Design your own project: Bon appétit!


Design your own project: Bon appétit!

To wrap up your second year of French, you will be designing your own final project. Your project will connect to our favorite theme – food! – but it is your opportunity to dig deeper into an area that interests you. You may do this project alone or in groups of two or three people. You will present and turn in your project on the day of your final exam.

Product (e.g. movie, magazine, cooking show, restaurant design, etc.)


 Explores food and cuisine traditions or culture of the francophone world

 Includes new information (not presented on class) found through independent research

 Use of le présent, le passé composé, le futur proche, l’imparfait

 Includes visual element (e.g. magazine page layout, movie, cookbook, etc.)

 Includes written component that is typed

 Minimum word count: 150 words (per person) – please include a total word count

**You will also need to turn in a list of new vocabulary that you used in your project with definitions in English.

Please keep in mind that your classmates may not understand your project if too much unknown vocabulary is used.

Oral Presentation


 Shares new information learned through research

 Visual element (PowerPoint, poster, brochure, pictures, props, etc.)

 Speaking must be divided approximately equally between all group members

 3-5 minutes per group member

Your presentation should be well-rehearsed and polished. Although it is not required, I encourage you to involve the class somehow in your presentation.

In-class project work days

Thursday, 28 May

Friday, 29 May

Monday, 15 June (last school day before finals)

Finals: Tuesday, 16 June (period 2)

Thursday, 18 June (period 6)

We will be beginning l’imparfait on Monday, 1 June. You will have your last test of the year on Friday, 12 June.
