January 5, 2015 - January 9, 2015 Monday, January 5 Tuesday

January 5, 2015 - January 9, 2015
Monday, January 5
Tuesday, January 6
Wednesday, January 7
Thursday, January 8
Friday, January 9
9th grade lit. 1st, 4th, 5th,
6th, 7th periods
9th grade lit. 1st, 4th, 5th, 6th,
7th periods
9th grade lit. 1st, 4th, 5th,
6th, 7th periods
9th grade lit. 1st, 4th, 5th,
6th, 7th periods
9th grade lit. 1st, 4th, 5th,
6th, 7th periods
Teacher work day!
Vocabulary and
dramatic elements
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
Romeo and Juliet
CCRR1 Read closely to
determine what the text says
explicitly and make logical
inferences from it; cite specific
textual evidence when writing
or speaking to support
conclusions drawn from the
CCRR2 Determine central
ideas or themes of a text and
analyze their development;
summarize the key supporting
details and ideas.
CCRR3 Analyze how and why
individuals, events, and ideas
develop and interact over the
course of a text.
CCRR4 Interpret words and
phrases as they are used in a
text, including determining
technical, connotative, and
figurative meanings, and
analyze how specific word
choices shape meaning or
CCRR5 Analyze the structure
of texts, including how specific
sentences, paragraphs, and
larger portions of the text (e.g.,
a section, chapter, scene, or
stanza) relate to each other
and the whole.
CCRR6 Assess how point of
view or purpose shapes the
content and style of a text.
CCRR7 Integrate and evaluate
CCRR1 Read closely to
determine what the text says
explicitly and make logical
inferences from it; cite specific
textual evidence when writing
or speaking to support
conclusions drawn from the
CCRR2 Determine central
ideas or themes of a text and
analyze their development;
summarize the key supporting
details and ideas.
CCRR3 Analyze how and why
individuals, events, and ideas
develop and interact over the
course of a text.
CCRR4 Interpret words and
phrases as they are used in a
text, including determining
technical, connotative, and
figurative meanings, and
analyze how specific word
choices shape meaning or
CCRR5 Analyze the structure
of texts, including how specific
sentences, paragraphs, and
larger portions of the text (e.g.,
a section, chapter, scene, or
stanza) relate to each other
and the whole.
CCRR6 Assess how point of
view or purpose shapes the
content and style of a text.
CCRR7 Integrate and evaluate
CCRR1 Read closely to
determine what the text says
explicitly and make logical
inferences from it; cite specific
textual evidence when writing
or speaking to support
conclusions drawn from the
CCRR2 Determine central
ideas or themes of a text and
analyze their development;
summarize the key supporting
details and ideas.
CCRR3 Analyze how and why
individuals, events, and ideas
develop and interact over the
course of a text.
CCRR4 Interpret words and
phrases as they are used in a
text, including determining
technical, connotative, and
figurative meanings, and
analyze how specific word
choices shape meaning or
CCRR5 Analyze the structure
of texts, including how specific
sentences, paragraphs, and
larger portions of the text (e.g.,
a section, chapter, scene, or
stanza) relate to each other
and the whole.
CCRR6 Assess how point of
view or purpose shapes the
content and style of a text.
CCRR7 Integrate and evaluate
10th grade lit. 3rd period
Teacher work day!
CCRLS1 Prepare for and
participate effectively in a range
of conversations and
collaborations with diverse
partners, building on others'
ideas and expressing their own
clearly and persuasively.
CCRLS2 Integrate and
evaluate information presented
in diverse media and formats,
including visually,
quantitatively, and orally.
CCRL1 Demonstrate command
of the conventions of Standard
English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
CCRL2 Demonstrate command
of the conventions of Standard
English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when
CCRL3 Apply knowledge of
language to understand how
language functions in different
contexts, to make effective
choices for meaning or style,
and to comprehend more fully
when reading or listening.
CCRL4 Determine or clarify the
meaning of unknown and
multiple-meaning words and
phrases by using context clues,
analyzing meaningful word
parts, and consulting general
and specialized reference
materials, as appropriate.
CCRL6 Acquire and use
accurately a range of general
academic and domain-specific
words and phrases sufficient
for reading, writing, speaking,
and listening at the college and
career readiness level;
demonstrate independence in
gathering vocabulary
knowledge when considering a
word or phrase important to
comprehension or expression.
Essential question
Who is Shakespeare and why
should you care?
Activating strategy
(Writing to win sentence
building strategies)
Unit six vocabulary-Sadlier
Limited lecture
Limited lecture on the different
elements of drama-specifically
dealing with Shakespeare.
Graphic organizers
Review unit 6 vocabulary, level
Pp. 77-78-completing the
sentence, review answers
content presented in diverse
formats and media, including
visually and quantitatively, as
well as in words.
CCRR10 Read and
comprehend complex literary
and informational texts
independently and proficiently.
Essential question
content presented in diverse
formats and media, including
visually and quantitatively, as
well as in words.
CCRR10 Read and
comprehend complex literary
and informational texts
independently and proficiently.
Essential question
content presented in diverse
formats and media, including
visually and quantitatively, as
well as in words.
CCRR10 Read and
comprehend complex literary
and informational texts
independently and proficiently.
CCRR1 Read closely to
determine what the text says
explicitly and make logical
inferences from it; cite specific
textual evidence when writing
or speaking to support
conclusions drawn from the
Essential question
Unit six vocabulary-Sadlier
What are the similarities with
family rivalries in this play
Unit six vocabulary-Sadlier
Limited lecture
similar to in today's society?
Sort lecture about teenage
Activating strategy
Limited lecture
problems and how love can
(Writing to win sentence
Lecture on family rivalries and
lead to feelings of isolation and
building strategies)
how they can be potentially
deadly or on the other hand
Graphic organizers
review Unit six vocabulary-
bring two rivals together.
Sadlier workbook
Graphic organizers
Limited lecture
Double bubble thinkmap to
Unit 6 vocab. P. 79 Vocab. in
discuss how act one sets up
compare Romeo to Tybalt.
the mood for the play and
Read prologue and discuss
establishes Romeo's mind set.
Vocab. review
Watch modern day version of
Graphic organizers
Act 1, scenes 2-5
Bubble thinkmap if time allows
Pp. 681-695
Give any makeup work to
about Romeo's traits.
Higher order thinking
students that need it.
Is love at first sight possible?
Introduce multiflow thinkmap to
act 1 scene 1-Pp. 673-681
Is it reasonable?
Is love at first sight possible?
Activating strategy
(Writing to win sentence
building strategies)
How can crashing a party
potentially crash your life?
Activating strategy
(Writing to win sentence
building strategies)
GO over dramatic literary
map out play from prologue.
Read, discuss, and dissect the
Can teenage feelings be
elements in CCGPS
Higher order thinking
trusted or is it just lust?
workbook(American Book Co.)
What does it mean to be star-
Higher order thinking
Pp. 44-52
How can Romeo be so messed
3-2-1 ticket out the door.
Higher order thinking
What is fate?
up mentally about a girl who
Why does a play continue after
Do you believe in it or can you
wants nothing to do with him or
10th grade lit. 3rd period
the climax?
manipulate it with sound
any other man on Earth? Is this
logical or healthy?
Go over answers from
Can anything good come out of
workbook and get students to
a bad situation?
3-2-1 summarizer out the door.
give examples of the different
types of dialogue in a play.
Review of multi-flow charts for
10th grade lit. 3rd period
10th grade lit. 3rd period
Vocabulary and
dramatic elements
CCRR7 Integrate and evaluate
content presented in diverse
formats and media, including
visually and quantitatively, as
well as in words.
CCRR9 Analyze how two or
more texts address similar
themes or topics in order to
build knowledge or to compare
the approaches the authors
CCRR10 Read and
comprehend complex literary
and informational texts
independently and proficiently.
CCRLS1 Prepare for and
participate effectively in a range
of conversations and
collaborations with diverse
10th grade lit. 3rd period
Julius Caesar
CCRR1 Read closely to
determine what the text says
explicitly and make logical
inferences from it; cite specific
textual evidence when writing
or speaking to support
conclusions drawn from the
CCRR2 Determine central
ideas or themes of a text and
analyze their development;
summarize the key supporting
details and ideas.
CCRR3 Analyze how and why
individuals, events, and ideas
develop and interact over the
course of a text.
CCRR4 Interpret words and
phrases as they are used in a
text, including determining
Julius Caesar
CCRR1 Read closely to
determine what the text says
explicitly and make logical
inferences from it; cite specific
textual evidence when writing
or speaking to support
conclusions drawn from the
CCRR2 Determine central
ideas or themes of a text and
analyze their development;
summarize the key supporting
details and ideas.
CCRR3 Analyze how and why
individuals, events, and ideas
develop and interact over the
course of a text.
CCRR4 Interpret words and
phrases as they are used in a
text, including determining
technical, connotative, and
figurative meanings, and
analyze how specific word
choices shape meaning or
Julius Caesar
CCRR1 Read closely to
determine what the text says
explicitly and make logical
inferences from it; cite specific
textual evidence when writing
or speaking to support
conclusions drawn from the
CCRR2 Determine central
ideas or themes of a text and
analyze their development;
summarize the key supporting
details and ideas.
CCRR3 Analyze how and why
individuals, events, and ideas
develop and interact over the
course of a text.
CCRR4 Interpret words and
phrases as they are used in a
text, including determining
technical, connotative, and
figurative meanings, and
analyze how specific word
choices shape meaning or
CCRR5 Analyze the structure
of texts, including how specific
sentences, paragraphs, and
larger portions of the text (e.g.,
a section, chapter, scene, or
stanza) relate to each other
and the whole.
CCRR7 Integrate and evaluate
content presented in diverse
formats and media, including
partners, building on others'
ideas and expressing their own
clearly and persuasively.
CCRLS2 Integrate and
evaluate information presented
in diverse media and formats,
including visually,
quantitatively, and orally.
CCRLS5 Make strategic use of
digital media and visual
displays of data to express
information and enhance
understanding of presentations.
CCRL1 Demonstrate command
of the conventions of Standard
English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
CCRL2 Demonstrate command
of the conventions of Standard
English capitalization,
punctuation, and spelling when
Essential question
CCRR5 Analyze the structure
of texts, including how specific
sentences, paragraphs, and
larger portions of the text (e.g.,
a section, chapter, scene, or
stanza) relate to each other
and the whole.
CCRR7 Integrate and evaluate
content presented in diverse
formats and media, including
visually and quantitatively, as
well as in words.
CCRR10 Read and
comprehend complex literary
and informational texts
independently and proficiently.
CCRLS1 Prepare for and
participate effectively in a
range of conversations and
collaborations with diverse
partners, building on others'
ideas and expressing their own
clearly and persuasively.
Essential question
(Writing to win sentence
technical, connotative, and
figurative meanings, and
analyze how specific word
choices shape meaning or
CCRR5 Analyze the structure
of texts, including how specific
sentences, paragraphs, and
larger portions of the text (e.g.,
a section, chapter, scene, or
stanza) relate to each other
and the whole.
CCRR7 Integrate and evaluate
content presented in diverse
formats and media, including
visually and quantitatively, as
well as in words.
CCRR10 Read and
comprehend complex literary
and informational texts
independently and proficiently.
CCRLS1 Prepare for and
participate effectively in a
range of conversations and
collaborations with diverse
partners, building on others'
ideas and expressing their own
clearly and persuasively.
Essential question
building strategies)
How has persuasion impacted
(Writing to win sentence
your life?
building strategies)
Unit six vocabulary-Sadlier
Activating strategy
workbook Level E
(Writing to win sentence
Unit six vocabulary-Sadlier
Limited lecture
building strategies)
workbook Level E
Review of dramatic elements
Limited lecture
and vocabulary as well as a
Unit six vocabulary-Sadlier
Short lecture about doing what
discussion of the history
workbook Level E
is right for the masses vs.
surrounding Julius Caesar.
Limited lecture
personal gain and
Graphic organizers
Limited lecture on the historical
background and the characters
Graphic organizers
What is drama? Is it still
relevant in today's society?
Activating strategy
How does the weather impact
the mood of this scene?
Activating strategy
visually and quantitatively, as
well as in words.
CCRR10 Read and
comprehend complex literary
and informational texts
independently and proficiently.
CCRLS1 Prepare for and
participate effectively in a
range of conversations and
collaborations with diverse
partners, building on others'
ideas and expressing their own
clearly and persuasively.
Essential question
Do the conspirators have a
valid reason to fear Caesar?
Why or why not?
Activating strategy
(Writing to win sentence
building strategies)
Unit six vocabulary-Sadlier
workbook Level E
Limited lecture
Lecture about going behind
someone's back and the
possible repercussions.
Graphic organizers
double bubble map to compare
Brutus to Cassius.
Watch DVD of act 1 and take
Higher order thinking
in this play, noting that these
How do Brutus' and Cassius'
are real events.
motivations differ for killing
Review unit 6 vocabulary, level
Graphic organizers
Read, discuss, and dissect act
Caesar? Who is justified in
flowchart to map out characters
1 scene III, Pp.725-730
their own mind?
Pp. 77-78-completing the
and alliances.
Complete questions on P. 730.
sentence, review answers
Higher order thinking
Turn in quiz
Go over dramatic literary
Unit 6 vocab. P. 79 Vocab. in
Why is it important for the
conspirators to meet at night?
Higher order thinking
Read act 1 scene1-2
What is an omen?
What is an empire? Why is one
Pp. 713-725 and discuss
singular ruler a scary thing?
Higher order thinking
answer questions at end of act
Why is it natural to want a
What mood is set in act 1?
limited ruler?
How is Caesar portrayed? Why
should he be cautious?
Discussion about why history is
3-2-1 ticket out the door.