5 minutes

(5 minutes)
1.List all of the factor pairs
of 20.
2.Create a rainbow diagram
to illustrate all the distinct
factor pairs of 20.
(Remember you can use any or
all operations and numbers can
only be used once!!)
2 minutes
Learning Goals
• Navigate the Carnegie
Math Textbook
• List factor pairs of
• Key Terms
 array
 factor pair
 factor
 Commutative
Property of
 distinct factors
 perfect square
Rainbow Diagram – A model that
displays factor pairs.
Textbook: Page-6 (5 minutes)
Rainbow Diagram – A model that
displays factor pairs.
Textbook: Page-7 (3 minutes)
9. Brynn wrote all the distinct factors for 36 in
order from least to greatest. She connected the
factor pairs and drew this picture.
Perfect Square-A number that is
the product of a distinct factor
multiplied by itself.
Textbook: Page-8 (3 minutes)
Exploring Multiples (10 minutes)
Textbook: Page-12
Exploring Multiples (10 minutes)
Textbook: Page-13
(Don’t forget to highlight key term)
Closing (5 minutes)
Talk the Talk (Textbook: Page-14)
CRCT Question of the Day
Which of the following is a factor
pair of 48?
a. 2, 21
b. 3, 8
c. 4, 12
d. 5, 24
Write to Win (W2W)
3 minutes
• Write 3 sentences about what
you thought I taught…what you
learned or didn’t understand.
Check for Student’s Understanding
Have a Great Day!!
I love you!!