5-7 constitutive physics Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.1 constitutive relations In addition, , , refer to energy generation, density and energy transport, the last depending on and , the convective efficiency and opacity. These quantities describe the physics of the stellar material and may be expressed in terms of the state variables (P and T) and of the composition of the stellar material (X,Y,Z or Xi). These constitutive relations are required to close the system of ode’s: = (P,T,Xi) (equation of state) 2.31 = (,T,Xi) (nuclear energy generation rate) 2.32 = (,T,Xi) (opacity) 2.33 = (,T,Xi) (convective efficiency) 2.34 = (,T,,,Xi) (energy transport) Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.2 2.35 5 equation of state Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.3 5 equation of state Premise: matter inside stars consists of an almost perfect gas. The gas is ionized (plasma), allows greater compression (10-15 m cf. 10-10 m for a neutral gas -- why ?). Particles in thermodynamic equilibrium with radiation, intensity governed by Planck’s law. Particles may be non-classical and non-relativistic, effects of quantum mechanics and special relativity must be considered. The properties of the gas are often referred to as state variables. Macroscopic properties of a gas described completely by three quantities, e.g. P – Pressure P = –(dE/dV)S,N T – Temperature T = (dE/dS)V,N – chemical potential = (dE/dN)S,V. The first law of thermodynamics changes in the internal energy dE to changes in entropy dS, volume dV and the number of particles dN dE = TdS – PdV + dN 5.1 The chemical potential describes roughly how the number density can change without affecting other quantities, for example if ionization state were to change. Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.4 5.1 density of states A gas consists of an ensemble of particles. Consider a box of volume V. Each particle behaves like a wave with momentum p=h/. The number of waves - or quantum states - with momentum between p and p+dp is V n( p )dp f p g i 3 dp h 5.2 where gi is a partition function and f(p) is an occupation probability. The total number of particles is then N n p 4p 2 dp p 5.3 and the internal energy of the gas is E p n p 4p 2 dp p Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.5 5.4 5.2 pressure …. E p n p 4p 2 dp p 5.4 From kinetic theory, the pressure is given by P 1 2 pvn p 4 p dp p 3 5.5 Hence, for non-relativistic (NR) particles with p= p2/2m = pv/2. P 2 E 3 5.6 and for ultra-relativistic particles (UR) with p=pc and v=c, 1 P E 3 5.7 Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.6 5.3 classical ideal gas A gas is classical when the occupation probability f(p), fB fF 1 1 exp p / kT for both bosons and fermions (electrons). This is equivalent to the average separation of particles being large compared with their de Broglie wavelength. If so N P kT nkT V 5.8 (see 1996 notes for proof) Comparing 5.8 with 5.6 and 5.7, we find the average kinetic energy per particle (NR) <p>=(3/2)kT, (UR) <p>=3kT. 5.9 Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.7 reminder de Broglie wavelength: a particle of mass m moving with a velocity v will under suitable conditions exhibit the characteristics of a wave with wavelength B = h / mv = h / p Compton wavelength: when the particle is moving relativistically, the de Broglie wavelength may be written C = h / mc = 2.410-12 m (for the electron) Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.8 5.4 degenerate electron gas Quantum effects dominate when n>>nQ, or kT << h2n2/3/2mH. A quantum gas is a cold gas: “coldness” is set by density, not temperature. A cold gas is degenerate because the particles occupy the lowest possible energy states and because, for electrons, these states are filled and electrons obey the Pauli-exclusion principal. The energy of the most energetic electrons in a cold electron gas, F, is the Fermi-energy. The zero-temperature limit is known as the Fermi-Dirac distribution. We state that for a NR degenerate electron gas: P = KNR n5/3, where K NR h2 3 5m 8 2/3 5.10a Similarly, for an UR degenerate electron gas: P = KUR n4/3, where K UR hc 3 4 8 1/ 3 5.10b (see 1996 notes for proof) Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.9 Fermi-Dirac distribution function Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.10 5.5 photons Thermal radiation may be characterized as a photon gas, (zero-mass bosons with zero chemical potential). The photon number and energy density may be written n = bT3, b = 2.03 107 K-3 m-3 5.11 The internal energy density is U=aT4 , a = 85k4 / 15(hc)3 = 7.565 10-16 J K-4 m-3 5.12 and the pressure due to this radiation is Pr = U/3 = aT4/3 5.13 Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.11 5.6 total pressure Total pressure is often given in terms of the sum of pressures, including the ion and electron pressures: Pt = Pg + Pr = Pi + Pe + Pr 5.14 Recall that internal temperature of a star gravitational P.E., hence TI ~ M/R. Meanwhile particle density n ~ M/R3. Thus if the particles form a classical gas, Pr 1 3 aTI4 TI3 M 3 R3 2 M Pg ne kTI ni kTI ne ni M R3 5.15 Thus for increasing mass, radiation pressure becomes increasingly important, and ultimately (M~50M) causes the star to become unstable. Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.12 EoS regimes Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.13 6 stellar opacity Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.14 6 stellar opacity The ability of stellar material to absorb heat The inverse of conductivity Interaction of photons with atoms: i. bound-bound absorption ii. bound-free absorption iii. free-free absorption iv. electron scattering Rosseland Mean Opacity Thermal conduction Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.15 photon-electron interactions bound-bound bound-free free-free h = ½m(v22-v12) ½mv2 ion n=3 h = 3-2 n=2 Excitation energy h = 2 h = ion+½mv2 0 Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.16 6.1 photons + ions bound-bound photon frequency 12 interacts with atom containing energy levels 1 and 2, where h12 = 2-1. photon absorbed with transition probability a12() = B12. multiply by occupation numbers N1 and sum over all transitions between all levels in all ions bb() = ions 1 N1 2 a12() 6.1 bound-free photon frequency interacts with atom of ionisation energy I containing energy levels n. if > I-n, photon absorbed with probability abf(n, ) multiply by occupation numbers Nn and sum over all levels in all ions bf() = ions n Nn abf() Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.17 6.2 6.2 photons + electrons free-free photon frequency ff interacts with free electron which can occupy states with energy ½mevn2 . eif hff = ½me (v22-v12), photon absorbed with probability aff() total absorption coefficient obtained by averaging over electron velocities (v): ff() = ions v aff() Nions ne(v) dv normally assume Maxwellian velocity distribution ne(v): <v>=(kT/me) Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.18 6.3 v2 v1 6.3 electron scattering An elastic collision between two particles e.g. photon and electron eIf h << mc2, scatterer (m) not moved and photon not altered. Scattering independent of frequency, but depends on density and degree of ionisation (ne). Absorption coefficient per electron: e=8e4/3c4m2 Absorption coefficient per unit mass: es = e ne / For a fully ionized mixture of H, He, … es = e mp2(1+X)/6 = 0.20 (1+X) cm2 g-1 Most important in fully ionized stellar cores. Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.19 6.4 6.4 total absorption coefficient The total monochromatic absorption coefficient is given by the sum: () = bb() + bf() +ff() + es 6.5 Stellar opacity calculations must consider all atoms and ions. For stellar structure, best to use a weighted average over all frequencies. We use the Planck function to maximise the opacity contribution where the flux is likely to be strongest: 1 0 dB d dT 0 dB d dT is the Rosseland mean absorption coefficient. . Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.20 6.6 numerical and approximate values A vast number of data contribute to the Rosseland mean. Since the total opacity is an harmonic mean, the opacity must be recalculated for every chemical mixture; thus =(,T,Xi). Hence, detailed tables of precalculated opacities are usually used, e.g. Fig 6-4. However, it is often useful to use approximations in specific ranges of T, in order to construct simple stellar models. For example: a) low T: = 0 0.5 T4 6.7 b) intermediate T: = 0 T–3.5 (Kramer’s law) 6.8 c) high T: = es 6.9 where 0 = 4.34 1025 g/t Z (1+X) Fig 6-5 compares approximations with tabulated opacities. electron conduction In very dense stellar material, the mean free path of the photon becomes so small that it is no longer the most efficient carrier of energy. Thermal conduction by electrons becomes the dominant transport mechanism, Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.21 tabulated opacities Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.22 approximate opacities Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.23 Course Information Website: star.arm.ac.uk/~csj/teaching/ Contact: csj@arm.ac.uk Lectures 1 - 4: slides online Problem Sheet 1: solutions online Problem Sheet 2: issued Lectures 5 - 6: slides online Feb 27 Lectures 7 - 8: Mar 2 Tutorial: Mar 9 Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.24 7 nucleosynthesis Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.25 7 nucleosynthesis nuclear reactions nuclear energy production nuclear reaction networks - hydrogen pp chains CN+ cycle nuclear reaction networks - helium and beyond 3 and -capture reactions others stable nuclides synthesis of the elements neutrinos Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.26 the alchemists’ stone Atoms have masses which are integral multiples of the mass of the hydrogen atom. Therefore, given a suitable mechanism, all atoms could be created from the fusion of hydrogen. Problem: electrostatic force implies a strong repulsion between atomic nuclei, which all carry positive electric charge. For 2 protons, separated by 2 proton radii (~10-15 m), e-s P.E.: Epot = e2 / 40 r ~ 3 10-13 J 7.1 Average K.E. of a proton at 107 K is Ekin = 3/2 kT ~ 2 10-16 J 7.2 Not enough! Eddington argued that interiors of stars were likely sites for synthesis of elements. Antagonists pointed out the energetics were against it. Eddington’s rejoinder was “We do not argue with the critic who urges that stars are not hot enough for this process; we tell him to go and find a hotter place.” Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.27 7.1 nuclear interaction Nature provides four forces which control the interaction between 2 protons force source range nuclear reactions gravitational mass 1/r2 no electrostatic charge 1/r2 yes weak nuclear baryon-lepton 1/rw: w>>2 some 1/rs: w>>2 yes strong nuclear baryon-baryon The combined potential is illustrated in Fig 7-1. Since Ekin<<Epotmax, classical physics states that two protons cannot approach one another to within a separation r1. However, quantum mechanics describes the proton as a wave-function given by the solution of the Schrödinger equation 2 2m 2 Ekin E pot 0 2 r Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.28 7.3 p-p potential and wavefunction Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.29 barrier penetration 2 2m 2 E kin E pot 0 2 r 7.3 For r>r1 and r<r2, (Ekin-Epot) is positive and is real: r>r1 ~ sin kr r2<r<r1 ~ e-kr r<r2 ~ sin kr k = 2m/h2 (Ekin-Epot) 7.4 represents the barrier penetration probability. There is a finite probability of the proton ‘tunnelling’ to r2 and combining with the target proton. See wavefunction in Fig. 7-1 (bottom). Tunnelling also allows alpha- and beta-decay processes to occur, whereby a particle can escape from the potential well in the atomic nucleus if it has sufficient kinetic energy. Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.30 reaction cross-section < v > The cross-section < v > for a fusion reaction is represented by the product of the particle energy distribution and the tunnelling probability Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.31 7.2 nuclear energy production The rest mass energy of protons, neutrons, atomic nuclei, etc is given by E = mc2 7.5 Atomic nuclei consist of Z protons and N neutrons. The total rest mass energy of a nucleus is always less than the rest mass energy of the constituent particles. The deficit represents the binding energy of the nucleus Q(Z,N) = [Zmp+Nmn-m(Z,N)] c2 7.6 For any nuclear reaction we are interested in a) the reaction rate: rij=ninj < v > / 7.7 where = tunnelling probability, v = the particle velocity distribution, and ninj / the densities of interacting particles. b) the energy released: ij = rij Qij 7.8 where Qij = energy released per reaction. Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.32 7.3 reaction networks - H burning Some notation Shorthand to describe nuclear reactions i1(i2,o3)o4 i: input particles, i1 is the principle o: output particles, o4 is the principle Examples: 1H(p,+)2H n(, -’)p proton-proton reaction deuterium, positron and neutrino neutron decay electron, antineutrino and proton Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.33 pp chains Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.34 pp chains PP I 1H PP II PP III (p, + ) 2H 2H (p, ) 3He 3He (3He, 2p) 4He 3He (, ) 7Be 7Be (–, ) 7Li 7Li (p, ) 4He 7Be 8B (p, ) 8B 8Be* + + + 8Be* 2 4He + 13.05 MeV + 25.7 MeV + 19.1 MeV 85% 15% 0.02% 1: Chain only operates as fast as slowest reaction: cycle = rslowest Qcycle 2: Branching ratio depends on relative cross-sections 3: Energy yields depend on how much energy removed by neutrinos pp = 0 XH2 T4 Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.35 7.9 CN cycles The CN cycle is a “catalytic” process. CN = 0 XH XN14 T13 Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.36 7.10 CN cycles 12C 13N (p, ) 13N 13C + + + 13C (p, ) 14N 14N (p, ) 15O 15O 15N + + + 15N (p, ) 12C 14N 15O (p, ) 15O 15N + + + 15N (p, ) 16O 15N (p, ) 16O 16O (p, ) 17F 16O (p, ) 17F 17F 17O + + + 17O (p, ) 14N 17F 17O + + + 17O 18F 18O + + + 18O (12C CN destroyed) (16O CNO destroyed) (p, ) 18F (p, ) 15N NO Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.37 16O 17F 17O + + + 17O 18F (p, ) 17F (p, ) 18F 18O + + + 18O (p, ) 19F 19F (p, ) 16O OF relative rates Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.38 7.4 reaction networks - helium burning 3 = 0 XHe3 2 T40 7.11 4He (, ) 8Be 8Be (, ) 12C* 12C* 12C + 2 – 22 kEV – 282 kEV + .66 MeV (, ) 16O 16O (, ) 20Ne 20Ne (, ) 24Mg + 0.16 MeV + 4.73 MeV 12C + ... Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.39 other reactions T9~0.5-1: 12C + 12C 23Na + p + 2.24 MeV (56%) 12C + 12C 20Ne + + 4.62 MeV (44%) T9>1: 16O + 16O 31P + p + 7.68 MeV (61%) 16O + 16O 28Si + + 9.59 MeV (21%) 16O + 16O 31Si + n + 1.5 MeV (18%) T9>3: 28Si “burning” Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.40 7.5 the stable nuclides Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.41 How are the elements made? stars supernovae – – – – – – Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.42 >> 10,000,000 K helium-burning carbon-burning neutron capture decay fission How are the elements made ...? Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.43 How are the elements made ...? Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.44 How are the elements made ...? Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.45 nucleosynthesis of elements Burbidge, Burbidge, Fowler & Hoyle (1956) Ann. Rev. Mod. Phys. 29, 547 Synthesis of the elements in the stars => Nobel prize for Physics (1983) Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.46 7.6 Can we really see inside the stars? Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.47 neutrinos Neutrinos produced as electron (or positron) decay/capture products in nearly all nuclear reaction networks. Neutrinos remove energy because interaction cross-section is very small. Typically, the neutrino capture cross section, ~10-442 cm2 where is the neutrino energy. The mean free path is ~1020-2/ cm. For ordinary stars, is very large, but in supernovae cores, ~25 m can be obtained. Normal neutrino losses are modest. Measurements of solar neutrino flux used to test models of stellar structure. ‘Neutrino luminosity’ can be crucial during some stages of evolution - they can lead to a negative flux gradient! Particularly severe in stellar collapse when large numbers of neutrinos can be created. In supernovae, neutrino flux is comparable with the photon flux. In addition to nuclear decays/captures, neutrinos also be produced in other ways which become important in late stages in stellar evolution. Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.48 Measuring neutrinos Helioseismology says solar models are right. Neutrinos must have mass! Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.49 Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.50 Trinity College + Armagh Observatory Final Year Astronomy Projects Projects in Stellar Physics One or more projects offered at Armagh Observatory for Autumn Term 2006. There will be a mark requirement. Possible topics include following areas: Stellar Spectroscopy - nucleosynthesis in action - abundances in evolved stars Stellar Evolution - theoretical models of horizontal-branch stars Stellar Atmospheres - opacity in chemically peculiar stars - preparing for GAIA Friendly student community (10+ graduate students). Dedicated highperformance 60 cpu computer cluster. Assistance with accommodation. More information: Contact csj@arm.ac.uk Stellar Structure: TCD 2006: 5.51