ICT 8 - Heterogeneous Technology Alliance

Horizon 2020 –
Seen with ICT Eyes
Looking for Pilot Line Opportunities
G. Kelm, FhG VµE
HTA Helsinki, 12/13 November 2013
• H2020 – Overview, 3 Priorities
• ICT in “Excellent Science”
- FET & Research Infrastructures
• ICT in “Industrial Leadership”
• ICT in “Soc Chall.” & H2020 at a Glance
• Questions & Conclusions
What is Horizon 2020?
• Commission proposal for an 80 and then 70 billion
euro R&I funding programme (2014-20)
• Part of proposals for next EU budget of ~ 960 B€,
complementing Structural Funds, education, etc.
• A core part of Europe 2020, Innovation Union &
European Research Area:
– Responding to the economic crisis to invest in future jobs
and growth
– Addressing peoples’ concerns about their livelihoods,
safety and environment
– Strengthening the EU’s global position in research,
innovation and technology
What’s new?
• A single programme bringing together three separate
programmes/initiatives: FP7/CIP/EIT*
• More innovation, from research to retail, all forms of
• Focus (see budget !) on societal challenges facing
EU society, e.g. health, clean energy and transport
• Simplified access, for all companies, universities,
institutes in all EU countries and beyond.
*The 7th research Framework Programme (FP7), innovation aspects of Competitiveness
and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP), EU contribution to the European Institute
of Innovation and Technology (EIT)
But - The goals have not changed
• Growth, Jobs & Competitiveness
• Better articulation of research and
• Seamless funding from idea to market
A Stronger, Clearer Focus: 3 Priorities
(But: ICT in all 3 Priorities: Need to find your way!)
*) % of overall H2020 budget of ~70b€
• H2020 – Overview & 3 Priorities
• ICT in “Excellent Science”
- FET & Research Infrastructures
• ICT in “Industrial Leadership”
• ICT in “Soc. Chall.” & H2020 at a Glance
• Questions & Conclusions
Priority 1 - Excellent Science
• Why:
• World class science is the foundation of
tomorrow’s technologies, jobs and wellbeing
• Europe needs to develop, attract and retain
research talent
• Researchers need access to the best
Proposed funding (million euro x 0.9, 2014-20)
European Research Council
13 268
Frontier research by the best individual teams
Future and Emerging Technologies
3 100
Collaborative research to open new fields of
Marie Curie actions*
5 752
Opportunities for training and career
Research infrastructures (including e-
2 478
Ensuring access to world-class facilities
ICT in Science - Future and Emerging
Technologies; e-Infrastructures
FET Open: fostering novel ideas
Collaborative research for embryonic, high risk visionary
science and technology
FET Proactive
Nurturing emerging themes and communities
FET Flagships
Tackling grand interdisciplinary science and technology
Integration and access to national research
networks/infrastructures; development, deployment and
operation of e-Infrastructures
FET WP 2014-15 Draft
(version of June 2013(!) as part of Excell. Science)
3 Parts of FET:
OPEN (160M€?), Pro-Active (235 M€?) and Flagships (??)
9 Pro-Active R&D topics, of which with ICT relevance:
- Topic 4: Possibilities at nano-bio-chem interface – 25 M€?
- Topic 7: Nanoscale opto-mechanical devices – 20 M€?
(if focus only on CMOS integration, then go to LEIT ICT!)
2 Flagships (Graphene, Human Brain) selected; starting 10/2013
- 2015: 1 FPA (no funds), 1 core and several complementary
projects for each Flagship (50-85 M€ per F-ship and year???)
- 2014/15: CSA / ERANET supporting both F-ships – 10/2 M€ 11
Research Infrastructrures (RI) WP 2014-15
as part of Excell. Science (version of October 2013)
- Call 1 – Developing New world-class RIs (4 topics) – 199 M€
related to big RIs (ESFRI)*
- Call 2 – Integr. & Opening RIs of Europ. Interest – 140 M€
7 sub-topics, each for ‘starting’ & ‘advanced’ communities:
bio&med; energy; environment; maths& ICT; engineering,
mats and anal. facilities; physical sciences; social sciences;
- Call 3 – e-Infrastructures (9 topics) – 177 M€
related to topics as Big res. data, HPC, HPC for SMEs, Géant
hub, Data services or virtual research environments
- Call 4 – Supports Inno, HR, Policy & INCO (8 topics) -38,5 M€
*) European Strategy Forum on RIs
Research Infrastructrures (RI) WP 2014-15
as part of Excell. Science (version of October 2013 )
Call 2 – Engineering, Material sciences and Anal. facilities;
All projects should combine 3 types of activities:
- Networking between RIs, scientific comm. and industry
- Trans-national or virtual access activities for sc. commun.
- Joint research activities
Starting Communities:
RIs with lim. degree of networking & coord, focus on
networking, standards & access procedures
Advanced communities:
RIs with adv degree of networking & coord. through work
under previous FPs; focus on innovation & access;
Research Infrastructures (RI) WP 2014-15
as part of Excell. Science (version of October 2013 )
Call 2 – Engineering, Material sciences and Anal. facilities;
Starting Communities: – 5M€ / project
Adv. frontier research in Nano-E – MtM & Beyond CMOS
Advanced Communities: - 10 M€/project
Advanced nano-fabrication and metrology (based on lab
methods) – Integration and access to such RIs
Fabric & char of adv mats based on large-scale bright sources
Functional mats for specific applications
Facilities for research on mats under extreme conditions
Large-scale testing facilities (e.g. wind tunnels - transport)
• H2020 – Overview, 3 Priorities
• ICT in “Excellent Science”
- FET & Research Infrastructures
• ICT in “Industrial Leadership”
• ICT in “Soc. Chall” & H2020 at a Glance
• Questions & Conclusions
Priority 2 - Industrial Leadership
• Why:
• Europe needs more innovative SMEs to create
growth and jobs
• Strategic investments in key technologies (e.g.
advanced manufacturing, micro-electronics)
underpin innovation across existing and emerging
• Europe needs to attract more private investment in
research and innovation
Proposed funding (million euro x 0.9, 2014-20)
Leadership in enabling and industrial
13 781
technologies (ICT, nanotechnologies, materials,
biotechnology, manufacturing, space)
Access to risk finance
3 538
Leveraging private finance and venture capital for
research and innovation
Innovation in SMEs
Fostering all forms of innovation in all types of
ICT in Industrial Leadership (I)
(6 “Challenges” comprising topics ICT 1-28)
New Generation of Components and systems
Smart embedded components and systems, micro-nano-bio
systems, organic electronics, large area integration, technologies
for IoT, smart integrated systems, systems of systems and
complex system engineering (here MEMS, SS, but no ‘pure’
NanoE, no Phot, but Artemis part of ECSEL JTI included)
Advanced Computing
Processor and system architecture, interconnect and data
localization technologies, cloud computing, parallel computing
and simulation software
Future Internet
Networks, software and services, cyber security, privacy and
trust, wireless communication and all optical networks,
immersive interactive multimedia and connected enterprise
ICT in Industrial Leadership (II)
Content technologies and information management
Technologies for language, learning, interaction, digital
preservation, content access and analytics; advanced data
mining, machine learning, statistical analysis and visual
Advanced interfaces and robots
Service robotics, cognitive systems, advanced interfaces,
smart spaces and sentient machines
Key Enabling Technologies: Micro- nano-electronics and
Design, advanced processes, pilot lines for fabrication,
production technologies and demonstration actions to validate
technology developments and innovative business models
(1,6 – 1,8 b€: for new ECSEL JTI, Photonics ppp und H2020 - e.g. ‘pure’
nanoE; NB: but ~1,2 b€ for ECSEL alone!)
ICT LEIT WP 2014-15 Draft, v. 31/10/2013
A New Gen. of Comp. & Systems
ICT2: Smart Syst Integration- 2014: 48 M€= 35(a)+9(b)+3(c)+1(d)
a) - Generic heterogeneous micro/nano integration into SS
(3D, EE and zero power, novel multi-functional)
- R&D on application driven integration (bio,com,sec, mob,
energy, smart build./cities) & validation of results
b) Access services for acad, RTOs, SMEs to design & mfg for
prototyping and pilot prod. of Smart Systems // Assessm.
actions for eqpt and technol suppliers with users
c) Precommercial procurement (lab on chip for in-vitro diagn.)
d) CSAs – Networking of SSI clusters, Training, Conferences
ICT LEIT WP 2014-15 Draft, v. 31/10/2013
A New Gen. of Comp. & Systems
ICT3: Adv. Thin Organic & Large Area Electronic (TOLAE)
Technologies – 2014: 38 M€ = 17+15,5+3+2,5
a) – R&I to adv SOA of TOLAE technology and mfg for SS
- incl. design tool dev. and modelling, hybrid integr of µnanoE and organic electronics
b) Innov. Actions to dev. and demo products enabled by
TOLAE – clear business cases for mfg in Europe
c) Access services to industry, for deploym. of Tolae in innov
products, esp. by SMEs, led by Tolae excel centres &
innov. clusters
d) Precommercial procurement (electronic textile solutions for
health applications)
ICT LEIT WP 2014-15 Draft, v. 31/10/2013
ICT KETs: Micro- & Nano-Electr. Technol & Photonics
ICT25:Generic Micro- & NanoE-2015: 50 M€ = 40(a)+7(b)+3(c)
a) - Devices and interconnects through to end of roadmap*
- Function integration with nanodevices for SoC and SiP
- New computing paradigms
- Design for EE, high Rel, Robustness
b) Access actions for Acad., RTOs , SMEs to design tools, IC
fabrication, incl. to technol platforms for small pilot series //
Assessment actions for technology suppliers
c) CSAs: INCO, Roadmapping and Awareness actions
*) Graphene under FET Flagships
Cont: ICT LEIT WP 2014-15 Draft, v. 31/10/2013
ICT KETs - Micro- & NanoE Technol & Photonics
ICT26: Photonics KET- 2014: 47M€=28(a)+8(b)+5(c)+6(d)
a) Applic driven RTD for comp., modules & subsystems (incl.
materials, validation, standardisation) – focus on
biophotonics/screening of deseases; safety/security
sensing; disruptive sensing;
b) Innovation: open system architectures for SSL (hw&sw)
c) CSAs: strat. technol. roadmapping;networking of SSL test
facilities & procurement experience; training of pp’s
d) ERANet: support to strat. phot. topic by joint call at nat. &
regional level
Cont: ICT LEIT WP 2014/15 Draft, v. 31/10/2013
ICT KETs - Micro- & NanoE Technol & Photonics
ICT27: Photonics KET 2015: 44M€=30+5+3+6
a) Applic driven RTD- with focus on optical comm;
comp. for laser-based mfg; PICs for vol. mfg
b)Innovation -public proc. actions for software-def.
optics in backbone networks
c)CSAs – open access for researchers, SMEs to
design, fabrication, characterisation for new phot
solutions//coop of phot clusters & tech platform
d) ERANet –support to strategic phot. topic by joint
call at nat. & regional level;
Cont: ICT LEIT WP 2014/15 Draft, v. 31/10/2013
ICT KETs - Micro- & NanoE Technol & Photonics
ICT28: Cross-cutt’g ICT KETs 2015 – 56M€=13+(max3x14)+1
a) Innov. actions –ICT KET integrated platforms for health
and food sectors – devpt &valid. of reliable low cost µ-nanobio & bio-phot systems driven by users;
b) Set-up & valid of PLs (TRL 5-7) for adv KET products driven
by stake holders able to set-up & run them, incl dev of proc.
- PL for OLEDs on flex substrates (introduce vol mfg)
- PL for analytical MIR µ-sensors (foundry services for SMEs)
- PL for PIC fabrication (foundry services for SMEs);
c) CSAs –coop for deployment of bio-phot & µ-nano-bio
solutions in health sector;
ICT LEIT WP 2014-15 Draft, v. of 31/10/2013!
ICT 18-2014: 15 M€ - ICT innovation for Growth of mfg SMEs;
involvement of RTOs encouraged
ICT 29-2014: 18 M€ - Devpt of novel materials & systems for
OLED lighting (with EE > 100 lm/W) *)
Main deadlines ICT LEIT: 23/4/2014 and 21/04/2015
----------------------------------Various components or smart systems related infrastructure
developments or deployments (PLs and Access service
offers) are foreseen under ICT LEIT!
*) topic jointly supported with NMP LEIT; each 9 M€ in 2014 !!!
NMPB LEIT WP 2014-15 Draft
(version of 10/2013!)
LEIT part “Nanotech, adv. Materials, KET support,”: 488,2 M€
topics NMP1-41
- Topics related to e.g. PLs for nano-composita (NMP1), low
energy prod of drinking water (NMP24), multi-KETs pilot
plants for nanomedicine (NMP 8);
LEIT part “Biotechnology”: 83,6 M€, topics Biotec 1-6 of which
- Biotec 2 – 2015: New bioinformatics approaches for biotech
LEIT part “Factory of the Future”: 159 M€; FoF 1-14 of which:
- FoF 9 -2015: ICT Innovation for mfg SMEs (I4MS).
NMPB LEIT WP 2014-15 Draft
(version of 10/2013!)
LEIT part “Energy-efficient Buildings”: - 113,5 M€, EeB 1-8; *)
- Topics related to e.g. adaptable envelopes; self-inspection
techniques; therm. energy storage; energy performance gap;
LEIT part “Sustain. Process Industries”: 112,5 M€, topics Spire
1-7 of which
- Spire 1-2014: Integrated process control (sensor techniques,
inline metrology, etc.)
In LEIT NMPB no relevant electronic components or smart
systems related infrastructure (e.g. PLs) development or
deployment foreseen!
*) Link to “Secure, clean & efficient energy” of Soc. Challenges?
• H2020 – Overview, 3 Priorities
• ICT in “Excellent Science”
- FET & Research Infrastructures
• ICT in “Industrial Leadership”
• ICT in “Soc. Chall.” & H2020 at a Glance
• Questions & Conclusions
Priority 3 - Societal challenges
• Why:
• EU policy objectives (climate, environment, energy,
transport etc) cannot be achieved without
• Breakthrough solutions come from multidisciplinary collaborations, including social sciences
& humanities
• Promising solutions need to be tested,
demonstrated and scaled up
Proposed funding (million euro x 0.9, 2014-20)
Health, demographic change and wellbeing
8 028
Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and
maritime research & the bioeconomy
Secure, clean and efficient energy*
4 152
Smart, green and integrated transport
6 802
Climate action, resource efficiency and raw
Inclusive, innovative and secure societies
3 160
5 782
3 819
*Additional €1 050m for nuclear safety and security from the Euratom Treaty
activities (2014-18). Does not include ITER.
ICT in Societal Challenges (I)
(but: ICT % still being discussed)
Health, demographic change & wellbeing;
Secure, clean and efficient energy;
e-health, self management of health, improved diagnostics,
improved surveillance, health data collection, active ageing,
assisted living;
Smart cities; Energy efficient buildings; smart electricity grids;
smart metering;
Smart, green and integrated transport;
Smart transport equipment, infrastructures and services;
innovative transport management systems; safety aspects
ICT in Societal Challenges (II)
Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and
maritime research & the bio-economy
Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials
Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
ICT for increased resource efficiency; earth observation and
Digital inclusion; social innovation platforms; e-government
services; e-skills and e-learning; e-culture
Secure societies
Cyber security; ensuring privacy and protection of human
rights on-line
H2020 at a Glance
Europe 2020 priorities
European Research Area
International cooperation
Shared objectives and principles
Tackling Societal Challenges
Health, demographic change and wellbeing
Food security, sustainable agriculture and
the bio-based economy
Secure, clean and efficient energy
Smart, green and integrated transport
Climate action, resource efficiency and raw
Inclusive, innovative and reflective
Secure Societies
Simplified access
Creating Industrial Leadership and
Competitive Frameworks
 Leadership in enabling and industrial
Nanotech., Materials, Manuf. and
 Access to risk finance
 Innovation in SMEs
Excellence in the Science Base
Frontier research (ERC)
Future and Emerging Technologies (FET)
Skills and career development (Marie Curie)
Research infrastructures
Common rules, toolkit of funding schemes
Dissemination & knowledge transfer
• H2020 – Overview, 3 Priorities
• ICT in “Excellent Science”
- FET & Research Infrastructures
• ICT in “Industrial Leadership”
• ICT in “Soc. Chall.” & H2020 at a Glance
• Questions & Conclusions
Next steps
- Ongoing:
Adoption of legislative acts by Parliament and Council on
Horizon 2020 and MFF
– 6-8/11 2013: ICT in H2020 Launch Conference, Vilnius, Lithuania;
Launch of first calls
– 1/1/2014:
Horizon 2020 starts
– 1/1/2014:
(Council regulation on new JTI ECSEL ?)
Examples of open questions wrt potential ICT projects in general
and to the HTA SIS facility project in particular (1)
– Which % of the budget for “priority” Soc. Challenges can be “conquered”
by ICT projects? Largest “priority” with 40% of overall budget!
– How will the problem of a flat rate for indirect costs (20%) be solved? By
1/2014 a pragmatic proposal by DG Connect is expected (with part of
indirect cost coming under direct costs);
- How can different financial sources be combined in one project? Clear
and detailed financial plans are requested to show the use of such
sources (see here below foot note in WP 2014-15, 6.4 Phot Pilot Lines):
“ Whenever appropriate, actions should seek synergies and co-financing
from relevant national/regional R&I programmes, e.g. structural funds
addressing smart specialisation. Actions combining different sources of
financing should include a concrete financial plan detailing the use of
these funding sources for the different parts of their activities.”
Chances for support of a HTA SIS type facility
under H2020?
1. What can DG Connect offer in their ICT LEIT part, WP2014-15:
- ICT 2, 3 und 25: no PL offer so far, however, access services called for!
- ICT 27, 28: access services & PLs called for, but photonics products, call 2;
hence the Qs: can we adapt our product portfolio?
- ICT 18: ICT Innovation for Growth of Mfg SMEs: does not support PLs
- ECSEL: by TRL definition of Eniac (TRL 2-8) HTA type PL should be possible,
but so far strictly industry driven with HVM outlook;
2. What can DG ENTR offer?
- Tender for study on “scope and intensity of coop between European RTOs”
to support implementation of KETs action plan (max price: 600k€) –
No relevance for HTA
Chances for support of a HTA SIS type facility
under H2020? (cont.)
3. What can DG RTD offer in WP 2014-15?
In their LEIT part “Nanotech, Materials, Mfg & Processing”,
In their LEIT part Factory of the Future (11 obj. 2014&15),
In their Exc. Science part – Research Infrastructures (call 2):
No µE & HTA relevant offer under DG RTD WPs 2014-15!
1. Various components or smart systems related infrastructure
developments or deployments (PLs and Access service
offers) are foreseen both under ICT LEIT and ECSEL !
2. HTA to discuss how to grasp these opportunities !
Thank You