Presentation slides - Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force

The Barriers Men of Color Face
in the Movement to End
Gender Violence and
Strategies to Support Them
May 20, 2011
Monica Collins & Alejandro Covarrubias
Ground Rules
Barriers & Strategies
Examples & Impact
Monica Collins
Assistant Director for
Prevention and Education
Programs & Victim
Advocate in the Women
and Gender Advocacy
Center at Colorado State
Current graduate research
is in the field of Sociology
and is titled The Symbolic
and Structural Similarities
between Antebellum Slave
Markets and Modern Day
NCAA Football Recruiting.
Teaches courses at CSU on
race/ethnicity in popular
media, gender
socialization and violence
Alejandro Covarrubias
Program Specialist, Center
for Multicultural
Excellence at the
University of Denver
Developed and facilitated
Men’s program on
masculinity development
and sexual assault prevent
at 3 different college
Presented on Men of Color
in anti-violence/gender
violence movements
Where are people from?
East Coast
Mountain Region
What field are people in?
Higher Education
Other Field
How much experience do you have
working with Men of Color
in anti-violence work
and/or discussing this topic?
No Experience
Limited Experience
Some Experience
Extensive Experience
Community Guidelines
• There are no “experts”… including us!
• We will speak from our personal experiences and
ask that you do the same.
• We all might experience moments of feeling
triggered, defensive or uncomfortable, especially
as we are talking about unconscious racism in the
movement. Try to remain open to the process.
• Let’s all pay attention to moments when we feel
defensiveness, discomfort and/or validation.
Those feelings are clues!
1. Singular definition of masculinity
2. Limited space to process trauma
3. Racism within institutions and society
4. Leadership within the anti-violence movement
5. Loss of community
6. Historical Context
Singular definition of masculinity
“Masculinity” is synonymous with White Masculinity
Men of Color experience a racialized masculinity:
Driven by Media Images
Black and Latino men are often seen as hyper-aggressive and
Asian men often seen as asexual,
passive, and feminized
Singular definition of masculinity
Black and Latino men are stereotyped as more
masculine and thus more violent
Asian men face added homophobic harassment
and/or feel the need to use hyper-masculine
posturing as a response to racial harassment
Example: Media response to Common’s invitation to
perform at the White House
Move from masculinity to masculinities
Honor that there are many forms of masculinity for all men
An individual’s masculinity is formed by intersections of
other social identities like race, class, disability, sexuality,
religion and nationality
Do not let White culture define the experiences of Men of
What is “Machismo”?
Present multiple versions of masculinity
Resources should include information for/about men
with various intersecting identities: Queer Men of Color,
Men with disabilities, Working-Class Men of Color
Men lack spaces to talk about trauma
Men tend not to talk about the trauma that has been
inflicted on them or about the trauma they have inflicted on
others. This is generally true for all men, regardless of race
Our framework for “trauma” is typically physical or sexual
abuse… we typically don’t count harassment, bullying or
Men of Color especially need this space as their racial
identity often intersects with gendered experiences of
violence and trauma
Men lack spaces to talk about trauma
Men of Color are processing trauma around gender
and racism
Silencing of racist trauma
Men of Color don’t get to explore their own issues
Example: Men of Color might not feel safe talking about
violence within communities of color while in a majority
White space (gender caucus)
Create spaces for Men of Color to talk
about victimization and victimizing
Need to broaden the definition of “trauma” so that
experiences around race, ability, class, etc. matter
Name the racialized violence men of color experience or
are perceived to experience
Scar Story Activity
Have men tell story of physical scar
Open space for emotional scars
Who has scarred them?
Who have they scarred? (What does it feel like to know that you have
scarred someone?)
Racism within Institutions and Society
Men of Color are disproportionately depicted and reported
as perpetrators of sexual assault and gender violence
Socialization as a White woman
Racism within Victim Advocacy
Men of Color are also convicted at a higher rate
The media portrays Men of Color (specifically Black and
Latino men) as hyper-violent
Racism within Institutions and Society
Despite the very low percentage of “false” reports,
Men of Color are socialized to fear being falsely accused
of crimes, specifically when involved with White women
Society views and treats men of color with greater
suspicion and accountability
Men of Color (or organizations/communities
comprised of Men of Color) face additional scrutiny and
Racism within Institutions and Society
Example: Chris Brown vs. Charlie Sheen
Example: Recent Today Show episode
Example: Man of Color at CSU Women’s Conference
Consider intersecting identities when
discussing issues of accountability
Remain committed to honoring and exploring the
complexities of identity within this issue.
Speak out against media outlets and challenge anti-violence
leaders who fail to recognize how “outrage” is often racialized
Offer multiple options for survivors that include and move
beyond the criminal justice system
Community Accountability and Transformative Justice
(TJ) movements
We cannot allow men of color to excuse misogynistic
behaviors with their racial identity
Leadership within anti-violence movements
The perception is that nationwide leaders and men’s
organizations are predominantly White (Men can Stop Rape,
1 in 4, etc)
When Men of Color are looked to as leaders, it is typically
for a targeted population, community or issue.
Leadership within anti-violence movements
Lack of nationwide leadership for Men of Color
Men of Color get pigeonholed into addressing certain
Men of Color are stereotyped as not engaged or lacking
interest because they do not show up like White leaders
Differences around Leadership (CSU Men’s Project)
White men moved from action to self discovery
Men of color moved from self-discovery to action and
community development
Re-examine leadership within the movement
Re-examine expectations of what “leadership” and
“engagement” look like
Honor that men of color are also facing racism while engaging
in anti-violence work
Credibility of a white presenter vs. a presenter of color
Most Men of Color leadership development happens around
sports, we need to move away from this
Look to Men of Color for leadership within the anti-violence
movement in general
Loss of Community
Men of Color risk losing their community & becoming
isolated when acting as bystanders within their racial/ethnic
Especially true for Men of Color in predominately White
institutions, colleges, etc.
Men of Color face additional complexities when
discussing “bystander intervention” strategies
Due to the lack of visible men of color in the
movement, men of color risk feeling misunderstood and
alienated in the movement AND within their own
Provide opportunities for Men of Color to
engage in and create community
Support opportunities for Men of Color to engage in
communities of pro-feminist Men of Color
Actively seek out Men of Color leadership conferences
and collaborate with them
Create space at Gender-Violence Prevention
conferences for Men of Color to meet each other
Actively invite Men of Color to Gender-Violence
Prevention conferences
Acknowledge that most bystander models tend to be based
on White/“Western” values
Historical Context
Historical impact of social justice movements
Sexism within racial justice movement
Racism within feminist movement
Most sexual assault/gender violence centers are staffed by
White women
Socialized racism from White women and socialized
sexism from Men of Color leads to mutual mistrust
Historical Context
Complexities of intersecting identities in relationships
between Men of Color and White women
When doing “gender work”, the assumption is often
that “gender” should be the primary lens
Women of Color lack safe spaces because of sexism and
Engage in accountability dialogues
White folks dialogue together to name and acknowledge
the racism they (and the history of the movement) bring to
the table when working with People of Color
Men of Color dialogue together to name and acknowledge
the sexism and dominance they bring to the table when
working with all women
Recognize the impact that racism and sexism have on
Women of Color
Become more personally aware of our own
advantaged/dominant and marginalized/subordinated
Ask ourselves and our organizations how these
identities have an impact on the way we do the work
? Questions?
Contact Information
Alejandro Covarrubias
Monica Collins