My Ecosystem You are going to create an imaginary ecosystem. You can show me this ecosystem by making a poster, a book, video or a story. In your ecosystem you must explain the following concepts - - - - Symbiosis o Mutualism o Commensalism o competition o Parasitism, and o Predation Succession o Primary, and o Secondary Introduction of a new species Energy flow through systems o A food web o A food chain, and o A pyramid Abiotic characteristics You will be marked on the following rubric: Score 4 Excellent Characteristic Symbiosis Has an example of all of the different Half a mark will be types of symbiosis deducted for each and a clear type of symbiosis explanation why not discussed or their example incorrectly meets that criteria described Succession Describes situations of both A mark will be types of deducted for each succession and improper how they would description of the influence the affects of the ecosystem succession 3 Proficient 2 Basic 1 Not Meeting Provides only 4 correct examples and descriptions of the types of symbiosis Provides only 3 correct examples and descriptions of the types of symbiosis Provides only 2 correct examples and descriptions of the types of symbiosis Describes both types of succession but does not appropriately discuss how one would affect their ecosystem Only describes on method of succession Introduction of a new species Provides an excellent explanation of what would happen when a particular species is introduced to their ecosystem Provides a Proficient explanation of what would happen when a particular species is introduced to their ecosystem Describes only one type of succession fully, or discusses both but has improper descriptions for how both would affect the ecosystem Provides a Basic explanation of what would happen when a particular species is introduced to their ecosystem Provides excellent food web, chains, and pyramids (energy and numbers) for ecosystem Only provides three out of the four energy flow diagrams Only provides two out of the four energy flow diagrams Only provides one out of the four energy flow diagrams Provides an excellent description of the abiotic factors that play a role in their ecosystem Provides an Proficient description of the abiotic factors that play a role in their ecosystem Provides an Basic description of the abiotic factors that play a role in their ecosystem Does not affectively describe how the abiotic characteristics affect their ecosystem Half a mark will be deducted for a lack of detail in what would happen in your ecosystem Energy flow through a system Half a mark will be deducted for improper connections based on your description of your ecosystem Abiotic characteristics Half a point will be deducted for a lack of detail Does not affectively describe how a new species would affect their ecosystem