2015-2016 SCHOOL HEALTH REQUIREMENTS FOR PRINCIPALS Coordinated Student Health Services Marcia Bynoe, ARNP- BC,MSN,FNP Director TABLE OF CONTENTS • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • SCHOOL OPENING CHECKLIST NEW CORE STATE HEALTH REQUIREMENTS NEW SCHOOL HEALTH PROGRAM STATE MONITORING REPORT NEW HEALTH SCREENING REQUIREMENTS CPR/AED/FIRST AID REQUIREMENTS IMMUNIZATION COMPLIANCE & MONITORING MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION/TREATMENT PROTOCOL GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CONTROL MANAGING STUDENTS WITH MEDICAL NEEDS STAFF INCENTIVES FOR MEDICAL PROCEDURES HEALTH CODES/A06 PANEL HEALTH SCREEN PARTNERSHIPS IN HEALTH & WELLNESS PROMOTION INFLUENZA SEASON PREPAREDNESS FLORIDA KIDCARE INSURANCE ASTHMA FRIENDLY SCHOOL RECOGNITION PROGRAM FORMS SCHOOL OPENING CHECK LIST 2015-2016 2 staff is trained in CPR, First AID and use of AED unit Student Emergency Contact Cards are completed Ensure that State Mandated Health Screenings are conducted for students in KG, 1st, 3rd and 6th grade. CORE State Health Requirements are completed by August 31, 2015 AED unit and supplies are in place 911 posters printed in color and displayed in health room, front office, cafeteria and physical education area. 2 staff is trained to administer medications Health room is adequately stocked with required equipment and supplies Universal Precautions/Bloodborne Pathogens DVD is reviewed by staff. 95% Immunization Compliance by October 1, 2015 NEW CORE State Health Requirements • All schools are required to be in compliance with CORE State Health Requirements by August 31st • Schools will be audited for compliance • CORE Posters will be distributed to each school and must be displayed around the outside area of the health room or front office area • Refer to the Coordinated Student Health Services website for CORE monitoring criteria www.browardhealthservices.com NEW School Health Program State Monitoring Report Each school year the State Florida Department of Health conduct audits at selected schools in Broward County. Requirements include: •All Student Emergency Contact Cards must be current and signed by the parent/guardian. •All CUM health records must be maintained with student’s health information (health screenings, immunizations, history and physical) •All 3040 forms (school physicals) must be completed on both sides by parent and physician. •Refrigerators storing medications in the health room must have a thermometer. Temperatures must be checked and recorded daily on the temperature log. Schools will receive a thermometer from Coordinated Student Health Services Department. NEW HEALTH SCREENING REQUIREMENTS • • • • • Health Screening Timeline: 45% of Vision, Hearing, BMI and Scoliosis must be completed and entered into TERMS by December 15, 2015. 95% of Vision, Hearing, BMI and Scoliosis must be completed and entered into TERMS by March 15, 2016. Please refer to the 2015-2016 Principal Memo packet online for FAQ’s about BMI and instructions on the responsibilities of the following: Principal, Classroom Teacher, IMT, Nurse, HST, District Health and Screening Team. The Health Screening Opt - Out Form and The Florida Heiken Children’s Vision Program Consent Form will be in The Code Book for Student Conduct. Designated staff must keep the Health Screening Opt- Out forms and the Florida Heiken Consent forms returned by parents in a separate folder. These forms are to be provided to the District Health Technicians on the scheduled day of screening at your school. A Parent Link message is to be sent one week before the scheduled date of screenings. Parents/guardians are to be reminded of their right to opt- out of any health screenings in writing. Please refer to the Coordinated Student Health Services website for Health Screening information. www.browardhealthservices.com CPR/AED/FIRST AID REQUIREMENTS SBBC Policy 5303 • SBBC Policy 5303 requires each school to have a minimum of 2 staff members trained in CPR/AED/First Aid with current certification. • The name and location of trained individuals must be documented on the 911 emergency information poster. • The 911 poster should be placed in the health room, cafeteria, front office, and physical education areas. • AED units must be checked by trained staff every 2 weeks and the AED Readiness Inventory Log must be completed. • CPR/AED/First Aid certifications must be current and a copy kept in the health room. • A schedule of current 2015-2016 CPR classes are provided on the Coordinated Student Health Services website. IMMUNIZATION COMPLIANCE & MONITORING Effective for the school year 2015-2016 •Two doses of Varicella vaccine for kindergarten and grades one through seven •One dose of Varicella vaccine for grades eight through twelve (8-12) •One dose of Tetanus-Diphtheria-Pertussis (Tdap) for grades seven though twelve(7-12) Important Reminders •Input all immunizations on the TERMS panel before October 1st deadline. •All schools are required to audit their immunization data throughout the school year to ensure compliance of 95%, which is required by the Florida Department of Health. •Students who do not have verification of Immunization compliance will not be allowed to attend school. (This excludes student who qualify for the 30-day extension). Immunization requirement information, Parents Guide to Childhood Immunizations, Bureau of Immunization Guidelines and locations for immunizations and school physicals are available on the Coordinated Student Health Services (CSHS) website. Go tohttp://www.browarddhealthservices.com/ and select Immunization under Quick Links. • • • • • • • MEDICATION ADMINISTRATION/TREATMENT PROTOCOL Ensure that a minimum of two staff are trained to administer medication excluding the on-site health care personnel. Students must have a completed Authorization for Medication form signed by the healthcare provider and parent/guardian before medication/treatment can be administered. Each prescribed medication administered by school personnel must be kept in its original container, clearly labeled with student’s name, date, name of drug, physician’s name, pharmacy name/number, and stored under lock and key in a medicine cabinet. No student shall transport medication to or from school unless there is a signed Medication Authorization form from a healthcare provider stating they have been trained by their healthcare personnel All expired or discontinued medication must be picked up by parents. Risk Management must be notified if parent does not pick up the medication . School district personnel must complete the medication training course prior to administering any medication. Staff are required to attend a class every two years. For staff training on health procedures for students with health conditions, contact CSHS, on- site healthcare personnel or the On- call nurse. GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNICABLE DISEASE CONTROL • Review the Reportable Communicable Diseases in Florida document for a list of reportable diseases • Report all communicable diseases to Coordinated Student Health Services. Further instructions will be provided by District Health Services staff. • If a communicable disease is suspected, the student should be removed from the class and parents should be notified. • If an employee is suspected of having a communicable disease, contact the Risk Management Department. MANAGING STUDENTS WITH HEALTH NEEDS SCHOOLS WITHOUT ON- SITE HEALTHCARE PERSONNEL • Students that require healthcare procedures or when direct nursing care is needed, school staff should fax a completed Health Service Request (HSR) form with the student’s Authorization For Medication/Treatment Form to Coordinated Student Health Services at 754-321-1692 . • Schools without an on- site health care personnel are assigned an On- Call Nurse (RN) from the Florida Department of Health. • The On- Call Nurse provides staff trainings on health conditions, consultation, develop emergency plan of care and coordinate the planning of students healthcare needs. • Students requiring specialized health interventions at school, should have a written 504 Plan. STAFF INCENTIVES FOR MEDICAL PROCEDURES • • • • • Ensure paraprofessionals assisting students with medical procedures receive supplement. The Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Broward Paraprofessional Association makes provisions for a $1500 annual supplement to be paid to paraprofessionals who perform the following medical procedures. – Catheterization – Gastrostomy tube feeding – Surface suctioning of tracheostomies – Administration of emergency injectable medication – Blood glucose monitoring – Administration of emergency Diastat suppositories or rectal gel If a nurse or trained healthcare personnel is assigned to the school, the paraprofessional is assigned as a backup performer and will be annually paid $200. All required forms are available on the CSHS website and must be submitted within the first 30 days of school or the first 30 days after training is completed. To request training for staff, a completed Health Service Request form along with the student’s Authorization for Medication/Treatment form must be faxed to CSHS, 754321-1687. HEALTH CODES A06 PANEL HEALTH SCREEN • Parents should be encouraged to provide information on their child’s medical conditions on the Student Emergency Contact Card. • The Information Management Technician (IMT) is responsible for entering students health condition(s) into the the A06 panel in TERMS as reported by parent/guardian. • Students with a 504 plan in place require a 504 code. 504 codes have a 26 prefix and should only be entered in TERMS when requested by the designated 504 liaison. • A revised list of the A06 health codes is available online, on the CSHS website www.browardhealthservices.com. Click on School Health Room/Documentation, then A06 Health Information, and then Health Codes (at the bottom of the page). PARTNERSHIPS IN HEALTH AND WELLNESS PROMOTION Broward County Public Schools collaborates with community partners to provide schools with tools to develop an environment of health and wellness. The Fit-Friendly School Recognition Program Established by the American Heart Association Physical inactivity doubles the risk of diseases such as heart disease. The American Heart Association (AHA) Fit-Friendly Program is designed to increase positive life changes. The program recognizes employers (e.g. schools) who champion the health of their employees by creating physical activity practices within the workplace. Schools are recognized by committing to the program, utilizing AHA resources and support, and by submitting an application for recognition. Alliance for a Healthier Generation Healthy Schools Program The evidence – based approach of the Alliance Healthy Schools Program creates a guide for schools to encourage students to eat healthy and increase activity. The Program consists of policy/systems, school meals, food and beverages, health education, employee wellness, physical education and student wellness. Schools who participate in the program may receive a Healthy Schools Program National Recognition Award. The Colgate Bright Smiles, Bright Futures Oral Health Education and Dental Screening Program The primary focus of the Colgate Program is to educate children through storybooks, videos, computer CD-ROM and interactive activities about proper oral health. Mobile Dental Vans staffed by volunteer dentists conduct free dental screenings and educate children and their families about the importance of maintaining good oral health. The program is designed for children ages 1 through 12 years. Please contact Coordinated Student Health Services Department at 754-321-1575, for more information on these programs and how they can be initiated at your school. INFLUENZA SEASON PREPAREDNESS Influenza (Flu) is a contagious disease caused by influenza viruses, which spreads mainly from person to person when an infected person coughs or sneezes near others. Touching an inanimate object with the flu viruses on it, such as doorknobs, elevator buttons, desktops, and then touching their mouth or nose may also infect people. Important The Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommends vaccination as the best way to protect against the flu. Not only does the vaccination help protect you from getting the flu; it also helps stop the spread of the virus to others at school, work and home. Health experts also suggest that performing proper hand washing is another way to prevent acquiring the flu. School Responsibility Schools should maintain adequate supplies of soap and hand sanitizers for their students, staff, and visitors. CDC has made the following recommendations to help prevent the spread of the virus. Please educate staff and students to: • Cover mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing • Wash hands often with proper hand washing techniques and/or use hand sanitizers. • Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth • Stay home when sick and encourage parents of sick children to keep them at home • Do not share eating utensils, drinking glasses, or other personal items •Additional information may be obtained from the Center for Disease Control (CDC)’s website at www.cdc.gov/flu/school or Coordinated Student Health Services website at www.browardhealthservices.com, and then click on Communicable Disease. FLORIDA KIDCARE INSURANCE • Florida KidCare is a State operated Health Insurance for uninsured children under age 19 living in Florida. • Please distribute the information packets and postcards to each child registered in the school. Q. How is Children’s Medicaid eligibility different from other Florida KidCare programs? Medicaid eligibility depends on the child's age along with their household income and household size. Q. How often does Florida KidCare re-determine eligibility? What is the process? All children in Florida KidCare have at least 12 months of continuous coverage, if monthly premiums are paid. Continuous coverage is different for Medicaid. (Children’s Medicaid have no premiums.) Children under five years of age in Medicaid have twelve months of continuous coverage. Q. What are the Covered Benefits/Services ? Doctor visits, checkups, shots, hospital stay, surgery, prescriptions, vision, hearing, behavioral health, referred services, emergencies, and dental services. Applying and Enrolling in KidCare –Applications take up to 8 weeks, may enroll online at www.floridakidcare.org –Attach a current W-2 form, or four weeks of pay check stubs to the application, as proof of income Statewide: 1-888-540-5437 Broward: 954 - 467-8737 THE FLORIDA ASTHMA FRIENDLY SCHOOL RECOGNITION PROGRAM • Asthma is the leading chronic health condition and a major cause of school absenteeism. • The goal of this program is to improve student health, attendance and academic achievement. • Schools can be recognized at four levels: Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum. • For more information about the Florida Asthma Friendly School Recognition Program requirement, go to http:floridaasthmacoalition.com/schools/or call Coordinated Student Health Services at 754-321-1575. FORMS • Health Screening Op-Out Form http://www.browardhealthservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/7b-Health-Screening-OptOut-Form-13-14-.pdf • Vision Screening Result Form http://www.browardhealthservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Vision-Screening-ResultsForm.pdf • Body Mass Index Screening Result Form http://www.browardhealthservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/7d-BMI-Screening-Form13-14.pdf • Reportable Diseases/Conditions In Florida http://www.browardhealthservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/10b-Reportablediseases.pdf • Health Service Request Form http://www.browardhealthservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/11b-Health-ServicesRequest-form-13-14.pdf • Health Codes in Numeric Order http://www.browardhealthservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/13b-2013-14-HEALTHCODES-.pdf • Parent Health Information Letter http://www.browardhealthservices.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Parent-Letter-2015.doc • Florida Kid Care Link http://www.floridakidcare.org