ap physics syllbus updated for students 73113

AP® Physics B - Syllabus
Text: Serway, Raymond A., and Jerry S. Faughn. 2006. College Physics, 7th ed. Belmont,
Calif.: Brooks/Cole Publishing. ISBN: 0-534-99724-4
About the AP Physics B Course:
Schedule is based on a rotating class schedule: Class meets 4 days week for 54 minutes
for lecture, with a double period once a week for labs.
The course will follow the Advanced Placement Physics B Curriculum published by the
College Board. The units of study for this course coincide strongly with the AP Physics B
materials developed by the National Math and Science Initiative. Additionally, the units
for this course were developed using the AP Physics Objectives and Syllabus Indicators
provided by the College Board to ensure an in depth course of instruction.
Students are encouraged at the beginning of the school year to create or join a study
group in which to work while in class and outside of class. Cooperative learning and peer
assessment are essential parts of the course. Course objectives include developing the
student’s critical thinking skills, and investigative skills to read, understand, and
interpret physical information. The student must use the scientific method to analyze a
particular physical problem and use basic mathematical reasoning in a physical situation
or problem. The student must perform
experiments, interpret the results, and communicate those results that include error
analysis and uncertainty.
Grading Policy:
• Tests: 50 percent
Tests are administered after each unit of material. Each test consists of three sections:
1. Multiple-choice questions
2. Free-response problems
3. Lab-based question: may include questions on labs done in class or questions on a lab that
was not performed in class.
• Labs: 25 percent Labs:
All labs are “hands-on” activities. The time allotted for lab is for conducting the experiment
and recording the data. The students perform the analysis and complete the report outside of
class. Students are required to keep a portfolio containing all their lab reports in case the
college of their choice requires evidence, or documentation prior to awarding college credit for
physics. (additional information in the lab section below)
• Quizzes –20-25percent
Quizzes: Quizzes may contain questions and/or problems from the homework, the reading
assignments, and/or recently covered or previously learned material.
• Homework and In-class Problems –1to 5 percent
Homework assignments are given from the textbook and from AP Released Exams. Sometimes
students will be graded on in-class problem-solving exercises, AP Released Exams. Most
homework will not be graded but the student should expect in-class quiz over the homework.
After each semester there is final exam that is 20% of your final grade. Each quarter grade is
40% of your total grade.
Ipad,pc, tablet and Wireless Classroom rules
o You may bring in your ipad, pc, or tablet to take notes or to refer to
class documents.
o You may bring in your ipad,pc, or tablet to turn in a lab report or take
pictures for labs.
o Refer to Student handbook for rules and guidelines.
o The teacher at any point can ask for no use of electronic devices in
the classroom.
Course Outline
Chapter 1: Math and Data Review (August 16)
A. Algebra/Geometry review
B. Data collection and analysis
C. Vector addition
1. Graphical methods
2. Algebraic methods
Chapter 2 & 3: Kinematics (August19-Sept 6)
A. Motion in One Dimension
1. Position-time and velocity-time graphs
2. Equations of motion under constant acceleration
B. Motion in Two Dimensions
1. Projectiles
2. Circular motion (Chapter 7)
Chapter 4 &7: Newton’s Laws (Sept9– Sept 27)
A. Static Equilibrium (First Law)
1. First Condition – translational equilibrium
2. Second Condition – rotational equilibrium (torque)
B. Dynamics of a Single Body (Second Law)
C. Systems of Two or More Bodies (Third Law)
D. Gravitation
E. Applications
1. Inclined planes
2. Atwood’s machines and their modifications
3. Static and kinetic friction
4. Horizontal and vertical circles
5. Planetary motion
Chapter 5& 6: Work, Energy, Power & Momentum (Sept 30 –Oct17)
A. Work and Work-Kinetic Energy Theorem
B. Conservative Forces and Potential Energy
1. Gravity
2. Springs
C. Conservation of Mechanical Energy
D. Power
E. Simple Harmonic Motion (*Chapter 13)
1. Springs and Pendulums
2. Energies of SHM
F. Momentum
1. Impulse-Momentum Theorem
2. Conservation of Linear Momentum and Collisions
a. Inelastic, completely inelastic and perfectly elastic collisions
b. Two-dimensional collisions
Chapter 9: Fluid Mechanics (Oct 18-Nov 4)
A. Density and pressure
1. Density and specific gravity
2. Pressure as a function of depth
3. Pascal’s Law
B. Buoyancy – Archimedes’ Principle
C. Fluid flow continuity
D. Bernoulli's equation
E. Applications
1. Hydraulics
2. Effects of atmosphere on weather, baseballs, etc.
3. Flotation and SCUBA
4. Flight
5. Plumbing
Chapter 10 &11: Thermal Physics (Nov 5-Dec6)
A. Temperature and Thermal Effects
1. Mechanical equivalent of heat
2. Heat transfer and thermal expansion
a. linear expansion of solids
b. volume expansion of solids and liquids
3. Calorimetry
B. Kinetic Theory, Ideal Gases & Gas Laws
C. Thermodynamics
1. Processes and PV diagrams
2. First Law of Thermodynamics
a. Internal energy
b. Energy conservation
c. Molar heat capacity of a gas
3. Second Law of Thermodynamics
a. Directions of processes
b. Entropy
4. Heat Engines and Refrigerators
Dec 9 -12 Review of EXAMS. Practice problems and Test
Dec 16-20: Semester Exam
Chapter 13 &14: Wave motion and Sound (Jan 13-22)
A. Description and characteristics of waves
B. Standing waves and harmonics
1. Waves on a string
2. Waves in a tube (open and closed)
C. The Doppler Effect (in one dimension)
D. Sound intensity, power and relative sound intensity
E. Musical applications
Chapter 15 & 16: Electrostatics (Jan 23 –Feb 4)
A. Coulomb’s Law
B. Electric Fields and Gauss’ Law
C. Electric Potential Energy and Electric Potential
D. Capacitance
1. Graphical description of capacitance (charge vs. voltage)
a. slope – capacitance
b. area – energy stored
2. Capacitors in series and parallel
E. Applications
1. Point charge distributions
2. Parallel plates
3. Cathode ray tubes
4. Millikan Oil Drop Experiment
5. Condensers, uninterruptible power supplies, tone controls
Chapter 17&18: Current Electricity (Feb5 –Feb21 )
A. Electric Circuits
1. Emf, Current, Resistance and Power
2. DC circuits
a. Series and parallel circuits
b. Batteries and internal resistance
c. Ohm’s Law and Kirchhoff’s rules
d. Voltmeters and ammeters
e. Capacitors in circuits (RC circuits)
3. Applications
Chapter19 & 20 Electromagnetism (Feb 24 – March 11)
A. Magnetostatics
1. Force of a magnetic field on a moving charge
2. Force of a magnetic field on a current carrying wire
3. Torque on a current carrying loop
4. Magnetic fields due to straight and coiled wires
B. Electromagnetic Induction
1. Magnetic flux
2. Faraday’s Law and Lenz’s Law
C. Applications
1. Mass spectrometers
2. Motors
3. Generators
4. Particle colliders
Chapter 22-24: Optics (March 12 –March 31)
A. Geometric Optics
1. Reflection, Refraction and Snell’s Law
a. Reflection and refraction at a plane surface
b. Total internal reflection
2. Images formed by mirrors
3. Images formed by lenses
4. Ray Diagrams and the thin lens/mirror equation
B. Physical Optics
1. The electromagnetic spectrum
2. Interference and path difference
3. Interference effects
a. Single slit
b. Double slit
c. Diffraction grating
d. Thin film
Chapter 27-30 Modern Physics (April April 17)
A. Atomic Physics and Quantum Effects
1. Photons and the Photoelectric effect
2. X-ray production
3. Electron energy levels
4. Compton scattering
5. Wave nature of matter
B. Nuclear Physics
1. Atomic mass, mass number, atomic number
2. Mass defect and nuclear binding energy
3. Nuclear processes
a. modes of radioactive decay (α, β, γ)
b. fission
c. fusion
4. Mass-Energy Equivalence and Conservation of Mass and Energy
April 22 –May 2: Review of the Fall and Spring Semester material
May 5-14: AP Exam and Semester Exam
Labs are designed to foster critical thinking skills. All labs are hands on and in some labs,
Vernier® Sensors with TI Calculator or LogPro3 software will be used to collect data and
preform analysis.
Students are given an objective, e.g. “Determine the coefficient of static friction of wood on
wood”, and standard materials – string, ruler, protractor, mass set, light pulley, CBL, etc. In
some cases, students are allowed to create their own experimental design, but ultimately the
lab designs will lead to the collection of data which can be analyzed through graphical methods.
Students must graph by hand using a ruler and graph paper, but are encouraged to check their
work with a spread sheet or statistical functions on their graphing calculators. Students work in
pairs, but each student must submit a lab report which is turned in the day after the conclusion
of each activity, then graded and returned. Each Lab report will follow the below format
• a statement of the problem
• an hypothesis
• a discussion or outline of how the procedure will be carried out,
• the data recorded
• a discussion or outline of how the data was analyzed
• a conclusion including error analysis and topics for further study
Below you will find the list of labs:
1. Motion at Incline in One Dimension
Objective: To analyze the motion of objects moving at constant speed and at uniform
accelerated motion. Data should be collected to produce a graph of x versus t and use
the graph to plot a v- versus t-graph for each object.
Equipment: Motion detector and Vernier® dynamic carts
2. Cart at an Incline
Objective: To determine the acceleration due to gravity.
Equipment: Motion detector and Vernier® dynamic cart
3. Vector Addition
Objective: To compare the experimental value of a resultant of several vectors to the
values obtained through graphical and analytical methods.
Equipment: A force table set
4. Projectile Motion
Objective: To determine the initial velocity of a projectile and the angle at which the
maximum range can be attained
Equipment: Ball Ramp, Photogates
5. Atwood Machine’s : Newton’s Second Law
Objective: To determine the acceleration of a system and the tension in the string.
Equipment: Modified Atwood’s machine, meter stick, stopwatch or photogate, and a set
of masses
6. Static and Kinetic Friction
Objective: Determination of static and kinetic coefficients of friction using two different
Equipment: Rectangular blocks of different materials (felt and wood), Dual Range Force
Sensor, Motion Detector
7. Toy Popper Energy
Objective: Determine the Kinetic, Potential and elastic energy of a toy “popper”.
Equipment: “Popper” Toy, meter stick, electronic balance beam, tape
8. Linear Momentum
Objective: Determine the velocity of each cart before and after collision.
Equipment: dynamic cart track, two low-friction dynamics carts with
Magnetic and Velcro™ bumpers, motion detectors
9. Centripetal Acceleration on a Turntable
Objective: Measure the centripetal acceleration on the turntable. Determine the
relationship between centripetal acceleration, radius, and angular velocity.
Equipment: Low-g- accelerometer, turntable, masking tape, meter stick, mass, level
10.Potential Energy investigation: Spring and Gravitational
Objective: To determine the spring constant of the spring, the evaluation of the extent to
which the change in gravitational potential energy of the mass is equal to the change in the
spring potential energy.
Equipment: Hooke’s law apparatus, a set of masses, and a meter stick.
11.Potential Energy investigation: Spring and Gravitational
Objective: To determine the spring constant of the spring, the evaluation of the extent to
which the change in gravitational potential energy of the mass is equal to the change in the
spring potential energy.
Equipment: Hooke’s law apparatus, a set of masses, and a meter stick.
12.Period of Pendulum
Objective: To determine the effects length and mass have on a pendulum
Equipment: Stand, String, mass, protractor, stopwatch, measuring stick
13.Archimedes’ Principle
Objective: To determine the density of two unknown materials.
Equipment: Triple-beam balance, overflow can, beaker, various metal objects and string
14.Torricelli’s Theorem
Objective: To determine the exit velocity of a liquid and to investigate the range
attained with holes at varying heights
Equipment: Clear plastic bottle with three holes at various heights, plastic container,
water, and meter stick.
15.Coefficient of Linear Expansion
Objective: The purpose of this lab is to measure the coefficient of thermal linear
expansion for a selection of metals and compare the results to the theoretical values.
Equipment: Linear expansion apparatus, Boiler and plastic tubing, Centigrade
thermometer, Meter stick, two metal rods Paper towels and pot holders, Cup to catch
run off. (This will be teacher guided experiment)
16.Ideal Gas Law
Objective: To verify that the pressure of a gas (air) at a fixed temperature is inversely
proportional to the gas volume, to verify that the volume of a gas at a fixed pressure is
proportional to the gas temperature and to determine an experimental value for a
constant that relates the temperature in Celsius to the absolute temperature.
Equipment: Vernier® Gas Pressure Sensor, Vernier® Temperature Probe, plastic tubing
with two connectors, rubber stopper assembly, flask, ring stand, utility clamp, hot plate,
four 1 liter beakers, glove, ice
17.Sound Waves and Beats
Objective: To determine the frequency, period, amplitude of sound waves and calculate
the beats between the sounds of two tuning forks.
Equipment: Vernier ® Microphone, 2 tuning forks
18.Speed of Sound
Objective: To determine the speed of sound at standard pressure and temperature in
air using a resonant air column.
Equipment: Vernier ® Microphone, Vernier ® temperature probe, dog training clicker,
resonance tube with plug, meter stick
19.Coulomb’s Law and Static Electricity
Objective: To determine the charge on two spherical polystyrene balls. To make
qualitative observations of the behavior of an electroscope when it is charged by
conduction and by induction
Equipment: Polystyrene balls, string, stand, and a meter stick. Electroscope and
electrostatic materials set
20.Series and Parallel Circuits and RC Circuit
Objective: Two Part Lab:
Part 1: To investigate the behavior of resistors in series, parallel, and series-parallel
circuits. The lab should include measurements of voltage and current.
Part 2: Measure an experimental time constant of a resistor-capacitor circuit. Compare
the time constant to the value predicted from the component values of the resistance
and capacitance. Measure the potential across a capacitor as a function of time as it
discharges and as it charges.
Equipment: Circuit Board, 4 Resistors, non-polarized Capacitors, single-pole, double
throw switch, Voltmeter, ammeter, Vernier ® Voltage and Current Probe, Batteries,
connecting wires
21.Magnetic Field Investigation
Objective: To map the magnetic field around a bar magnet and to determine the
strength of the magnetic field
Equipment: Bar magnet, compasses, meter stick and protractor
22.Electromagnetic Induction
Objective: Build a solenoid and electromagnet. Then determine the following:
 Relationship between magnetic field and the current in a solenoid
 Relationship between magnetic field and the number of turns per meter
in a solenoid.
 value of the permeability constant
Equipment: Bar Magnet, nail, small and large wire, switch, meter stick, DC power
supply, ammeter, cardboard spacers, connecting wires, tape and cardboard, Venier ®
magnetic field sensor
Objective: To determine the wavelength of a source of light by using a double slit and a
diffraction grating of known spacing.
Equipment: Diode Laser, slits, Meter stick
24.Index of Refraction
Objective: Determine the index of refraction and critical angel of water and acrylic block
Equipment: laser, meter stick, paper, protractor, small plastic tray, water, acrylic block.
25. Mirrors and Lenses
Objective: Two Part Lab
Part 1: Using a concave mirror, determine three locations where a real image can be
formed and one where a virtual image is formed
Part 2: Determine the focal length of a converging lens directly and the focal length of a
diverging lens by combining it with a converging lens.
Equipment: Optics bench, set of lenses and mirrors, light source
26. Photoelectric Effect Analogy
Objective: To understand the concepts in the photoelectric effect and the equation.
Student will be able to visualize some of the concepts in the photoelectric effect by
using colliding balls to represent scattering particles and obstacles to represent energy
thresholds. In order to illustrate the concept in a clearer way, the students will use a
life-size model of a photon ejecting an electron to collect and analyze data. The lab and
design of the model can be found at the following website:
An inclined track to roll a metal 1"-diameter metal ball down
PVC tubes cut to approximately 7"-lengths with thin rubber bottoms
One metal 1"-diameter ball
Two collisions ball: plastic, aluminum, brass, or wood