Williams - A&W Mgt Presentation

Moving Towards
Sustainable Materials Management
Presentation to the
Air and Waste Management Association
Southern Section Annual Conference
September 13, 2012
Hierarchy of
Materials Management
Repurpose or Beneficial Use
Waste To Energy and Waste To Fuels
Close the Loop – Buy Recycled
Responsible Waste Disposal
Why Recycle?
Amount of waste we generate demands that we
recover materials;
State Law promotes and encourages recycling;
Economic benefits and jobs are created by
Southeastern manufacturers need recyclable for
their processes
Manufacturing processes can be improved through
processing recovered materials and
The quality of life can be improved for communities
by increasing recycling opportunities.
National Recycling Profile
Each person in the U.S. generates 4.5 pounds of
solid waste each day (more than any other
country in the world);
U.S. EPA set a national recycling goal of 40%;
EPA estimates that currently the U.S. recycles
approximately 82 million tons of materials (34%);
Approximately 86% of the people in the U.S.
have access to local recycling programs.
National Waste Quantities
Americans generate 680 lbs of paper waste per
person annually. The average American throws
away 13,000 pieces of paper each year.
Americans throw away an average of 1500
aluminum cans per second. Over 80 billion are
used and over 30 billion are disposed in landfills
Americans use 100 million steel cans every day.
Americans throw away 2.5 million plastic bottles
an hour.
Over 41 billion glass containers are used in the
U.S. each year.
What is in Our Waste?
Yard Wastes
Food Scraps
Mississippi Recycling Profile
Mississippi generates around 3.5 to 4 million
tons of municipal solid waste annually and 7 to 8
million tons of solid waste overall;
Mississippi Law has an annual statewide waste
reduction and recycling goal of 25%;
Approximately 50% of the state’s population has
access to local government sponsored recycling
MDEQ approximates the state recycling rate to
be around 12%.
Recycling Provisions in
Mississippi Law
Mississippi Code Annotated, Section 49-31-5
states: “The Legislature declares it to be the policy
of the State of Mississippi that the generation of
waste should be reduced or eliminated at the
source, whenever feasible; waste that is generated
should be recycled or reused whenever feasible;
waste that cannot be reduced or recycled should
be treated in an environmentally safe manner; and
disposal or other permitted release into the
environment should be employed only as a last
resort and should be conducted in an
environmentally safe manner.”
Recycling Provisions in
Mississippi Law
Mississippi Code Annotated, Sections 49-31-7 and
49-31-11(3) state: The purposes of this chapter
are…… “To encourage local governments to
develop and implement recycling programs within
their jurisdictions to return valuable materials to
productive use and to protect capacity at waste
management facilities;”
“The Commission on Environmental Quality shall
coordinate recycling activities among municipalities
and local governing authorities and promote
pollution prevention, recycling, reuse of wastes, in
lieu of treatment and disposal of such wastes.”
Recycling Provisions in
Mississippi Law
Mississippi Code Annotated – Section 17-17-227
“Each county, in cooperation with
municipalities within the county, shall prepare,
adopt and submit to the commission for review and
approval a local nonhazardous solid waste
management plan for the county. Each local
nonhazardous solid waste management plan shall
include, at a minimum, the following…..………..
……. (d) A strategy for achieving a twenty-five
percent (25%) waste reduction goal through source
reduction, recycling or other waste reduction
Recycling Creates Jobs and
Generates Employment Income
U.S. Recycling Economic Information Study
56,061 recycling establishments;
1.1 million people directly employed
$37 billion in annual payroll;
$236 billion in annual revenues;
Average wage paid - $32,700;
Manufacturers were responsible for over half of the
economic activity.
Recycling Creates Jobs and
Generates Employment Income
U.S. Recycling Economic Information
Study –2001
– 1.4 million jobs provided in support
businesses with a payroll of $52 billion and
$173 billion in receipts;
– 1.5 million jobs supported by the employee
personal spending with a payroll of $41 billion
and receipts of $146 billion.
Recycling Creates Jobs and
Generates Employment Income
College of Charleston 2006 Recycling Study
for State of South Carolina
– More than 15,000 jobs;
– $1.5 billion in annual personal income for direct and
indirect jobs;
– Industry projected to grow at a rate of around 12% with
an economic impact of more than $11 billion;
– Overall economic impact to the state of $6.5 billion
Recycling Creates Jobs and
Generates Employment Income
North Carolina Recycling Business Assistance
Center 2010 Study
– Growth in recycling jobs up from 11,762 in 2000 to
15,187 in 2010;
– NC saw a net increase of jobs by almost 5% from 2008
until 2010;
– Total annual direct payroll is $395 million;
– Almost 50% of the businesses indicated they would be
creating additional jobs in the next 2 years;
Recycling Creates Jobs and
Generates Employment Income
Southern States Energy Board Study
Economic Benefits of Recycling Study:
– Mississippi had over 5,000 persons employed
in the recycling industry representing 2.1 % of
the state’s labor force;
– Only West Virginia and Louisiana had lower
rates of recycling employment in the region
than the state of Mississippi.
Recycling Creates Jobs and
Generates Employment Income
Southeast Recycling Development
Council 2010 Markets Inventory
– Employment in 11 Southeastern States in the
end use/manufacturing sector equaled 49,527
– $33.5 billion dollars in total sales;
– Out of the 11 states, Mississippi ranked 11th
in number of employees and 8th in annual
sales dollars.
Recycling can Supplement the
Local and State Tax Base
REI 2001 Study – The Recycling industry
– U.S. Government Tax Revenues – $25 Billion
– State Government Tax Revenues - $11.9 Billion
– Local Government Tax Revenues - $9.4 Billion
South Carolina study – The recycling industry
contributed $69 million in tax revenue to South
Carolina government.
Recycling can Supplement the
Local and State Tax base
Washington County, Kentucky began its
recycling program in 2002:
– By 2004 – the rural county had built its recycling
volume up to 353,000 lbs. and $2500 in profits;
– In 2006 – formed a cooperative partnership with
Marion County and together recycled 1.3 million lbs
and over $10,000 in profits.
– Built a MRF using inmate labor and developed a jobs
training program for inmates through the recycling
Recycling can Supplement the
Local and State Tax Base
Columbus Air Force Base, Columbus,
– Has a mandatory recycling program for
residential housing;
– CAFB averaged approximately $230,000 cost
avoidance annually by diverting over 50% of
its wastes to recycling;
– CAFB saw an average profit of $40,000 in
sale of recyclable materials.
Recycling can Supplement the
Local and State Tax Base
The State of Tennessee reports
– In 2010, Tennessee Communities recycled 1.9 million
tons of solid waste saving $69 million in disposal
– Recycling Marketing Cooperative of Tennessee helps
rural Tennessee communities of less than 10,000
population with recycling;
RMCT returns an average of $42,000 in recycling revenues
to each participating local government;
RMCT helped recycle an average of 600 tons of waste per
month saving an average of $18,000 in disposal costs.
Existing Industry Needs
More Material
CVP estimates southeastern states dispose of $1.2
billion worth of recyclables annually;
State of Georgia study indicates that state spends
$100 million annually to dispose of $300 million
worth of recyclables;
Mississippi Recycling Task Force Survey indicated
that the number 2 problem for most Mississippi
Recycling businesses is the lack of available
Existing Industry Needs
More Material
KW Plastics collects 370,000 lbs of plastic
from the state of Alabama enough for only
one day of production;
North and South Carolina together could
provide enough HDPE for the Ensley
Corporation to run 24 hrs per day 7 days per
week but due to low recovery rates Ensley
must ship from other places in the U.S.
Continued Growth in Recycling
will Require New Industries
Retail Industry/Consumer Demands
– Walmart Recycled Content Requirements
Product Sustainability Initiatives
– Various State Legislative Requirements
– Coca-Cola Recycling
Corporate Zero Waste Initiatives
Export Markets – China, India, etc.
Recycling can make Manufacturing
Processes more Efficient
Can lower manufacturing energy costs;
– Recycling aluminum results in 96% energy savings
over processing of raw bauxite;
– Recycling plastics results in 67% energy savings over
processing raw (virgin) materials.
– Recycling paper results in 64% energy savings over
the processing of virgin pulp;
– Recycling glass results in 21% energy savings over
manufacturing virgin glass
Recycling can make Manufacturing
Processes more Efficient
Can reduce the cost to manufacturers for
extracting raw materials:
– Each ton of paper recycled conserves 380 gallons of
oil, three cubic yards of landfill space, 4000 kilowatts
of energy, 7000 gallons of water and 3700 lbs of
– For every ton of steel recycled, we conserve 1400 lbs
of coal, 2500 lbs of iron ore, and 120 lbs of limestone.
– Recycling one ton of glass saves 1300 lbs of sand;
410 lbs of soda ash and 380 lbs of limestone.
– Each ton of plastics recycled conserves 16.3 barrels
(685 gallons) of oil.
Recycling can make Manufacturing
Processes More Efficient
Can reduce pollution over extracting and
processing raw materials:
– Recycling one ton of paper also results in 60
pounds less air pollutants than processing
virgin pulp;
– Recycling steel scrap results in 85% less air
emissions and 76% less water pollution than
processing virgin iron ore;
– EPA WARM Model: U.S. Recycling = Almost
40 million cars off the road.
Recycling can make Manufacturing
Processes More Efficient
Promotes Safer Working Environment
(WasteCap Wisconsin Study);
Manufacturing facilities built for recycled
content are often less expensive to build;
Using recycled content over virgin materials
can help to preserve the life of manufacturing
Recycling can Help Improve the
Quality of Life for a Community
Reduces the need for landfills and the impacts of
landfills on local communities;
Helps with the management of problem waste
streams (e-scrap, tires, HHW, etc);
Can help address community aesthetics and
nuisances such as litter and illegal dumping;
Comprehensive recycling programs can be an
attractant for new residents, businesses, and
Keys to Developing a
Sustainable Recycling Program
What Are We Discarding?
Packaging Wastes – Cardboard, Film, Paperboard, Pallets,
Metal bands, etc.
Office Wastes – White Paper, Electronics, ink cartridges;
Process Wastes – Sludges, Combustion residuals, Byproducts, Process residuals, Off-Spec supplies and/or
Maintenance Wastes – Solvents, Rags, Floor Sweepings;
Landscaping Wastes;
Employee Wastes – Break Room, Cafeteria, Locker Room,
Uniforms, personal protective equipment, etc.
Architectural Debris – Construction, Renovation, and
Demolition Debris;
Other Materials – Medical Wastes, Scrap Equipment,
Universal Wastes, etc.
Get Started Recycling
Conduct a waste audit of the materials you
are discarding;
Conduct an audit of the materials/supplies
that you purchase to ensure they are
recyclable or re-usable;
Determine what local recycling/re-use options
exist in/near your facility;
Review your solid waste collection contracts
to ensure that you benefit from recycling;
Get Started Recycling
Start your program out with profitable
recyclables and grow your recycling system;
Transition your “waste handling systems” to
“materials handling systems;”
Consistently review your materials/waste
handling systems for possible upgrades to
transition to recycling/reuse opportunities;
Consider separate collection systems for
special wastes, process wastes, landscaping
wastes and other similar materials.
Design Your System to Produce
Educate employees to understand all of the materials that
can be recycled;
Consider offering incentives to employees to reduce wastes
and to recycle;
Design collection for your manufacturing facility or business;
Consider other sources of recyclables for your system:
employees, contractors, suppliers, other businesses and
other office complexes;
Consider cooperative or partnership collection efforts with
other manufacturers, warehouses, businesses, transporters,
schools, federal/state agencies and local governments;
Look for “piggy back” opportunities on recycling programs at
area institutions or local community programs.
Design Your System to Produce
Know your processor/market specifications for
Prepare and plan in advance for contamination;
Educate employees on what you do not collect
and what problems contamination can cause;
Locate recycling receptacles in places that can
be monitored frequently or that have limited
Design the receptacles to facilitate deposit of
only those desirable materials;
Have your materials management/quality control
divisions help monitor recycling receptacles.
Monitor and Control Costs
Invest recycling earnings back into the
recycling program at your facility;
Factor landfill savings into the costs and
earnings of your program;
Understand and address the costs of
Understand market fluctuations and the
need to inventory recyclables at times.
Monitor and Control Costs
Look for back hauling opportunities for
Look for unique ways to process/sort your
recyclables such as correctional facilities,
rehabilitation centers or private recyclers;
Support State, Federal or other grant opportunities
for your local community programs;
Discuss whether your processor or end user can
provide resources such as baling equipment;
Consider partnering with other local businesses for
special recycling emphasis or project.
Educate, Educate, Educate Your
WHY they should recycle.
WHAT they should recycle.
WHERE they can recycle.
HOW they can recycle.
SOLICIT feedback on your program from
Educate, Educate, Educate
Partner with other organizations to promote local
recycling efforts: KMB affiliates, Ms Recycling
Coalition, Main Street Association, Chamber of
Commerce, and others;
Include recycling information circulars with
paychecks or other employee notices;
Use electronic options to promote your recycling
message: Email Newsletter, Facebook, Twitter,
Provide details of your recycling programs in
packages for new employees.
Measure and Publicize Results
Measure the Quantity Recycled;
Measure the Recycling Rate
Measure Participation Rate (if possible)
Recognize high performing areas of your
facility or business; and
Measure the Benefits – Energy Savings
and GHG Emissions Reduction by EPA
WARM Model
Barriers to Sustainable Recycling
Transportation Costs;
Lack of Sufficient Volume of Recyclables;
Insufficient Laws and Regulations;
Lack of Interest/Lack of Public Education;
Lack of Resources/Incentives;
Poor Local Collection Systems;
Difficulty in Maintaining Quality of
Recycling Points
Recycling is an industry and we need to
recruit and court this industry like we do
other manufacturers;
Recycling is likely to be most successful if it
is an integral part of the local solid waste
Quantity and Quality are keys to marketing
recyclable materials; and
Public/Work Force Education is a must!
MDEQ Efforts to Grow Recycling
MDEQ is promoting local government
recycling programs through updates of local
solid waste plans;
MDEQ is now giving priority to recycling
projects in our solid waste assistance grants;
MDEQ will soon be announcing our Regional
Recycling Cooperative Grants to build
recycling partnerships between local
governments and private industry in the state;
MDEQ Efforts to Grow Recycling
MDEQ is providing support and assistance to
the Mississippi Recycling Coalition to
continue to grow recycling in the state;
MDEQ is working with the Southeast
Recycling Development Council to grow the
recycling industry in 11 southeastern states.
MDEQ is looking to work with recycling
organizations and local governments in the
Jackson metropolitan area to upgrade the
glass recycling efforts.
What You Can Do
Review and comment on local solid waste 20
year planning efforts for your community;
Advocate and support local recycling programs;
Consider community projects to support local
recycling efforts;
Advocate with suppliers for materials with
recycled content where possible;
Advocate in your own business/facility to increase
the recycled content and the recyclability of your
Join and support the Mississippi Recycling
Coalition (www.msrecycles.org)
Beneficial Use Program
What is Beneficial Use?
The legitimate use of a nonhazardous
industrial by-product or other similar
material as a product or in the
manufacture of a product where the byproduct has suitable properties to replace
a natural material or other resource
The Benefits of a
Beneficial Use Program
Helps to legitimize the use of scrap, waste
or by-product materials as products.
Promotes Re-Use of Materials
– Large quantities of reusable materials
are landfilled each year.
State Solid Waste Regulations historically
had not allowed for beneficial use of wastes
without a formal environmental permit.
The Benefits of a
Beneficial Use Program
The process helps to ease the permitting
requirements for certain beneficial uses.
Beneficial use determinations are generally not
site specific and allow more flexibility in use.
Allows Mississippi to participate fully in EPA’s
Federal Resource Conservation Challenge
Establishes consistency with other states that
have beneficial use programs.
Material Applicability
Regulation Applicability
– Applies to any person, organization, business… that
intends to distribute an eligible by-product for beneficial
– Does not apply to recovery of common recyclables such
as glass, paper, cardboard, wood, metals, etc.
– Does not apply to compost materials which are regulated
under the Nonhazardous Solid Waste Mgt. Regulations;
– Does not apply to beneficial fill projects;
– Does not apply to hazardous wastes or treated
hazardous wastes;
By-Product Eligibility
By-Product Eligibility
– Must meet the definition of a by-product
(Common by-products may include wood ash,
coal combustion byproducts, process residuals,
slag, other process materials);
– Must possess beneficial chemical and physical
properties for the proposed use;
– Must be nonputrescible (doesn’t decay easily);
– Must be nonhazardous without treatment;
Use Eligibility Requirements
Use Eligibility
– Must be a suitable replacement for a raw
material and must provide comparable benefit
to that raw material;
– Must not solely constitute disposal or fill;
– Must have a demonstrated, legitimate use;
– Must conduct a demonstration effort/project for
a proposed unproven use;
Beneficial Use
Demonstration Projects
Demo projects are generally specific to a site or
Demo projects should demonstrate the benefits
of the material;
Demo projects should demonstrate that the use
of the material has no environmental
A final report is due to MDEQ summarizing the
results of the demo project.
Demo Project Results
Beneficial Use Categories
State Regulations separate beneficial uses
into four categories:
– Category I Uses – Standing Uses that are preapproved uses described in regulation;
– Category II Uses – Construction Uses includes
road construction, construction stabilization and
other civil engineering applications;
– Category III Uses – Land Application Uses
includes soil amendments or conditioners;
– Category IV Uses – Other various uses not
covered under previous categories.
BUD Request Procedures
Category I uses do not require submittal of
a request nor a review by MDEQ.
Categories II, III and IV require completed
request forms and review by MDEQ.
Applicants must request a Beneficial Use
Determination (BUD) on forms provided by
Applicants can be a generator, processor,
broker, or end user of the material.
Category I
“Standing” Uses
Uses of untreated wood products as mulch, animal
bedding, fuel, compost additives, etc;
Other rubbish that is legitimately used, reused, or
Uses of waste tires and waste tire-derived material
approved under the Mississippi Waste Tire
Management Regulations;
Category I
“Standing” Uses
Uses that are contained in an environmental
system that is regulated under an MDEQ
environmental permit (includes uses in landfills,
wastewater lagoons, manufacturing systems, etc.);
Uses in which a by-product is utilized as a
contained or encapsulated additive in the
manufacture of a product; and
Other uses which have been sufficiently
demonstrated by the owner, distributor, supplier or
user and approved by MDEQ as a standing use.
Procedures/Parameters for
Categories II, III & IV
Proposed uses must conform to the beneficial
use eligibility requirements.
Proposed uses must conform with the Beneficial
Use constituent standards in Table A of the
Should a by-product fail to meet Table A
standards, additional testing may be done to
demonstrate compliance with Table B standards.
Procedures/Parameters for
Categories II, III & IV
Category II Uses must also include:
– Certification from a Professional Engineer of
the construction performance;
– Confirmation that the material meets any
ASTM/MDOT/Other standards;
– Guidance or BMP’s to the end user(s) on the
proper management and employment of the
Procedures/Parameters for
Categories II, III & IV
Category III Uses must also include:
– Testing must also demonstrate compliance
with the secondary soil amendment thresholds
found in Appendix 2 of the regulations;
– Application to the Mississippi Department of
Agriculture and Commerce;
– BMP/Agronomic use instructions for
distribution to end users.
Beneficial Use Standards
MDEQ Beneficial Use Standards were derived
from the TCLP standards and MDEQ Compost
– TCLP standard were developed and adopted on a
scientific basis;
– TCLP standards are familiar for most generators;
– TCLP testing has been conducted or will be
conducted by most generators;
– TCLP testing and standards simulate worst case
scenario conditions;
Procedures/Parameters for
Categories II, III & IV
Upon review and approval of the application:
– MDEQ may issues a request for additional information;
– MDEQ may direct the requesting party to develop a
demonstration effort;
– MDEQ may issue “Beneficial Use Determination” (BUD)
to the party requesting approval.
– MDEQ may issue a notification in writing of the denial
of the beneficial use determination.
Beneficial Use Standards
Secondary standards are derived from
Federal 503 soil amendment standards for
Regulations allow for the employment of
additional standards where a constituent of
concern is identified that is not an adopted
state beneficial use standard;
Regulations allow for alternative testing to
demonstrate by-product suitability (e.g. risk
based modeling, etc.).
Beneficial Use Denial
Where a proposal to beneficially use a
by-product is denied, the applicant may:
– Appeal the denial to the Mississippi
Commission on Environmental Quality within
30 days of the notification of the action;
– Apply to the Mississippi Environmental
Quality Permit Board for a site specific solid
waste management permit to conduct the
beneficial use activity.
Reporting Requirements
For persons who obtain a beneficial use
determination from MDEQ, an annual
report must be submitted by February
28th of the following year.
Annual reports generally must contain:
– Quantity used/distributed in the reporting
– Updated analytical data as needed; and
– Other information specifically requested
Beneficial Use Reporting
45 Beneficial Use Determinations have
been issued by MDEQ for uses of various
material types in the state;
In 2010,almost 1.3 million tons of byproducts were used under the beneficial
use program for construction and soil
amendment purposes.
MDEQ Beneficial Use
Web Page
Other Beneficial Use Options
Solid Waste Regulatory Exemptions
Legitimate Use of Rubbish (fuels, feedstock, etc).
Processing on the site of generation
Beneficial Fill Exemption
Exemptions for Recyclable Only Processing Facilities
Other Contained Uses
– Landfill Daily Cover Uses
– Liquid Waste Solidification
Solid Waste Management Permit
– Land application/processing facility
Coal Ash Regulatory Update
Kingston Coal Ash
spill occurred on
December 22, 2008
spilling 1.1 billion
gallons of coal ash
slurry into the
Coal Ash Regulatory Update
U.S. EPA proposed a rule on July 21, 2010 for
the regulation of Coal Combustion By-products
– Proposed Subtitle D vs Subtitle C Options;
– Also asked for comment on other options;
– MDEQ and all 50 states provided comment on the
– EPA issued a Federal Register Notice on Data
Availability in October 2010 and October 2011;
– EPA continues to review public comment on this
Coal Ash Regulatory Update
Bipartisan bill introduced in Senate August
2, 2012
– Coal Ash Recycling and Oversight Act of 2012
(Amended version of the Coal Residuals Reuse and
Management Act of 2011);
– Sponsored by 12 Dems and 12 Reps;
– Establishes national regulatory standards for coal ash
disposal under Subtitle D of RCRA;
– Prevents designation by EPA as a hazardous waste
On the Horizon….
MDEQ will be announcing regional recycling
grants this year to help fund cooperative
recycling efforts among local governments;
MDEQ is working to promote more organics
recycling through composting and other
alternate technologies in the state;
MDEQ will be streamlining solid waste
permitting requirements for land application
activities, composting facilities and
processors of recyclable materials.
On the Horizon….
State EPR initiatives will continue that will
indirectly influence materials management in
EPA appears to be moving to restrict export
of certain electronic wastes overseas to
developing nations; and
EPA rules on CCB’s may contain standards
for beneficial use that could influence uses
of other materials.
Contact Information:
Mark Williams
Solid Waste/Recycling Programs
Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 2261
Jackson, MS 39225
Phone: 601-961-5304
Fax: 601-961-5785
Email: Mark_Williams@deq.state.ms.us
MDEQ Solid Waste Home Page: