World History AP Spring Exam Review

World History AP Spring Exam Review
The review can earn you up to 10 extra credit points on the exam, depending on how many questions you answer.
Must be handed in when you take the exam. Your exam has 100 questions; some are combined here.
China’s Tang Empire may be described as “cosmopolitan,” which means it…___________________________
2. What was China’s “tributary system”?
3. Why did the Chinese practice footbinding?
4. Why did the Japanese not use the concept of the Mandate of Heaven like the Chinese did?
5. What would be the best thing to do if the Mongols attacked?
6. What kinds of ideas/things were shared across the Mongol Empire?
7. What city was conquered and renamed by the Ottomans in 1453, ending the Byzantine Empire?
8. Technological development stalled during China’s Ming dynasty. Why?
9. Why were the Mongols unable to invade Japan?
10. What does renaissance mean?
11. What kinds of ideas inspired the humanists who started the Renaissance?
12. Why did the Renaissance start in Italy?
13. What is the modern interpretation of the change from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance?
14. What was the focus of church reformers such as Martin Luther?
15. What was the relationship between religion and the secular world during the Renaissance?
16. What were the religious effects of the Protestant Reformation?
17. How did the printing press support the Reformation?
18. What is the three-field system?
19. What happened to European society as a result of the Black Death?
20. Why did Renaissance artists study anatomy?
21. Why is Joan of Arc important?
22. What is absolutism?
23. What is constitutionalism?
24. Who first said that the earth moves around the sun and not the other way around?
25. What accepted idea about government did John Locke challenge?
26. What evidence is there that the Polynesian explorers knew what they were doing?
27. Who were the greatest early medieval Atlantic sailors/explorers?
28. What two nations began the Maritime Revolution?
29. Why did the Iberian overseas exploration/expansion start?
30. Where did Columbus think he was?
31. Where did Europe first establish its most profitable colonies?
32. What was the result of Portugal taking over Indian Ocean trade routes?
33. What was the difference between Spain and Portugal’s empire-building?
34. What gave Cortes an advantage over the Aztecs?
35. What is the Columbian Exchange?
36. Describe the impact of disease on the native Americans when the Europeans arrived.
37. What disease killed the most Amerindians?
38. What American foods changed Old World agriculture?
39. What organization brought European culture into Spanish America and Brazil?
40. Mining for what brought the most wealth to the Spanish?
41. Who replaced Amerindians as slaves in Brazil and the Caribbean?
42. What is a creole?
43. Where did England establish its first permanent American colony?
44. What was a major difference between the British colonies and other European colonies in the Americas?
45. What was the early body of representative government in Virginia called?
46. Why did the sugar plantations begin using African slaves?
47. What was the social class breakdown on the Caribbean islands?
48. Why did Europeans try to limit African traditions on the plantations?
49. What is mercantilism?
50. What is the Middle Passage?
51. Who were the partners in the African Atlantic slave trade?
52. How did the Atlantic slave trade impact Africa?
53. What region received the most African slaves?
54. The longest-lasting post-Mongol Muslim empire was the __.
55. How was the Mughal empire different from the Ottoman and Safavid empires?
56. What title did the Russians begin using for their ruler in the 1500s?
57. What city did Peter the Great build to be a “window on the West”?
58. Why did Peter the Great want to Westernize Russia?
59. What was the European impression of Ming China in the 1500s?
60. What was the Chinese impression of the Europeans?
61. What group shared European science and technology with China?
62. What compromise did Christianity make to gain more Chinese converts?
63. What was the Macartney Mission?
64. A Japanese warrior is called a __.
65. How did Peter the Great and Mansa Musa similarly impact their countries?
66. Why did the Tokugawa make Japan a closed country?
67. What triggered many of the revolutions in the 1700s?
68. A radical Enlightenment idea of government was that power came from __.
69. What was the Enlightenment opinion of Ben Franklin?
70. Which social class was most influenced by Enlightenment ideas?
71. Why did the Articles of Confederation fail?
72. Why was Napoleon able to seize power when he did?
73. How were the American and French Revolutions similar?
74. What was unique about the Haitian Revolution?
75. What were the main causes of the American and French Revolutions?
76. What was the impact of the Congress of Vienna?
77. Why did the Industrial Revolution start in Britain?
78. What was the first industry to develop and mechanize?
79. The most revolutionary invention of the time was the __.
80. How did developing transportation and communication affect the world?
81. What living conditions existed in the industrial cities?
82. What impact did industrialism have on families?
83. What is laissez-faire economics?
84. What was the relationship between the industrial West and the non-industrial world?
85. Why is the Sepoy Rebellion significant?
86. What encouraged commercial and colonial expansion in the 19th century?
87. What is extraterritoriality?
88. What were the economic motives for imperialism?
89. How did imperialism disrupt traditional African life?
90. What were the only two countries in Africa that stayed independent?
91. What was the impact of the Meiji Restoration on Japan?
92. What triggered the Latin American revolutions?
93. Why was Japan successful in modernizing?
94. What was the impact of the Latin American revolutions on their societies?
95. Describe the imperialist boundaries of Africa.
96. What was unique about the leaders of the early Mexican revolutions?