2nd Period

Act 1
Scene 1
in the first act first scene annes dad starts talking to miep about hitler. so anne tells dad
to burn a book of hers which was her diary. annes dad reads annes diary. but then he
decides to go to the factory and hide out with anne and her family including the van
danns and there son peter. so they put on as many layers of clothing as they can.
This story about Anne Frank Act l scene l is about a little girl who was forced to go into
hiding from the germans.The german was capturing the jews and killing them because
of Hitler was in charge.The girl lost all of her privileges her bicycle,house, and she is not
aloud to ride any thing on the street.She had to put on all of her clothes that she could
because the germans would of been suspicious if the people was carrying suit cases
around.This is about a little jewish girl who had to go into hiding because she was jewish
and hitler was killing the jewish people.
It is the top floor of a warehouse and office building in Amsterdam. Three rooms of the
top and a small attack space above are exposed to our view. From the streets below we
hear the sound of barrel organ and children’s voices at play. They all had to say good
bye. They threaten to burn her diary.
This scene took place in Amsterdam and Holland. It all happened during the year
of World War II.
The scenery stays the same throughout the story. The scenery in this play is the top
floor of a warehouse and office building in Amsterdam. In this warehouse there are
three rooms on the top floor.There is also a small attic space, you can access the attic
with a narrow flight of stairs up the back. In these rooms there are barley any furniture
and the windows are blacked out. In the building below there is a steep stairwell
covered up by a bookcase so no one can see them or enter.
In scene one ann’s father wants to leave Amsterdam. He wanted to say goodbye to
Miep because he is going to leave Amsterdam and doesn't want to leave without saying
goodbye. The reason he wants to leave Amsterdam is because he wants to leave all the
bad memories behind him. As he went to go see Miep he told her that she needs to
burn all the letters,notes,papers,etc that she had found there. As Miep was looking for
papers she found Ann’s diary and asked Mr.Frank if he wants her to burn these too.
Frank took the diary and started looking through it. Her father told her that they were
going into hiding the next morning. The next morning her mother woke her up and told
her to wear as many clothes as possible because if they brought suitcases it would look
Anne said that another family had gone into hiding with them and their names were the
Vaan Daans.
scene 2.
Peter went over to Annes house and where anne lived you had to be really quiet
because people where working down stairs. And when someone worked all day they
do not want to be woke up through the night so if peter talked he had to whisper.
They also could not run any water because the pipes run right down to the bottom of
the house or apparent complex or something it is something with two stories.
When Peter came over he picked up her cat and asked what its name was anne said
he did not like strangers.
So she picked her cat back up from him and put him in his carrier cat carrier. Peter was
just visiting and he stayed the night and she said he can only move when it is
Anne frank and the rest are in a office but during the day they cant more much at all.if
they do the risk being found and killed or worse.at this time 1942 ww2 is in full swing
with Germany killing jewish people and Anne frank and the rest are jewish.when peter
was getting milk for his cat he hit a crack in the wood floor he about got the found and
killed but they did not here it.
Well Anne Frank and her family is still hiding out in the office of her dad for after a year.
Margot has been getting sick so they have had to supply her with medicine. Therefore
Mr.Vann and his wife Mrs.vann comes and visits them with a cake and tea. They all are
hungry besides Meip. Then they all get in an argument over who gets more of the cake.
Meip and dirk is going to a party. Then peter and dussel get in an argument cause per is
gonna try and sell a fur coat that peter is crazy over and mussel says “who is gonna want
a fur coat at times like this”. There trying to get a doctor and they said u can barley get
one now days cause there too busy. And…. there is this man named carl looking for
Mr.Frank. He is asking Mr.Kraler if he has seen or heard anything about Mr.Frank
Scene 3
In this section it talks about Anne and Peter. Her mother, father and in one part her
sister. It starts out with Anne and Peter messing around with each other. Anne takes
Peters shoes and runs off with then telling him she doesn't have them when they are in
her hands. Around the end of it they both get in trouble and start fighting. Anne starts
to get sick but she tries to hide it from her mom.
Two months after they were in hiding, the Franks and the Van Dans get a new person
living with them and his name is Mr. Dussel. He is a dentist. More people are being
sent to the death camp and work camp
Scene 4
Anne is tariffed,she keeps on having nightmares of The Green Police getting her.
Every time she wakes up screaming everyone in the household tells her to ''be quite or
shut up.'' This is because there is two drunken soldiers singing. Dussel get's mad at says
''there something that need to be done to Anne.'' ''Every night I twist and turn and can't
sleep because Annie is yelling and I know it's just a nightmare.'' Also Anne won't talk to
her mother she'd rather talk to her father the person who she has loved always.Now
Mr.Frank gives Annie a pill to take to quite her. ''The air raids are getting worse'' Anne's
voice says ''they come over day and night.'' Pam says ''great news, on November the
ninth 1942 The Allies have landed in Africa.'' She also says ''that we can look forward to
finishing our war early.''
ann had a nighmar she was screming saying,NoNo Dont take me Dussel got very
mad because Anna was not letting her to go to sleep Frank hears the screm and so
she wakes up She runs to Annas room to check on her Son everone started to
get up because everyone heard the screamin
Anna told her mom to leave to her room and that she did not want to talk to her
she was very up set Her mom waz sad bc anne did not want to talk to her she
wanted to talk to her dad Magot told her mom not to woory, that it was just
a thang all girls go through when they are like 13 0ld She told dad that she
was trying to get her act together so she can be cool two her mom said that she
was trying really hard to be nice to her mom and change and put the bad Anna
inside her and show the nice Anna
Act 2
Scene 2
in the beginning of this scene Anne is in her and Dussel's shared room getting prepared
to see Peter. Peter is doing the same in his room. Dussel is very eager to get back into
his room, just as Anne is finished getting ready her mother Mrs. Frank asks if she can
come in, she doesn't want Anne seeing Peter so much she thinks they spend enough
time together. of course Anne doesn't listen she goes anyways. Mrs. Van Daan says she
doesn't see her son enough and causes a bit of a scene while Anne is at peters door. as
Mrs. Van Daan is speaking Mrs. Frank says that Anne can only stay till 9:00 anyhow. later
on Peter and Anne are talking, in the beginning Anne is speaking of how she's upset that
they're parents always make a big deal like that and that its unfair that they are more
advanced than they're parents were back in the day. after this they talk of how smart
they are and what jobs they'd like to have in the future, Anne ould like to me a journalist
as Peter just wants to be a farmer because he thinks he doesn't have enough smarts to
do anything else but Anne says he's better than her in algebra and some other things,
they then speak about how they used to think of each other, and how thats changed
and they ask each other if they've ever kissed anyone else as well. Peter has but he was
blind folded and it was a game so they didn't count it, Anne had been kissed on the
cheek and hand when she was younger
Everyone just got done eating supper and they are all just doing there own thing. They
are all scattered around. The "grownups" are all in the main room. Mrs. Frank is fixing
things, Mr. Frank is working on his business accounts, and Dussel is ready to get in his
room. Also, Mr. Van
Daan is working on a piece of embroidery, and Peter is trying to get ready and look nice
for when Anne comes and sees him. Anne is also getting ready, and Margot is fixing a
skirt for Anne to wear. Dussel has decided he was no longer waiting to get in his
bedroom, so he goes and tries to get Anne to get done getting ready.
The first Saturday January 1944 we are still in our hiding place. We have now been here
for over one year. We are now getting a little bit skinnier than we were when we went
into hiding from the nazis. I do not feel certain in myself anymore like man girls my age
during this time period. It was a delightful surprise for Miep to show up at my house and
into our hiding place this time of the year. Miep came to give us New Year’s greeting this
January and said we don't have much longer here. We filled her of every kind of pill
possible to keep her from coughing and alerting others. Miep brought us a cake for the
New Year’s greeting right along with him and other things. The last time we had a cake
was last New Year’s when he had brought us a cake then to. Only eight of us got to eat
any cake because one person did not any of the cake at all for some reason. We tried to
get a doctor but these days you couldn't get near a doctor because of the Nazis. A man
had came with us and we are afraid he is going to give up our location to the bad guys.
Mr. Kraler is wanting to fire him but I told him to pay the guy what he asks seems how
he knows were we are at. They told us how young that we were and that we still had
time left to have life. They said that i know how to talk to them that he is no good at
talking to them and i was better. He said if a fight starts that he will duck in their and
help me out just in case something does happen. The people who went to get our ration
books have been arrested for taking them.
Scene 3
This section is about MR. Vann Dann sneaking into the kitchen to steal food and getting
caught and almost kicked out. then after that good news came that the americans and
all the ally's have arrived to fight back.
In this scene, it seems like Anne and her family are already in hiding. They are discussing
that they are hungry. Mrs. Frank is giving Mrs. Van Daan money. Mrs. Frank is saying
that they dont need “anyone to destroy them.” Anne hollers at her mother not to put
Peter out.
Scene 4
Anne,Peter,Mr. and Mrs.Van Dann,Mrs.and Mr. Frank,and Dussel are in a house hiding
out.Anne is writing in her diary. Th phone rings and Mr.Frank does’t want to pick the
phone,so him and Duseel fights over to pick up the phone and not to pick up the phone.
Peter is angry that they are hiding. A noise is at the door and Mr.Frank locks the door.
There is the noise of guns trying to break the door down. Anne is writing in her diary and
then she says she will have to leave her diary because they had found them and were
they are hiding out. And then no voice it is silence.
Mr.frank would never answer his telephone he would never even bother to look and it
had aggravated some people. Mrs.Van Daan would get so mad at him she just cant
handle it. Anne is very nice and kind and every one else is so mad. She tries to help both
of them and make The problem be solved that they are having. Anne is trying to help
petter because he always complains about everything.