
Where all students
find their place in the
Dream it, Believe it, Achieve it
Core Academic Requirements
Language Arts and Social Studies
Integrated Humanities Class – 82 minutes
Same 6th gr. TEKS
More challenging – designed for ASPIRE
students with more student choice, use of
technology, collaboration, and the use of
more challenging level of literature with a
more sophisticated vocabulary development.
Core Academic Requirements
Math and Science Integrated in one 82 minute
class taught by two teachers
Math – Three different levels
3 - gr. levels of TEKS
Science - 6th & 7th
gr. TEKS
6th Acc. - 7th Acc.- 8th Acc.6/7th
9th gr.
Covers content from
6th and 7th TEKS
with compacted
curricula, and the
addition of
Integrated Physics
and Chemistry
In addition to the four CORE subjects, all
6th grade students MUST take
Language Arts
• Media and Technology
Literacy (1/2 year)
• G/T Independent Study
(1/2 year)
• Future Problem Solvers
– Global Issues or
Community Problem
• All 6th graders take
Pre-Athletic PE
• Classes are
separated by gender
Language Arts Electives
• GT Independent Study (Half Year)
• In this open-ended course offering, students will be allowed to
design a project or course of learning according to their interests.
The required components of this course will be research, reading,
and writing. The work will culminate with a presentation of their
work to an audience of peers, teachers, and middle school
• Media and Technology Literature (Half
• In this course, students will use digital tools to study, evaluate, and
create multi-media projects around topics of interest. The ELA
curriculum objectives related to listening, speaking, and creating
will drive the tasks in this course, and creativity and sophisticated
products will be expected.
Language Arts Electives
• Future Problem Solvers Global Issues
• The Global Issues teams will utilize the Future Problem Solvers 6-
step Problem Solving Process to investigate various futuristic
scenarios and issues. Teams of students will work collaboratively
through competitive instructional programs to design positive
• Future Problem Solvers Community
• Community Problem Solving teams apply their problem solving
skills to real problems in their community. A community problem is
one that exists within the school, local community, region, state,
nation or the world.
In addition, elements of creative writing and young adult
literature are woven into the FPS curriculum, particularly in
the last six weeks.
In addition to the four CORE subjects and the
LA Elective, all 6th grade students MUST take
Language Arts
• Media and Technology
Literacy (1/2 year)
• G/T Independent Study
(1/2 year)
• Future Problem Solvers –
Global or Community
• All 6th graders take
Pre-Athletic PE
• Classes are
separated by gender
Physical Education/Health
• Each 6th grade student is required to take
Physical Education/Health
• Students are required to suit out in proper
uniform (gray t-shirt, black shorts, tennis
• PE uniforms are sold in August during
registration and at the start of school
In addition to four Core Classes, one LA
Elective, and PE, all 6th grade students
select ONE Fine Arts elective:
Art I
Theater I
All electives are year-long classes and should be
considered carefully when choosing.
Beginning Band
• Like instrument classes
• Meet every day
• Emphasis on fundamentals
• No prior musical training required.
Private lessons are highly
Acquiring an Instrument
• Recommended list of proven instrument
• Rent vs. Buy Used vs. New
• Rent: $25-$60 per month
• Financial incentives to reserving in the spring
• Fifth grade parent meeting: 3/19
6:00 p.m. in band hall
• Interview Dates: 4/1 and 4/2
Art I
• Consists of a wide variety of
projects - painting, drawing,
ceramics, printmaking, paper
mache, computer art and
scratch art.
• Integrates art across the sixth
grade curriculum, particularly
with projects that are aligned
with Social Studies.
• Sixth grade Men’s and Women’s choir
• High school level vocal techniques
• Emphasis on music history and music theory
• Every avenue and genre of music is explored to
fit the students’ liking
Theater I
• Offered for sixth graders interested in creative
dramatics class.
• Young performers are introduced to Blocking,
Stage Movement, and Voice Projection.
• Students participate in a variety of ensemble
collaboration opportunities.
Theater I
Units studied may include:
• Self expression and communication in a dramatic
• Acting, improvisations, mime and movement,
puppetry, story telling
• Team building
Students in Theater I develop:
• Self confidence
• Speaking skills
• Presentation skills
In addition to the four CORE subjects, the LA
Elective, a Fine Arts elective, and PE, 6th
grade ASPIRE students have the unique
opportunity to take:
ASPIRE Exploratory Class
ASPIRE Exploratory Class
• Taught by the Humanities teacher as facilitator
• In-depth, unique academic experiences
• Modules of study lasting three-six weeks
• Topics may include - Geometry in Architecture, Around the
World in 80 Days (integrated Literature study), Intro to
Latin, Forensic Science, Web Design, Robotics, Stock
Market Basics, Intensive History era studies, Characters
on Trial, Leadership Lessons, Aeronautics, Computer
Animation, Film Making, Art History, Coding, Financial
Literacy, Broadcast Journalism, Literary Journaling,
Passion Projects, etc.
• Will be based on students’ interests
A Day in the Life of A 6th Grade Wolf
7:30 – 8:00 – arrive at school. Go to SAC or library.
8:00 – 8:10 – first bell rings; go to locker and first period.
Tardy bell rings.
8:10 – 8:57 – class period 1
9:01 – 9:53 – class period 2
9:57 – 10:44 – class period 3
10:48 – 11:35- class period 4
11:39 – 12:09 – sixth grade lunch
12:09 – 1:09 – class period 5
1:13 – 2:00 – class period 6
2:04 – 2:34 – Wolf Time (Organizational support, team
time, Study hall, tutorials, Club time on selected Fridays)
2:38 – 3:25 – class period 7
A Day in the Life of a 6th Grade ASPIRE Wolf
7:30 – 8:00 – arrive at school. Go to SAC or library.
8:00 – 8:10 – first bell rings; go to locker and first period. Tardy
bell rings.
1st period - 8:10 - 8:57 - Art I /Band /Girls’ Choir/LA Elective –
Media Lit/GT Ind. Study OR Future Problem Solvers
2nd period - 9:01 - 9:53 - Physical Education
3rd period - 9:57 - 10:44 - ASPIRE Exploratory (FLEX Time)
4th/5th/6th period - 10:48 - 2:00 Humanities Block and
Math/Science Block
11:39 – 12:09 – sixth grade lunch
2:04 - 2:34 - ASPIRE WOLF TIME (Organizational support,
team time, Study Hall, Tutorials, Club Time on selected Fridays)
7th period - 2:38 - 3:25 Theater I /Band /Boys’ Choir/LA
Elective – Media Lit/GT Ind. Study OR Future Problem Solvers
Student Organizations
Mark Your Calendars
• Registration and residency verification –
August 11 – A – K 8:00 – 11:00
L – Z 1:00 – 4:00
August 12 – Open Registration
7:30--9:30 a.m.
4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
August 13 – 9:00 – 12:00 Wolf Camp
10:30 – 12:00 – Parent Information Session
We want parents as part of the
WOLF Pack too!
• To serve on the PTA board
and be a PTA member
• Dads/Granddads to be part of
our grateful Dads
• Interested? Call or email Lisa
Dunn at 817-251-5310 or
Questions and Answers