1. The learner will explain how the progressive movement managed to increase the power of government to regulate business and to protect society from the injustices fostered by big business.
2. The learner will explain the four goals of progressivism.
3. The learner will summarize progressive efforts to clean up government.
4. The learner will identify progressive efforts to reform state government, protect workers, and reform election.
State Standards
7.3 Recognize the progress of political and social reform in America during this era (i.e., Women's Suffrage,
Regulation of food and drug, Initiative, Referendum, and
Recall, protection of workers' rights, Antitrust Supreme
Court decisions, Muckrakers,).
As America entered into the 20 th century, middle class reformers addressed many social problems
• Work conditions, rights for women and children, economic reform, environmental issues and social welfare were a few of these issues
• The reform movement that sought to return control of the government to the people was
The Progressive Movement included a series of reform efforts that aimed to correct injustices in
American life.
Section 1
The Origins of Progressivism
an early-20th-century reform movement seeking to return control of the government to the people, to restore economic opportunities, and to correct injustices in American life.
• 1) Protect Social Welfare
• 2) Promote Moral
3) Create Economic
• 4) Foster Efficiency
• The progressive movement regard as worthy goals protecting social welfare, creating economic reform, fostering efficiency in the workplace.
• Industrialization in the late 19 th century was largely unregulated
• Employers felt little responsibility toward their workers
• Florence Kelley advocated for improving the lives of women and children.
• Florence Kelley championed the rights of women and children by moving into a settlement house, working as the Chief Inspector of
Factories for Illinois, and helping to win passage of the Illinois Factory
• As a result Settlement homes and churches served the community
• Also the YMCA and Salvation Army took on service roles
• Some reformers felt that the answer to societies problems was personal behavior
• They proposed such reforms as prohibition
• Groups wishing to ban alcohol included the Woman’s Christian
Temperance Union (WCTU)
• Members of the Women’s Christian
Temperance Union who fought for
would enter saloons, singing, praying, and asking saloonkeepers to stop selling alcohol.
• The primary goal of prohibitionists was to eliminate the use of alcohol in society.
Section 1
The Origins of Progressivism
an early-20th-century reform movement seeking to return control of the government to the people, to restore economic opportunities, and to correct injustices in American life.
the banning of the manufacture, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages.
• The Panic of 1893 prompted some
Americans to question the capitalist economic system
• As a result some workers embraced socialism
• Eugene Debs organized the American Socialist
Party in 1901 Debs encouraged workers to reject
American Capitalism
Some view
Moore as a modern muckraker
• Though most progressives did
Tarbell not embrace socialism, many writers saw the truth in Debs’ criticism
• Journalists known as
“Muckrakers” exposed corruption in business
was used to describe a journalist who exposed government abuses and big business corruption to the readers of mass circulation magazines and newspapers.
• Ida Tarbell exposed Standard Oil
Company’s cut-throat methods of eliminating competition
Section 1
The Origins of Progressivism
an early-20th-century reform movement seeking to return control of the government to the people, to restore economic opportunities, and to correct injustices in American life.
the banning of the manufacture, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages.
one of the magazine journalists who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life in the early 1900s.
• Many Progressive leaders put their faith in scientific principles to make society better
• In Industry, Frederick Taylor began using time & motion studies to improve factory efficiency
• Taylorism became an Industry fad as factories sought to complete each task quickly
was one of the inspirations for the creation of assembly lines at the
Ford Motor Company.
• Some results of the introduction of the assembly line were higher worker turnover, reduced hours of the workday, higher wages.
Section 1
The Origins of Progressivism
an early-20th-century reform movement seeking to return control of the government to the people, to restore economic opportunities, and to correct injustices in American life.
the banning of the manufacture, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages.
one of the magazine journalists who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life in the early 1900s.
the application of scientific principles to increase efficiency in the workplace.
• Efforts at reforming local government stemmed from the desire to make government more efficient and responsive to citizens
• Some believe it also was meant to limit immigrants influence in local governments
• Under the progressive
Republican leadership of Robert La Follette,
Wisconsin led the way in regulating big business
• Robert M. LaFollette was a reform governor and U.S. senator from Wisconsin made the railroad industry a major target.
Robert La Follette
• Early progressive attempts to enact federal bans on child labor were unsuccessful because the
Supreme Court ruled such bans unconstitutional.
• As the number of child workers rose, reformers worked to end child labor
• Children were more prone to accidents caused by fatigue
• Nearly every state limited or banned child labor by 1918
• The Supreme Court and the states enacted or strengthened laws reducing women’s hours of work
• Progressives also succeeded in winning worker’s compensation to aid families of injured workers
• Citizens fought for, and won, such measures as secret ballots, referendum votes, and the recall
• Citizens could petition and get
initiatives on the ballot
– The name for a bill initiated, or launched, by citizens is an
• A vote on an initiative is a
• A
enabled voters to remove public officials from elected positions by forcing them to face an election before the end of their term if enough voters requested it.
• In 1899, Minnesota passed the first statewide primary system
Section 1
The Origins of Progressivism
an early-20th-century reform movement seeking to return control of the government to the people, to restore economic opportunities, and to correct injustices in American life.
the banning of the manufacture, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages.
one of the magazine journalists who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life in the early 1900s.
the application of scientific principles to increase efficiency in the workplace.
a procedure by which a legislative measure can be originated by the people rather than by lawmakers.
a procedure by which a proposed legislative measure can be submitted to a vote of the people.
a procedure for removing a public official from office by a vote of the people.
• Before 1913, each state’s legislature had chosen its own
U.S. senators
• To force senators to be more responsive to the public, progressives pushed for the popular election of senators
• As a result, Congress passed the 17 th Amendment (1913 )
allowed for the popular, or direct, election of U.S. senators.
• Ordinary citizens gained the most from the ratification of the
Seventeenth Amendment.
Section 1
The Origins of Progressivism
an early-20th-century reform movement seeking to return control of the government to the people, to restore economic opportunities, and to correct injustices in American life.
the banning of the manufacture, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages.
one of the magazine journalists who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life in the early 1900s.
the application of scientific principles to increase efficiency in the workplace.
a procedure by which a legislative measure can be originated by the people rather than by lawmakers.
a procedure by which a proposed legislative measure can be submitted to a vote of the people.
a procedure for removing a public official from office by a vote of the people.
an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, adopted in
1913, that provides for the election of U.S. senators by the people rather than by state legislatures.
Section 1
The Origins of Progressivism
an early-20th-century reform movement seeking to return control of the government to the people, to restore economic opportunities, and to correct injustices in American life.
the banning of the manufacture, sale, and possession of alcoholic beverages.
one of the magazine journalists who exposed the corrupt side of business and public life in the early 1900s.
the application of scientific principles to increase efficiency in the workplace.
a procedure by which a legislative measure can be originated by the people rather than by lawmakers.
a procedure by which a proposed legislative measure can be submitted to a vote of the people.
a procedure for removing a public official from office by a vote of the people.
an amendment to the U.S. Constitution, adopted in
1913, that provides for the election of U.S. senators by the people rather than by state legislatures.
1. The learner will explain how the progressive movement managed to increase the power of government to regulate business and to protect society from the injustices fostered by big business.
2. The learner will describe the growing presence of women in the workforce at the turn of the 20 th century.
3. The learner will identify leaders of the woman suffrage movement.
4. The learner will explain how woman suffrage was achieved.
State Standards
7.3 Recognize the progress of political and social reform in America during this era (i.e., Women's Suffrage, Regulation of food and drug,
Initiative, Referendum, and Recall, protection of workers' rights, Antitrust
Supreme Court decisions, Muckrakers,).
7.6 Recognize the role of Tennessee in the women's suffrage movement. (i.e., "the perfect 36", Anne Dallas Dudley, Harry Burn,
Governor Albert Roberts).
– “ We are thinking men and women. .
. . We have a right to be heard in whatever concerns us. Your government has driven us hither and thither like cattle. . . . Your government has no right to say to us, Go here, or Go there, and if we show any reluctance, to force us to do its will at the point of the bayonet. . . . Do you wonder that the
Indian feels outraged by such treatment and retaliates, although it will end in death to himself?
• quoted in Bright Eyes
• Susette LaFlesche was a Native
American woman who spoke out for the Ponca people.
• Before the Civil War,
American women were expected to devote their time to home and family
• By the late 19 th and early 20 th century, women were visible in the workforce
• Before the turn-of-thecentury women without formal education contributed to the economic welfare of their families by doing domestic work
• Altogether, 70% of women employed in 1870 were servants
• In the mid-1800s, the majority of women who held jobs worked as servants.
• Opportunities for women increased especially in the cities
• By 1900, one out of five women worked
• The garment trade was popular as was office work, department stores and classrooms
• Many of the leading progressive reformers were women
• Middle and upper class women also entered the public sphere as reformers
• Many of these women had graduated from new women’s colleges
Colleges like Vassar and Smith allowed women to excel
• Women reformers strove to improve conditions at work and home
• In 1896, black women formed the National
Association of Colored
was another important issue for women
• Suffrage is the right to vote.
Section 2
Women in Public Life
the National Association of
Colored Women—a social service organization founded in 1896.
the right to vote.
• Susan B. Anthony was a leader of the women suffrage movement.
was the National
American Woman Suffrage
• Suffragists tried three approaches to winning the vote
– 1) Convince state legislatures to adopt vote (Succeeded in Wyoming,
Utah, Idaho, Colorado)
– 2) Pursue court cases to test
14 th Amendment
– 3) Push for national constitutional Amendment
Section 2
Women in Public Life
the National Association of
Colored Women—a social service organization founded in 1896.
the right to vote.
the National American
Woman Suffrage Association—an organization founded in 1890 to gain voting rights for women.
Section 2
Women in Public Life
the National Association of
Colored Women—a social service organization founded in 1896.
the right to vote.
the National American
Woman Suffrage Association—an organization founded in 1890 to gain voting rights for women.
1. The learner will explain how the progressive movement managed to increase the power of government to regulate business and to protect society from the injustices fostered by big business.
2. The learner will describe the events of Theodore Roosevelt’s presidency.
3. The learner will explain how Roosevelt used the power of the presidency to regulate business.
4. The learner will identify laws passed to protect public health and the environment.
5. The learner will summarize Roosevelt’s stand on civil rights.
State Standards
7.3 Recognize the progress of political and social reform in
America during this era (i.e., Women's Suffrage, Regulation of food and drug, Initiative, Referendum, and Recall, protection of workers' rights, Antitrust Supreme Court decisions, Muckrakers,).
7.9 Compare and contrast the philosophies of DuBois,
Washington and Garvey.
• A muckraking journalist, Upton
Sinclair shocked readers with his nauseating account of the meatpacking industry’s conditions.
• In
exposed unsanitary conditions in the meat-packing industry.
Roosevelt responded to The
Jungle by appointing a commission to investigate the meatpacking industry.
Section 3
Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal
a novel by Upton Sinclair, published in 1906, that portrays the dangerous and unhealthy conditions prevalent in the meatpacking industry at that time.
• When President
William McKinley was assassinated 6 months into his second term,
Theodore Roosevelt became the nations
26 th president
McKinley was assassinated by an anarchist in Buffalo in September of 1901
• At 42 years old,
Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest president ever elected.
• Roosevelt grabbed national attention by advocating war with Spain in 1898
• His volunteer cavalry brigade, the Rough Riders, won public acclaim for its role in the battle at San
Juan Hill in Cuba
• Roosevelt returned a hero and was soon elected governor of NY and later
McKinley’s vice-president
Teddy Roosevelt and the Rough Riders
• When Roosevelt was thrust into the presidency in 1901, he became the youngest president ever at age 42
• He quickly established himself as a modern president who could influence the media and shape legislation
• The first person to use the presidency as a “bully pulpit” was Theodore Roosevelt.
• A
is what Roosevelt promised that the common people would receive.
• The Square Deal was used to describe the progressive reforms of President
Theodore Roosevelt.
Section 3
Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal
a novel by Upton Sinclair, published in 1906, that portrays the dangerous and unhealthy conditions prevalent in the meatpacking industry at that time.
President Theodore Roosevelt’s program of progressive reforms designed to protect the common people against big business.
• By 1900, Trusts – legal bodies created to hold stock in many companies – controlled 80% of
U.S. industries
• Roosevelt filed 44 antitrust suits under the Sherman
Antitrust Act.
• A statement that best characterizes Roosevelt’s position on trusts is that some trusts were harmful to the public interest.
• In 1902 140,000 coal miners in
Pennsylvania went on strike for increased wages, a 9-hour work day, and the right to unionize
• Mine owners refused to bargain
• Roosevelt called in both sides and settled the dispute
• Thereafter, when a strike threatened public welfare, the federal government was expected to step in and help
• The 1902 coal miners’ strike was settled when Roosevelt got involved in the negotiations.
• After reading The Jungle by
Upton Sinclair, Roosevelt pushed for passage of the Meat
Inspection Act of 1906
put forth strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created the program of federal meat inspection still used today.
• The Act mandated cleaner conditions for meatpacking plants
Section 3
Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal
a novel by Upton Sinclair, published in 1906, that portrays the dangerous and unhealthy conditions prevalent in the meatpacking industry at that time.
President Theodore Roosevelt’s program of progressive reforms designed to protect the common people against big business.
a law, enacted in 1906, that established strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created a federal meat-inspection program.
• In response to unregulated claims and unhealthy products, Congress passed the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906
The Pure Food and Drug Act took medicines with cocaine and other harmful ingredients off the market
sale of contaminated foods and medicines and called for truth in labeling.
Section 3
Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal
a novel by Upton Sinclair, published in 1906, that portrays the dangerous and unhealthy conditions prevalent in the meatpacking industry at that time.
President Theodore Roosevelt’s program of progressive reforms designed to protect the common people against big business.
a law, enacted in 1906, that established strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created a federal meat-inspection program.
a law enacted in 1906 to halt the sale of contaminated foods and drugs and to ensure truth in labeling.
• Before Roosevelt’s presidency, the federal government paid very little attention to the nation’s natural resources
was the name of the movement to protect
America’s natural resources.
Roosevelt made conservation a primary concern of his administration
Roosevelt, left, was an avid outdoorsman – here he is with author
John Muir at Yosemite Park
Section 3
Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal
a novel by Upton Sinclair, published in 1906, that portrays the dangerous and unhealthy conditions prevalent in the meatpacking industry at that time.
President Theodore Roosevelt’s program of progressive reforms designed to protect the common people against big business.
a law, enacted in 1906, that established strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created a federal meat-inspection program.
a law enacted in 1906 to halt the sale of contaminated foods and drugs and to ensure truth in labeling.
the planned management of natural resources, involving the protection of some wilderness areas and the development of others for the common good.
Yellowstone National
Park, Wyoming
• Roosevelt set aside 148 million acres of forest reserves
• He also set aside 1.5 million acres of water-power sites and he established 50 wildlife sanctuaries and several national parks
• Conservation was the principle that guided Roosevelt’s efforts to organize water projects to transform dry wilderness areas into agricultural areas.
• Roosevelt failed to support Civil Rights for African Americans
• He did, however, support a few individuals such as
Booker T. Washington
• In 1909 a number of African
Americans and prominent white reformers formed the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People
• The NAACP had 6,000 members by 1914
was started by prominent African American and white reformers.
The primary goal of the NAACP was full equality among the races.
• The means to achieve this was the court system
1964 Application
Section 3
Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal
a novel by Upton Sinclair, published in 1906, that portrays the dangerous and unhealthy conditions prevalent in the meatpacking industry at that time.
President Theodore Roosevelt’s program of progressive reforms designed to protect the common people against big business.
a law, enacted in 1906, that established strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created a federal meat-inspection program.
a law enacted in 1906 to halt the sale of contaminated foods and drugs and to ensure truth in labeling.
the planned management of natural resources, involving the protection of some wilderness areas and the development of others for the common good.
the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People—an organization founded in 1909 to promote full racial equality.
Section 3
Teddy Roosevelt’s Square Deal
a novel by Upton Sinclair, published in 1906, that portrays the dangerous and unhealthy conditions prevalent in the meatpacking industry at that time.
President Theodore Roosevelt’s program of progressive reforms designed to protect the common people against big business.
a law, enacted in 1906, that established strict cleanliness requirements for meatpackers and created a federal meat-inspection program.
a law enacted in 1906 to halt the sale of contaminated foods and drugs and to ensure truth in labeling.
the planned management of natural resources, involving the protection of some wilderness areas and the development of others for the common good.
the National Association for the Advancement of Colored
People—an organization founded in 1909 to promote full racial equality.
1. The learner will explain how the progressive movement managed to increase the power of government to regulate business and to protect society from the injustices fostered by big business.
2. The learner will summarize the events of the Taft presidency.
3. The learner will explain the division in the Republican Party.
4. The learner will describe the election of 1912.
State Standards
7.3 Recognize the progress of political and social reform in America during this era (i.e., Women's Suffrage,
Regulation of food and drug, Initiative, Referendum, and
Recall, protection of workers' rights, Antitrust Supreme
Court decisions, Muckrakers,).
• Gifford Pinchot, head of the
U.S. Forest Service under
President Roosevelt, favored a balanced approach concerning the private development and conservation of wilderness lands.
• A multi-use land program was possible characterized the position of Gifford Pinchot toward land conservation.
• Incumbent William Howard
Taft sought reelection in the
1912 presidential race.
• Republican William Howard
Taft easily defeated
Democrat William Jennings
Bryan to win the 1908 presidential election
• Among his accomplishments, Taft
“busted” 90 trusts during his
4 years in office
Taft, right, was Roosevelt’s
War Secretary
• Taft signs
compromise bill, moderate tariffs
• After campaigning on a platform of lowering tariffs, President Taft angered progressive supporters by signing the Payne-Aldrich
• Progressives angry, think he abandoned low tariffs, progressivism
• President William Howard Taft actions split the Republican Party after he angered both progressives and conservationists.
Section 4
Progressivism Under Taft
a set of tax regulations, enacted by Congress in
1909, that failed to significantly reduce tariffs on manufactured goods.
Taft called the Presidency, “The lonesomest job in the world”
• Taft was not popular with the American public nor reform minded Republicans
• Under President Taft, the progressive and conservative wings of the
Republican Party began to fragment.
• By 1910, Democrats had regained control of the
House of Representatives
Republicans split in 1912
• In the election of 1912, the candidate considered least pleasing to reformers was William
H. Taft.
• Some Republicans formed a third party
and nominated Roosevelt.
• The Progressive Party, which became known as the Bull Moose
Party, advocated a number of reforms including women’s suffrage, an eight-hour workday, and a federal law against child labor.
The Progressive Party nominated
Theodore Roosevelt in the 1912 presidential election.
The Democrats put forward a reform - minded New Jersey
Governor, Woodrow Wilson
Section 4
Progressivism Under Taft
a set of tax regulations, enacted by Congress in
1909, that failed to significantly reduce tariffs on manufactured goods.
a name given to the
Progressive Party, formed to support
Theodore Roosevelt’s candidacy for the presidency in 1912.
• The Democrats put forward a reform - minded
New Jersey Governor,
Woodrow Wilson
• Democratic presidential nominee Woodrow
Wilson supported antitrust legislation, banking reform, and reduced tariffs, under a progressive platform known as the New
• His failure to unify the
Republican Party led to the defeat of Taft in
• President Woodrow
Wilson was a former president of Princeton
University and governor of New Jersey.
• Calling for an end to capitalism, Socialist presidential candidate
Eugene V. Debs failed to capture any electoral votes in the 1912 presidential election.
Section 4
Progressivism Under Taft
a set of tax regulations, enacted by Congress in
1909, that failed to significantly reduce tariffs on manufactured goods.
a name given to the
Progressive Party, formed to support
Theodore Roosevelt’s candidacy for the presidency in 1912.
1. The learner will explain how the progressive movement managed to increase the power of government to regulate business and to protect society from the injustices fostered by big business.
2. The learner will describe Woodrow Wilson’s background and the progressive reforms of his presidency.
3. The learner will list the steps leading to woman suffrage.
4. The learner will explain the limits of Wilson’s progressivism.
State Standards
7.3 Recognize the progress of political and social reform in America during this era (i.e., Women's Suffrage, Regulation of food and drug,
Initiative, Referendum, and Recall, protection of workers' rights, Antitrust
Supreme Court decisions, Muckrakers,).
7.6 Recognize the role of Tennessee in the women's suffrage movement. (i.e., "the perfect 36", Anne Dallas Dudley, Harry Burn,
Governor Albert Roberts).
• Carrie Chapman Catt was the president of NAWSA.
• “ I do feel keenly that the turn of the road has come. . . . I really believe that we might pull off a campaign which would mean the vote within the next six years if we could secure a
Board of officers who would have sufficient momentum, confidence and working power in them. . . . Come! My dear Mrs.
Park, gird on your armor once more.
– letter to Maud Wood Park Carrie Chapman Catt
• As America’s newly elected president,
Wilson moved to enact his program, the “New
• He planned his attack on what he called the triple wall of privilege: trusts, tariffs, and high finance
W. Wilson U.S. President
• In 1914 Congress enacted the
which strengthened the Sherman Act
• The Clayton Act prevented companies from acquiring stock from another company (Antimonopoly)
• The Clayton Antitrust Act specified that labor unions and farm organizations not only had a right to exist, but would also no longer be subject to antitrust laws.
• The Act also supported workers unions
Section 5
Wilson’s New Freedom
a law, enacted in 1914, that made certain monopolistic business practices illegal and protected the rights of labor unions and farm organizations.
Today the FTC has been working on protecting consumers from ID theft
• The Federal Trade
Commission was formed in
1914 to serve as a
“watchdog” agency to end unfair business practices
• The
protects consumers from business fraud
• The Federal Trade
Commission was given the power to investigate unfair business practices and to issue orders to “cease and desist.”
Section 5
Wilson’s New Freedom
a law, enacted in 1914, that made certain monopolistic business practices illegal and protected the rights of labor unions and farm organizations.
a federal agency established in 1914 to investigate and stop unfair business practices.
• Wilson worked hard to lower tariffs, however that lost revenue had to be made up
• A New Tax System
– Wilson pushes for Underwood
Act to substantially reduce tariffs
– Sets precedent of giving State of the Union message in person
– His use of bully pulpit leads to passage
• Underwood Tariff substantially reduced import taxes for the first time since the Civil War.
• Federal Income Tax
– Ratified in 1916, the 16 th
Amendment legalized a graduated federal income tax
• The primary motivation for passage of the Sixteenth
Amendment was to replace revenue lost by enacting lower tariffs.
• The Income tax was intended to provide revenue lost by the lowering of tariffs.
• Federal Reserve Act established the Federal
Reserve System.
private banking system under federal control
• Nation divided into 12 districts; central bank in each district
• A plan that reformed how
American banks were organized was the Federal
Reserve System
• The Federal Reserve System is a decentralized private banking system under government control.
Section 5
Wilson’s New Freedom
a law, enacted in 1914, that made certain monopolistic business practices illegal and protected the rights of labor unions and farm organizations.
a federal agency established in 1914 to investigate and stop unfair business practices.
a national banking system, established in 1913, that controls the U.S. money supply and the availability of credit in the country.
• Native-born, educated, middle-class women grew more and more impatient
• The Women’s Suffrage movement was given new strength by a growing number of college-educated women.
• Through local, state and national organization, vigorous protests and
World War I, women finally realized their dream in 1920
• The effect that World War I had on the suffragist movement was that it hastened the passage and ratification of the Nineteenth Amendment.
• The Nineteenth Amendment granted women the right to vote.
• Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B.
Anthony, Carrie Chapman Catt were all gave women actively involved in securing the right to vote for women.
the right to vote in 1920
Section 5
Wilson’s New Freedom
a law, enacted in 1914, that made certain monopolistic business practices illegal and protected the rights of labor unions and farm organizations.
a federal agency established in 1914 to investigate and stop unfair business practices.
a national banking system, established in 1913, that controls the U.S. money supply and the availability of credit in the country.
an amendment to the U.S.
Constitution, adopted in 1920, that gives women the right to vote.
• While the Progressive era was responsible for many important reforms, it failed to make gains for African
• Like Roosevelt and Taft,
Wilson retreated on Civil
Rights once in office
• Woodrow Wilson appeared to support Civil rights during his campaign, but during his presidency, he did more to support those who opposed it.
The KKK reached a membership of 4.5 million in the 1920s
Section 5
Wilson’s New Freedom
a law, enacted in 1914, that made certain monopolistic business practices illegal and protected the rights of labor unions and farm organizations.
a federal agency established in 1914 to investigate and stop unfair business practices.
a national banking system, established in 1913, that controls the U.S. money supply and the availability of credit in the country.
an amendment to the U.S.
Constitution, adopted in 1920, that gives women the right to vote.