Diapositiva 1

Sanitation and Solid Waste Management in
Presentation by
The Ministry of Local Government and Regional
• Guyana (Officially referred to as the Co-operative Republic of
Guyana), is a sovereign state found on the northern coast of South
America. Guyana was originally colonized by the Dutch (Netherlands)
and later became a British Colony. Guyana remained under the
British Administration for a prolong period until it finally achieved
independence on 26th May 1966 from the United Kingdom and
became a republic on 23 February 1970. Guyana is also considered
the only country in South America where English is the official
National Boundaries
Guyana is bordered by Venezuela on the west, Suriname on the east,
Brazil on the south and the Atlantic Ocean on the north and comprising
an area of 214,969 square kilometers or 83,000 sq. miles.
Brief Overview of Local Government System
The Local Government System in Guyana originated after the
abolition of slavery in 1834. It emerged as a mechanism from
colonialism whereby the ex-slaves purchased the abandoned coffee
and sugar plantations from the plantation owners. Plantation such as
Queenstown on the Essequibo Coast and Den Amstel on the West
Bank of Demerara were bought out right by one person, whilst
others, such as Victoria, were purchased collectively by the freed
slaves. The former system of purchase was known as proprietary
villages and while the latter purchase was referred to as the
communal villages.
A system of self-government was subsequently set up through the
establishment of a “Management Committee” in each village. This
system was later adopted in the proprietary villages and formed the
basis for the emergence of a form of Local Government. This
movement however, was met with much hostility by some the local
planters who feared that the successful achievement of the aims of
the villagers would serve as a threat to their continued domination
and exploration of the estate labour force. However, approaching the
period 1845-1930 Guyana experienced the enactment of several
legislations that were primarily geared towards improvement and
enhancement of the general conditions of the villages and quality of
During the period of 1932, a decentralized system of administration
through District Commissions was introduced and subsequently three
years later (1935) an ordinance was passed which provided improved
methods of village elections. In 1945 the Local Government Act
Chapter 150 (now referred to as Chap 28:01) was consolidated and
the Municipal District Councils Act Chapter 28:01, and the Local
Authorities Act Chap. 28:04 were introduced.
However, to achieve holistic development Guyana was divided into
ten (10) regions which were further sub-divided into sub-regions,
districts, communities, neighbourhoods and people’s cooperative
units, each being charged with varying responsibilities to promote
socio-economic development.
Guyana’s Local Government Organs
The sub-division was primarily geared to achieve the objectives set
out in the Constitution of Guyana, which is organized to involve as
many stakeholders as possible in the task of managing and
developing the communities in which they live.
The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development
(MLGRD) is a primary Government Agency which links the various
authorities with the central Government. MLGRD over the years
facilitates, coordinates and monitors the implementation of various
projects and programmes in conformity with the legal framework
and polices of the Government.
MLGRD’s Regional Solid Waste Management Programme is no where
different from the other programmes executed and implemented by
the Ministry. Monitoring and evaluation of programmes and projects is
always a priority for MLGRD and the local government arms/organs.
The local government arms perform supervisory roles to projects and
programmes executed and implemented at the regional, neighbour
-hood, and municipal administrations, basically to ensure the
implemented projects/programmes accomplished their designated
goals and values for monies spent are received.
Local Government Organs
THE REGIONAL DEMOCRATIC COUNCIL (10 in total, refer to slide # 10)
The Regional Democratic Council is the supreme Local Government
Organ in each Administrative Region with the responsibility for the
overall management and administration of the Region and the
coordination of the activities of all Local Democratic Organs within its
A Neighbourhood Democratic Council covers a small geographic area
within each region and is tasked with responsibility for the
management and administration of these areas within its boundaries
The municipalities operate under the Municipal and District Councils
Act Chapter 28:01. The provision allows for a Mayor, Deputy Mayor
and Councillors, the Town Clerk is the Administrator. Each Council
has the responsibility for solid waste collection and disposal,
maintenance of infrastructure services (roads, bridges, etc.), market
facilities, and child welfare services among others within the urban
Why the Solid Waste Programme was implemented
• Environmentalism and good management practices increases the
accessibility to resources but, our natural environment, is considered
very sensitive to man’s action and/or way of life. Our natural
environment is seen as an integral part of Guyana’s productivity, this
together with the quality of nature plays a significant role in the
success of any socio-economic development and building of
environmental consciousness. Guyana’s previous waste disposal
strategies did posed direct and indirect impacts on our country’s
socio-economic development and also environmental deterioration
to some extent.
In an effort to effectively mitigate the negative impacts emerging from
our waste disposal strategies, the Ministry of Local Government and
Regional Development (MLGRD) decided to launch a Regional Solid
Waste Management Programme through a Public-Private Partnership
Agreement. With this agreement landfill sites were identified in each
Administrative Region and contractors were invited to express their
interest of participation with exception of Region # 04, (which already
has an active Solid Waste Management Programme and landfill site
located at Haag Bosch serving the capital City of Georgetown and its
Objectives of the programme
• To develop and maintain a comprehensive and integrated solid waste
management approach that addresses collection, transportation and
disposal of solid wastes.
• To provide efficient and economical refuse collection, recycling, and
disposal services.
• To implement programmes encouraging the use of permitted solid
waste management facilities for the proper management of solid
• To provide a framework that will allow for a periodic review and
evaluation of the recommendations and guidelines set forth in the
solid waste management plan to ensure that the plan remains
responsive and effective
Procedures used to recruit contractors
• Public advertisement (public newspapers for 3 consecutive weeks)
• A total of eight (8) expressions of interests were received by the
• The applicants were subsequently invited to a orientation meeting by
MLGRD based on operation terms and conditions fro the programme
* The applicants were invited by MLGRD technical team on visits to the
Regional Landfill Sites identified
• After visiting the sites the potential solid waste contractors were
given a maximum ten (10) days to resubmit their proposal based on
visitation made to sites and operation terms and conditions
inclusive of the agree service charges
Re-submission of proposals: Potential solid waste
contractors were asked specifically to provide answers to
the following:
Rate per “barrel charge” (or cost per barrel-45G)
Period of Lease ( for the landfill site)
List of assets owned (machines/equipment)
Human resource capacity (technical and non technical staff)
How soon willing to commence operation if granted the opportunity
Work experience in solid waste collection and management
Steps taken after the proposals were resubmitted
• The proposals were further evaluated and the applicants were
invited to an additional meetings at MLGRD
• The applicants were informed of their respective awards and the
revised charges and operating conditions
• Offer letters were subsequently issued to each contractor
• Signed copies of the offer letters were returned to the MLGRD within
five working days agreeing to take up the offer
• Contracts and MOUs were drafted and sent to the MoLA for vetting
and finalization (legally).
• Comments were sent by MoLA to MLGRD and the necessary
amendments requested were made to the MoU and Contract
• The contractors were subsequently invited to signing ceremonies
held at the respective Regional Democratic Council
Assistance requested from Government
* Access to State lands Land (via lease)
* Access to local labour force
* Duty free concession on all machines & equipment
* Road building assistance/maintenance
* Enforcement of solid waste legislations
* Public awareness programmes
* Guidelines and assistance thru. the EPA on the management and
development of landfill sites
Challenges encountered to date
• Unfavourable weather pattern affects the development and
completion of landfill sites
• Slow buy-in to the new system by residents of some Regions
particularly Regions 2, 5, and 6
• Contractors opting out of the programme (Region 1, 6, and 8)
• Contractors not adherent to the EPA guidelines for the management
and development of landfill sites
• Contractors in some instances are not up keeping their commitments
made and documented and hinders the expected progress on the
General expectations of the programme
* Clean up the urban and rural environments to achieve better quality
of life
* Introduce an environmentally friendly programme to address the
country’s waste disposal problems (particularly solid waste)
* Create job opportunities (informal sector labourers-pickers)
* Increase accessibility
to new technologies for solid waste
management and/or recycling
* Closing all outdated and inefficient solid waste disposal site
Specific benefits of this new programme
Key Stakeholders
Potential Benefits
Healthy hygiene standard
Responsible behavior (thru awareness prog.)
Economical method and environmental
friendly/healthy waste disposal
Better quality of life
Local Government Organs
Spending less on waste collection, disposal,
and management.
Finances can be diverted to other vital
projects to stimulate socio-economic
Improve coordination and communication
with residents, local contractors, and other
key stakeholders to make our environment
better people’s places
Cost effective means for waste managementplaces less pressure on the organs financial
budget and resources.
Specific benefits of this new programme
Key Stakeholders
Potential Benefits
Solid waste is managed in a new manner that
protects both public health and the
Increase material reuse and recycling from all
or most solid waste sources (vital for foreign
revenue earnings)-increasing the life of landfill
Introducing new waste management methods
that are environmentally protective and costeffective for the consumer and the country as
a whole.
Building better sanitation standard which is
vital for our flourishing tourism industry and
general recognition of Guyana internationally.
Reducing the amount of solid wastes
generated through awareness programmes
Less pressure on the national budget for the
Specific benefits of this new programme
Key Stakeholders
Potential Benefits
Exposure to new waste management
Exemption of taxes on importation of
Potential for gas extraction, recycling, etc.
Access to local labour force
Accessibility to state land via lease and/or
Providing affording services to local businesses
and households
“Solid Waste Management:
a good choice
today for a healthier tomorrow”
Thank you!