Test Review! New England New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut 1. How did most people make a living? Why? • Rocky soil poor for farming, but forests were rich with lumber, shipbuilding, fishing, whaling, fur trapping 2. What were town meeting? • Where settlers discussed and voted on many issues Middle New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware 1. Why are the middle colonies known as the “bread basket” colonies? • Many farms producing wheat, grain, barley – food for the rest of the colonies South Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia 1. Name some of the profitable crops grown in the South – Tobacco, indigo, rice 2. By the 1700’s plantations in the South relied mostly on what form of labor to clear land, work the crops, and tend the livestock? – Slave labor Life in the colonies 1. What is the difference between an import and an export? – Export = goods that are sent to markets outside the country, Import = goods brought into the country 2. What is a legislature? – Lawmaking body – power to make laws, each colony developed its own gov’t with lawmaking powers 3. Who did not have rights in many colonies? – Women (especially married women), Native Americans, African-Americans (free or enslaved), in most colonies you had to be part of the church to vote, or own property French and Indian War 1. What was the conflict that led to the war? – Who had claims to the Ohio River Valley 2. What did both sides do to stake claim to the land? – Build forts 3. Were the Native Americans on the British or French side? – Both! French – Huron, Algonquin British – Iroquois 4. Who did the governor of Virginia send West to build a fort? He ended up confronting the French and beginning the war! – George Washington 5. What did Franklin hope to achieve with the Albany Plan of Union? Did it pass? – One central government for all the colonies, was not approved 6. What was the main effect of the war? – French no longer a major power in North America Taxation begins 1. What was Pontiac’s War and how did the King respond? – Native American attacks on British settlement west of Appalachians, Proclamation of 1763 (no more settlement allowed) 2. Why did the King begin taxing the colonies? – Britain in debt b/c of war 3. What was the first tax on the colonies? – Sugar Act 4. What was the second tax? – Stamp Act – printed materials in colonies 5. How did the colonists respond and what was the effect? – Stamp Act Congress, petition and boycott, tar and feathering officials, British repeal the tax Unrest in Colonies 1. What was the biggest complaint the colonists had about the taxes? – “No taxation without representation!” (not represented in British Parliament, so therefore they had no right to tax us) 2. What were the Townshend Acts? – Indirect tax on glass, paper, tea, etc.. Also gave British rights to search ships without a warrant 3. What group did Sam Adams form in response to British policies? What methods did they use? – Sons of Liberty – used both peaceful and violent means to resist British policies, letter writing committees (Committees of Correspondence) From Bad to Worse 1. What happened in Boston that caused colonists to declare it a “massacre” ? – Colonists were shot by British officers, officers claimed self – defense, calling it a massacre led to outrage in colonies 2. The British responded by repealing most of the taxes, except for the tax on… – TEA! The BEIC was essentially given a monopoly on the tea trade 3. How did the Sons of Liberty respond? – Boston Tea Party – over 300 chests thrown into the harbor in protest British Strike Back! 1. What is the name of the series of laws passed in response to the Boston Tea Party? – Intolerable Acts 2. Give three of the four laws that made up the Intolerable Acts – Shut down port of Boston until all tea is paid for – Town meetings restricted – British officials charged with a crime would be tried in Britain – New Quartering Act 3. Colonial leaders call a meeting to respond? What is the meeting called and where is it held? – Philadelphia – First Continental Congress – Carpenter’s Hall Colonies prepare for war! 1. Name two of the three resolutions passed by the First Continental Congress – Support Massachusetts – Full boycott of all British goods – Each colony to train a militia (citizen soldiers) 2. What do we call the volunteers who were to be “ready in a minute’s notice?” – Minutemen 3. Why did Paul Revere and others gallop through the night toward Concord? – The British left Boston with 700 troops in the night, looking to find colonial weapons, he was trying to warn the minutemen to get ready! 4. Where were the “shots heard around the world”? – Lexington and Concord – the start of the American Revolution Colonies Taxation Protest Random $1 $1 $1 $1 P i c k $2 $2 $2 $2 a $5 $5 $5 $5 $10 $10 $10 $10 $20 $20 $20 $20 t o p i c What was the Albany Plan of Union and was it passed? Called for unity of the colonies against the French (to support the British) in the French and Indian War, it was voted down Which colonial region was considered the “bread basket” WHY? Middle – Majority of people made their living farming – produced food for the other colonies (wheat, barley, rye) Give two details about life in the Southern colonies Cash crops such as rice, indigo, tobacco produced, slave labor used What is the difference between an indentured servant and a slave? Indentured laborers sign contracts to work without wages for a time in exchange for passage to America and/or learning a valuable trade Slaves are bought and become the permanent property of the owner What language did the Pennsylvania Dutch speak? German (Deutsch became Dutch from mispronunciation, these people are NOT from the Netherlands, but modern day Germany) Today the Amish still speak German! What was first tax that led to major protests in the colonies? And also a meeting of delegates from the colonies in New York? Stamp Act Why did the colonists MOST protest the British taxes? They were not represented in the British lawmaking body (Parliament) “No taxation without representation!” The purpose of this act was to provide housing and supplies for the British soldiers Quartering Act How did the Townshend Act attempt to tax the colonies? What else were the British also allowed to do at the ports that went against the rights of the colonists? Indirectly tax them – added at sea ports, so price of good already had tax included Search ships without a warrant to catch smugglers who were trying to avoid the tax What series of taxes did the British pass following the Boston Tea Party? Name two of the four parts Intolerable Acts - Closed ports of Boston - No trials for British in colony - Limit town meetings - New Quartering act passed What was the name of the group that Sam Adams formed to lead protests in Boston? Sons of Liberty What methods of protest were used in the colonies? Name 3 Non-violent (petitions, boycotts), violent (tar and feathering, throwing rocks at British officials), letter writing, protest rallies, burning effigies How did the colonists respond to the hated tax on tea? Who organized this event? Boston Tea Party – threw over 300 chests of tea into the harbor, over $1 million loss, lead by Sam Adams and the Sons of Liberty Name the two meetings that occurred in the colonies to organize against the British taxation Stamp Act Congress Continental Congress What reason did Parliament give for raising taxes in the colonies after 1763> Colonists should help pay for the French and Indian War What is a colony? An area under the control of another country, usually occupied by settlers from that country What does triangular trade mean? Exchange of goods from West Africa, Caribbean, and colonies - Slaves come out of West Africa and go to Caribbean, in the Caribbean sugar cane is produced which is sold to colonies to make rum, slaves are bought with rum and other manufactured goods from the colonies and the cycle begins again What is a legislature? Law making body Why did the British issue the Proclamation of 1763? To keep colonists safe from Native American attacks occurring west of the Appalachian mountains Put the following events in chronological order: Intolerable Acts Proclamation of 1763 Boston Massacre Lexington and Concord French and Indian War Boston Tea Party French and Indian War, Proclamation of 1763, Boston Massacre, Boston Tea party, Intolerable Acts, Lexington and Concord