BBC Website - resources - Merton Music Foundation Sound Ideas!

BBC Ten Pieces
John Adams:
Short Ride in a Fast
Symphony No 5 (1st
‘Storm’ Interlude
from Peter grimes
The Firebird-Suite
(1911) Finale
Night on the Bare
Zadok the Priest
Create visual animations synchronized with live orchestral performance
2Animate/3D image of a Time Machine using sections of brass
instruments/moving parts. Include images of famous places in the world/out
in space – accompany with the piece Adams
Writing poetry – personification – ‘I am the Time Traveler, who sees the
world from above…’
Painting/drawing – mixed media – layers , themes, textures
Drama – role play/hot seating - character identification. Who is this person?
Where are they from? What’s their life story? What has happened to them?
Treasure chest with scrolls/maps …clues about their character’s
history…ship wreck
Costume design for their character – history
Conducting the piece – focus on changes of tempo/dynamics/pitch/emotion
DT – a masked ball in Venice
Set design – linked to their character
See Beethoven’s ‘Face Book ‘link – Classic FM
Audacity – listen/identify instruments you can hear/list emotions, feeling,
dramatic, epic/genre of music to compose/select a section – loop +
beats/lyrics= thoughts
Dance – ship wreck – tempo/direction/height
Shapes/forms/emotions/rolling/tumbling – individual stories,
groups/clusters. Link number of movements and themes with instruments
Poetry – ‘From darkness to light … From the depths I rose…Life after the
wreck… I see land far away… I feel the heat of the sun on the sand…’
Read story of the Firebird
Watch ballet traditional/contemporary interpretations/images
Create a 3D classroom firebird
Music – Lesson plan ideas 05
Art – paint a picture of the wild dance of witches, or make a large collage of
the Witches’ Sabbath
Costume designs linked to descriptive poetry
Art – create a textured river
Dance – Zadok the Priest is one of four anthems composed by Handel for
the coronation of George II (11/10/1727)
‘Mars’ The Planets
Edvard Grieg:
The Hall of the
Mountain King
Horn Concerto No 4
(1st Movement)
Anna Meredith:
Connect It!
All pieces
Script writing – ‘A day in the life of a king and his subjects’ – greeting the
Feature other music composed or used for royal occasions. Look at
important historic events and how composers create new works on
Composition and score writing – Space Journey – all the
object/stars/galaxies/items etc you might meet along the way
IT – create a ‘montage of themes’. Layer and combine –
change/loop/copy/paste etc Audacity/Garage Band - to create a new Hall of
the Mountain King
Drama/dance – ‘Circling the Mountain of the King’
Rock Band, work on a rock version of Grieg's In The Hall Of The Mountain
Half day brass workshops with hosepipes. Starting s French horn blog/You
Tube search in school. Looking at related horn pieces and players. KS2 with 4
classes at a time/small contribution for pianist/professional horn player
playing 1st Movement from the horn concerto. Possible hands on at the end
of the session. Video of horn players in Training band to show children.
Singing in a round - A la Cart by Judith Watson – OUP
Stop Motion animation – dancing figures to the music - draw figures/add
spilt pins to joints/photo figures…move to new position, photo…move to
new position etc. Play music and combine animated figures in time with the
Music – creating/improvising a new vocal + body percussion piece
Music – rhythm and pattern/sequence – blocks of colour and sound
Dance/vocal/body percussion – linked on a line/string … sounds they meet
on their journey. Curve the string – follow the shape with sound
Art – Piet Mondrian/Klee – blocks/lines of colour/shapes
Watch – ‘Hands Free’ – 2012 Proms National Youth Orchestra of Great
Britain –
Making a film – watch ‘Orlok’. Create own graphic character with backing
sound track
Flashmob body percussion sequence – tutors working in schools across the
borough to perform together at the same date and time in their schools
video and upload
Use iPads to produce remixes of the Ten Pieces
Use the Ten Pieces as part of their ‘Whole Class Ensemble Teaching and
Curriculum’ music lessons throughout the exploration stage, so that children can
engage in a meaningful way, through both listening and appraising, composing and
'Alternative Ten Pieces' - young musicians will build on the 'essence' of several
pieces to create their own themed composition pieces
Arts week in schools of work inspired by Ten Pieces
Using the 10 pieces to support more listening to music in the classroom and
feature some student responses on the MMF website.
Research the main
Nicola Benedetti - violinist
Alison Balsom - trumpeter
Cerys Matthews - singer/songwriter and broadcaster
Julian Joseph - jazz pianist
Catrin Finch - harpist
Laura Mvula - soul singer/songwriter
BBC Website - resources
Browse pieces by composer - Find lesson plans, arrangements, clips and much more by
Creative Masterclasses - Experts in composition, digital art and dance share tips on creating
responses to the Ten Pieces
Ten Pieces Extra – Insight into the composers, facts and stories
Ten Facts - BBC Radio 3's Suzy Klein offers ten quirky, entertaining and illuminating facts about
each of the ten composers.
Arrangements for school ensembles – Arrangements of eight of the Ten Pieces, including choral
arrangements of Zadok the Priest, have been made by Andrew Smith and Gareth Glyn. The
seven orchestral pieces have been arranged for different levels of ability
Lesson Plans - Use these lesson plans to prepare engaging lessons for your Key Stage 2 pupils for
each of the Ten Pieces.
Lesson plans are in PDF format and can be saved to your computer or printed out.
Download Mp3 and order free DVD
When …
Song practices
Music board
Over a music day or arts curriculum week – each year group takes a different piece/mixed year groups
Workshop for teachers – staff meeting