Curriculum Map for 8th Grade

Curriculum Map for 8th Grade
UNIT OF STUDY: The Impact of Physical and Cyber Bullying on People and How Do Activists Address It?
Description of what this unit of study entails. BD
The purpose of this unit is to raise awareness to students on the ramifications and implications of bullying in our society. It will take
on the form of a Problems Based Learning Project but there will be several guided lessons on how to address a problem and come
up with viable solutions. The writing will take on an Argumentative form with students posing their claims while addressing their
counter claims. Students are encouraged to go deep with texts that are provided by the teacher as well as other forms of media they
find in their own research. The end goal of this unit is not only and understanding of the issues surrounding bullying but also building
the skills of deep reading, writing, and speaking. Its intent is also to teach the skills necessary to work well in groups to think critically
about issues to problem solve together.
Essential Learning (Alignment to Rigor and Larger Understandings)
Essential Understandings for activism:
 Activists are persistent researchers who write and speak argumentatively on a multitude of issues
 Activists are quality researchers who have focused questions that are developed before, during, and after research
 Activists are consistent writers produce clear writing appropriate for a variety of audience depending on task and purpose
 Activists know that working in groups is a critical component to College and Career readiness
 Activists are readers who are critical of text and closely analyze them for understanding before jumping to assumptions.
 Activists are critical thinkers who problem solve effectively.
Activists know that empathy is a powerful tool for understanding different viewpoints
Essential Questions for activism in the prevention of bullying :
What are possible solutions to minimize and eventually eliminate bullying?
 What are the psychological impacts of physical and cyber bullying?
 What social impact does bullying have on our schools and communities?
 Who is responsible for cyber and physical bullying?
 How do you effectively argue viewpoints on bullying while addressing ideas opposed to yours?
Standards addressed in this unit of study (Skills, Standards, Instructional Shifts)
CC.RI.8.1, CC.RI.8.2, CC.RI.8.3, CC.RI.8.4, CC.RI.8.5, CC.RI.8.6 CC.RI.8.7, CC.RI.8.8 CC.RI.8.9
CC.W.8.1, CC.W.8.4, CC.8.5, CC.W.8.6, CC.W.8.7, CC.W.8.8, CC.W.8.9b, CC.W.8.10
CC.L.8.4, CC.L.8.5, CC.L.8.6
Speaking and Listening
Focus on Learning: What do you want students to learn as a result of this unit?
At the end of this unit of study, students will KNOW...
 How to introduce claims and address opposing claims
 The importance of knowing the audience they are
writing towards
 Why the writing process is critical to producing good
 The process of analytical close reading of text that is
 The process of researching important social and
political issues
 Know when a resource is credible, reliable, and viable
 How to effectively work in groups and give group
 The processes of how to problem solve difficult and
complex issues?
At the end of this unit of study, students will be able to...
 Write an argument paper that focuses on claims and
acknowledging claims and counterclaims.
 Write multiple drafts of a piece of writing before going to
 Read a piece of complex text closely and critically for
 Research effectively and efficiently appropriately citing
resources utilized and present it in writing and through
 Work effectively in groups and know what to do when group
dynamics break down.
 Speak deeply on complex issues making informed stances
and presenting important information.
Resources utilized using Text Complexity Lens: (Aligning Content and Resources)
Anchor Text and or Resources:
 The Documentary Bully
 Various YouTube Videos on Bullying
Spoken Word
Bus Monitor Bullied News coverage
Supporting Texts and Resources:
Social Networking Sites Can be Forums for Cyberbullying
Social Networking Sites Cannot be Blamed for Bullying
Cyberbullying is worse than Physical Bullying
Janesville educators seek to stamp out bullying
School District reports offer some examples of ugly Bullying
Summary of Text Complexity:
Instructional Strategies utilized during this unit of study (Fill the Gaps) Promising Practices
As with the teaching of any strategy or approach Gradual Release of Responsibility should be present.
 Close
 Socratic
How to give
Group Work
 Setting
Use of
Protocols to
process text
How to keep
Use of Video
 Strategies to
use with video
 Problem Solving
Example Lesson
Using Mentor
Close reading
Text with Close
of a Text using reading and peer
annotation and review
Example Lesson
Using Socratic
Seminar with
Accountable Talk
Forming groups
in your
classrooms and
guiding groups
to be highly
Example Lesson
Using video in
classrooms using
the ethos, pathos,
and logos to analyze
Teaching and
modeling how to
give effective
Assessment (Monitor Progress/Check for Understanding)
Example Lessons
The Problem Solving
Method to frame research
How to engage students
in researching effectively,
evaluating and
summarizing resources.
How will you know if students know and can do the above? How will you know if students are progressing towards the
goal? What are the performance tasks that will be the summative and formative assessments?
End Products:
 Students will create presentations on findings and solutions to bullying. (Scaffolding the Presentation…Student handout)
 Students will write an Argument essay submitted by each student on preventing bullying (Scaffolding the Essay….Student
 Reflection portfolio of work done throughout the process of this unit and the learning they are taking with them. (Examples of
what can be placed in portfolio)
Ongoing formative assessment (checking for understanding)
 Frequent blogging and journaling of thoughts and understandings throughout unit of study.
 Microblogging during the use of video. (15 minute spurts and checks for Understanding of Ethos, Pathos, and Logos in the
use of video.
(Example of assessment)
Questions before during and after reading to check for understanding of text and ensure close reading of articles
Text Dependent Questions and example article for close reading.
Frequent Exit Interviews with groups and Writing Conferences
Exit Interview structure
Writing Conference structure
(example of assessment)
Self Assessment logs
How are the groups working
What is your understanding of the topic?
What is your progress towards your goal?
What are your next steps for tomorrow, this week, rest of the unit?
(Example of assessment)
Summarization of Research throughout unit of study.
(Example of assessment)
Differentiation for students
Students above grade level:
Students above grade level sometimes need to be given more challenging complex texts to grapple with in order to cause them to
wrestle with ideas, syntax and semantics that may be at their frustration level.
Students at grade level:
ELL students:
On the opposing viewpoints database, there is an options for students to listen to articles as well as reading them. The reading of
text should not be replaced but hearing text while reading it helps with comprehensible input. The use of video is another
accommodation that provides this type of input for ELL students so language is not the only medium that they have to understanding
the units intent.
Sped Students:
Achieve 3000 is a great tool to help with leveling texts
Response to Assessment (Differentiation)
How will you provide opportunities for timely feedback for students who get it? For students who don’t get it?
Frequent exit interview and writing conferences will be
Endurance of Learning (Synthesis)
How will these skills transcend your classrooms and be able to be able to prepare students to be College and Career