Action Potential Brain and Behavior 01.28.2016 Information Transmission within a Neuron WHAT IS AN ION? • Atoms are made of: Protons Positively charged particles Neutrons Particles with No charge Electrons Negatively charged particles • Ion = a charged molecule Charge may be positive or negative WHAT IS AN ION? • Some important ions: Sodium (Na+) Potassium (K+) Chloride (Cl-) Calcium (Ca2+) THE NEURON AT REST • Membrane of a neuron maintains an electrical gradient Difference in electrical charge between inside and outside of the cell • Neuron is surrounded by a membrane Protein molecules embedded in the membrane form channels Resting Potential of Neuron • Polarization Difference in electrical charge between two locations • Slightly negative electrical potential inside the membrane compared to the outside (approx. -70 mV) Due to negatively charged proteins inside the cell HOW IS THE RESTING POTENTIAL MAINTAINED? • Membrane is selectively permeable Some chemicals can pass freely across membrane • Oxygen, carbon dioxide, urea, water • NOT ions! Can only cross when protein channels are open Ion channels when membrane is at rest: • Sodium (Na+) channels Closed • Potassium (K+) channels Mostly closed (K+ leaks out slowly) HOW IS THE RESTING POTENTIAL MAINTAINED? • Sodium-Potassium Pump Made of proteins Repeatedly moves: • 3 Na+ ions out of the cell • 2 K+ ions into the cell Resulting distribution • 10x more Na+ outside the membrane • More K+ ions inside the membrane Membrane potential • Diffusion=concentration gradient • Electrostatic pressure=electrical gradient Sodium-potassium pump pushes 3 Na+ out for every 2K+ in IMPORTANCE OF THE RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIAL • Where would ions move if given the chance? Na+ Rush into the cell •Electrical and Concentration gradients “pulling it in” K+ Flow slowly out of the cell •Electrical gradient “pulling it in” •Concentration gradient “pushing it out” IMPORTANCE OF THE RESTING MEMBRANE POTENTIAL • From resting potential (-70 mV), three options: Maintenance of the resting potential Hyperpolarization (“increased polarization”) • Increase negative charge inside the neuron (e.g., -85mV) Depolarization (“decreased polarization”) • Decrease negative charge inside the neuron (towards zero…ex: -65mV) Electrical Potential of Neuron • Membrane potential - difference in electrical charge inside and outside cell: inside “-”, outside “+” • Resting potential – membrane potential at rest -70mV • Action potential – brief reversal of membrane potential: inside “+”, outside “-”, electrical impulse Electrical Potential of Neuron (cont.) • Depolarization – “decreased polarization”, decrease “-” charge inside neuron, membrane potential to 0 • Excitation threshold – level of depolarization to produce action potential • Repolarization – return to resting potential • Hyperpolarization – “increased polarization”, increase “-” charge inside neuron, increase of membrane potential 15 16 17 18 19 20 Action Potential External stimulus Repolarization Hyperpolarization Excitation threshold reached Na+ in Depolarization K+ channels close K+ out Action potential Na+ channels close https://www.yout =U0NpTdge3aw Action Potential THE ACTION POTENTIAL • Threshold of excitation (depolarization level) Stimulation beyond this level produces sudden, massive depolarization of the membrane Result: Na+ channels open suddenly • Causes rapid, massive influx of Na+ ions Results in more depolarization • Reduces negative charge (to approx. +50 mV) • This rapid depolarization = ACTION POTENTIAL THE ALL-OR-NONE LAW • Sub-threshold stimulation Produces a small amount of depolarization • Proportional to the amount of current applied • Stimulation above the threshold of excitation Stimulation that reaches the threshold produces the action potential The neuron either “fires” or it doesn’t… • …and all action potentials, once firing, are the same REPOLARIZATION • Return to resting membrane potential (-70 mV) • Achieved by voltage-activated K+ channels… • Shortly after Na+ channels open, the K+ channels open • K+ ions flow out of the membrane Due to concentration gradient Also, now due to electrical gradient • Membrane potential decreases to slightly below normal resting potential Temporary hyperpolarization results in refractory period POST ACTION POTENTIAL • Membrane has returned to resting potential • Post-action potential ion distribution: More Na+ ions in the cell Fewer K+ ions in the cell • Sodium-Potassium Pump reactivates Restores original ion distribution All-or-None Law Revisited • All action potentials are equal: – Amplitude (intensity) – Velocity • Strength of stimulus communicated in FREQUENCY of action potentials • All-or-none law applies to axon only Refractory Period Revisited • Hyperpolarization after action potential – Additional APs are extremely difficult (if not impossible) for a brief period • Absolute refractory period – AP not possible • Relative refractory period – AP is possible with stronger than usual stimulus Conduction of Action Potential • All or none law • Action potential always remains the same • Rate law • Saltatory conduction Role of Myelin • Nodes of Ranvier Short (1 mm) unmyelinated gaps of axon Where membrane depolarization occurs • Saltatory conduction APs “jump” down the axon from node to node • Why have saltatory conduction? Conservation of energy • Less work for sodium-potassium pumps Multiple Sclerosis • Loss of myelination in the central nervous system • Myelinated axon develops sodium channels almost exclusively at its nodes • When myelination is lost, no new sodium channels are formed • Result: APs die out between nodes