Adjunct Professor Mikkola Heimo, University of Eastern Finland

In October-November 2014, by academic mobility program, the professor of the
University of Eastern Finland Heimo Mikolla came with lecture to the department
of Technology producing products of livestock. Main topics of the lectures were
devoted to the present state of fish farming industry. The main audience were
master students majoring "fisheries" and "biotechnology". In addition, together
with professors of the department of livestock products, Mr. Heimo Mikolla
issued methodical instruction on theme: Status, perspective and future
aquaculture development in Kazakhstan and Central Asia based on scientific
research, practical training. This methodical instruction is one of the first works
in the department aimed at the unification of the educational programs and its
compliance with international standards. And also from October 8, 2014 at the
Department of Technology producing products of livestock passes 6-month
research and teaching internship, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor of the
University of Shygyz (China) Mr. Oralkazy Kazyhan. In conjunction with the
teachers of the department of Technology producing products of livestock, is
shortly planned to publish the lecture course for bachelor and master students of
biotechnology specialty.
Kazakh National Agrarian University
Faculty: Technology and bio resources
Status, perspective and future aquaculture development
in Kazakhstan and Central Asia based on scientific
research, practical training and applied Biotechnology
Course for Master students
Authors: Adjunct Professor Mikkola Heimo, University of Eastern
Professor Makhatov, B.M., National Agrarian University
Status, perspective and future aquaculture development
in Kazakhstan and Central Asia based on scientific
research, practical training and applied Biotechnology.
(International Master Level Courses in the Modern Aquaculture)
To be cited as: Mikkola, H., Makhatov, B. M. & Buralhiev, B. 2014.
Status, perspective and future aquaculture development in Kazakhstan and
Central Asia based on scientific research, practical training and applied
Biotechnology. (International Master Level Courses in the Modern
Aquaculture). 78 p. National Agrarian University of Almaty, Kazakhstan.
 “We must plant the sea and herd its animals using the sea as
farmers instead of hunters.
 That is what civilization is all about – farming replacing hunting.”
 Saying of Jacques Yves Cousteau (late scientist, marine
conservationist and deep sea diver)
This short manual lists the themes which can be presented as lectures or
practical exercises or both. All topics can be expanded also to a series of
lectures. The idea should be that the students can select between some
topics depending on their interest and the subject of their thesis. This
should be a living document which will be improved and corrected
continuously as need be. Especially the practical exercises ought to be
developed annually as now listed ones are just examples of the 2013
semester when this programme was experimented at the first time.
Nothing is final in the nature related science or its teaching!!
Comments and corrections are solicited both from scientific colleagues
and from any level of students:
In English to:
Adjunct Professor Mikkola Heimo, University of Eastern Finland,
Department of Biology, Kuopio Campus, P.O.B 1627, FIN-70211 Kuopio,
Finland E: mail:
or in Russian to:
Professor Makhatov, B.M., National Agrarian University, Almaty,
Kazakhstan E: mail:
Figure 1. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) can
easily grow up to 15 kg like this specimen.
Photo: Galimzhan Iskakov
Table of Content
Text description of the lectures, practical exercises and optional courses
1. Aquaculture definitions and bilingual vocabulary
2. Detailed presentation of the best aquaculture information sources
3. Status of Aquaculture in Kazakhstan
4. Recreational fishing and aquaculture in Kazakhstan
5. Modern Status and Perspectives of Aquaculture Development in
6. Status of Aquaculture in other Central Asian Countries
7. Different aquaculture methods
-Raceway systems
-Recirculation systems
8. Farming methods of different species, including feed:
a. Trout farming
b. Whitefish farming
c. Tilapia farming
d. Catfish farming
e. Salmon farming
f. Sturgeon farming
g. Eel farming
h. Cod farming
i. Pike-Perch farming
j. Herbivorous fish farming
k. Crayfish farming
l. Shrimp farming
Shellfish farming
n. Multispecies farming
9. Fish parasitology
10. Fish and crayfish toxicology
11. How to develop Rainbow Trout feeds using the locally available
12. How to avoid wastewater and fish health problems?
13. How to use UV radiation of the hatching water to prevent fungal
infestation of the fish eggs?
14. Biotechnology possibilities in Aquaculture
15. Why people in Kazakhstan should eat more fish – because fish
diet benefits the human health in many ways?
16. How to make a good research plan?
17. Scientific writing
18. How to get impact points from your papers?
19. How to write a fish farming manual?
20. EIA in Aquaculture
21. A special crayfish farming course
22. Practical Aquaculture Related Exercises
23. References
24. Audiovisual materials
25. Annexes
Annex 1. Natural and sustainable aquaculture definitions and
bilingual glossary (Russian translations will follow)
Annex 2. EIA course in Kazakhstan (Aquaculture oriented)
Annex 3.Intensive course in the freshwater crayfish, mainly
Astacidea, fishery and aquaculture development
Annex 4. Concept for the compilation of a fish farming manual for
Annex 5. Concept for creating a Ph.D teaching programme in
Aquaculture for Central Asia in the National Agrarian University,
Almaty, Kazakhstan
26. Figures
Figure 1. Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) can
easily grow up to 15 kg like this specimen. Photo: Galimzhan
Figure 2. Farmed European whitefish from Finland. Photo: Tournay
Figure 3. Farmed Sturgeon juveniles. Photo: Brummett Randy
Figure 3. This size Pike-Perch female could be a good start for a
Pike-perch ( Sander lucioperca) farming. Photo: Galimzhan Iskakov.
We want to express our most sincere thanks to Mrs. Nazarmatov Burul for
all the English-Russian translations of this teaching programme from its
beginning in 2013. We are also grateful for Professor Bogeruk K. Andrey
to be able to use his excellent presentation of Russian aquaculture. One of
the promising 2014 Master students, Galimzhan Iskakov, kindly allowed
us to use his good Pike-Perch and Common Carp photos in this document.
And last but not least Ms Tournay Bernadette and Dr Brummett Randy
gave us a nice Whitefish and Sturgeon pictures.
CoE = Center of Excellence
DHA= docosahexaenoic acid
€ = Euro
EIA = Environmental Impact Assessment
EPA = eicosapentaenoic acid
FAN = FAO Aquaculture Newsletter
FAO = Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
GM = Genetically Modified
ha = hectare
KazNAU = National Agrarian University of the Republic of
Mt = Metric tons
m-3 = cubic meter
NGO = Non-Governmental Organization
NIM = National Implementation Modality
pH = pH value (0-14)
Ph.D. = Doctor of Philosophy
PP = PowerPoint
PR = Public Relations
PUFA = long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids
RKTL = Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute
SOFA = The State of Food and Agriculture; FAO’s major annual
flagship publication
UEF = University of Eastern Finland
UN = United Nations
UNDP = United Nations Development Programme
US$ = United States Dollar
USSR = Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
UV = Ultra Violet
WHO = World Health Organization of the United Nations
YVAKO = The Environmental Impact Assessment Centre Project
The Republic of Kazakhstan has extensive water resources, with good
potential for fish production. Under the former planned economy, fisheries
development was not considered a priority as the main use of water
resources was for irrigation or as sources of hydropower. Nevertheless,
two big industrial state enterprises for fish capture and processing were
operating - one for the Caspian Sea and another for the Aral Sea. Also,
there were numerous local fish processing facilities handling the catch of
local fishermen. For the purpose of fingerlings production 14 big state
farms were built. More than 95 percent of the state fish farms were
privatized as part of the economic changes that followed the breakup of
the former USSR. Their production fell from 8 800 Mt in 1991 to 500 Mt
in 2000 (FAO 2004).
Salmonid culture (mostly rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss and brown
trout Salmo trutta) in artificial ponds is limited because of water quality
problems and high prices for imported fish feed, resulting in high fish
prices. At 3.5 kg, the average annual per capita consumption of fish in
Kazakhstan is low, when WHO recommendation is for people to consume
at least 12 kg of fish products annually. Most fish is consumed fresh,
frozen or salted. The canned products available in the market are mainly
imported. With the sharp decline in food consumption in recent years,
related to increasing poverty, the domestic demand for cheap fish has
significantly increased. Canned, frozen and salted oceanic fish products
are imported, mostly from Russia (FAO 2004).
Since 2000, imports of fish exceeded the domestic production not only in
quantity but also in prices which for imported fish were 2–3 times higher
than prices for domestic fish products. Thus, in urban markets, fresh carp
and pike-perch (zander) cost about US$ 1–2/kg, bream about US$ 0.3–
0.8/kg, salted common herring about US$ 2-3/kg, and smoked Atlantic
mackerel about US$ 4–5/kg. Nevertheless, it satisfies to some effect the
demand in large and medium-sized settlements (FAO 2004).
The traditional farming of fish is expected to diversify and possibly
expand by commercial cultivation of more valuable fish species
(especially sturgeons and trout, and more so Whitefish and Pike-perch
(Zander) with better market prospects. For the fisheries sector,
sustainability is expected to be reached through improvements in
administration governance and economic incentives (e.g. moderate
taxation and micro-credit for fish farms). Commercial aquaculture in lakes
and existing natural ponds has good prospects. The state could offer
support and promote pilot projects for newcomers through national and
international funding (FAO 2004).
As marine fisheries decrease, concerns over the sustainability of marine
capture of fish rises. Aquaculture could play an important role in
increasing fish consumption without serious negative environmental
consequences. Fish farming must be conducted in a sustainable way,
taking into account not only direct environmental impacts but also indirect
ones related to fish feed, product processing and transport, etc. The fish
farming methods must ensure a consistent supply, good quality as well as
good traceability and documentation of fish. Fish farming can also
contribute to livelihood expansion as fish can often be grown in rural areas
characterized by low employment rates, providing income and raising
living standards. At its best, farmed fish have high quality, and are
sustainable and healthy products that may be brought to the market
throughout the year, regularly and at a competitive price. In Finland the
farmed fish brought to the supermarkets also the natural lake fish catch
and now the fish can be the cheapest meat you buy in the country.
Last but not least some pertinent questions: Why to develop aquaculture?
If we can farm the land why can’t we farm the sea and inland waters?
People should eat more seafood!
Due to the rising demand for fish and shellfish, aquaculture is
predicted to have increasingly important role in providing a protein
source for future generations.
Research has been a strong driver for aquaculture development over
the last 20 years and should continue to do so in the future.
Sustainable complement to traditional fishery
Aquaculture production is safer food and often better quality than
wild harvested fish
Aquaculture production generally more affordable than fish caught in
the wild
Aquaculture food is traceable right to the egg and to the parent fish
Aquaculture protects biodiversity – restocking depleted fisheries and
variety of species!
At the end of this document there is a proposal to produce a very much
needed aquaculture manual for the Kazakhstan and other Central Asian
aqua culturists (See Annex 4.).
Similarly Annex 5. serves an Concept Idea for creating a Ph.D teaching
programme in Aquaculture for Central Asia as a Center of Excellency in
the National Agrarian University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Text description of the lectures, practical exercises and courses
1. Aquaculture definitions and bilingual vocabulary
Aquaculture definition as an example:
“Aquaculture is farming of aquatic organisms, including fish,
molluscs, crustaceans, and aquatic plants.
Farming implies some form of intervention in the rearing process
to enhance production, such as regular stocking, feeding,
protection from predators, etc.”
This bilingual vocabulary and some basic definitions are necessary
for the students to learn in advance in order to follow the English
lectures (See Annex 1).
2. Detailed presentation of the best aquaculture information sources
It is not necessary to know or to remember everything but one
should know where he/she can find the required information.
That is why we will start these lessons with the most important info
sources one should learn to use if and when need be.
Internet is an excellent information source but you should always
keep in mind that the internet has only that information what
somebody has put into it.
So often the most important info is missing, especially the old info.
Some languages are underrepresented like the Russian scientific
papers and books are.
Internet can also give totally wrong or misleading info!
Internet is full of services the use of which you have to pay for – so
be careful before ordering such services which most likely are not
even so relevant for you.
And be careful how you put your own photos or unpublished data
in the net because these easily become a public domain.
FAO has published a number of useful booklets like:
- Aquaculture project formulation
- Handbook on Small-scale Freshwater Fish Farming
- Geographical information system to plan for aquaculture
- Fish production in irrigation canals etc.
However, FAO has no monopoly in aquaculture literature.
ELSEVIER is a large publishing house continuously printing new
books on aquaculture.
Environmental Sanitation Information Center/Asian Institute of
Technology has a good manual on fish culture.
The World aquaculture Society is publishing an excellent
magazine: World Aquaculture Magazine
European Aquaculture Society is publishing its own magazine
Marine Conservation Society (MCS) in the UK has developed its
FARMING. That can be accessed at:
These are just a few examples of the existing INFO SOURCES
Power Point presentation containing 69 Slides. The main aim of these
lectures is to teach the students how to use and/or NOT to use the
3. Status of Aquaculture in Kazakhstan
Power Point presentation on this topic contains 28 slides. Some
examples of the content:
Aquaculture production normally goes up when the catch of the
capture fisheries goes down.
This can be seen also in the long term statistics of Kazakhstan.
Overall aquaculture production in Kazakhstan was estimated at 386
Mt in 2007, which is less than 1% of the total fisheries production.
Aquaculture production has continued to decline over the 19892007 periods.
Common Carp production went down from 800 Mt in 2005 to 80 Mt
in 2006.
Silver Carp production decreased from 424 Mt in 2006 to 262 Mt in
It has been proven that the Rate of Economic Return is higher in
aquaculture than that in the Ocean or Lake Fishing and in the Pig
However, these economic advantages have not been fully
documented in the Government supported research.
See also Timirkhanov et al. 2010.
4. Recreational fishing and Aquaculture in Kazakhstan
Two different Power Point presentations exist on this topic:
Artisanal and recreational fisheries 23 PP slides and Recreational
Fishery in Kazakhstan 20 PP slides. Content examples:
Very closely linked as aquaculture ponds and aquaculture
produced fish and fingerlings are used to support recreational
Without aquaculture there would be no wild trout or salmon in our
In Russia the term Recreational aquaculture is commonly used and
it covers also aquarium fish rearing – more than 1.5 million people
are occupied with it. More than 500.000 people have backyard
(homestead) recreational fish farms in Russia.
See also Van Anrooy et al. 2008.
5. Modern Status and Perspectives of Aquaculture Development in
This lecture is based on Professor Andrey K. Bogeruk’s excellent Power
Point presentation (21 slides). Two of the slides shown below:
6. Status of Aquaculture in other Central Asian Countries
Power point presentation of 15 slides exists. Content examples:
In most Central and South Asian countries the importance of fish
culture has been recognized but its development has been hampered
by a lack of experienced fish farmers.
A major hindrance is the absence of practical training and higher
educational material related to local conditions.
See also Sutton et al. 2005.
7. Different aquaculture methods
A PowerPoint presentation exists with 15 slides.
-Raceway systems have been presented in the context of shrimp
farming in South-East Asia
-Recirculation systems will be included in the new presentations.
-Rice cum fish, fish cum pigs, duck and chicken will be added.
8. Farming methods of different species, including feed:
a. Trout farming
Rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss), although native to North West
America has been introduced to regions throughout the world. Fish farms
usually concentrate on different aspects of the life cycle. Hatcheries
produce ova from brood stock and sell on to fingerling producers who
grow fingerlings and fry from the eggs. Fingerling producers supply restockers and table fish producers. Table producers in turn provide fish to
fish processors, while re-stockers will supply capture or recreational
fisheries. Some farms may undertake several of these business activities
and in addition may have a shop, a smoker / processing unit, or a
recreational fishery (where anglers can fish in artificially stocked ponds or
lakes) that is often open to the public. Kazakhstan has such facilities in
very nice mountain areas where they also cook the fish you will catch for
you to eat in beautiful surroundings.
The main facility needed is a clean river for adequate water supply, in an
accessible spot. Trout are cold blooded and are greatly affected by water
temperature. The warmer the water, the fewer the fish that can be stocked
there and the greater the water flow needs to be; this is because the
solubility of oxygen in water decreases with temperature. Ideally, oxygen
level, should be 7mg/l or greater. The flow of the water source will in part
determine your stocking level. While artificial aeration can be used to
increase oxygen levels a sufficient water flow is still needed to remove
waste produced by the fish. The total volume of water available on any
one site will be a limiting factor in the expansion of a trout farming
A farm on a river will consist of ponds, tanks or raceways with the water
supplied by gravity. Often a location with a weir is utilized. Cage farming
is an alternative method involving the siting of net cages in deep
freshwater lakes. The unfrozen sea waters may provide the best location
for this method of farming in Kazakhstan.
In the land based river side farms the screens are installed at the inlet
channel, to keep out debris and migratory fish. Water should be treated
before being discharged back into the river and further screens installed at
the outlet. All effluents should be strictly monitored with regular testing.
Although trout can be bred to different sizes, they generally reach their
harvesting size at 300-400g in approximately seven and a half months,
building muscle by swimming against the current of the water as it passes
through the farm.
Once harvested, the trout will be processed for use. Larger farms often
have processing facilities on site, which contain machinery designed to
gut, fillet, smoke and pack the fish, depending on what is required. The
trout may then be sold direct to customers at farm shops, or sent to
wholesale markets, caterers or retailers.
b. Whitefish farming
Until the 1990s consumer demand for farmed fish in Finland was satisfied
by the country’s rainbow trout farms but subsequently globalisation of the
fish market which increased salmonid imports resulted in rainbow trout
prices falling and reduced profitability for Finland’s trout farmers. As
rainbow trout lost its luxury image consumers’ interest in other fish
species increased despite their higher market price. In 2004 the price of
farmed European whitefish in Finland was almost double that of farmed
rainbow trout.
Figure 2. Farmed European Whitefish from Finland. Photo:
Tournay Bernadette.
To help trout farmers develop new species the Institute carried out
feasibility studies to evaluate the market and cultivation potential of
different native species to select the best potential candidates for further
study and eventual commercial production. From these analysis European
whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus L.) was considered to have the best
potential for diversification since it has several advantages over other
species RKTL looked at which included pike perch, perch and arctic char.
These advantages included the fact that seed material was readily available
as European whitefish brook stock was already in cultivation and that
larvae could be grown successfully using commercial dry feeds developed
for marine species. In addition European whitefish grow well in the
temperature conditions common in Finland’s lakes and brackish water
courses. Lake’s in Kazakhstan have very similar conditions to those in
Found in the wild in fresh and brackish water in most European countries
European whitefish, a member of the salmonid family, was already a
known and valued species in Finland where 1,200 Mt were caught
annually by professional fishermen. Its white flesh is a good alternative to
red fleshed salmon and the initiation of farming is not as difficult as for
other new species since the production methods used for rainbow trout are
partially suitable for European whitefish. In addition, brood stocks of
several whitefish strains have been farmed for several decades for
restocking purpose lakes and the Baltic Sea and these stocks provide eggs
for use in fish farming for commercial food fish production.
While whitefish farming for restocking was usually done semi-intensively
in ponds with annual production between 22-25 million juveniles,
commercial food fish farming is based on intensive farming.
During their first year European whitefish are reared in indoor plastic
tanks in fresh water with a flow-through system and under natural
temperature conditions. Following the juvenile phase net cages and earth
tanks are used, again under natural temperatures. The production cycle,
from larvae to market size, which is around 600g, takes 18-28 months.
The reason for the long production cycle in Finland is the naturally low
temperatures during winter which is a five to six month period. During
that time water temperatures are usually around 1-3°C and growth is
extremely slow.
However the production period can be reduced to an 18 month cycle if
heated water is used during the egg incubation stage to accelerate hatching
as well as during the juvenile phase.
Although the farming technology used for rainbow trout can be partially
transferred to European whitefish production there exist certain
differences in rearing methods especially during the egg and larvae stage
and to some extent in the feeding, nutrition and handling of the growing
Diversification project, which began in the mid-1990s, aims to develop a
profitable production procedure for the cultivation of whitefish by
improving its growth rate, welfare and flesh quality as well as reducing
feed costs. During the past 10 years research has focused on solving
biological production problems concerned mainly with feeding, nutrition,
growth and welfare with research carried out mostly in laboratory scale.
After RKTL became familiar with the rearing biology of this species the
work developing net cage rearing techniques for brackish water
environment began. This five year long project was carried out in
cooperation with private enterprises to ensure direct transfer of rearing
technology to the end users.
One target of the initial research stages was to develop an optimal growing
diet for European whitefish and the Finnish fish feed company Raisio
Feed Ltd has used the results obtained to produce species-specific feed.
More recently RKTL was working on a selective breeding programme for
European whitefish together with genetics and economic researchers with
the aim of measuring heritability and the economic importance of different
production and quality traits in order to produce an optimal family-based
breeding programme. There was also a three year research programme to
improve whitefish flesh quality which also started in 2006.
So far the transfer of technology to the industry has resulted in commercial
production reaching around 430 Mt in 2004 which was expected to double
in 2005, produced by around 20 farmers who are farming European
whitefish alongside rainbow trout. Today farmed European whitefish is
supplied to the Finnish fish market all year round. With growing
production farmers are now interested in exporting it to European markets
and therefore farmed European whitefish products were on show at the
European Seafood Show at Brussels already in 2006.
See also Mikkola et al. 1979, Mikkola 2008, and Shemeikka et al. 1978
and 1979.
c. Tilapia farming
Large-scale commercial culture of tilapia is limited almost exclusively to
the culture of three species: Oreochromis niloticus, O. aureus, and O.
mossambica. Of the three tilapia species with recognized aquaculture
potential, the Nile tilapia, O. niloticus, is by far the most commonly
cultured species in tilapia farming. The use of hybrids of 2-4 species of
tilapia is also quite popular in certain countries.
Grow out strategies for tilapia range from the simple to the very complex.
Relatively simple tilapia farming strategies are characterized by little
control over water quality and food supply and by low fish farm yields. As
greater control over water quality and fish nutrition is imposed and fish
stocking levels are increased, the fish yield per unit area increases. Across
this wide range of fish farming methods, there is a progression from low to
high management intensity.
In traditional pond culture of tilapia, proper environmental conditions are
maintained by balancing the inputs of feed with the natural assimilative
capacity of the pond environment. The pond’s natural biological
productivity (algae, higher plants, zooplankton and bacteria) serves as
both a food source and a biological filter that helps convert fish waste byproducts through natural biological processes. Increasing fish stocking
densities places increasing demands on the fish production system.
Additional energy inputs in the form of labor, water exchange, aeration
and higher quality fish feeds are all required to sustain fish culture
conditions in the intensive system. As pond production intensifies and fish
feeding rates increase, supplemental aeration and some water exchange are
required to maintain good water quality. For fish stocking densities above
1.5-kg per square meter, aeration is usually required. Eventually, there is
an end point where the incremental returns on investment are not worth
the incrementally higher rated of production relative to the higher costs
and higher risks. In other words, increasing the intensity of the fish culture
system does not necessarily reflect an increase in profitability.
All tilapia production systems must provide a suitable environment to
promote the growth of the aquatic crop. This is true regardless of whether
tilapia is grown in ponds, in cages, or in tanks or raceways. Critical
environmental parameters that must be properly managed include
dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrites, and carbon dioxide. Other important
parameters to control within the fish production system include nitrates,
pH, and alkalinity. To produce tilapia in a cost effective manner, aquatic
production systems must be capable of maintaining all of these water
quality variables in a safe range for the entire grow-out period.
Proper feeding of a nutritionally balanced fish feed is critical to success
for any tilapia farming operation. To produce excellent growth rates,
tilapia are typically fed moderate to high protein pelleted diets at rates
ranging from 1.0% to 30% of their body weight per day depending upon
their age and size.
Numerous options for holding brood fish, fry, fingerlings, juveniles, subadult and adult tilapias are available to the prospective farmer. The basic
options include ponds, tanks or raceways, and cages. Ponds are used in
extensive, semi-intensive and intensive tilapia production. Pond culture is
by far the most common method being employed on a global scale
because it is one of the cheapest methods and also is one of the best. Ponds
are much cheaper to construct and allow tilapia production specialists to
stimulate natural productivity more readily. One potential major drawback
of pond culture is the greater risk of uncontrolled reproduction, which will
occur if the tilapias have not been properly sex-reversed prior to stocking
in the grow-out ponds. Tanks or raceways involve considerably greater
expense to construct, but offer greater control. They are typically used in
intensive grow out of tilapias, or in the tilapia hatchery. If it's done right,
cage culture of tilapia can be the least cost method of growing larger
tilapia, but tilapia cage culture is limited by availability of high quality
sites and can be subjected to potentially devastating environmental
extremes if not properly accounted for in the site selection and operational
d. Catfish farming
e. Salmon farming
f. Sturgeon farming (23 slides)
Figure 3. Farmed Sturgeon juveniles. Photo: Brummett Randy
g. Eel farming
h. Cod farming
During the last decades there have been several attempts to engage in cod
farming in Norway, with varying success. In 2012, 10 033 Mt of farmed
cod were produced in Norway.
Farmed cod in Norway descends from wild local stocks. After a few
generations of development, it is now feasible to control the quality of the
brood stock. In cod farming, the eggs are collected from fish spawning in
tanks. In the wild, the time of spawning is dependent on the length of the
day. Hence spawning in cod farming can be timed using artificial light,
thus ensuring a supply of eggs all year round.
One of the biggest challenges in intensive cod farming is high mortality in
the larvae and early fry stage. In contrast to salmon, which are fed pellets
from an early stage, the cod larvae are dependent on live feed after the
yolk sac phase. Throughout the different larva stages, cod need prey of
increasing size. Today, most cod fry are produced indoors where
environmental factors such as temperature, light and water chemistry can
be controlled. The living prey of the cod larva is also produced indoors
and is added to the water together with algae or algae concentrate. This socalled “green water” improves the survival of the larva. The growth of cod
larvae can be substantial, with body weight increases of up to 15% in a
day. After some time, the larvae are adapted to pellets. The pellets used in
cod farming are considerably leaner than those used in salmon farming.
After the larvae and early fry stage, the production of cod is very similar
to the production of salmon. However, there are some differences between
the species. Farmed cod will usually spawn at the age of two years and a
weight of approximately two kilos. This is unfortunate, as the spawning
leads to bad appetite and therefore slower growth. Furthermore, school
behaviour is not so well developed in cod populations and the cod tend to
swim along the net walls and bottom. When moved to sea, the chance of
escapes is larger in cod farming as the cod seem more tempted by the
outside world and tend to bite on the nets.
i. Pike-Perch farming (15 slides)
This freshwater fish is considered to have the highest potential for inland
aquaculture diversification. Based on Finnish and other European projects
reproductive control and bio-economic feasibility of pikeperch intensive
rearing have been demonstrated.
Pikeperch demand has been strengthened by the strong decline of wild
catches from Russia, Estonia and Finland from 50.000 Mt in 1950 to
20.000 Mt currently. Over the last decade, 10 new farms have been built
in Europe to produce an estimated 300-400 Mt pikeperch. Numerous
more commercial operations have been designed and/or are under
construction in Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany,
Hungary, Italy, Poland, Portugal and the Netherlands. Year-round
production of pikeperch requires constant high temperatures (24-26°C),
which is only feasible with relatively high growth rates (i.e. production of
1.2 kg fish in 15 -18 months from non-selected strains). Recirculation of
the water also allows high densities of 80-100 kg m-3. Pikeperch flesh
quality has a neutral taste, thus lending itself to different forms of
preparation, and the filets are without bones --unlike carp, which competes
on the same market segment. At present, pikeperch is sold either as whole
fish at a weight of 600-3000 g or as filets of 100-800 g to markets in
Europe (mainly Western, Eastern and Northern areas) and North-America,
showing strong demand. The market value is high at 8-11 € kg-1 at farm
European fish farmers have listed three major bottlenecks for further
expansion of pikeperch culture today including
(a) high sensitivity to stressors, handling and husbandry practices that
result in high and sudden mortalities,
(b) low larval survival (typical 5-10%) and high incidence of
(c) lack of knowledge of the genetic variability of the used brood
Identification of genetic relationships among different brood stocks,
inbreeding phenomena and loss of heterozygosity is important in
aquaculture, since it may result in subsequent reproductive and productive
failure (reduced progeny survival, growth, food conversion efficiency and
increased frequency of deformities). It is also important to know how the
domesticated stocks differ from their wild counterparts (f.i. in
Kazakhstan), which could potentially be a future source of fish to
implement in effective breeding programs. Overcoming the above
bottlenecks is very important to reduce production costs and, therefore,
expand the aquaculture production of this species in Kazakhstan and
Central Asia.
See also Marttinen & Menna 2007, Jokelainen et al. 2009 and
Koskelainen & Airaksinen 2012.
j. Herbivorous fish farming
k. Crayfish farming
See Annex 3 and Lindqvist & Mikkola 1978, Mikkola 1978,
1996 and 2007.
l. Shrimp farming
See Borge-Aaserud et al. 1988 for technical and financial
Shellfish farming
Shellfish such as oysters, mussels and clams are filter feeders and take
their food directly from the water in which they live. This means that they
do not require supplementary food and, if anything, actually improve the
quality and clarity of the water. Shellfish farming can only provide the
best quality products if practiced in pristine environments with the highest
water quality.
Environmental problems can arise on shellfish farms where the animals
are held at overly high densities, leading to depletion of food in the water
and build-up of faeces below the holding areas. Both effects will harm the
outcome for the farmer and hence shellfish farms are generally sited where
water exchange is high and the stock is kept at densities that are
compatible with the level of water exchange. In many cases, stocking
densities on farms are lower than those of clusters of shellfish (e.g.
mussels) that occur on natural beds.
Shellfish farms have been thought to disturb wildlife habitats by taking up
space on a beach where wading birds feed. It has been shown, however,
that wading birds and oyster farms can exist side by side. The fallen oyster
or mussel can have a positive impact on a bird’s feeding pattern.
Other potential impacts include the importation of parasites, pests and
diseases onto the shellfish farm which would then spread to other areas.
The microscopic oyster parasite Bonamia ostrea, for example, gradually
spread through Europe with the spread of oyster farming. European
farmers have responded by significantly reducing the density at which
their oysters are farmed.
Some people complain of “visual pollution” caused by large numbers of
floating barrels or shellfish trestles in otherwise unspoilt areas. Lowprofile and dark-coloured floats have recently been developed to minimise
the visual impact.
n. Multispecies farming (f.i. Tilapia with Macrobrachium etc.)
Power Point presentation will be prepared separately for each of these
species. Some already exist, text and/or number of slides marked in those
9. Fish parasitology
Fish Parasitology is an important field in aquatic science. Because of its
close linkage to other fields such as human health, fisheries, fish ecology
and environmental monitoring, fish parasitology should be seen in the
context of other aquaculture disciplines. Fish parasites play a major role in
marine and inland water biodiversity, infecting hosts at all different
trophic levels. The growth of aquaculture, concerns about the effects of
pollution on fish health, and the possible use of parasites as biological
indicator organisms has led to a steady increase in interest in this topic.
Fish and fisheries products are important sources of protein and contribute
a great deal to available food resources worldwide. Over-fishing and
environmental degradation are already threatening most of the larger fish
stocks, and a further increase in fisheries production seems to be
dependent on the cultivation of aquatic organisms within semi-extensive
and intensive aquaculture. An intensive culture leads to an increasing risk
of infection by disease causing agents, such as fungi, viruses, bacteria and
Parasites are an integral part of every ecosystem, representing a major
factor in global biodiversity. Host-parasite checklists suggest that on
average, there are at least 3-4 metazoan parasites per studied marine fish
species within a specific environment. This has led to a conservative
estimate, by Klimpel, Palm, Seehagen & Rosenthal (2001), of 20,250 to
43,200 marine metazoan fish parasites, calculated on the basis of the
13.500 currently known fish species that inhabit brackish or marine
waters. Fish parasites clearly constitute a major part of the living animal
species within the world’s oceans.
Parasites are common in farmed fish, too
Parasites are not unique to wild fish, but in the wild they obviously go
untreated. Parasites fall into two main groups – ectoparasites, which affect
the skin and external organs, and endoparasites, which invade the body
and attack the musculature and internal organs.
Ectoparasites include several types of sea lice, crablike creatures that eat
the skin and flesh of the fish. If left untreated, they will cause considerable
suffering to the fish and open wounds on the skin of the fish that may
become sites for disease.
Endoparasites include nematode worms that enter the body of the fish
through the mouth, infest the gut and can then burrow into the flesh of the
fish. As well as reducing the fish’s ability to regulate the amount of salt in
its body by perforating the gut membrane, they also reduce the sale ability
of the flesh, since fish infested with nematode parasites are not saleable
for human consumption.
As on land-based farms, when animals are held at higher densities
parasites can infect a stock relatively rapidly. Because unhealthy fish
mean substantial loss to the farmer, however, it is uncommon in modern
fish farms to find harmful burdens of parasites. Outbreaks are controlled
by modern farming practices and the use of medicines that authorities
have deemed safe to the fish, to consumers and to the environment.
This (These) lecture(s) will concentrate only on inland water and
aquaculture parasites.
10. Fish and crayfish toxicology
Pollution of the environment and its protection have become increasingly
to the forefront of humanity. Aquatic ecosystems are exposed to
permanent flow of pollutants of natural and anthropogenic origin. These
substances can in certain cases result in negative changes in water quality.
Water and organisms living in it constitute one of the essential
components of the ecosystem. Fish and crayfish are a very important part
of the aquatic ecosystem and simultaneously are also important economic
organisms for human consumption. Over the last 50 years, there has been
significant development of the field of aquatic toxicology. The subject of
aquatic toxicology is research and estimation of the effect of xenobiotic on
aquatic ecosystem and organisms living there.
The main focus of this (these) lecture(s) will be on the new and existing
discoveries that determine a wide variety of pollutants in water and their
effects on aquatic organisms. The lecture is mainly focused only on fish
and crayfish but it will be possible to focus also on other aquatic
organisms (mollusks, shellfish, aquatic invertebrates, etc.). The lecture
will summarize the most recent developments and ideas in the aquatic
toxicology, with a special emphasis given to the new technical of pollutant
monitoring and observational mechanisms of toxicity of water pollutant
obtained within the last years. If a series of lectures is given then the
potential topics should include at least:
Mechanisms of toxicity
Toxicity test (in situ and in laboratory)
Chemical monitoring
Biomarkers (of effects, exposure, or susceptibility)
Environmental risk assessment
Reproduction toxicity
Pesticide toxicology
Pharmaceutical safety
Heavy metals
Hazard evaluation
Toxicity assessments
11. How to develop Rainbow Trout feeds using the locally
available ingredients?
This lecture of 22 slides is largely based on FAO Field Document 8
(Tacon, 1990) and European Aquaculture Society report (Consensus
One example content of the Rainbow Trout feed could be like this:
Feather meal
Meat & bone 10
Blood meal
Fish oil
The main ingredients of feed
The main ingredients of feeds for farmed carnivorous fish species are fish
meal and fish oil, at levels of about 25 percent and 30 percent,
respectively. These two ingredients supply essential amino acids and fatty
acids required by the fish for normal growth. More recently, small
quantities of fish meal and fish oil (3-5 percent and 1-3 percent,
respectively) have been included in feeds for omnivorous and herbivorous
Manufactured fish feeds account for 35 percent of the fish meal and 55
percent of the fish oil produced annually. Most of the rest is used in
manufactured feeds for terrestrial farm animals and poultry.
Carnivorous fish convert these manufactured feeds to edible flesh with
maximum efficiency.
Farmed salmon convert approximately 1.2 kg of feed into 1 kg of fish.
Poultry convert between 3 and 5 kg of feed into 1 kg of flesh.
Pigs convert approximately 8 kg of feed into 1 kg of flesh.
Figure 7: Comparative protein efficiency of fish, compared to land
animals in converting 100 Kg of feed
into ‘meat’.
carbohydrates and fats
1,2 Kg mutton (sheep)
13 Kg pork (pig)
20 Kg chicken
65 Kg salmon
12.How to avoid wastewater and fish health problems?
This lecture will be prepared by using mainly aquaculture related
wastewater systems developed in Denmark and Finland.
See also SustainAqua 2009.
Infectious diseases are encountered in all food production. Fish and
shellfish may be more under threat from disease than land animals or
plants because germs survive longer and can spread more effectively in
water. The rapid identification and treatment of bacterial and viral
infection is therefore crucial in aquaculture. While best management
practice remains the preferred option for producers, the use of therapeutic
agents may sometimes be necessary.
National and international regulations have been implemented to approve
veterinary medicines that do not compromise food safety. An example of
this is the so-called ‘withdrawal period’, defined as the minimum time to
elapse between termination of the treatment and harvest of the animal.
Withdrawal periods are specific for each drug and each utilisation of that
drug, for example to treat bacterial disease.
It is important to note that the use of veterinary medicines such as
antibiotics has greatly decreased in many types of aquaculture. For
example, in Norway the use of antibiotics in salmon and trout farming has
been negligible for the last 10 years due to the use of better vaccines. In
2004, Norway produced 23 times more salmon and trout than in 1985; in
the same period, the use of antibiotics dropped by a factor of 25.
13. How to use UV irradiation of the hatching water to prevent
fungal infestation of the fish eggs?
This lecture will be based mainly on recent UEF research, like:
Heikkinen, J., Mustonen, S.M., Eskelinen, P., Sundberg, L-R. & A. Von
Wright 2013. Prevention of fungal infestation of rainbow trout
(Oncorhynchus mykiss) eggs using UV irradiation of the hatching water.
Aquacultural Engineering 55:9-15.
14. Biotechnology possibilities in Aquaculture
These lectures will give the students the basic knowledge in cytogenetics
and gene technology.
Biotechnology opens a lot of new possibilities in aquaculture. With the
gene transfers we can easily improve the growth and disease and cold
climate tolerance of the farmed species. Unfortunately genetically
modified organisms and food have got so bad name, and mainly due to the
ignorance of the people talking and making decisions on it. We have been
selecting our farm crops and animals since the beginning of human history
and agriculture, and through these selections we have been able to
improve our production levels and disease resistance to name a few
improvements. Genetical modification is exactly the same proceedio but
only with much faster results.
International organization like FAO sees genetically modified organisms
more positively than European Union or many countries.
Especially in aquaculture genetically improved variations are popular.
However the Federation of European Aquaculture Producers has a clear
policy of not using any GM organisms in aquaculture.
15. Why people in Kazakhstan should eat more fish – because
fish diet benefits the human health in many ways?
Existing lecture on this topic is copied below but will be further developed
for the future teaching.
16. How to make a good research plan?
The main aim of this lecture is to demonstrate that well planned research
is already half done.
17. Scientific writing
Good scientific principles will be given to the students.
To respect previous studies even if own data would show different results.
There is always some explanation and all of us have and will make
mistakes. It is extremely important when writing the foreign language that
you say what to want say and not only what you can say due the language
18. How to get impact points from your papers?
Publishing your research results has a paramount importance especially if
you aim to have an academic career. The world is full of different type of
publications but better reader coverage your paper will only get in the
impact point publications.
19. How to write a fish farming manual?
See Annex 4.
20. EIA in Aquaculture
An example of two weeks training in aquaculture oriented environmental
impact assessment as an optional course is given in Annex 2.
21. A special crayfish farming course
Another example of two weeks training in all issues related to crayfish
farming as an optional course in given in Annex 3.
22. Practical Aquaculture Related Exercises
22.1 Exercise
To view video and CD-rom materials:
Including Issyk-Kul Fisheries Video Clips, and Ton Hatchery &
Two private fish farm video shots from Kyrgyzstan
22.2 Exercise
a. To view FAO publications and reports on Inland Fisheries and
b. To view FAO Field Project Reports on Aquaculture
c. To view FAO Statistical Databases
22.3 Exercise
a. To view FAO time series for SOFA
b. To view FAO Publication titles in print
22.4 Exercise
a. To view FAO World Fisheries and Aquaculture Atlas
b. To view FAN FAO Aquaculture Newsletter CD-Rom
22.5 Exercise
a. To view FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and
b. To view FAO Simple Methods for Aquaculture
22.6 Exercise
a. To view Fish Processing Photos from Infopesca
b. To view 2011 Fish & Fishing photos from ERÄ, Finland
22.7 Exercise
How to calculate the feed ration in fish farming?
22.8 Exercise
Feeding and farming of Sturgeons.
22.9 Exercise
Importance of the starter feed in the commercial Pike-Perch
Some environmental factors affecting the survival of Vendace
and Whitefish eggs – Example of the in-situ lake and
aquarium experiments.
Group 1: Find out how Fisheries production has developed in
Kazakhstan during the last 20 years?
Group 2. Find out how Aquaculture production has developed
in Kazakhstan during the last 20 years?
Prepare a small Power Point presentation from your own Master
research (Thesis) – Topic, Research Concept, What, Where and
When you have or will study, your own expectations on the results
– fully met or not at all? If not, why not?
22.13 Exercise
Plan your own aquaculture operation:
Group 1. As owners of a 5 ha water and lakeshore land at the Lake
Group 2. As owners of a 2 ha water and lakeshore land at the Lake
Main components in this planning are:
What species to select for your aqua farm? And why?
What farming method to use: Floating cage culture, land based
pond culture or Lake Ranching etc.
Where to buy the equipment (nets, cages, pumps etc.)
Where to buy the fingerlings?
Where to buy the feed? Or can it be produced at the farm?
What will be your production target per year?
Where you intend to sell that production?
What price you expect to achieve per kilogram?
Will your farm be profitable in five years’ time? Or only later?
If the farm will not be profitable – Why not?
22.14 Exercise
To view and compare the Group 1 and Group 2 aquaculture plans.
References (not exhaustive)
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113p. UNDP/GEF Project: Strengthening Policy and Regulatory
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Alamanov, A. & H. Mikkola (eds) 2009. Workshop Report on Lake IssykKul Biodiversity Friendly Fisheries Management Regime proposal and
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Alamanov, A. & H. Mikkola 2011. Is Biodiversity Friendly Fisheries
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Annex 1. Natural and sustainable aquaculture definitions and bilingual
glossary (Russian translations will follow)
alien fish species
aquaculture definition - Aquaculture is farming of aquatic organisms, including fish, molluscs,
crustaceans, and aquatic plants. Farming implies some form of intervention in the rearing
process to enhance production, such as regular stocking, feeding, protection from predators, etc.
aquaculture methods
- aquarium fish rearing
- brushparks
- cage culture
- fish cum pigs, ducks, chicken
- homestead land
- lake ranching
- pond culture
- raceway
- rice cum fish
- sea ranching
aquarium trade
artisanal fishery
aquatic invertebrates
aquatic toxicology
biomarkers (of effects, exposure, or susceptibility)
brackish waters
chemical monitoring
climate change
commercial fishery – In commercial fisheries, the fish resource that is extracted or caught will
be marketed and sold, thus creating economic output in the process.
conservation of biodiversity
crayfish species
- like Astacus , Astacidae
- Australian Red Claw Crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus
- Louisiana Swamp Crayfish Procambarus clarkii
crumble/pellet sizes
dietary nutrient levels
dietary formulation
docosahexaenoic acid (DHA)
eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)
environmental impact assessment
environmental monitoring
environmental risk assessment
- formulation
- manufacture
- storage
feeding methods
- hand feeding
- automatic
fish consumption
fish culture
fish farms
fish feed
fish feed ingredients
distinct feed lines
fish markets
fish mongers
fish parasitology
fish processing
fishery statistics
fisheries management committee
fisheries management plans
It is important to notice the difference between the concepts of fishing and fisheries. Fishing
refers to the activity itself, fisheries in turn includes all aspects of the industry, including trade,
processing, management, research and administration.
fishing methods
beach seine
long line
purse seine
pair trawl
fishing rights
fish species
European Whitefish
Pike-Perch (Zander)
Brown Trout
Rainbow Trout
Russian Sturgeon
Siberian Sturgeon
fish trade (marketing)
fish welfare
freshwater prawns
- like Aphanomyces astaci
global warming
hazard evaluation
health problems in aquaculture
heavy metals
ideal daily or weekly intake
illegal fishing
inland fisheries – for the sake of it I have collected three different definitions:
according to FAO (1992) inland fisheries were “fisheries which are carried out in freshwater or
estuaries and whose target species are those that spend all or part of their life-cycle therein.”
Five years later inland fisheries were defined by FAO (1997) as “any activity conducted to
extract fish or other aquatic organisms from inland waters.”
Cowx (2007) defined inland fisheries as “fisheries where the target species life cycle is entirely
or in part spent in freshwater, excluding marine species spending all or part of their life cycle in
saline and estuarine reaches.” This definition seemingly contradicts the practice of inland
fishing in many river fisheries, which de facto target such marine species as salmon and eel. It
suggests the exclusion of diadromous species.
lean fish
long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids(PUFA)
marine waters
mechanisms of toxicity
natural food aquaculture
n-3 family fats
oceanic fisheries
oil-rich fish
omega-3 poly unsaturated fatty acids
organic aquaculture
- like Oyster parasite Bonamia ostrea
pasturable aquaculture
pesticide toxicology
pH value It is an international agreement in chemistry to measure the acidity or basicity of an
aqueous solution. Pure water has a pH value very close to 7; less than 7 is acidic and more than
7 is basic or alkaline. Values run from 0 to 14.
pharmaceutical safety
progeny survival
recreational fishery
recreational aquaculture
reproduction toxicity
socio-economic benefits
subsistence fishery
sustainable aquaculture
toxicity assessments
toxicity test (in situ and in laboratory)
unreported fishery
viral infection
vitamin A
vitamin D
water pollution
withdrawal period is defined as the minimum time to elapse between termination of the
treatment and harvest of the animal. Withdrawal periods are specific for each drug and each
utilisation of that drug, for example to treat bacterial disease.
Annex 2.
EIA-course in Kazakhstan
2 weeks preliminary course when required
Prof. Markku Kuitunen and prof. Heimo Mikkola /
1 Day: What is EIA?
- Lecture 2 hours
- Group work 2 hours
- Essee writing in a case 4 hours
2 Day: Screening and Scoping within EIA
- Lecture 2 hours
- Group work 2 hours
- Exercise 4 hours
3 Day: Positive and Negative impact
- Lecture 2 hours
- Group work 2 hours
-Exercise 4 hours
4 Day: Mitigation of the harmful impact
- Lecture 2 hours
- Group work 2 hours
- Exercise 4 hours
5 Day: Participation and Social impact
- Lecture 2 hours
- Group work 2 hours
- Exercise 4 hours
6 Day: Ecological and Landscape impact
- Lecture 2 hours
- Group work 2 hours
- Exercise 4 hours
7 Day: Methods and Tools in the impact assessment
- Lecture 2 hours
- Group work 2 hours
- Exercise 4 hours
8.-9. Day: Excursion
11. Day preparation for the final seminar
12. Final seminar
In Jyväskylä, Finland 10th of September 2014
Annex 3.
Intensive course in the freshwater crayfish, mainlyAstacidea, fishery
and aquaculture development
The recent increase in crayfish stocks in the Irthysh/Zaisan and in the
Bukhtarma/Irtysh River, Dam and Lake System represent an interesting
opportunity to fisheries and crayfish aquaculture development in
Kazakhstan. Astacus crayfish species are also common in other water
bodies (even in the Caspian Sea area) in which fisheries have up to now
concentrated only on fish.
There is high demand for crayfish in the world market, especially in
Europe and in the USA. Very lucrative markets are in the Nordic
Countries where the demand during crayfish season (in late summer to
early autumn) is high and prices too.
Moving crayfish species from US to Europe have led to a massive spread
of crayfish plague (caused by Aphanomyces astaci fungus) which caused
the collapse of this industry in Turkey as recently as 1984. The same
crayfish plague attacked other European crayfish populations already in
the second half of the 19th century, but there are still productive stocks left
in the Nordic Countries.
Kazakhstan has several sub-species of genus Astacus which have not
(yet!) been attacked by the disease, and therefore crayfish fishery and
farming have excellent potential for development and marketing.
However, there are urgent needs to take all necessary management
measures to prevent the introduction of the crayfish plague to Kazakhstan.
Since late 1970s the University of Eastern Finland (including the former
University of Kuopio in Finland) has been one of the leading research
institutions in studies of the problems caused by the alien crayfish species.
Vast amount of totally new knowledge exists on the nature and spread of
the crayfish plague and other crayfish diseases. The methodologies of
crayfish culture are now well developed in Finland. University teams have
familiarized themselves fully with the crayfish aquaculture, including
equipment and economy. So UEF could offer KazNAU a solid Master and
possible Ph.D. level course in all relevant aspects of crayfish industry.
Two professor level teachers from UEF have been identified who could
travel to Kazakhstan to teach above mentioned aspects in KazNAU.
Namely Adjunct Professor Japo Jussila who has made his Ph.D. in the
impacts of intensive culture methods on crayfish physiology (year 1997).
For the past 25 years he has worked on issues related to crayfish farming
and wild crayfish stock management. Recently he has concentrated more
on crayfish plague and European crayfish interactions. Second teacher
would be Adjunct Professor Heimo Mikkola who has studied earlier the
systematic of the world freshwater crayfish species. Later he has worked
on ecological, social and commercial problems of the crayfish
introductions in tropical and subtropical conditions.
It is proposed to include this intensive two week course into teacher
exchange programme between KazNAU and UEF when most suitable for
the relevant students and possible Ph.D. candidates. To be crayfish
aquaculturists could also be invited to attend this course.
Annex 4. Concept for the compilation of a fish farming manual for
Brief description
The Republic of Kazakhstan has extensive water resources, with good
potential for fish production. Despite this, country’s imports of fish exceed
domestic production and the annual per capita consumption of fish is
extremely low. There is a high potential for commercial cultivation of fish,
especially of sturgeons, trout and possibly Whitefish and Pike-perch
(Zander). Fish farming could potentially play an important role in
improving livelihoods in rural areas.
Within this proposed KazNAU project, a manual on fish farming will be
compiled for Kazakhstan. The manual will draw on international
experience and would be used as a hands-on manual for all stakeholders,
including government officials, fish farmers, micro creditors, NGOs etc.
The manual would be a compilation of existing best practices and
guidelines, and would pay particular concern to environmental
sustainability as well as technological and economic feasibility. The
manual would take into account the specific characteristics of the country.
The project duration would be approximately 3 months. Follow-up
activities (another 3 months) on the project could include training for
different target groups, study visits to countries with a well-developed
commercial aquaculture as well as pilot fish farming projects with microcredit groups to be formed.
The overall objective of this proposed project is to strengthen the
capacities of fish farming stakeholders in order to improve and expand
aqua cultural production activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Capacity will be built through the compilation and distribution of a
practical manual on fish farming. The manual will build on international
experience and best practices yet take into account the specific country
environmental, technological, administrational and economic realities.
Expanded aquaculture production increases socio-economic welfare in
rural areas suitable for fish farming and contributes to increased
consumption of sustainably and locally produced fish products. Creating
an enabling environment for establishment of new fish farms is crucial for
aquaculture development in Kazakhstan.
As a lot of research and work has already been carried out in the sphere of
aquaculture, in particular by the FAO, Worldfish and USAid, the manual
would not attempt to study or research the issue of aquaculture. Rather, it
would be a compilation of best practices from all over the world. Drawing
upon lessons learnt and taking the particularities of Kazakhstan into
account, the manual would provide potential fish farmers, government
officials, local authorities, bankers, insurance companies, and other
stakeholders with information on aquaculture and its potential in
Kazakhstan. Essentially, this would be a “How-To-Do” -guide for all
concerned partners, containing country-specific information together with
references to detailed guidelines. The manual will include details on
sustainable production methods, best practices in the fish farm
management, economic issues, major natural and technological
requirements, fish farming environmental criteria, legal issues, marketing
(pricing, distribution and transport) considerations, etc. Particular
emphasis would be placed on how to make necessary business planning to
achieve economic and environmental sustainability of fish farming. The
manual will address particularly the micro-financing possibilities in
aquaculture and pay attention to the inclusion of women in aquaculture
practices. In number of countries the fish farming is entirely in the hands
of women (India etc.). The modes and importance of the fish farmer
associations and micro-finance groups will also be explained in the
A national consultant (preferably a KazNAU Master level student) would
be hired for the compilation of the manual. In addition, a short-time
project assistant or PR specialist (preferably again with the Kazakhstan
nationality) could be hired for providing assistance with seminar
arrangements and manual distribution.
An initial seminar presenting the project and bringing together various
stakeholders would be held at project start-up. The manual would be
prepared by a national consultant with the input of an international
consultant (preferably linked with the KazNAU). The manual would be
shared with key stakeholders before finalization. A final seminar
presenting the manual as well as key recommendations for its use and
distribution would be held at the end of the project.
Project follow-up activities could include targeted training courses at the
University (KazNAU) for key stakeholders, with a further possibility of
bringing stakeholders together. As the project largely builds on existing
best practices and international recommendations, it is foreseen that the
project would be replicable in other Central Asian countries (Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan), as well as the Caucasus (Georgia), Eastern Europe (Moldova,
Belarus). With relevant modifications the manual could serve also in the
neighboring countries, especially if translated into the local languages.
Management arrangements
The project could best be implemented following established UNDP
national implementation (NIM) procedures. The implementing partner of
the project would be the National Agrarian University, Almaty,
Kazakhstan. The project should be implemented in close coordination and
collaboration with all relevant government institutions, regional
authorities, industries, financial institutions, existing fish farmers and
NGOs, as well as with other relevant projects in the region. This would
guarantee country ownership and ensure that the manual is distributed
through and used by existing and to be fish farmers and in government
agencies and organs.
If need be the UNDP Kazakhstan could be requested to support
implementation by maintaining the project budget and project
expenditures, contracting project personnel, undertaking procurement, etc.
UNDP Kazakhstan could also monitor the project’s implementation and
achievement of project outcomes and objectives and will ensure the proper
use of donor funds. Financial transactions, reporting and project
evaluation would be carried out in compliance with national regulations
and established UNDP rules and procedures.
The project concept has been shared some years back with the Embassy of
Finland in Kazakhstan, which that time thought that maybe they could act
as a potential donor for the project if need be. They had some small
unmarked funds the Embassy could allocate for this kind of small projects.
Finland is still seen as a good potential partner for the project, as the
country has a long and solid experience in fish farming and has solved
many of the biological and feed problems which used to be experienced in
the farming of popular freshwater fish species such as Pike-perch (Zander)
and Whitefish. Both of these species are now commonly farmed in Finland
and are expected soon if not already to replace the Rainbow trout as the
number one fish in the farming. For most of the consumers the Pike-perch
and Whitefish are tastier even though they fetch much higher consumer
Annex 5.
Concept for creating a Ph.D. teaching programme in Aquaculture for
Central Asia as Center of Excellence in the National Agrarian
University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
Scheme of the Aquaculture Master and later Ph.D. teaching programme common
for the Central Asian countries. Private sector umbrella should support this common
teaching and research programme (blue ball) in this red triangle cooperation
between UEF, KazNAU and Kyrgyz NAU as an example of the neighbouring
The National Agrarian University in Almaty Kazakhstan should start
acting in Aquaculture teaching and research as Center of Excellence1 for
the neighbouring Central Asian countries like Kyrgyzstan who are not able
to offer even Master level degrees in Aquaculture. In order to attract funds
from the Private Sector both for student fees and research costs the
programme has to be in line with the practical research and staff training
needs of the private sector2.
Foreign students could come even from Finland, especially when the Ph.D
level teaching will start because Finland has decided to stop fisheries and
aquaculture teaching and research programme in the Kuopio Campus of
the Eastern Finland University.
Central Asian students should be able to find some study funds from the
United Nations (UNDP and/or FAO) in their particular countries if the
private sector is slow to assume such costs.
Finland can help KazNAU in finding doctor level teachers, many of whom
are now partly unemployed in Finland.
This is a Finnish term. The Academy of Finland's Centres of Excellence (CoE) are
the flagships of Finnish research. They are at the very cutting edge of science in
their fields, carving out new avenues for research, developing creative research
environments and training new talented researchers for Finnish society and business
and industry.
A CoE is a research and training network that has a clearly defined set of research
objectives and is run under a joint management. Funding is provided for a six-year
term, which means that CoEs can work to long-term plans and even take risks.
CoEs are jointly funded by the Academy of Finland, universities, research
institutes, the private business sector and many other sources.
Close private sector-academia relations are fundamental to enabling an
environment that is favorable for development. As asserted in the 2000 UN
Millennium Declaration, a development-conducive environment is a precursor to
improving the quality of education, increasing employment for young people and
catalyzing private sector growth (Liwa 2010). In particular, KazNAU should
promote innovation and technology transfer through private sector-academia shared
infrastructure, private sector-informed curriculum development, private sectorinformed supplementary academic accreditation, and research and development.
KazNAU is likely to find the need for academia to adopt initiatives that are private
sector driven for their own benefit but also geared towards social and economic
development in the Central Asia region. One of the past obstacles has been the
isolation of academia from the private sector which if carefully addressed will
facilitate the development of a platform for academia – private sector cooperation.
Central Asia outside of Kazakhstan still lacks quality education which can produce
a skilled and innovative workforce which can develop globally competitive
products. Private sector growth depends on productivity, a growing skills base and
innovation thus the need to facilitate the development of a platform for academia –
private sector cooperation also in aquaculture in the entire Central Asia region.
Figure 4. This size Pike-Perch female could be
a good start for a Pike-perch ( Sander lucioperca)
farming. Photo: Galimzhan Iskakov.