HIS 206 WORLD WAR I & 100% AMERICANISM THE MELTING POT IN WARTIME World War I (1914-1918) = turning point in campaign to restrict immigration Gov’t officials & prominent Americans regarded as treasonous all lobbying by immigrants on behalf of homelands Denunications of “hyphenism” cowed ethnic group leaders into silence or compliance with campaign for “100% Americanism” Rumors of spying & sabotage convinced many that melting pot wasn’t working Postwar Red Scare strengthened impression of melting pot’s failure Pres. Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) played ambivalent role in hysteria Privately condemned excesses of campaign against German Americans Failed to curb lawlessness & abuse of civil liberties Blamed Irish & German Americans for Senate’s failure to ratify Treaty of Versailles (1919) THE LIMITS OF LOYALTY Many immigrants lobbied on behalf of homelands Wilson insisted immigrants demonstrate primary loyalty to U.S. Irish & German Americans realized U.S. would never join Central Powers, so worked to make sure neutrality didn’t favor Allies Bartholdt organized American Independence Union in 1915 with 58 Irish & German American leaders Irish nationalists like Jeremiah O’Leary & Daniel Cohalan received assistance from German Ambassador Johann von Bernstoff Made Flag Day official holiday in 1916 Pledge of Allegiance became more widespread Endorsed Americanization efforts of Frances Kellor & others Theodore Roosevelt likewise endorsed 100% Americanism PASSING THE LITERACY TEST House passed Burnett’s literacy test bill in Dec. 1913 Anthony Caminetti 1917 Immigration Act included literacy test & created Asiatic Barred Zone Frederic C. Howe Senate raised head tax to $6 & excluded blacks Wilson vetoed bill in 1915 as “radical departure” from traditional policy Raised head tax to $8, but waived for kids Excluded alcoholics & vagrants Wilson’s veto overridden WARTIME TREATMENT OF ALIENS World War I drastically reduced European immigration Ellis Island became detention center Wilson used 1798 Alien Enemy Act to detain thousands of German aliens during war Bureau held those awaiting deportation because unsafe to send them back to Europe Frederic Howe paroled many on due process grounds Hot Springs, NC Ft. Oglethorpe, GA Ft. Douglas, UT Braceros program (1918-1921) admitted 73,000 Mexicans as temporary laborers German Internment Camp, Hot Springs, NC HOT SPRINGS, N.C. DETENTION CAMP Barracks Concert Band German Village SUPPRESSION OF CIVIL LIBERTIES George Creel’s Committee on Public Information produced propaganda Anti-German sentiment went wild language banned thousands of German nationals detained as enemy aliens Amish persecuted Espionage Act (June 1917) - $10,000/20 years in prison for inciting disloyalty or insubordination Sedition Act (May 1918) - extended to opposing Liberty Bonds, questioning constitutionality of conscription, or criticizing American gov’t in any way George Creel C.P.I. PROPAGANDA POSTERS THE RED SCARE & THE PALMER RAIDS Immigration Act of 1918 broadened definition of anarchism & removed 5-year time limit for deportations A. Mitchell Palmer scared by suicide & mail bombings in 1919 A. Mitchell Palmer Over 4,000 alleged alien radicals rounded up in 33 cities in 23 states on Jan. 2, 1920 Louis F. Post called for sweeping peacetime sedition law Caminetti & J. Edgar Hoover planned “Palmer Raids” to thwart Communist rev. Howe resigned in protest over lack of due process Louis F. Post reviewed each case & dismissed 2,200 – only 556 alien Communists deported THE SACCO & VANZETTI CASE Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti were Italian-American anarchists Convicted of payroll robbery & murder in 1921 Defense Attorney Fred Moore turned it into international celebrity case Liberals convinced prejudice against Italians and anarchists motivated prosecution Mass. Gov. Alvan Fuller had 3-man commission chaired by Harvard Pres. A. Lawrence Lowell investigate – found evidence convincing Later ballistics tests & testimony show Sacco guilty; Vanzetti probably not directly involved, but knew of plot Nicola Sacco & Bartolomeo Vanzetti Fred Moore