First Day, Daily, and Cycle Procedures PowerPoint

First Day, Daily,
Cycle Procedures
A couple of reminders:
1. Do NOT run a PET Export until the
3rd week of school. Then, run one
every week that student’s attend
at least one day of the week.
2. Pay attention to new service IDs. Find
the Data Standards change document
on TEA’s website to see what has
been changed. You can see the
current service IDs on code table
C022. There were a lot of changes this
3. Email me at to let me
know you were in attendance so you
can get credit.
All staff on a campus must realize that the
first day count is an important process for
the school district. The first day provides
administrators with the tools they need to
make budgeting and staffing decisions. A
clean first day count makes the registrar’s
job easier for the remainder of the year. It
is important that the campus administrator
in charge of the first day make all the
necessary staff assignments to achieve a
quick first day count.
Administrative Considerations
Assign staff to a “holding location”.
Develop a form for the holding room to
collect first day attendance. This form
should be used for any non-teaching
location where there are students, such
as the nurse’s office or counselor’s
office. No student should be allowed to
leave these locations until the first day
numbers have been collected.
Assign staff to collect the attendance documents for
the count. This person will go to each class and collect
the class roll and/or the teachers roster. The counts on
these documents should match the number of
students in the room. If not, the teacher must
reconcile the difference. These documents will be
returned to the attendance clerk.
Issue clear instructions to the
teachers. They need to know how
to mark the first day documents and
what is expected of them.
Steps Prior
to the
First Day of School
____1. Enter demographic data for any new students who register.
____2. Secondary campuses must enter a schedule for each student.
____3. Elementary campuses should enter a control number for each student. Secondary
campuses have the option to do so.
____4. Print Attendance Proof List (Attendance Report SAT0300) to verify students. Verify
students with any letter(s) under the flag column. The flags indicate questionable
entries. For example:
A. Age
C. Control Number
G. Grade Level
P. Instructional Setting Code
____5. First Day Attendance Document:
A. Secondary campuses print Grade Reporting reports Class List SGR0400 or Class
Rolls SGR0900 to use as an attendance sheet on the first day of school. SAT1365
can also be used.
B. Elementary campuses may use the SAT1365 Class Attendance Roster run by
Control Number.
First Day Steps
____6. Distribute reports created in step #5 to
individual teachers.
On the first day of school, each teacher should:
A. Mark "NS" next to student’s name to indicate they
were a "no show" in that class.
B. Write the names of any additional students in the
classroom at the bottom of the list.
C. Write the total number of students in the classroom
at the bottom of the list.
D. Sign the list in ink.
____7. After all attendance documents (class lists, etc.) have been collected, compare lists to
verify “no show” students are not listed as present on another list (i.e. Students on
Transit Form). If a “no show” student is found on another list, correct the “no
show” status. Check the students’ schedules, making any necessary corrections.
____8. After corrections have been made, note adjusted totals on the teacher’s class
attendance lists. Sum a grand total of students for day one using the corrected
totals marked on the teacher’s class attendance lists.
____9. As soon as possible after verifying class lists, withdraw students as “no shows” as
indicated by the teachers on attendance documents:
A. Withdrawal date must be the same day as the first day of school.
B. Withdrawal reason will be a code of 44, which means “no show”.
Print the following reports for verification:
A. Registration Report SGR1950, Student No Show Report.
B. Attendance Report SAT1400, Schedule of Age/Grade Distribution.
(Select option to print the First Day Principal's Report) The total in the
TOTAL column on line A2 should agree with the total number of bodies
in the corrected counts found in step 8 above. Numbers in line B should
receive extreme scrutiny.
C. Daily Attendance Summary, SAT0400 ( Select to print the from and to
dates for the first day of school) Add the numbers on line 10 of each
grade level page and the grand total should equal the corrected counts
found in step 8 above. Be sure to scrutinize any student count in lines 14
through 18.
Make necessary corrections to student demographic information
and/or withdrawal records to justify membership totals. Reprint
reports as necessary. The number of students on the reports in
step #10 above must be identical to the grand total figure in step
#8 above.
File day one reports in step #10 for auditors.
Print corrected class lists (the same reports as printed in step 5) for
the next school day.
Daily Attendance Posting
Procedures using TxEIS
____1. Populate the electronic grade book or print and distribute attendance documents. The
following are the different types of attendance collection documents:
SAT1365 Class Attendance Roster
SAT0202 Attendance Tear Strips
____2. Post attendance once daily or period-by-period. The TEA Attendance reporting period
(ADA Posting Period) is designated in Attendance > Maintenance > Campus > Campus Options.
The ADA Posting Period is for students in attendance at the district’s designated time. Once
selected, the time may not be changed during the school year.
____3. Print and verify the following TxEIS reports daily after posting/importing the attendance.
Attendance Report SAT0400 - Daily Attendance Summary. Print for specific date.
Attendance Report SAT0500 – Campus Attendance Summary. Print for specific date.
____4. Withdraw and re-enter students as necessary. Remember to withdraw students next
day if the student is in attendance during the official attendance accounting period.
____5. Re-enter "no show” students as necessary.
____6. The appropriate cafeteria staff can utilize a copy of the
Attendance Report SAT0400 – Daily Attendance Summary for
daily counts.
Make notes, in ink, of the students who were:
Marked absent at the official attendance hour, but came in before
lunch, or
Present at the official attendance hour, but left school before
Make sure this is accurate because it is auditable.
End of Cycle Reports
Using TxEIS
The following is a list of additional reports that should be printed at the end of
each attendance cycle (each six weeks). Three of the following reports are
auditable and must be saved for a period of five years. The campus
administrators and district personnel may request other reports. Label each
report by six weeks carefully and make available for future use. Remember to
rerun reports if corrections have been made to attendance records for any
particular cycle.
1. Daily Register/Weekly Summary – SAT0600 (auditable).
2. Entry/Withdraw Summary – SAT1700.
3. Attendance Proof List – SAT0300.
4. Principal’s Contact Hour Report -- SAT0900 (auditable) run with a campus
5. Superintendent’s Contact Hour Report -- SAT0900 -- (auditable) run without
a campus number.
6. Daily Attendance Report II -- SAT1600.
7. Registration Report -- Student Status Changes By Program -- SRG1200.
Reconciliation Form
______1. Access Attendance Reports and print SAT1000 (Campus
Recap Report). Use the same As Of Date for the SAT1000 report and
the SAT0671 (step 2 below). On report SAT1000, the number to use in
balancing is the Active Code 1 total under the heading Attendance Total
for Record Status 1, 2, 3.
_____ 2. Print report SAT0671 (Teacher Membership Roster By Period)
using the same As Of Date as used in SAT1000. Compare each
teacher’s count of students in their classroom on the class rolls to the
number of students reported for each teacher on the Teacher
Membership Roster. An error report may be viewed by clicking the
button. Often the error report will indicate why the teacher class roll
counts may not match the Teacher Membership Roster.
_____3. In order to balance the SAT0671 report, the Error Listing report
must be printed and analyzed. The first page prints a total number of
student errors, and the second page with subsequent pages prints the
errors by student.
The above page of the error listing report provides the total number
of errors on subsequent pages. An example follows.
The above error report shows that 20 students do not have course schedules. Grade EE does
not use grade reporting, and these students should appear on the report; therefore, the
operator will need to investigate why the other students do not have schedules or are not
scheduled for second period. It may be that some of these students need to be posted as No
_____4. Each type of error message will be handled differently. Some
error messages require adding and others require subtracting. Using the
sample reports given above, an example of balancing will be
demonstrated below:
Campus Recap Report Attendance Total = 71
Teacher Membership Roster Total = 62
Add the number of students with no course schedules (20 students in the
example) as printed on the Error Listing with the total on the Teacher
Membership Roster Report.
62 – Total on Teacher Membership Roster
+20 – Total number of students with no course schedules
Next, subtract the total number of students not active or in membership (1
student in the example).
This student is not counted in
82 – Total from calculations above
- 1– Total number of students not active or in membership
Next, subtract the total number of students with two
courses for period 02 (10 students in the example).
81 – Total from calculations above
- 10 total number of students with two courses for period 2
71 – Reconciled number that matches Campus Recap
Report Total
Both the Campus Recap and Teacher Membership Report totals
are now balanced.
Note: Early Education (EE) students are half day students; however, they
count as one person on the Error Listing Report.
_____5. After balancing SAT1000 with SAT0671, adjust the total on the following Teacher
Membership Roster page to the total calculated after processing the errors, as
described in our example above, and have the appropriate staff sign off on this page.
These totals should be marked
through with a pen and changed to
Thank you for attending our
Please email me at to
let me know you attended so you can
get credit.