Corporate Office: 636 North French Rd, Suite 3, Amherst NY 14228 (716) 651-0977 Sales Office: Five Concourse Pkwy, Suite 3000, Atlanta, GA 30328 (770) 392-3346 Crown Freight Manager EDI System The EDI system allows companies running CFM to transmit electronic communications to and from their customers. The EDI capabilities within the CFM system are as follows: [211] Alert Messages - EDI alerts are messages sent from the forwarder and, when accepted will populate as shipments in the dispatch screen. Messages can also be ignored (which will exclude the shipment from entry, but send no return message), or rejected (which will send a reject message back to the forwarder). EDI points are only charged if the alert is accepted. Important Considerations when working with [211] alert messages - The customer account and service level can be changed before accepting the alert. - Messages marked [Change] will update previous accepted alerts - If an alert is accepted for a previously entered shipment, the system will prompt the user to: o Cancel the alert o Enter as a new shipment o Merge changes into the existing shipment - If the EDI feed is coupled with [214] status messages, the HAWB field should not be alerted. If changed, the shipment will not be able to link correctly in the forwarder’s system. [210] Invoice Messages - EDI invoices are messages sent containing all shipments on an invoice. An EDI message will send once an invoice is posted. Important Considerations when working with [210] messages - Backup paperwork will not send with EDI 210 messages. - Invoices can be resent by: o Editing an invoice’s properties o Choosing [Resend EDI] on the [EDI] tab - Invoice messages can be setup to trigger on [Invoice Post Manual]. If configured the EDI will not automatically transmit when an invoice is posted. The user must follow the Resend EDI Invoice procedure in order to transmit the message. [214] Status Messages - Status messages contain updated shipment information and are the most commonly used EDI service. If a forwarder does not have a direct EDI link, status messages can be sent to the cds-connect website for them to view. While some forwarders allow additional statuses to be manually sent, the automatically transmitted messages for CFM are: - Dispatched (PU) - Recovered (PU) - On Hand (DEL) - OFD (DEL) - POD (DEL) Appointment times can automatically send to forwarders configured to receive them. [214] Status message trigger options: - Status Change: Will transmit when one of the above (automatic) shipment statuses has been set - POD/RCV: Will transmit only on POD / Recovered - POD/RCV (No PW): Will transmit when the POD / Recovered is set and will not resend when the PW complete is marked on a shipment - Info Change: Will transmit every time a shipment is saved (used rarely for cds-connect) Most direct EDI feeds will be configured with either [Status change] or [POD/RCV] depending on the requirements of the forwarder. Important Considerations when working with [214] messages - EDI messages transmitted will always reflect the last status marked before a shipment is saved. For Example, a delivery shipment is opened and marked both [OFD] and [POD]. When saved, only the POD will send. In order to transmit both the OFD and POD, the user should: o Mark the shipment OFD / Save o Mark the shipment POD / Save Note: If using Crown Freight Manager V.5, users will have to wait for the EDI polling interval (usually 5 minutes) before marking the next shipment status. In CFM6, shipment statues can be marked immediately after saving. - Status messages sent are time stamped in the CFM system. If shipment status updates are entered late, it can produce conflicting information in the forwarder’s system. For example: At 1500, a delivery is POD’d with the time [1200]. While the POD time will transmit as [1200], it will still show that the shipment was updated 3 hours late in the forwarder’s system. - As noted in the [211] Alerts section, in order for an Alert/Status shipment to update in the forwarder’s system, the HAWB must remain intact. Otherwise, the forwarder will send a rejection email stating that the EDI message could not be linked. - Some forwarders are configured to receive charges with EDI status messages. These will transmit once the PW complete box is marked. Charges are not required for these EDI feeds and can be disabled at any time. - Additional EDI messages (allowed in certain direct feeds) can be manually sent in CFM6. To send these messages: o Click on the Manage EDI link o Select the EDI service and message to send The Manage EDI link can also be used to resend EDI status messages. EDI Imaging When using the CFM Imaging product, customers setup with EDI status messages to cds-connect can also be configured to send backup paperwork to the site. In addition, certain forwarders accept direct EDI imaging. EDI services are included with the CFM Imaging software and no units are charged to transmit messages.