The Pivot of
Civilization,” 1922
Margaret Sanger
“It now remains for the U.S.
government to set a sensible
example to the world by offering a
bonus or yearly pension to all
obviously unfit parents who
allow themselves to be
sterilized by harmless and
scientific means.
“The Function of
From her
address to the
Institute of
Euthenics at
Vassar College,
“…In this way, the moron and the
diseased would have no posterity
to inherit their unhappy
The number of the feeble-minded
would decrease and a heavy
burden would be lifted from the
shoulders of the fit.”
Margaret Sanger
“The Function
of Sterilization”
From her
address to the
Institute of
Euthenics at
Vassar College,
Birth control clinics, or bureaus,
should be established "in which
men and women will be taught
the science of parenthood and of
breeding…to breed out of the race
the scourges of transmissible
disease, mental defect, poverty,
lawlessness, crime … since these
classes would be decreasing in
number instead of breeding like
Margaret Sanger
"We Must Breed
a Race of
Sanger on abortion:
“While there are cases where the
law recognizes an abortion as
justifiable, I assert that the
hundreds of thousands of
abortions performed each year are
a disgrace to civilization.”
Margaret Sanger
“Woman and the
New Race”
Sanger on abortion:
"[In 1916] we explained what
contraception was; that abortion
was the wrong way no matter
how early it was performed, it
was taking life; that
contraception was the better way,
because life had not yet begun."
Margaret Sanger
Sanger, an
“The intent of Sanger’s Negro Project is
firmly intact.
 Between 70 and 80% of Planned
The Radiance
Parenthood facilities are located in low
income, high minority communities.
Nearly 40% of all African-American
pregnancies end in induced abortion.
There is more access to birth control
than ever before and the huge disparity
in poverty rates between whites and
blacks continues.
Fatherlessness and poverty are rampant.
Unintended pregnancy rates continue to
“…Today, the same mouthpieces for
Planned Parenthood are claiming “lack
of access” while black women access
abortion clinics at 5 times the rate of
white women. This is by design.
Abortion kills more black Americans
(363,705) than all other causes of
death combined (285,522).
In NYC, home of Planned Parenthood,
more black babies are aborted than
born alive.”
The Radiance